// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "precomp.h" #include "history.h" #include "_output.h" #include "output.h" #include "stream.h" #include "_stream.h" #include "dbcs.h" #include "handle.h" #include "misc.h" #include "../types/inc/convert.hpp" #include "srvinit.h" #include "resource.h" #include "ApiRoutines.h" #include "..\interactivity\inc\ServiceLocator.hpp" #pragma hdrstop using Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator; // I need to be a list because we rearrange elements inside to maintain a // "least recently used" state. Doing many rearrangement operations with // a list will maintain the iterator pointers as valid to the elements // (where other collections like deque do not.) // If CommandHistory::s_Allocate and friends stop shuffling elements // for maintaining LRU, then this datatype can be changed. std::list CommandHistory::s_historyLists; CommandHistory* CommandHistory::s_Find(const HANDLE processHandle) { for (auto& historyList : s_historyLists) { if (historyList._processHandle == processHandle) { FAIL_FAST_IF(WI_IsFlagClear(historyList.Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED)); return &historyList; } } return nullptr; } // Routine Description: // - This routine marks the command history buffer freed. // Arguments: // - processHandle - handle to client process. void CommandHistory::s_Free(const HANDLE processHandle) { CommandHistory* const History = CommandHistory::s_Find(processHandle); if (History) { WI_ClearFlag(History->Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED); History->_processHandle = nullptr; } } void CommandHistory::s_ResizeAll(const size_t commands) { CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); FAIL_FAST_IF(commands > SHORT_MAX); gci.SetHistoryBufferSize(gsl::narrow(commands)); for (auto& historyList : s_historyLists) { historyList.Realloc(commands); } } static bool CaseInsensitiveEquality(wchar_t a, wchar_t b) { return ::towlower(a) == ::towlower(b); } bool CommandHistory::IsAppNameMatch(const std::wstring_view other) const { return std::equal(_appName.cbegin(), _appName.cend(), other.cbegin(), other.cend(), CaseInsensitiveEquality); } // Routine Description: // - This routine is called when escape is entered or a command is added. void CommandHistory::_Reset() { LastDisplayed = gsl::narrow(_commands.size()) - 1; WI_SetFlag(Flags, CLE_RESET); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT CommandHistory::Add(const std::wstring_view newCommand, const bool suppressDuplicates) { RETURN_HR_IF(E_OUTOFMEMORY, _maxCommands == 0); FAIL_FAST_IF(WI_IsFlagClear(Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED)); if (newCommand.size() == 0) { return S_OK; } try { if (_commands.size() == 0 || _commands.back().size() != newCommand.size() || !std::equal(_commands.back().cbegin(), _commands.back().cbegin() + newCommand.size(), newCommand.cbegin(), newCommand.cend())) { std::wstring reuse{}; if (suppressDuplicates) { SHORT index; if (FindMatchingCommand(newCommand, LastDisplayed, index, CommandHistory::MatchOptions::ExactMatch)) { reuse = Remove(index); } } // find free record. if all records are used, free the lru one. if ((SHORT)_commands.size() == _maxCommands) { _commands.erase(_commands.cbegin()); // move LastDisplayed back one in order to stay synced with the // command it referred to before erasing the lru one --LastDisplayed; } // add newCommand to array if (!reuse.empty()) { _commands.emplace_back(reuse); } else { _commands.emplace_back(newCommand); } if (LastDisplayed == -1 || _commands.at(LastDisplayed).size() != newCommand.size() || !std::equal(_commands.at(LastDisplayed).cbegin(), _commands.at(LastDisplayed).cbegin() + newCommand.size(), newCommand.cbegin(), newCommand.cend())) { _Reset(); } } } CATCH_RETURN(); WI_SetFlag(Flags, CLE_RESET); // remember that we've returned a cmd return S_OK; } std::wstring_view CommandHistory::GetNth(const SHORT index) const { try { return _commands.at(index); } CATCH_LOG(); return {}; } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT CommandHistory::RetrieveNth(const SHORT index, gsl::span buffer, size_t& commandSize) { LastDisplayed = index; try { const auto& cmd = _commands.at(index); if (cmd.size() > (size_t)buffer.size()) { commandSize = buffer.size(); // room for CRLF? } else { commandSize = cmd.size(); } std::copy_n(cmd.cbegin(), commandSize, buffer.begin()); commandSize *= sizeof(wchar_t); return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT CommandHistory::Retrieve(const SearchDirection searchDirection, const gsl::span buffer, size_t& commandSize) { FAIL_FAST_IF(!