# OpenConsole Tools These are a collection of tools and scripts to make your life building the OpenConsole project easier. Many of them are designed to be functional clones of tools that we used to use when developing inside the Windows build system. ## Razzle This is a script that quickly sets up your environment variables so that these tools can run easily. It's named after another script used by Windows developers to similar effect. - It adds msbuild to your path. - It adds the tools directory to your path as well, so all these scripts are easily available. - It executes `\tools\.razzlerc.cmd` to add any other personal configuration to your environment as well, or creates one if it doesn't exist. - It sets up the default build configuration to be 'Debug'. If you'd like to manually specify a build configuration, pass the parameter `dbg` for Debug, and `rel` for Release. ## bcz `bcz` can quick be used to clean and build the project. By default, it builds the `%DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION%` configuration, which - `bcz dbg` can be used to manually build the Debug configuration. - `bcz rel` can be used to manually build the Release configuration. ## opencon (and openbash, openps) `opencon` can be used to launch the **last built** OpenConsole binary. If given an argument, it will try and run that program in the launched window. Otherwise it will default to cmd.exe. `openbash` is similar, it immediately launches bash.exe (the Windows Subsystem for Linux entrypoint) in your `~` directory. Likewise, `openps` launches powershell. ## testcon, runut, runft `runut` will automatically run all of the unit tests through TAEF. `runft` will run the feature tests, and `testcon` runs all of them. They'll pass any arguments through to TAEF, so you can more finely control the testing. A recommended workflow is the following command: ``` bcz dbg && runut /name:** ``` Where `` is the name of the test testing the relevant feature area you're working on. For example, if I was working on the VT Mouse input support, I would use `MouseInputTest` as that string, to isolate the mouse input tests. If you'd like to run all the tests, just ignore the `/name` param: `bcz dbg && runut` To make sure your code is ready for a pull request, run the build, then launch the built console, then run the tests in it. The built console will inherit all of the razzle environment, so you can immediately start using the macros: 1. `bcz` 2. `opencon` 3. `testcon` (in the new console window) If they all come out green, then you're ready for a pull request!