// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "pch.h" #include "CascadiaSettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include "AzureCloudShellGenerator.h" #include "PowershellCoreProfileGenerator.h" #include "VisualStudioGenerator.h" #include "WslDistroGenerator.h" // The following files are generated at build time into the "Generated Files" directory. // defaults(-universal).h is a file containing the default json settings in a std::string_view. #include "defaults.h" #include "defaults-universal.h" // userDefault.h is like the above, but with a default template for the user's settings.json. #include #include "userDefaults.h" #include "ApplicationState.h" #include "FileUtils.h" using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings; using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation; static constexpr std::wstring_view SettingsFilename{ L"settings.json" }; static constexpr std::wstring_view DefaultsFilename{ L"defaults.json" }; static constexpr std::string_view ProfilesKey{ "profiles" }; static constexpr std::string_view DefaultSettingsKey{ "defaults" }; static constexpr std::string_view ProfilesListKey{ "list" }; static constexpr std::string_view SchemesKey{ "schemes" }; static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "name" }; static constexpr std::string_view GuidKey{ "guid" }; static constexpr std::wstring_view jsonExtension{ L".json" }; static constexpr std::wstring_view FragmentsSubDirectory{ L"\\Fragments" }; static constexpr std::wstring_view FragmentsPath{ L"\\Microsoft\\Windows Terminal\\Fragments" }; static constexpr std::wstring_view AppExtensionHostName{ L"com.microsoft.windows.terminal.settings" }; // make sure this matches defaults.json. static constexpr winrt::guid DEFAULT_WINDOWS_POWERSHELL_GUID{ 0x61c54bbd, 0xc2c6, 0x5271, { 0x96, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x87, 0xff, 0x44, 0xbf } }; static constexpr winrt::guid DEFAULT_COMMAND_PROMPT_GUID{ 0x0caa0dad, 0x35be, 0x5f56, { 0xa8, 0xff, 0xaf, 0xce, 0xee, 0xaa, 0x61, 0x01 } }; // Function Description: // - Extracting the value from an async task (like talking to the app catalog) when we are on the // UI thread causes C++/WinRT to complain quite loudly (and halt execution!) // This templated function extracts the result from a task with chicanery. template static auto extractValueFromTaskWithoutMainThreadAwait(TTask&& task) -> decltype(task.get()) { std::optional finalVal; til::latch latch{ 1 }; const auto _ = [&]() -> winrt::fire_and_forget { co_await winrt::resume_background(); finalVal.emplace(co_await task); latch.count_down(); }(); latch.wait(); return finalVal.value(); } // Concatenates the two given strings (!) and returns them as a path. // You better make sure there's a path separator at the end of lhs or at the start of rhs. static std::filesystem::path buildPath(const std::wstring_view& lhs, const std::wstring_view& rhs) { std::wstring buffer; buffer.reserve(lhs.size() + rhs.size()); buffer.append(lhs); buffer.append(rhs); return { std::move(buffer) }; } void ParsedSettings::clear() { globals = {}; baseLayerProfile = {}; profiles.clear(); profilesByGuid.clear(); } // This is a convenience method used by the CascadiaSettings constructor. // It runs some basic settings layering without relying on external programs or files. // This makes it suitable for most unit tests. SettingsLoader SettingsLoader::Default(const std::string_view& userJSON, const std::string_view& inboxJSON) { SettingsLoader loader{ userJSON, inboxJSON }; loader.MergeInboxIntoUserSettings(); loader.FinalizeLayering(); return loader; } // The SettingsLoader class is an internal implementation detail of CascadiaSettings. // Member methods aren't safe against misuse and you need to ensure to call them in a specific order. // See CascadiaSettings::LoadAll() for a specific usage example. // // This constructor only handles parsing the two given JSON strings. // At a minimum you should do at least everything that SettingsLoader::Default does. SettingsLoader::SettingsLoader(const std::string_view& userJSON, const std::string_view& inboxJSON) { _parse(OriginTag::InBox, {}, inboxJSON, inboxSettings); try { _parse(OriginTag::User, {}, userJSON, userSettings); } catch (const JsonUtils::DeserializationError& e) { _rethrowSerializationExceptionWithLocationInfo(e, userJSON); } if (const auto sources = userSettings.globals->DisabledProfileSources()) { _ignoredNamespaces.reserve(sources.Size()); for (const auto& id : sources) { _ignoredNamespaces.emplace(id); } } // See