(WI_IsFlagSet(Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED))); if (_commands.size() == 0) { return E_FAIL; } if (_commands.size() == 1) { LastDisplayed = 0; } else if (searchDirection == SearchDirection::Previous) { // if this is the first time for this read that a command has // been retrieved, return the current command. otherwise, return // the previous command. if (WI_IsFlagSet(Flags, CLE_RESET)) { WI_ClearFlag(Flags, CLE_RESET); } else { _Prev(LastDisplayed); } } else { _Next(LastDisplayed); } return RetrieveNth(LastDisplayed, buffer, commandSize); } std::wstring_view CommandHistory::GetLastCommand() const { if (_commands.size() != 0) { try { return _commands.at(LastDisplayed); } CATCH_LOG(); } return {}; } void CommandHistory::Empty() { _commands.clear(); LastDisplayed = -1; Flags = CLE_RESET; } bool CommandHistory::AtFirstCommand() const { if (WI_IsFlagSet(Flags, CLE_RESET)) { return FALSE; } SHORT i = (SHORT)(LastDisplayed - 1); if (i == -1) { i = ((SHORT)_commands.size()) - 1i16; } return (i == ((SHORT)_commands.size()) - 1i16); } bool CommandHistory::AtLastCommand() const { return LastDisplayed == ((SHORT)_commands.size()) - 1i16; } void CommandHistory::Realloc(const size_t commands) { // To protect ourselves from overflow and general arithmetic errors, a limit of SHORT_MAX is put on the size of the command history. if (_maxCommands == (SHORT)commands || commands > SHORT_MAX) { return; } const auto oldCommands = _commands; const auto newNumberOfCommands = gsl::narrow(std::min(_commands.size(), commands)); _commands.clear(); for (SHORT i = 0; i < newNumberOfCommands; i++) { _commands.emplace_back(oldCommands[i]); } WI_SetFlag(Flags, CLE_RESET); LastDisplayed = gsl::narrow(_commands.size()) - 1; _maxCommands = (SHORT)commands; } void CommandHistory::s_ReallocExeToFront(const std::wstring_view appName, const size_t commands) { for (auto it = s_historyLists.begin(); it != s_historyLists.end(); it++) { if (WI_IsFlagSet(it->Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED) && it->IsAppNameMatch(appName)) { CommandHistory backup = *it; backup.Realloc(commands); s_historyLists.erase(it); s_historyLists.push_front(backup); return; } } } CommandHistory* CommandHistory::s_FindByExe(const std::wstring_view appName) { for (auto& historyList : s_historyLists) { if (WI_IsFlagSet(historyList.Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED) && historyList.IsAppNameMatch(appName)) { return &historyList; } } return nullptr; } size_t CommandHistory::s_CountOfHistories() { return s_historyLists.size(); } // Routine Description: // - This routine returns the LRU command history buffer, or the command history buffer that corresponds to the app name. // Arguments: // - Console - pointer to console. // Return Value: // - Pointer to command history buffer. if none are available, returns nullptr. CommandHistory* CommandHistory::s_Allocate(const std::wstring_view appName, const HANDLE processHandle) { CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); // Reuse a history buffer. The buffer must be !CLE_ALLOCATED. // If possible, the buffer should have the same app name. std::optional BestCandidate; bool SameApp = false; for (auto it = s_historyLists.cbegin(); it != s_historyLists.cend(); it++) { if (WI_IsFlagClear(it->Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED)) { // use LRU history buffer with same app name if (it->IsAppNameMatch(appName)) { BestCandidate = *it; SameApp = true; s_historyLists.erase(it); break; } } } // if there isn't a free buffer for the app name and the maximum number of // command history buffers hasn't been allocated, allocate a new one. if (!SameApp && s_historyLists.size() < gci.GetNumberOfHistoryBuffers()) { CommandHistory History; History._appName = appName; History.Flags = CLE_ALLOCATED; History.LastDisplayed = -1; History._maxCommands = gsl::narrow(gci.GetHistoryBufferSize()); History._processHandle = processHandle; return &s_historyLists.emplace_front(History); } else if (!BestCandidate.has_value() && s_historyLists.size() > 0) { // If we have no candidate already and we need one, take the LRU (which is the back/last one) which isn't allocated. for (auto it = s_historyLists.crbegin(); it != s_historyLists.crend(); it++) { if (WI_IsFlagClear(it->Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED)) { BestCandidate = *it; s_historyLists.erase(std::next(it).base()); // trickery to turn reverse iterator into forward iterator for erase. break; } } } // If the app name doesn't match, copy in the new app name and free the old commands. if (BestCandidate.has_value()) { if (!SameApp) { BestCandidate->_commands.clear(); BestCandidate->LastDisplayed = -1; BestCandidate->_appName = appName; } BestCandidate->_processHandle = processHandle; WI_SetFlag(BestCandidate->Flags, CLE_ALLOCATED); return &s_historyLists.emplace_front(BestCandidate.value()); } return nullptr; } size_t CommandHistory::GetNumberOfCommands() const { return _commands.size(); } void CommandHistory::_Prev(SHORT& ind) const { if (ind <= 0) { ind = gsl::narrow(_commands.size()); } ind--; } void CommandHistory::_Next(SHORT& ind) const { ++ind; if (ind >= (SHORT)_commands.size()) { ind = 0; } } void CommandHistory::_Dec(SHORT& ind) const { if (ind <= 0) { ind = _maxCommands; } ind--; } void CommandHistory::_Inc(SHORT& ind) const { ++ind; if (ind >= _maxCommands) { ind = 0; } } std::wstring CommandHistory::Remove(const SHORT iDel) { SHORT iFirst = 0; SHORT iLast = gsl::narrow(_commands.size() - 1); SHORT iDisp = LastDisplayed; if (_commands.size() == 0) { return {}; } SHORT const nDel = iDel; if ((nDel < iFirst) || (nDel > iLast)) { return {}; } if (iDisp == iDel) { LastDisplayed = -1; } try { const auto str = _commands.at(iDel); if (iDel < iLast) { _commands.erase(_commands.cbegin() + iDel); if ((iDisp > iDel) && (iDisp <= iLast)) { _Dec(iDisp); } _Dec(iLast); } else if (iFirst <= iDel) { _commands.erase(_commands.cbegin() + iDel); if ((iDisp >= iFirst) && (iDisp < iDel)) { _Inc(iDisp); } _Inc(iFirst); } LastDisplayed = iDisp; return str; } CATCH_LOG(); return {}; } // Routine Description: // - this routine finds the most recent command that starts with the letters already in the current command. it returns the array index (no mod needed). [[nodiscard]] bool CommandHistory::FindMatchingCommand(const std::wstring_view givenCommand, const SHORT startingIndex, SHORT& indexFound, const MatchOptions options) { indexFound = startingIndex; if (_commands.size() == 0) { return false; } if (WI_IsFlagClear(options, MatchOptions::JustLooking) && WI_IsFlagSet(Flags, CLE_RESET)) { WI_ClearFlag(Flags, CLE_RESET); } else { _Prev(indexFound); } if (givenCommand.empty()) { return true; } try { for (size_t i = 0; i < _commands.size(); i++) { const auto& storedCommand = _commands.at(indexFound); if ((WI_IsFlagClear(options, MatchOptions::ExactMatch) && (givenCommand.size() <= storedCommand.size())) || (givenCommand.size() == storedCommand.size())) { if (std::equal(storedCommand.begin(), storedCommand.begin() + givenCommand.size(), givenCommand.begin(), givenCommand.end(), CaseInsensitiveEquality)) { return true; } } _Prev(indexFound); } } CATCH_LOG(); return false; } #ifdef UNIT_TESTING void CommandHistory::s_ClearHistoryListStorage() { s_historyLists.clear(); } #endif // Routine Description: // - swaps the locations of two history items // Arguments: // - indexA - index of one history item to swap // - indexB - index of one history item to swap void CommandHistory::Swap(const short indexA, const short indexB) { std::swap(_commands.at(indexA), _commands.at(indexB)); } // Routine Description: // - Clears all command history for the given EXE name // - Will convert input parameters and call the W version of this method // Arguments: // - exeName - The client EXE application attached to the host whose history we should clear // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT ApiRoutines::ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryAImpl(const std::string_view exeName) noexcept { const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); try { const auto exeNameW = ConvertToW(gci.CP, exeName); return ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryWImpl(exeNameW); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Clears all command history for the given EXE name // Arguments: // - exeName - The client EXE application attached to the host whose history we should clear // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT ApiRoutines::ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryWImpl(const std::wstring_view exeName) noexcept { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { const auto history = CommandHistory::s_FindByExe(exeName); if (history) { history->Empty(); } return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Sets the number of commands that will be stored in history for a given EXE name // - Will convert input parameters and call the W version of this method // Arguments: // - exeName - A client EXE application attached to the host // - numberOfCommands - Specifies the maximum length of the associated history buffer // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsAImpl(const std::string_view exeName, const size_t numberOfCommands) noexcept { const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); try { const auto exeNameW = ConvertToW(gci.CP, exeName); return SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsWImpl(exeNameW, numberOfCommands); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Sets the number of commands that will be stored in history for a given EXE name // Arguments: // - exeName - A client EXE application attached to the host // - numberOfCommands - Specifies the