# Adding a Settings Property 1. Add to wincon.w * THIS IS NOT IN OPENCONSOLE. Make sure you update `.../console/published/wincon.w` in the OS repo when you submit the PR. The branch won't build without it. * For now, you can update winconp.h with your consumable changes. * Define registry name (ex `CONSOLE_REGISTRY_CURSORCOLOR`) * Add the setting to `CONSOLE_STATE_INFO` * Define the property key ID and the property key itself. - Yes, the large majority of the `DEFINE_PROPERTYKEY` defs are the same, it's only the last byte of the guid that changes 2. Add matching fields to Settings.hpp - add getters, setters, the whole drill. 3. Add to the propsheet - We need to add it to *reading and writing* the registry from the propsheet, and *reading* the link from the propsheet. Yes, that's weird, but the propsheet is smart enough to re-use ShortcutSerialization::s_SetLinkValues, but not smart enough to do the same with RegistrySerialization. - `src/propsheet/registry.cpp` - `propsheet/registry.cpp@InitRegistryValues` should initialize the default value for the property. - `propsheet/registry.cpp@GetRegistryValues` should make sure to read the property from the registry 4. Add the field to the propslib registry map 5. Add the value to `ShortcutSerialization.cpp` - Read the value in `ShortcutSerialization::s_PopulateV2Properties` - Write the value in `ShortcutSerialization::s_SetLinkValues` 6. Add the setting to `Menu::s_GetConsoleState`, and `Menu::s_PropertiesUpdate` Now, your new setting should be stored just like all the other properties. 7. Update the feature test properties to get add the setting as well - `ft_uia/Common/NativeMethods.cs@WinConP`: - `Wtypes.PROPERTYKEY PKEY_Console_` - `NT_CONSOLE_PROPS` 8. Add the default value for the setting to `win32k-settings.man` - If the setting shouldn't default to 0 or `nullptr`, then you'll need to set the default value of the setting in `win32k-settings.man`. 9. Update `Settings::InitFromStateInfo` and `Settings::CreateConsoleStateInfo` to get/set the value in a CONSOLE_STATE_INFO appropriately