member description of _userProfileCount. _userProfileCount = userSettings.profiles.size(); } // Generate dynamic profiles and add them to the list of "inbox" profiles // (meaning profiles specified by the application rather by the user). void SettingsLoader::GenerateProfiles() { _executeGenerator(PowershellCoreProfileGenerator{}); _executeGenerator(WslDistroGenerator{}); _executeGenerator(AzureCloudShellGenerator{}); _executeGenerator(VisualStudioGenerator{}); } // A new settings.json gets a special treatment: // 1. The default profile is a PowerShell 7+ one, if one was generated, // and falls back to the standard PowerShell 5 profile otherwise. // 2. cmd.exe gets a localized name. void SettingsLoader::ApplyRuntimeInitialSettings() { // 1. { const auto preferredPowershellProfile = PowershellCoreProfileGenerator::GetPreferredPowershellProfileName(); auto guid = DEFAULT_WINDOWS_POWERSHELL_GUID; for (const auto& profile : inboxSettings.profiles) { if (profile->Name() == preferredPowershellProfile) { guid = profile->Guid(); break; } } userSettings.globals->DefaultProfile(guid); } // 2. { for (const auto& profile : userSettings.profiles) { if (profile->Guid() == DEFAULT_COMMAND_PROMPT_GUID) { profile->Name(RS_(L"CommandPromptDisplayName")); break; } } } } // Adds profiles from .inboxSettings as parents of matching profiles in .userSettings. // That way the user profiles will get appropriate defaults from the generators (like icons and such). // If a matching profile doesn't exist yet in .userSettings, one will be created. void SettingsLoader::MergeInboxIntoUserSettings() { for (const auto& profile : inboxSettings.profiles) { _addParentProfile(profile, userSettings); } } // Searches AppData/ProgramData and app extension directories for settings JSON files. // If such JSON files are found, they're read and their contents added to .userSettings. // // Of course it would be more elegant to add fragments to .inboxSettings first and then have MergeInboxIntoUserSettings // merge them. Unfortunately however the "updates" key in fragment profiles make this impossible: // The targeted profile might be one that got created as part of SettingsLoader::MergeInboxIntoUserSettings. // Additionally the GUID in "updates" will conflict with existing GUIDs in .inboxSettings. void SettingsLoader::FindFragmentsAndMergeIntoUserSettings() { ParsedSettings fragmentSettings; const auto parseAndLayerFragmentFiles = [&](const std::filesystem::path& path, const winrt::hstring& source) { for (const auto& fragmentExt : std::filesystem::directory_iterator{ path }) { if (fragmentExt.path().extension() == jsonExtension) { try { const auto content = ReadUTF8File(fragmentExt.path()); _parseFragment(source, content, fragmentSettings); for (const auto& fragmentProfile : fragmentSettings.profiles) { if (const auto updates = fragmentProfile->Updates(); updates != winrt::guid{}) { if (const auto it = userSettings.profilesByGuid.find(updates); it != userSettings.profilesByGuid.end()) { it->second->InsertParent(0, fragmentProfile); } } else { _addParentProfile(fragmentProfile, userSettings); } } for (const auto& kv : fragmentSettings.globals->ColorSchemes()) { userSettings.globals->AddColorScheme(kv.Value()); } } CATCH_LOG(); } } }; for (const auto& rfid : std::array{ FOLDERID_LocalAppData, FOLDERID_ProgramData }) { wil::unique_cotaskmem_string folder; THROW_IF_FAILED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(rfid, 0, nullptr, &folder)); const auto fragmentPath = buildPath(folder.get(), FragmentsPath); if (std::filesystem::is_directory(fragmentPath)) { for (const auto& fragmentExtFolder : std::filesystem::directory_iterator{ fragmentPath }) { const auto filename = fragmentExtFolder.path().filename(); const auto& source = filename.native(); if (!_ignoredNamespaces.count(std::wstring_view{ source }) && fragmentExtFolder.is_directory()) { parseAndLayerFragmentFiles(fragmentExtFolder.path(), winrt::hstring{ source }); } } } } // Search through app extensions // Gets the catalog of extensions with the name "com.microsoft.windows.terminal.settings" const auto catalog = winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::AppExtensions::AppExtensionCatalog::Open(AppExtensionHostName); const auto extensions = extractValueFromTaskWithoutMainThreadAwait(catalog.FindAllAsync()); for (const auto& ext : extensions) { const auto packageName = ext.Package().Id().FamilyName(); if (_ignoredNamespaces.count(std::wstring_view{ packageName })) { continue; } // Likewise, getting the public folder from an extension is an async