// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "pch.h" #include "TermControl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../types/inc/GlyphWidth.hpp" #include "../../types/inc/Utils.hpp" #include "TermControl.g.cpp" #include "TermControlAutomationPeer.h" using namespace ::Microsoft::Console::Types; using namespace ::Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal; using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core; using namespace winrt::Windows::Graphics::Display; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Input; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::ViewManagement; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Input; using namespace winrt::Windows::System; using namespace winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::DataTransfer; // The minimum delay between updates to the scroll bar's values. // The updates are throttled to limit power usage. constexpr const auto ScrollBarUpdateInterval = std::chrono::milliseconds(8); // The minimum delay between updating the TSF input control. constexpr const auto TsfRedrawInterval = std::chrono::milliseconds(100); // The minimum delay between updating the locations of regex patterns constexpr const auto UpdatePatternLocationsInterval = std::chrono::milliseconds(500); DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::CopyFormat); namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::implementation { // Helper static function to ensure that all ambiguous-width glyphs are reported as narrow. // See microsoft/terminal#2066 for more info. static bool _IsGlyphWideForceNarrowFallback(const std::wstring_view /* glyph */) { return false; // glyph is not wide. } static bool _EnsureStaticInitialization() { // use C++11 magic statics to make sure we only do this once. static bool initialized = []() { // *** THIS IS A SINGLETON *** SetGlyphWidthFallback(_IsGlyphWideForceNarrowFallback); return true; }(); return initialized; } TermControl::TermControl(IControlSettings settings, TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection connection) : _connection{ connection }, _initializedTerminal{ false }, _settings{ settings }, _closing{ false }, _isInternalScrollBarUpdate{ false }, _autoScrollVelocity{ 0 }, _autoScrollingPointerPoint{ std::nullopt }, _autoScrollTimer{}, _lastAutoScrollUpdateTime{ std::nullopt }, _desiredFont{ DEFAULT_FONT_FACE, 0, DEFAULT_FONT_WEIGHT, { 0, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE }, CP_UTF8 }, _actualFont{ DEFAULT_FONT_FACE, 0, DEFAULT_FONT_WEIGHT, { 0, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE }, CP_UTF8, false }, _touchAnchor{ std::nullopt }, _cursorTimer{}, _blinkTimer{}, _lastMouseClickTimestamp{}, _lastMouseClickPos{}, _selectionNeedsToBeCopied{ false }, _searchBox{ nullptr } { _EnsureStaticInitialization(); InitializeComponent(); _terminal = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal>(); // GH#8969: pre-seed working directory to prevent potential races _terminal->SetWorkingDirectory(_settings.StartingDirectory()); auto pfnWarningBell = std::bind(&TermControl::_TerminalWarningBell, this); _terminal->SetWarningBellCallback(pfnWarningBell); auto pfnTitleChanged = std::bind(&TermControl::_TerminalTitleChanged, this, std::placeholders::_1); _terminal->SetTitleChangedCallback(pfnTitleChanged); auto pfnTabColorChanged = std::bind(&TermControl::_TerminalTabColorChanged, this, std::placeholders::_1); _terminal->SetTabColorChangedCallback(pfnTabColorChanged); auto pfnBackgroundColorChanged = std::bind(&TermControl::_BackgroundColorChanged, this, std::placeholders::_1); _terminal->SetBackgroundCallback(pfnBackgroundColorChanged); auto pfnScrollPositionChanged = std::bind(&TermControl::_TerminalScrollPositionChanged, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3); _terminal->SetScrollPositionChangedCallback(pfnScrollPositionChanged); auto pfnTerminalCursorPositionChanged = std::bind(&TermControl::_TerminalCursorPositionChanged, this); _terminal->SetCursorPositionChangedCallback(pfnTerminalCursorPositionChanged); auto pfnCopyToClipboard = std::bind(&TermControl::_CopyToClipboard, this, std::placeholders::_1); _terminal->SetCopyToClipboardCallback(pfnCopyToClipboard); _terminal->TaskbarProgressChangedCallback([&]() { TermControl::TaskbarProgressChanged(); }); // This event is explicitly revoked in the destructor: does not need weak_ref auto onReceiveOutputFn = [this](const hstring str) { _terminal->Write(str); _updatePatternLocations->Run(); }; _connectionOutputEventToken = _connection.TerminalOutput(onReceiveOutputFn); _terminal->SetWriteInputCallback([this](std::wstring& wstr) { _SendInputToConnection(wstr); }); _terminal->UpdateSettings(settings); // Subscribe to the connection's disconnected event and call our connection closed handlers. _connectionStateChangedRevoker = _connection.StateChanged(winrt::auto_revoke, [this](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*v*/) { _ConnectionStateChangedHandlers(*this, nullptr); }); // Initialize the terminal only once the swapchainpanel is loaded - that // way, we'll be able to query the real pixel size it got on layout _layoutUpdatedRevoker = SwapChainPanel().LayoutUpdated(winrt::auto_revoke, [this](auto /*s*/, auto /*e*/) { // This event fires every time the layout changes, but it is always the last one to fire // in any layout change chain. That gives us great flexibility in finding the right point // at which to initialize our renderer (and our terminal). // Any earlier than the last layout update and we may not know the terminal's starting size. if (_InitializeTerminal()) { // Only let this succeed once. _layoutUpdatedRevoker.revoke(); } }); _tsfTryRedrawCanvas = std::make_shared>( [weakThis = get_weak()]() { if (auto control{ weakThis.get() }) { control->TSFInputControl().TryRedrawCanvas(); } }, TsfRedrawInterval, Dispatcher()); _updatePatternLocations = std::make_shared>( [weakThis = get_weak()]() { if (auto control{ weakThis.get() }) { control->UpdatePatternLocations(); } }, UpdatePatternLocationsInterval, Dispatcher()); _updateScrollBar = std::make_shared>( [weakThis = get_weak()](const auto& update) { if (auto control{ weakThis.get() }) { control->_isInternalScrollBarUpdate = true; auto scrollBar = control->ScrollBar(); if (update.newValue.has_value()) { scrollBar.Value(update.newValue.value()); } scrollBar.Maximum(update.newMaximum); scrollBar.Minimum(update.newMinimum); scrollBar.ViewportSize(update.newViewportSize); scrollBar.LargeChange(std::max(update.newViewportSize - 1, 0.)); // scroll one "screenful" at a time when the scroll bar is clicked control->_isInternalScrollBarUpdate = false; } }, ScrollBarUpdateInterval, Dispatcher()); static constexpr auto AutoScrollUpdateInterval = std::chrono::microseconds(static_cast(1.0 / 30.0 * 1000000)); _autoScrollTimer.Interval(AutoScrollUpdateInterval); _autoScrollTimer.Tick({ this, &TermControl::_UpdateAutoScroll }); _ApplyUISettings(_settings); } // Method Description: // - Loads the search box from the xaml UI and focuses it. void TermControl::CreateSearchBoxControl() { // Lazy load the search box control. if (auto loadedSearchBox{ FindName(L"SearchBox") }) { if (auto searchBox{ loadedSearchBox.try_as<::winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::SearchBoxControl>() }) { // get at its private implementation _searchBox.copy_from(winrt::get_self(searchBox)); _searchBox->Visibility(Visibility::Visible); // If a text is selected inside terminal, use it to populate the search box. // If the search box already contains a value, it will be overridden. if (_terminal->IsSelectionActive()) { // Currently we populate the search box only if a single line is selected. // Empirically, multi-line selection works as well on sample scenarios, // but since code paths differ, extra work is required to ensure correctness. const auto bufferData = _terminal->RetrieveSelectedTextFromBuffer(true); if (bufferData.text.size() == 1) { const auto selectedLine{ til::at(bufferData.text, 0) }; _searchBox->PopulateTextbox(selectedLine.data()); } } _searchBox->SetFocusOnTextbox(); } } } void TermControl::SearchMatch(const bool goForward) { if (!_searchBox) { CreateSearchBoxControl(); } else { _Search(_searchBox->TextBox().Text(), goForward, false); } } // Method Description: // - Search text in text buffer. This is triggered if the user click // search button or press enter. // Arguments: // - text: the text to search // - goForward: boolean that represents if the current search direction is forward // - caseSensitive: boolean that represents if the current search is case sensitive // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_Search(const winrt::hstring& text, const bool goForward, const bool caseSensitive) { if (text.size() == 0 || _closing) { return; } const Search::Direction direction = goForward ? Search::Direction::Forward : Search::Direction::Backward; const Search::Sensitivity sensitivity = caseSensitive ? Search::Sensitivity::CaseSensitive : Search::Sensitivity::CaseInsensitive; Search