// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "precomp.h" #include "utf8ToWideCharParser.hpp" #include #ifndef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS #error WIL exception helpers must be enabled #endif #define IsBitSet WI_IsFlagSet const byte NonAsciiBytePrefix = 0x80; const byte ContinuationByteMask = 0xC0; const byte ContinuationBytePrefix = 0x80; const byte MostSignificantBitMask = 0x80; // Routine Description: // - Constructs an instance of the parser. // Arguments: // - codePage - Starting code page to interpret input with. // Return Value: // - A new instance of the parser. Utf8ToWideCharParser::Utf8ToWideCharParser(const unsigned int codePage) : _currentCodePage { codePage }, _bytesStored { 0 }, _currentState { _State::Ready }, _convertedWideChars { nullptr } { std::fill_n(_utf8CodePointPieces, _UTF8_BYTE_SEQUENCE_MAX, 0ui8); } // Routine Description: // - Set the code page that input sequences will correspond to. Clears // any saved partial multi-byte sequences if the code page changes // from the code page the partial sequence is associated with. // Arguments: // - codePage - the code page to set to. // Return Value: // - void Utf8ToWideCharParser::SetCodePage(const unsigned int codePage) { if (_currentCodePage != codePage) { _currentCodePage = codePage; // we can't be making any assumptions about the partial // sequence we were storing now that the codepage has changed _bytesStored = 0; _currentState = _State::Ready; } } // Routine Description: // - Parses the input multi-byte sequence. // Arguments: // - pBytes - The byte sequence to parse. // - cchBuffer - The amount of bytes in pBytes. This will contain the // number of wide chars contained by converted after this function is // run, or 0 if an error occurs (or if pBytes is 0). // - converted - a valid unique_ptr to store the parsed wide chars // in. On error this will contain nullptr instead of an array. // Return Value: // - [[nodiscard]] HRESULT Utf8ToWideCharParser::Parse(_In_reads_(cchBuffer) const byte* const pBytes, _In_ unsigned int const cchBuffer, _Out_ unsigned int& cchConsumed, _Inout_ std::unique_ptr& converted, _Out_ unsigned int& cchConverted) { cchConsumed = 0; cchConverted = 0; // we can't parse anything if we weren't given any data to parse if (cchBuffer == 0) { return S_OK; } // we shouldn't be parsing if the current codepage isn't UTF8 if (_currentCodePage != CP_UTF8) { _currentState = _State::Error; } HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { bool loop = true; unsigned int wideCharCount = 0; _convertedWideChars.reset(nullptr); while (loop) { switch(_currentState) { case _State::Ready: wideCharCount = _ParseFullRange(pBytes, cchBuffer); break; case _State::BeginPartialParse: wideCharCount = _InvolvedParse(pBytes, cchBuffer); break; case _State::Error: hr = E_FAIL; _Reset(); wideCharCount = 0; loop = false; break; case _State::Finished: _currentState = _State::Ready; cchConsumed = cchBuffer; loop = false; break; case _State::AwaitingMoreBytes: _currentState = _State::BeginPartialParse; cchConsumed = cchBuffer; loop = false; break; default: _currentState = _State::Error; break; } } converted.swap(_convertedWideChars); cchConverted = wideCharCount; } catch (...) { _Reset(); hr = wil::ResultFromCaughtException(); } return hr; } // Routine Description: // - Determines if ch is a UTF8 lead byte. See _Utf8SequenceSize() for a // description of how a lead byte is specified. // Arguments: // - ch - The byte to test. // Return Value: // - True if ch is a lead byte, false otherwise. bool Utf8ToWideCharParser::_IsLeadByte(_In_ byte ch) { unsigned int sequenceSize = _Utf8SequenceSize(ch); return !_IsContinuationByte(ch) && !_IsAsciiByte(ch) && sequenceSize > 1 && sequenceSize <= _UTF8_BYTE_SEQUENCE_MAX; } // Routine Description: // - Determines if ch is a UTF8 continuation byte. A continuation byte // takes the form 10xx xxxx, so we need to check that the two most // significant bits are a 1 followed by a 0. // Arguments: // - ch - The byte to test // Return Value: // - True if ch is a continuation byte, false otherwise. bool Utf8ToWideCharParser::_IsContinuationByte(_In_ byte ch) { return (ch & ContinuationByteMask) == ContinuationBytePrefix; } // Routine Description: // - Determines if ch is an ASCII compatible UTF8 byte. A byte is // ASCII compatible if the most significant bit is a 0. // Arguments: // - ch - The byte to test. // Return Value: // - True if ch is an ASCII compatible byte, false otherwise. bool Utf8ToWideCharParser::_IsAsciiByte(_In_ byte ch) { return !IsBitSet(ch, NonAsciiBytePrefix); } // Routine Description: // - Determines if the sequence starting at pLeadByte is a valid UTF8 // multi-byte sequence. Note that a single ASCII byte does not count // as a valid MULTI-byte sequence. // Arguments: // - pLeadByte - The start of a possible sequence. // - cb - The amount of remaining chars in the array that // pLeadByte points to. // Return Value: // - true if the sequence starting at pLeadByte is a multi-byte // sequence and uses all of the remaining chars, false otherwise. bool Utf8ToWideCharParser::_IsValidMultiByteSequence(_In_reads_(cb) const byte* const pLeadByte, const unsigned int cb) { if (!