[CmdLetBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$RerunPassesRequiredToAvoidFailure, [string]$AccessToken = $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN, [string]$CollectionUri = $env:SYSTEM_COLLECTIONURI, [string]$TeamProject = $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT, [string]$BuildUri = $env:BUILD_BUILDURI ) . "$PSScriptRoot/AzurePipelinesHelperScripts.ps1" $azureDevOpsRestApiHeaders = @{ "Accept"="application/json" "Authorization"="Basic $([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$AccessToken")))" } $queryUri = GetQueryTestRunsUri -CollectionUri $CollectionUri -TeamProject $TeamProject -BuildUri $BuildUri Write-Host "queryUri = $queryUri" # To account for unreliable tests, we'll iterate through all of the tests associated with this build, check to see any tests that were unreliable # (denoted by being marked as "skipped"), and if so, we'll instead mark those tests with a warning and enumerate all of the attempted runs # with their pass/fail states as well as any relevant error messages for failed attempts. $testRuns = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $queryUri -Method Get -Headers $azureDevOpsRestApiHeaders $timesSeenByRunName = @{} foreach ($testRun in $testRuns.value) { $testRunResultsUri = "$($testRun.url)/results?api-version=5.0" Write-Host "Marking test run `"$($testRun.name)`" as in progress so we can change its results to account for unreliable tests." Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($testRun.url)?api-version=5.0" -Method Patch -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{ "state" = "InProgress" }) -Headers $azureDevOpsRestApiHeaders -ContentType "application/json" | Out-Null Write-Host "Retrieving test results..." $testResults = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $testRunResultsUri -Method Get -Headers $azureDevOpsRestApiHeaders foreach ($testResult in $testResults.value) { $testNeedsSubResultProcessing = $false if ($testResult.outcome -eq "NotExecuted") { $testNeedsSubResultProcessing = $true } elseif($testResult.outcome -eq "Failed") { $testNeedsSubResultProcessing = $testResult.errorMessage -like "*_subresults.json*" } if ($testNeedsSubResultProcessing) { Write-Host " Test $($testResult.testCaseTitle) was detected as unreliable. Updating..." # The errorMessage field contains a link to the JSON-encoded rerun result data. $rerunResults = ConvertFrom-Json (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($testResult.errorMessage) [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Hashtable]]$rerunDataList = @() $attemptCount = 0 $passCount = 0 $totalDuration = 0 foreach ($rerun in $rerunResults.results) { $rerunData = @{ "displayName" = "Attempt #$($attemptCount + 1) - $($testResult.testCaseTitle)"; "durationInMs" = $rerun.duration; "outcome" = $rerun.outcome; } if ($rerun.outcome -eq "Passed") { $passCount++ } if ($attemptCount -gt 0) { $rerunData["sequenceId"] = $attemptCount } Write-Host " Attempt #$($attemptCount + 1): $($rerun.outcome)" if ($rerun.outcome -ne "Passed") { $screenshots = "$($rerunResults.blobPrefix)/$($rerun.screenshots -join @" $($rerunResults.blobSuffix) $($rerunResults.blobPrefix) "@)$($rerunResults.blobSuffix)" # We subtract 1 from the error index because we added 1 so we could use 0 # as a default value not injected into the JSON in order to keep its size down. # We did this because there's a maximum size enforced for the errorMessage parameter # in the Azure DevOps REST API. $fullErrorMessage = @" Log: $($rerunResults.blobPrefix)/$($rerun.log)$($rerunResults.blobSuffix) Screenshots: $screenshots Error log: $($rerunResults.errors[$rerun.errorIndex - 1]) "@ $rerunData["errorMessage"] = $fullErrorMessage } $attemptCount++ $totalDuration += $rerun.duration $rerunDataList.Add($rerunData) } $overallOutcome = "Warning" if ($attemptCount -eq 2) { Write-Host " Test $($testResult.testCaseTitle) passed on the immediate rerun, so we'll mark it as unreliable." } elseif ($passCount -gt $RerunPassesRequiredToAvoidFailure) { Write-Host " Test $($testResult.testCaseTitle) passed on $passCount of $attemptCount attempts, which is greater than or equal to the $RerunPassesRequiredToAvoidFailure passes required to avoid being marked as failed. Marking as unreliable." } else { Write-Host " Test $($testResult.testCaseTitle) passed on only $passCount of $attemptCount attempts, which is less than the $RerunPassesRequiredToAvoidFailure passes required to avoid being marked as failed. Marking as failed." $overallOutcome = "Failed" } $updateBody = ConvertTo-Json @(@{ "id" = $testResult.id; "outcome" = $overallOutcome; "errorMessage" = " "; "durationInMs" = $totalDuration; "subResults" = $rerunDataList; "resultGroupType" = "rerun" }) -Depth 5 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $testRunResultsUri -Method Patch -Headers $azureDevOpsRestApiHeaders -Body $updateBody -ContentType "application/json" | Out-Null } } Write-Host "Finished updates. Re-marking test run `"$($testRun.name)`" as completed." Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($testRun.url)?api-version=5.0" -Method Patch -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{ "state" = "Completed" }) -Headers $azureDevOpsRestApiHeaders -ContentType "application/json" | Out-Null }