search(*GetUiaData(), text.c_str(), direction, sensitivity); auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); if (search.FindNext()) { _terminal->SetBlockSelection(false); search.Select(); _renderer->TriggerSelection(); } } // Method Description: // - The handler for the close button or pressing "Esc" when focusing on the // search dialog. // Arguments: // - IInspectable: not used // - RoutedEventArgs: not used // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_CloseSearchBoxControl(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*sender*/, RoutedEventArgs const& /*args*/) { _searchBox->Visibility(Visibility::Collapsed); // Set focus back to terminal control this->Focus(FocusState::Programmatic); } // Method Description: // - Given new settings for this profile, applies the settings to the current terminal. // - This method is separate from UpdateSettings because there is an apparent optimizer // issue that causes one of our hstring -> wstring_view conversions to result in garbage, // but only from a coroutine context. See GH#8723. // - INVARIANT: This method must be called from the UI thread. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_UpdateSettingsOnUIThread() { if (_closing) { return; } auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); // Update our control settings _ApplyUISettings(_settings); // Update the terminal core with its new Core settings _terminal->UpdateSettings(_settings); if (!_initializedTerminal) { // If we haven't initialized, there's no point in continuing. // Initialization will handle the renderer settings. return; } // Update DxEngine settings under the lock _renderEngine->SetSelectionBackground(_settings.SelectionBackground()); _renderEngine->SetRetroTerminalEffect(_settings.RetroTerminalEffect()); _renderEngine->SetPixelShaderPath(_settings.PixelShaderPath()); _renderEngine->SetForceFullRepaintRendering(_settings.ForceFullRepaintRendering()); _renderEngine->SetSoftwareRendering(_settings.SoftwareRendering()); switch (_settings.AntialiasingMode()) { case TextAntialiasingMode::Cleartype: _renderEngine->SetAntialiasingMode(D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_CLEARTYPE); break; case TextAntialiasingMode::Aliased: _renderEngine->SetAntialiasingMode(D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_ALIASED); break; case TextAntialiasingMode::Grayscale: default: _renderEngine->SetAntialiasingMode(D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_GRAYSCALE); break; } // Refresh our font with the renderer const auto actualFontOldSize = _actualFont.GetSize(); _UpdateFont(); const auto actualFontNewSize = _actualFont.GetSize(); if (actualFontNewSize != actualFontOldSize) { _RefreshSizeUnderLock(); } } // Method Description: // - Given Settings having been updated, applies the settings to the current terminal. // Return Value: // - winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::UpdateSettings() { auto weakThis{ get_weak() }; // Dispatch a call to the UI thread to apply the new settings to the // terminal. co_await winrt::resume_foreground(Dispatcher()); // If 'weakThis' is locked, then we can safely work with 'this' if (auto control{ weakThis.get() }) { _UpdateSettingsOnUIThread(); } } // Method Description: // - Writes the given sequence as input to the active terminal connection, // Arguments: // - wstr: the string of characters to write to the terminal connection. // Return Value: // - void TermControl::SendInput(const winrt::hstring& wstr) { _SendInputToConnection(wstr); } void TermControl::ToggleShaderEffects() { auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); // Originally, this action could be used to enable the retro effects // even when they're set to `false` in the settings. If the user didn't // specify a custom pixel shader, manually enable the legacy retro // effect first. This will ensure that a toggle off->on will still work, // even if they currently have retro effect off. if (_settings.PixelShaderPath().empty() && !