_IsLeadByte(*pLeadByte)) { return false; } const unsigned int sequenceSize = _Utf8SequenceSize(*pLeadByte); if (sequenceSize > cb) { return false; } // i starts at 1 so that we skip the lead byte for (unsigned int i = 1; i < sequenceSize; ++i) { const byte ch = *(pLeadByte + i); if (!_IsContinuationByte(ch)) { return false; } } return true; } // Routine Description: // - Checks if the sequence starting at pLeadByte is a portion of a // single valid multi-byte sequence. A new sequence must not be // started within the range provided in order for it to be considered // a valid partial sequence. // Arguments: // - pLeadByte - The start of the possible partial sequence. // - cb - The amount of remaining chars in the array that // pLeadByte points to. // Return Value: // - true if the sequence is a single partial multi-byte sequence, // false otherwise. bool Utf8ToWideCharParser::_IsPartialMultiByteSequence(_In_reads_(cb) const byte* const pLeadByte, const unsigned int cb) { if (!_IsLeadByte(*pLeadByte)) { return false; } const unsigned int sequenceSize = _Utf8SequenceSize(*pLeadByte); if (sequenceSize <= cb) { return false; } // i starts at 1 so that we skip the lead byte for (unsigned int i = 1; i < cb; ++i) { const byte ch = *(pLeadByte + i); if (!_IsContinuationByte(ch)) { return false; } } return true; } // Routine Description: // - Determines the number of bytes in the UTF8 multi-byte sequence. // Does not perform any verification that ch is a valid lead byte. A // lead byte indicates how many bytes are in a sequence by repeating a // 1 for each byte in the sequence, starting with the most significant // bit, then a 0 directly after. Ex: // - 110x xxxx = a two byte sequence // - 1110 xxxx = a three byte sequence // // Note that a byte that has a pattern 10xx xxxx is a continuation // byte and will be reported as a sequence of one by this function. // // A sequence is currently a maximum of four bytes but this function // will just count the number of consecutive 1 bits (starting with the // most significant bit) so if the byte is malformed (ex. 1111 110x) a // number larger than the maximum utf8 byte sequence may be // returned. It is the responsibility of the calling function to check // this (and the continuation byte scenario) because we don't do any // verification here. // Arguments: // - ch - the lead byte of a UTF8 multi-byte sequence. // Return Value: // - The number of bytes (including the lead byte) that ch indicates // are in the sequence. unsigned int Utf8ToWideCharParser::_Utf8SequenceSize(_In_ byte ch) { unsigned int msbOnes = 0; while (IsBitSet(ch, MostSignificantBitMask)) { ++msbOnes; ch <<= 1; } return msbOnes; } // Routine Description: // - Attempts to parse pInputChars by themselves in wide chars, // without using any saved partial byte sequences. On success, // _convertedWideChars will contain the converted wide char sequence // and _currentState will be set to _State::Finished. On failure, // _currentState will be set to either _State::Error or // _State::BeginPartialParse. // Arguments: // - pInputChars - The byte sequence to convert to wide chars. // - cb - The amount of bytes in pInputChars. // Return Value: // - The amount of wide chars that are stored in _convertedWideChars, // or 0 if pInputChars cannot be successfully converted. unsigned int Utf8ToWideCharParser::_ParseFullRange(_In_reads_(cb) const byte* const pInputChars, const unsigned int cb) { int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(_currentCodePage, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, reinterpret_cast(pInputChars), cb, nullptr, 0); if (bufferSize == 0) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); LOG_WIN32(err); if (err == ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION) { _currentState = _State::BeginPartialParse; } else { _currentState = _State::Error; } } else { _convertedWideChars = std::make_unique(bufferSize); bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(_currentCodePage, 0, reinterpret_cast(pInputChars), cb, _convertedWideChars.get(), bufferSize); if (bufferSize == 0) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(); _currentState = _State::Error; } _currentState = _State::Finished; } return bufferSize; } // Routine Description: // - Attempts to parse pInputChars in a more complex manner, taking // into account any previously saved partial byte sequences while // removing any invalid byte sequences. Will also save a partial byte // sequence from the end of the sequence if necessary. If the sequence // can be successfully parsed, _currentState will be set to // _State::Finished. If more bytes are necessary to form a wide char, // then _currentState will be set to // _State::AwaitingMoreBytes. Otherwise, _currentState will be set to // _State::Error. // Arguments: // - pInputChars - The byte sequence to convert to wide chars. // - cb - The amount