operation. auto foundFolder = extractValueFromTaskWithoutMainThreadAwait(ext.GetPublicFolderAsync()); if (!foundFolder) { continue; } // the StorageFolder class has its own methods for obtaining the files within the folder // however, all those methods are Async methods // you may have noticed that we need to resort to clunky implementations for async operations // (they are in extractValueFromTaskWithoutMainThreadAwait) // so for now we will just take the folder path and access the files that way const auto path = buildPath(foundFolder.Path(), FragmentsSubDirectory); if (std::filesystem::is_directory(path)) { parseAndLayerFragmentFiles(path, packageName); } } } // Call this method before passing SettingsLoader to the CascadiaSettings constructor. // It layers all remaining objects onto each other (those that aren't covered // by MergeInboxIntoUserSettings/FindFragmentsAndMergeIntoUserSettings). void SettingsLoader::FinalizeLayering() { // Layer default globals -> user globals userSettings.globals->InsertParent(inboxSettings.globals); userSettings.globals->_FinalizeInheritance(); // Layer default profile defaults -> user profile defaults userSettings.baseLayerProfile->InsertParent(inboxSettings.baseLayerProfile); userSettings.baseLayerProfile->_FinalizeInheritance(); // Layer user profile defaults -> user profiles for (const auto& profile : userSettings.profiles) { profile->InsertParent(0, userSettings.baseLayerProfile); profile->_FinalizeInheritance(); } } // Let's say a user doesn't know that they need to write `"hidden": true` in // order to prevent a profile from showing up (and a settings UI doesn't exist). // Naturally they would open settings.json and try to remove the profile object. // This section of code recognizes if a profile was seen before and marks it as // `"hidden": true` by default and thus ensures the behavior the user expects: // Profiles won't show up again after they've been removed from settings.json. bool SettingsLoader::DisableDeletedProfiles() { const auto& state = winrt::get_self(ApplicationState::SharedInstance()); auto generatedProfileIds = state->GeneratedProfiles(); bool newGeneratedProfiles = false; for (const auto& profile : _getNonUserOriginProfiles()) { if (generatedProfileIds.emplace(profile->Guid()).second) { newGeneratedProfiles = true; } else { profile->Deleted(true); profile->Hidden(true); } } if (newGeneratedProfiles) { state->GeneratedProfiles(generatedProfileIds); } return newGeneratedProfiles; } // Give a string of length N and a position of [0,N) this function returns // the line/column within the string, similar to how text editors do it. // Newlines are considered part of the current line (as per POSIX). std::pair SettingsLoader::_lineAndColumnFromPosition(const std::string_view& string, const size_t position) { size_t line = 1; size_t column = 0; for (;;) { const auto p = string.find('\n', column); if (p >= position) { break; } column = p + 1; line++; } return { line, position - column + 1 }; } // Formats a JSON exception for humans to read and throws that. void SettingsLoader::_rethrowSerializationExceptionWithLocationInfo(const JsonUtils::DeserializationError& e, const std::string_view& settingsString) { std::string jsonValueAsString; try { jsonValueAsString = e.jsonValue.asString(); if (e.jsonValue.isString()) { jsonValueAsString = fmt::format("\"{}\"", jsonValueAsString); } } catch (...) { jsonValueAsString = "array or object"; } const auto [line, column] = _lineAndColumnFromPosition(settingsString, static_cast(e.jsonValue.getOffsetStart())); fmt::memory_buffer msg; fmt::format_to(msg, "* Line {}, Column {}", line, column); if (e.key) { fmt::format_to(msg, " ({})", *e.key); } fmt::format_to(msg, "\n Have: {}\n Expected: {}\0", jsonValueAsString, e.expectedType); throw SettingsTypedDeserializationException{ msg.data() }; } // Simply parses the given content to a Json::Value. Json::Value SettingsLoader::_parseJSON(const std::string_view& content) { Json::Value json; std::string errs; const std::unique_ptr reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() }; if (!reader->parse(content.data(), content.data() + content.size(), &json, &errs)) { throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs)); } return json; } // A helper method similar to Json::Value::operator[], but compatible with std::string_view. const Json::Value& SettingsLoader::_getJSONValue(const Json::Value& json, const std::string_view& key) noexcept { if (json.isObject()) { if (const auto val = json.find(key.data(), key.data() + key.size())) { return *val; } } return Json::Value::nullSingleton(); } // We treat userSettings.profiles as an append-only array and will // append profiles into the userSettings as necessary in this function. // _userProfileCount stores the number of profiles that were in userJSON during construction. // // Thus no matter how many profiles are added later on, the following condition holds true: // The userSettings.profiles in the range [0, _userProfileCount) contain all profiles specified by the user. // In turn all profiles in the range [_userProfileCount, ∞) contain newly generated/added profiles. // gsl::make_span(userSettings.profiles).subspan(_userProfileCount) gets us the latter range. gsl::span> SettingsLoader::_getNonUserOriginProfiles() const { return gsl::make_span(userSettings.profiles).subspan(_userProfileCount); } // Parses the given JSON string ("content") and fills a ParsedSettings instance with it. // This function is to be used for user settings files. void SettingsLoader::_parse(const OriginTag origin, const winrt::hstring& source, const std::string_view& content, ParsedSettings& settings) { const auto json = _parseJson(content); settings.clear(); { settings.globals = GlobalAppSettings::FromJson(json.root); for (const auto& schemeJson : json.colorSchemes) { if (const auto scheme = ColorScheme::FromJson(schemeJson)) { settings.globals->AddColorScheme(*scheme); } } } { settings.baseLayerProfile = Profile::FromJson(json.profileDefaults); // Remove the `guid` member from the default settings. // That will hyper-explode, so just don't let them do that. settings.baseLayerProfile->ClearGuid(); settings.baseLayerProfile->Origin(OriginTag::ProfilesDefaults); } { const auto size = json.profilesList.size(); settings.profiles.reserve(size); settings.profilesByGuid.reserve(size); for (const auto& profileJson : json.profilesList) { auto profile = _parseProfile(origin, source, profileJson); // GH#9962: Discard Guid-less, Name-less profiles. if (profile->HasGuid()) { _appendProfile(std::move(profile), settings); } } } } // Just like _parse, but is to be used for fragment files, which don't support anything but color // schemes and profiles. Additionally this function supports profiles which specify an "updates" key. void SettingsLoader::_parseFragment(const winrt::hstring& source, const std::string_view& content, ParsedSettings& settings) { const auto json = _parseJson(content); settings.clear(); { settings.globals = winrt::make_self(); for (const auto& schemeJson : json.colorSchemes) { try { if (const auto scheme = ColorScheme::FromJson(schemeJson)) { settings.globals->AddColorScheme(*scheme); } } CATCH_LOG() } } { const auto size = json.profilesList.size(); settings.profiles.reserve(size); settings.profilesByGuid.reserve(size); for (const auto& profileJson : json.profilesList) { try { auto profile = _parseProfile(OriginTag::Fragment, source, profileJson); // GH#9962: Discard Guid-less, Name-less profiles, but... // allow ones with an Updates field, as those are special for fragments. if (profile->HasGuid() || profile->Updates() != winrt::guid{}) { _appendProfile(std::move(profile), settings); } } CATCH_LOG() } } } SettingsLoader::JsonSettings SettingsLoader::_parseJson(const std::string_view& content) { auto root = content.empty() ? Json::Value{ Json::ValueType::objectValue } : _parseJSON(content); const auto& colorSchemes = _getJSONValue(root, SchemesKey); const auto& profilesObject = _getJSONValue(root, ProfilesKey); const auto& profileDefaults = _getJSONValue(profilesObject, DefaultSettingsKey); const auto& profilesList = profilesObject.isArray() ? profilesObject : _getJSONValue(profilesObject, ProfilesListKey); return JsonSettings{ std::move(root), colorSchemes, profileDefaults, profilesList }; } // Just a common helper function between _parse and _parseFragment. // Parses a profile and ensures it has a Guid if possible. winrt::com_ptr SettingsLoader::_parseProfile(const OriginTag origin, const winrt::hstring& source, const Json::Value& profileJson) { auto profile = Profile::FromJson(profileJson); profile->Origin(origin); // The Guid() generation below depends on the value of Source(). // --> Provide one if we got one. if (!source.empty()) { profile->Source(source); } // If none exists. the Guid() getter generates one from Name() and optionally Source(). // We want to ensure that every profile has a GUID no matter what, not just to // cache the value, but also to make them consistently identifiable later on. if (!profile->HasGuid() && profile->HasName()) { profile->Guid(profile->Guid()); } return