/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the MIT license. Class Name: - GetWindowLayoutArgs.h Abstract: - This is a helper class for getting the window layout from a peasant. Depending on if we are running on the monarch or on a peasant we might need to switch what thread we are executing on. This gives us the option of either returning the json result synchronously, or as a promise. --*/ #pragma once #include "GetWindowLayoutArgs.g.h" #include "../cascadia/inc/cppwinrt_utils.h" namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::implementation { struct GetWindowLayoutArgs : public GetWindowLayoutArgsT { WINRT_PROPERTY(winrt::hstring, WindowLayoutJson, L""); WINRT_PROPERTY(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation, WindowLayoutJsonAsync, nullptr) }; } namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::factory_implementation { BASIC_FACTORY(GetWindowLayoutArgs); }