of bytes in pInputChars. // Return Value: // - The amount of wide chars that are stored in _convertedWideChars, // or 0 if pInputChars cannot be successfully converted or if the // parser requires additional bytes before returning a valid wide // char. unsigned int Utf8ToWideCharParser::_InvolvedParse(_In_reads_(cb) const byte* const pInputChars, const unsigned int cb) { // Do safe math to add up the count and error if it won't fit. unsigned int count; const HRESULT hr = UIntAdd(cb, _bytesStored, &count); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG_HR(hr); _currentState = _State::Error; return 0; } // Allocate space and copy. std::unique_ptr combinedInputBytes = std::make_unique(count); std::copy(_utf8CodePointPieces, _utf8CodePointPieces + _bytesStored, combinedInputBytes.get()); std::copy(pInputChars, pInputChars + cb, combinedInputBytes.get() + _bytesStored); _bytesStored = 0; std::pair, unsigned int> validSequence = _RemoveInvalidSequences(combinedInputBytes.get(), count); // the input may have only been a partial sequence so we need to // check that there are actually any bytes that we can convert // right now if (validSequence.second == 0 && _bytesStored > 0) { _currentState = _State::AwaitingMoreBytes; return 0; } int bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(_currentCodePage, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, reinterpret_cast(validSequence.first.get()), validSequence.second, nullptr, 0); if (bufferSize == 0) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(); _currentState = _State::Error; } else { _convertedWideChars = std::make_unique(bufferSize); bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(_currentCodePage, 0, reinterpret_cast(validSequence.first.get()), validSequence.second, _convertedWideChars.get(), bufferSize); if (bufferSize == 0) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(); _currentState = _State::Error; } else if (_bytesStored > 0) { _currentState = _State::AwaitingMoreBytes; } else { _currentState = _State::Finished; } } return bufferSize; } // Routine Description: // - Reads pInputChars byte by byte, removing any invalid UTF8 // multi-byte sequences. // Arguments: // - pInputChars - The byte sequence to fix. // - cb - The amount of bytes in pInputChars. // Return Value: // - A std::pair containing the corrected byte sequence and the number // of bytes in the sequence. std::pair, unsigned int> Utf8ToWideCharParser::_RemoveInvalidSequences(_In_reads_(cb) const byte* const pInputChars, const unsigned int cb) { std::unique_ptr validSequence = std::make_unique(cb); unsigned int validSequenceLocation = 0; // index into validSequence unsigned int currentByteInput = 0; // index into pInputChars while (currentByteInput < cb) { if (_IsAsciiByte(pInputChars[currentByteInput])) { validSequence[validSequenceLocation] = pInputChars[currentByteInput]; ++validSequenceLocation; ++currentByteInput; } else if (_IsContinuationByte(pInputChars[currentByteInput])) { while (currentByteInput < cb && _IsContinuationByte(pInputChars[currentByteInput])) { ++currentByteInput; } } else if (_IsLeadByte(pInputChars[currentByteInput])) { if (_IsValidMultiByteSequence(&pInputChars[currentByteInput], cb - currentByteInput)) { const unsigned int sequenceSize = _Utf8SequenceSize(pInputChars[currentByteInput]); // min is to guard against static analyis possible buffer overflow const unsigned int limit = std::min(sequenceSize, cb - currentByteInput); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { validSequence[validSequenceLocation] = pInputChars[currentByteInput]; ++validSequenceLocation; ++currentByteInput; } } else if (_IsPartialMultiByteSequence(&pInputChars[currentByteInput], cb - currentByteInput)) { _StorePartialSequence(&pInputChars[currentByteInput], cb - currentByteInput); break; } else { ++currentByteInput; while (currentByteInput < cb && _IsContinuationByte(pInputChars[currentByteInput])) { ++currentByteInput; } } } else { // invalid byte, skip it. ++currentByteInput; } } return std::make_pair, unsigned int>(std::move(validSequence), std::move(validSequenceLocation)); } // Routine Description: // - Stores a partial byte sequence for later use. Will overwrite any // previously saved sequence. Will only store bytes up to the limit // Utf8ToWideCharParser::_UTF8_BYTE_SEQUENCE_MAX. // Arguments: // - pLeadByte - The beginning of the sequence to save. // - cb - The amount of bytes to save. // Return Value: // - void Utf8ToWideCharParser::_StorePartialSequence(_In_reads_(cb) const byte* const pLeadByte, const unsigned int cb) { const unsigned int maxLength = std::min(cb, _UTF8_BYTE_SEQUENCE_MAX); std::copy(pLeadByte, pLeadByte + maxLength, _utf8CodePointPieces); _bytesStored = maxLength; } // Routine Description: // - Resets the state of the parser to that of a newly initialized // instance. _currentCodePage is not affected. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - void Utf8ToWideCharParser::_Reset() { _currentState = _State::Ready; _bytesStored = 0; _convertedWideChars.release(); }