[CmdLetBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$SearchDir, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][string]$SourceRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)][string]$CommitId, [string]$Organization = "microsoft", [string]$Repo = "terminal", [switch]$recursive ) $debuggerPath = (Get-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots" -name WindowsDebuggersRoot10).WindowsDebuggersRoot10 $srcsrvPath = Join-Path $debuggerPath "x64\srcsrv" $srctoolExe = Join-Path $srcsrvPath "srctool.exe" $pdbstrExe = Join-Path $srcsrvPath "pdbstr.exe" $fileTable = @{} foreach ($gitFile in & git ls-files) { $fileTable[$gitFile] = $gitFile } $mappedFiles = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -r:$recursive "$SearchDir\*.pdb")) { Write-Verbose "Found $file" $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" # Azure Pipelines defaults to "Stop", continue past errors in this script. $allFiles = & $srctoolExe -r "$file" # If the pdb didn't have enough files then skip it (the srctool output has a blank line even when there's no info # so check for less than 2 lines) if ($allFiles.Length -lt 2) { continue } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $allFiles.Length; $i++) { if ($allFiles[$i].StartsWith($SourceRoot, [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { $relative = $allFiles[$i].Substring($SourceRoot.Length).TrimStart("\") $relative = $relative.Replace("\", "/") # Git urls are case-sensitive but the PDB might contain a lowercased version of the file path. # Look up the relative url in the output of "ls-files". If it's not there then it's not something # in git, so don't index it. $relative = $fileTable[$relative] if ($relative) { $mapping = $allFiles[$i] + "*$relative" $mappedFiles.Add($mapping) Write-Verbose "Mapped path $($i): $mapping" } } } $pdbstrFile = Join-Path "$env:TEMP" "pdbstr.txt" Write-Verbose "pdbstr.txt = $pdbstrFile" @" SRCSRV: ini ------------------------------------------------ VERSION=2 VERCTRL=http SRCSRV: variables ------------------------------------------ ORGANIZATION=$Organization REPO=$Repo COMMITID=$CommitId HTTP_ALIAS=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/%ORGANIZATION%/%REPO%/%COMMITID%/ HTTP_EXTRACT_TARGET=%HTTP_ALIAS%%var2% SRCSRVTRG=%HTTP_EXTRACT_TARGET% SRC_INDEX=public SRCSRV: source files --------------------------------------- $($mappedFiles -join "`r`n") SRCSRV: end ------------------------------------------------ "@ | Set-Content $pdbstrFile & $pdbstrExe -p:"$file" -w -s:srcsrv -i:$pdbstrFile } # Return with exit 0 to override any weird error code from other tools Exit 0