/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: - ITerminalOwner.hpp Abstract: - Provides an abstraction for Closing the Input/Output objects of a terminal connection. This is implemented by VtIo in the host, and is used by the renderer to be able to tell the VtIo object that the renderer has had it's pipe broken. Author(s): - Mike Griese (migrie) 28 March 2018 --*/ #pragma once namespace Microsoft::Console { class ITerminalOwner { public: virtual ~ITerminalOwner() = 0; virtual void CloseInput() = 0; virtual void CloseOutput() = 0; }; // See docs/virtual-dtors.md for an explanation of why this is weird. inline Microsoft::Console::ITerminalOwner::~ITerminalOwner() {} }