maximum length of the associated history buffer // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT ApiRoutines::SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsWImpl(const std::wstring_view exeName, const size_t numberOfCommands) noexcept { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { CommandHistory::s_ReallocExeToFront(exeName, numberOfCommands); return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves the amount of space needed to retrieve all command history for a given EXE name // - Works for both Unicode and Multibyte text. // - This method configuration is called for both A/W routines to allow us an efficient way of asking the system // the lengths of how long each conversion would be without actually performing the full allocations/conversions. // Arguments: // - exeName - The client EXE application attached to the host whose set we should check // - countInUnicode - True for W version (UCS-2 Unicode) calls. False for A version calls (all multibyte formats.) // - codepage - Set to valid Windows Codepage for A version calls. Ignored for W (but typically just set to 0.) // - historyLength - Receives the length of buffer that would be required to retrieve all history for the given exe. // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthImplHelper(const std::wstring_view exeName, const bool countInUnicode, const UINT codepage, size_t& historyLength) { // Ensure output variables are initialized historyLength = 0; LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); CommandHistory* const pCommandHistory = CommandHistory::s_FindByExe(exeName); if (nullptr != pCommandHistory) { size_t cchNeeded = 0; // Every command history item is made of a string length followed by 1 null character. size_t const cchNull = 1; for (SHORT i = 0; i < gsl::narrow(pCommandHistory->GetNumberOfCommands()); i++) { const auto command = pCommandHistory->GetNth(i); size_t cchCommand = command.size(); // This is the proposed length of the whole string. size_t cchProposed; RETURN_IF_FAILED(SizeTAdd(cchCommand, cchNull, &cchProposed)); // If we're counting how much multibyte space will be needed, trial convert the command string before we add. if (!countInUnicode) { cchCommand = GetALengthFromW(codepage, command); } // Accumulate the result RETURN_IF_FAILED(SizeTAdd(cchNeeded, cchProposed, &cchNeeded)); } historyLength = cchNeeded; } return S_OK; } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves the amount of space needed to retrieve all command history for a given EXE name // - Converts input text from A to W then makes the call to the W implementation. // Arguments: // - exeName - The client EXE application attached to the host whose set we should check // - length - Receives the length of buffer that would be required to retrieve all history for the given exe. // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthAImpl(const std::string_view exeName, size_t& length) noexcept { const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); UINT const codepage = gci.CP; // Ensure output variables are initialized length = 0; LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { const auto exeNameW = ConvertToW(codepage, exeName); return GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthImplHelper(exeNameW, false, codepage, length); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves the amount of space needed to retrieve all command history for a given EXE name // Arguments: // - exeName - The client EXE application attached to the host whose set we should check // - length - Receives the length of buffer that would be required to retrieve all history for the given exe. // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthWImpl(const std::wstring_view exeName, size_t& length) noexcept { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { return GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthImplHelper(exeName, true, 0, length); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves the full command history for a given EXE name known to the console. // - It is permitted to call this function without having a target buffer. Use the result to allocate // the appropriate amount of space and call again. // - This behavior exists to allow the A version of the function to help allocate the right temp buffer for conversion of // the output/result data. // Arguments: // - exeName - The client EXE application attached to the host whose set we should check // - historyBuffer - The target buffer for data we are attempting to retrieve. Optionally empty to retrieve needed space. // - writtenOrNeeded - Will specify how many characters were written (if buffer is valid) // or how many characters would have been consumed. // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT GetConsoleCommandHistoryWImplHelper(const std::wstring_view exeName, gsl::span historyBuffer, size_t& writtenOrNeeded) { // Ensure output variables are initialized writtenOrNeeded = 0; if (historyBuffer.size() > 0) { historyBuffer.at(0) = UNICODE_NULL; } CommandHistory* const CommandHistory = CommandHistory::s_FindByExe(exeName); if (nullptr != CommandHistory) { PWCHAR CommandBufferW = historyBuffer.data(); size_t cchTotalLength = 0; size_t const cchNull = 1; for (SHORT i = 0; i < gsl::narrow(CommandHistory->GetNumberOfCommands()); i++) { const auto command = CommandHistory->GetNth(i); size_t const cchCommand = command.size(); size_t cchNeeded; RETURN_IF_FAILED(SizeTAdd(cchCommand, cchNull, &cchNeeded)); // If we can return the data, attempt to do so until we're done or it overflows. // If we cannot return data, we're just going to loop anyway and count how much space we'd need. if (historyBuffer.size() > 0) { // Calculate what the new total would be after we add what we need. size_t cchNewTotal; RETURN_IF_FAILED(SizeTAdd(cchTotalLength, cchNeeded, &cchNewTotal)); RETURN_HR_IF(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW), cchNewTotal > gsl::narrow(historyBuffer.size())); size_t cchRemaining; RETURN_IF_FAILED(SizeTSub(historyBuffer.size(), cchTotalLength, &cchRemaining)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(StringCchCopyNW(CommandBufferW, cchRemaining, command.data(), command.size())); CommandBufferW += cchNeeded; } RETURN_IF_FAILED(SizeTAdd(cchTotalLength, cchNeeded, &cchTotalLength)); } writtenOrNeeded = cchTotalLength; } return S_OK; } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves the full command history for a given EXE name known to the console. // - Converts inputs from A to W, calls the W version of this method, and then converts the resulting text W to A. // Arguments: // - exeName - The client EXE application attached to the host whose set we should check // - commandHistory - The target buffer for data we are attempting to retrieve. // - written - Will specify how many characters were written // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleCommandHistoryAImpl(const std::string_view exeName, gsl::span commandHistory, size_t& written) noexcept { const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); UINT const codepage = gci.CP; // Ensure output variables are initialized written = 0; try { if (commandHistory.size() > 0) { commandHistory.at(0) = ANSI_NULL; } LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); // Convert our input parameters to Unicode. const auto exeNameW = ConvertToW(codepage, exeName); // Figure out how big our temporary Unicode buffer must be to retrieve output size_t bufferNeeded; RETURN_IF_FAILED(GetConsoleCommandHistoryWImplHelper(exeNameW, {}, bufferNeeded)); // If there's nothing to get, then simply return. RETURN_HR_IF(S_OK, 0 == bufferNeeded); // Allocate a unicode buffer of the right size. std::unique_ptr buffer = std::make_unique(bufferNeeded); RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(buffer); // Call the Unicode version of this method size_t bufferWritten; RETURN_IF_FAILED(GetConsoleCommandHistoryWImplHelper(exeNameW, gsl::span(buffer.get(), bufferNeeded), bufferWritten)); // Convert result to A const auto converted = ConvertToA(codepage, { buffer.get(), bufferWritten }); // Copy safely to output buffer // - CommandHistory are a series of null terminated strings. We cannot use a SafeString function to copy. // So instead, validate and use raw memory copy. RETURN_HR_IF(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW), converted.size() > gsl::narrow(commandHistory.size())); memcpy_s(commandHistory.data(), commandHistory.size(), converted.data(), converted.size()); // And return the size copied. written = converted.size(); return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN(); } // Routine Description: // - Retrieves the full command history for a given EXE name known to the console. // - Converts inputs from A to W, calls the W version of this method, and then converts the resulting text W to A. // Arguments: // - exeName - The client EXE application attached to the host whose set we should check // - commandHistory - The target buffer for data we are attempting to retrieve. // - written - Will specify how many characters were written // Return Value: // - Check HRESULT with SUCCEEDED. Can return memory, safe math, safe string, or locale conversion errors. HRESULT ApiRoutines::GetConsoleCommandHistoryWImpl(const std::wstring_view exeName, gsl::span commandHistory, size_t& written) noexcept { LockConsole(); auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); }); try { return GetConsoleCommandHistoryWImplHelper(exeName, commandHistory, written); } CATCH_RETURN(); }