profile; } // Adds a profile to the ParsedSettings instance. Takes ownership of the profile. // It ensures no duplicate GUIDs are added to the ParsedSettings instance. void SettingsLoader::_appendProfile(winrt::com_ptr&& profile, ParsedSettings& settings) { // FYI: The static_cast ensures we don't move the profile into // `profilesByGuid`, even though we still need it later for `profiles`. if (settings.profilesByGuid.emplace(profile->Guid(), static_cast&>(profile)).second) { settings.profiles.emplace_back(profile); } else { duplicateProfile = true; } } // If the given ParsedSettings instance contains a profile with the given profile's GUID, // the profile is added as a parent. Otherwise a new child profile is created. void SettingsLoader::_addParentProfile(const winrt::com_ptr& profile, ParsedSettings& settings) { if (const auto [it, inserted] = settings.profilesByGuid.emplace(profile->Guid(), profile); !inserted) { // If inserted is false, we got a matching user profile with identical GUID. // --> The generated profile is a parent of the existing user profile. it->second->InsertParent(profile); } else { // If inserted is true, then this is a generated profile that doesn't exist in the user's settings. // While emplace() has already created an appropriate entry in .profilesByGuid, we still need to // add it to .profiles (which is basically a sorted list of .profilesByGuid's values). // // When a user modifies a profile they shouldn't modify the (static/constant) // inbox profile of course. That's why we need to call CreateChild here. settings.profiles.emplace_back(CreateChild(profile)); } } // As the name implies it executes a generator. // Generated profiles are added to .inboxSettings. Used by GenerateProfiles(). void SettingsLoader::_executeGenerator(const IDynamicProfileGenerator& generator) { const auto generatorNamespace = generator.GetNamespace(); if (_ignoredNamespaces.count(generatorNamespace)) { return; } const auto previousSize = inboxSettings.profiles.size(); try { generator.GenerateProfiles(inboxSettings.profiles); } CATCH_LOG_MSG("Dynamic Profile Namespace: \"%.*s\"", gsl::narrow(generatorNamespace.size()), generatorNamespace.data()) // If the generator produced some profiles we're going to give them default attributes. // By setting the Origin/Source/etc. here, we deduplicate some code and ensure they aren't missing accidentally. if (inboxSettings.profiles.size() > previousSize) { const winrt::hstring source{ generatorNamespace }; for (const auto& profile : gsl::span(inboxSettings.profiles).subspan(previousSize)) { profile->Origin(OriginTag::Generated); profile->Source(source); } } } // Method Description: // - Creates a CascadiaSettings from whatever's saved on disk, or instantiates // a new one with the default values. If we're running as a packaged app, // it will load the settings from our packaged localappdata. If we're // running as an unpackaged application, it will read it from the path // we've set under localappdata. // - Loads both the settings from the defaults.json and the user's settings.json // - Also runs and dynamic profile generators. If any of those generators create // new profiles, we'll write the user settings back to the file, with the new // profiles inserted into their list of profiles. // Return Value: // - a unique_ptr containing a new CascadiaSettings object. Model::CascadiaSettings CascadiaSettings::LoadAll() try { const auto settingsString = ReadUTF8FileIfExists(_settingsPath()).value_or(std::string{}); const auto firstTimeSetup = settingsString.empty(); const auto settingsStringView = firstTimeSetup ? UserSettingsJson : settingsString; auto mustWriteToDisk = firstTimeSetup; SettingsLoader loader{ settingsStringView, DefaultJson }; // Generate dynamic profiles and add them as parents of user profiles. // That way the user profiles will get appropriate defaults from the generators (like icons and such). loader.GenerateProfiles(); // ApplyRuntimeInitialSettings depends on generated profiles. // --> ApplyRuntimeInitialSettings must be called after GenerateProfiles. if (firstTimeSetup) { loader.ApplyRuntimeInitialSettings(); } loader.MergeInboxIntoUserSettings(); // Fragments might reference user profiles created by a generator. // --> FindFragmentsAndMergeIntoUserSettings must be called after MergeInboxIntoUserSettings. loader.FindFragmentsAndMergeIntoUserSettings(); loader.FinalizeLayering(); // DisableDeletedProfiles returns true whenever we encountered any new generated/dynamic profiles. // Coincidentally this is also the time we should write the new settings.json // to disk (so that it contains the new profiles for manual editing by the user). mustWriteToDisk |= loader.DisableDeletedProfiles(); // If this throws, the app will catch it and use the default settings. const auto settings = winrt::make_self(std::move(loader)); // If we created the file, or found new dynamic profiles, write the user // settings string back to the file. if (mustWriteToDisk) { try { settings->WriteSettingsToDisk(); } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); settings->_warnings.Append(SettingsLoadWarnings::FailedToWriteToSettings); } } return *settings; } catch (const SettingsException& ex) { const auto settings{ winrt::make_self() }; settings->_loadError = ex.Error(); return *settings; } catch (const SettingsTypedDeserializationException& e) { const auto settings{ winrt::make_self() }; settings->_deserializationErrorMessage = til::u8u16(e.what()); return *settings; } // Function Description: // - Loads a batch of settings curated for the Universal variant of the terminal app // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - a unique_ptr to a CascadiaSettings with the connection types and settings for Universal terminal Model::CascadiaSettings CascadiaSettings::LoadUniversal() { return *winrt::make_self(std::string_view{}, DefaultUniversalJson); } // Function Description: // - Creates a new CascadiaSettings object initialized with settings from the // hardcoded defaults.json. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - a unique_ptr to a CascadiaSettings with the settings from defaults.json Model::CascadiaSettings CascadiaSettings::LoadDefaults() { return *winrt::make_self(std::string_view{}, DefaultJson); } CascadiaSettings::CascadiaSettings(const winrt::hstring& userJSON, const winrt::hstring& inboxJSON) : CascadiaSettings{ SettingsLoader::Default(til::u16u8(userJSON), til::u16u8(inboxJSON)) } { } CascadiaSettings::CascadiaSettings(const std::string_view& userJSON, const std::string_view& inboxJSON) : CascadiaSettings{ SettingsLoader::Default(userJSON, inboxJSON) } { } CascadiaSettings::CascadiaSettings(SettingsLoader&& loader) { std::vector allProfiles; std::vector activeProfiles; std::vector warnings; allProfiles.reserve(loader.userSettings.profiles.size()); activeProfiles.reserve(loader.userSettings.profiles.size()); for (const auto& profile : loader.userSettings.profiles) { // If a generator stops producing a certain profile (e.g. WSL or PowerShell were removed) or // a profile from a fragment doesn't exist anymore, we should also stop including the // matching user's profile in _allProfiles (since they aren't functional anyways). // // A user profile has a valid, dynamic parent if it has a parent with identical source. if (const auto source = profile->Source(); !source.empty()) { const auto& parents = profile->Parents(); if (std::none_of(parents.begin(), parents.end(), [&](const auto& parent) { return parent->Source() == source; })) { continue; } } allProfiles.emplace_back(*profile); if (!profile->Hidden()) { activeProfiles.emplace_back(*profile); } } if (allProfiles.empty()) { throw SettingsException(SettingsLoadErrors::NoProfiles); } if (activeProfiles.empty()) { throw SettingsException(SettingsLoadErrors::AllProfilesHidden); } if (loader.duplicateProfile) { warnings.emplace_back(Model::SettingsLoadWarnings::DuplicateProfile); } // SettingsLoader and ParsedSettings are supposed to always // create these two members. We don't want null-pointer exceptions. assert(loader.userSettings.globals != nullptr); assert(loader.userSettings.baseLayerProfile != nullptr); _globals = loader.userSettings.globals; _baseLayerProfile = loader.userSettings.baseLayerProfile; _allProfiles = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector(std::move(allProfiles)); _activeProfiles = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector(std::move(activeProfiles)); _warnings = winrt::single_threaded_vector(std::move(warnings)); _resolveDefaultProfile(); _validateSettings(); } // Method Description: // - Returns the path of the settings.json file. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - Returns a path in 80% of cases. I measured! const std::filesystem::path& CascadiaSettings::_settingsPath() { static const auto path = GetBaseSettingsPath() / SettingsFilename; return path; } // function Description: // - Returns the full path to the settings file, either within the application // package, or in its unpackaged location. This path is under the "Local // AppData" folder, so it _doesn't_ roam to other machines. // - If the application is unpackaged, // the file will end up under e.g. C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\settings.json // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - the full path to the settings file winrt::hstring CascadiaSettings::SettingsPath() { return winrt::hstring{ _settingsPath().native() }; } winrt::hstring CascadiaSettings::DefaultSettingsPath() { // Both of these posts suggest getting the path to the exe, then removing // the exe's name to get the package root: // * https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appconsult/2017/06/23/accessing-to-the-files-in-the-installation-folder-in-a-desktop-bridge-application/ // * https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appconsult/2017/03/06/handling-data-in-a-converted-desktop-app-with-the-desktop-bridge/ // // This would break if we ever moved our exe out of the package root. // HOWEVER, if we try to look for a defaults.json that's simply in the same // directory as the exe, that will work for unpackaged scenarios as well. So // let's try that. const auto exePathString = wil::GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr); std::filesystem::path path{ exePathString }; path.replace_filename(DefaultsFilename); return winrt::hstring{ path.native() }; } // Method Description: // - Write the current state of CascadiaSettings to our settings file // - Create a backup file with the current contents, if one does not exist // - Persists the default terminal handler choice to the registry // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - void CascadiaSettings::WriteSettingsToDisk() const { const auto settingsPath = _settingsPath(); { // create a timestamped backup file const auto backupSettingsPath = fmt::format(L"{}.{:%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S}.backup", settingsPath.native(), fmt::localtime(std::time(nullptr))); LOG_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(CopyFileW(settingsPath.c_str(), backupSettingsPath.c_str(), TRUE)); } // write current settings to current settings file Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder; wbuilder.settings_["indentation"] = " "; wbuilder.settings_["enableYAMLCompatibility"] = true; // suppress spaces around colons const auto styledString{ Json::writeString(wbuilder, ToJson()) }; WriteUTF8FileAtomic(settingsPath, styledString); // Persists the default terminal choice // GH#10003 - Only do this if _currentDefaultTerminal was actually initialized. if (_currentDefaultTerminal) { DefaultTerminal::Current(_currentDefaultTerminal); } } // Method Description: // - Create a new serialized JsonObject from an instance of this class // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // the JsonObject representing this instance Json::Value CascadiaSettings::ToJson() const { // top-level json object Json::Value json{ _globals->ToJson() }; json["$help"] = "https://aka.ms/terminal-documentation"; json["$schema"] = "https://aka.ms/terminal-profiles-schema"; // "profiles" will always be serialized as an object Json::Value profiles{ Json::ValueType::objectValue }; profiles[JsonKey(DefaultSettingsKey)] = _baseLayerProfile ? _baseLayerProfile->ToJson() : Json::ValueType::objectValue; Json::Value profilesList{ Json::ValueType::arrayValue }; for (const auto& entry : _allProfiles) { if (!entry.Deleted()) { const auto prof{ winrt::get_self(entry) }; profilesList.append(prof->ToJson()); } } profiles[JsonKey(ProfilesListKey)] = profilesList; json[JsonKey(ProfilesKey)] = profiles; // TODO GH#8100: // "schemes" will be an accumulation of _all_ the color schemes // including all of the ones from defaults.json Json::Value schemes{ Json::ValueType::arrayValue }; for (const auto& entry : _globals->ColorSchemes()) { const auto scheme{ winrt::get_self(entry.Value()) }; schemes.append(scheme->ToJson()); } json[JsonKey(SchemesKey)] = schemes; return json; } // Method Description: // - Resolves the "defaultProfile", which can be a profile name, to a GUID // and stores it back to the globals. void CascadiaSettings::_resolveDefaultProfile() const { if (const auto unparsedDefaultProfile = _globals->UnparsedDefaultProfile(); !unparsedDefaultProfile.empty()) { if (const auto profile = GetProfileByName(unparsedDefaultProfile)) { _globals->DefaultProfile(profile.Guid()); return; } _warnings.Append(SettingsLoadWarnings::MissingDefaultProfile); } // Use the first profile as the new default. GlobalSettings().DefaultProfile(_allProfiles.GetAt(0).Guid()); }