_renderEngine->GetRetroTerminalEffect()) { // SetRetroTerminalEffect to true will enable the effect. In this // case, the shader effect will already be disabled (because neither // a pixel shader nor the retro effects were originally requested). // So we _don't_ want to toggle it again below, because that would // toggle it back off. _renderEngine->SetRetroTerminalEffect(true); } else { _renderEngine->ToggleShaderEffects(); } } // Method Description: // - Style our UI elements based on the values in our _settings, and set up // other control-specific settings. This method will be called whenever // the settings are reloaded. // * Calls _InitializeBackgroundBrush to set up the Xaml brush responsible // for the control's background // * Calls _BackgroundColorChanged to style the background of the control // - Core settings will be passed to the terminal in _InitializeTerminal // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_ApplyUISettings(const IControlSettings& newSettings) { _InitializeBackgroundBrush(); COLORREF bg = newSettings.DefaultBackground(); _BackgroundColorChanged(bg); // Apply padding as swapChainPanel's margin auto newMargin = _ParseThicknessFromPadding(newSettings.Padding()); SwapChainPanel().Margin(newMargin); // Initialize our font information. const auto fontFace = newSettings.FontFace(); const short fontHeight = gsl::narrow_cast(newSettings.FontSize()); const auto fontWeight = newSettings.FontWeight(); // The font width doesn't terribly matter, we'll only be using the // height to look it up // The other params here also largely don't matter. // The family is only used to determine if the font is truetype or // not, but DX doesn't use that info at all. // The Codepage is additionally not actually used by the DX engine at all. _actualFont = { fontFace, 0, fontWeight.Weight, { 0, fontHeight }, CP_UTF8, false }; _desiredFont = { _actualFont }; // set TSF Foreground Media::SolidColorBrush foregroundBrush{}; foregroundBrush.Color(static_cast(newSettings.DefaultForeground())); TSFInputControl().Foreground(foregroundBrush); TSFInputControl().Margin(newMargin); // Apply settings for scrollbar if (newSettings.ScrollState() == ScrollbarState::Hidden) { // In the scenario where the user has turned off the OS setting to automatically hide scrollbars, the // Terminal scrollbar would still be visible; so, we need to set the control's visibility accordingly to // achieve the intended effect. ScrollBar().IndicatorMode(Controls::Primitives::ScrollingIndicatorMode::None); ScrollBar().Visibility(Visibility::Collapsed); } else // (default or Visible) { // Default behavior ScrollBar().IndicatorMode(Controls::Primitives::ScrollingIndicatorMode::MouseIndicator); ScrollBar().Visibility(Visibility::Visible); } _UpdateSystemParameterSettings(); } // Method Description: // - Set up each layer's brush used to display the control's background. // - Respects the settings for acrylic, background image and opacity from // _settings. // * If acrylic is not enabled, setup a solid color background, otherwise // use bgcolor as acrylic's tint // - Avoids image flickering and acrylic brush redraw if settings are changed // but the appropriate brush is still in place. // - Does not apply background color outside of acrylic mode; // _BackgroundColorChanged must be called to do so. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_InitializeBackgroundBrush() { if (_settings.UseAcrylic()) { // See if we've already got an acrylic background brush // to avoid the flicker when setting up a new one auto acrylic = RootGrid().Background().try_as(); // Instantiate a brush if there's not already one there if (acrylic == nullptr) { acrylic = Media::AcrylicBrush{}; acrylic.BackgroundSource(Media::AcrylicBackgroundSource::HostBackdrop); } // see GH#1082: Initialize background color so we don't get a // fade/flash when _BackgroundColorChanged is called uint32_t color = _settings.DefaultBackground(); winrt::Windows::UI::Color bgColor{}; bgColor.R = GetRValue(color); bgColor.G = GetGValue(color); bgColor.B = GetBValue(color); bgColor.A = 255; acrylic.FallbackColor(bgColor); acrylic.TintColor(bgColor); // Apply brush settings acrylic.TintOpacity(_settings.TintOpacity()); // Apply brush to control if it's not already there if (RootGrid().Background() != acrylic) { RootGrid().Background(acrylic); } // GH#5098: Inform the engine of the new opacity of the default text background. if (_renderEngine) { _renderEngine->SetDefaultTextBackgroundOpacity(::base::saturated_cast(_settings.TintOpacity())); } } else { Media::SolidColorBrush solidColor{}; RootGrid().Background(solidColor); // GH#5098: Inform the engine of the new opacity of the default text background. if (_renderEngine) { _renderEngine->SetDefaultTextBackgroundOpacity(1.0f); } } if (!_settings.BackgroundImage().empty()) { Windows::Foundation::Uri imageUri{ _settings.BackgroundImage() }; // Check if the image brush is already pointing to the image // in the modified settings; if it isn't (or isn't there), // set a new image source for the brush auto imageSource = BackgroundImage().Source().try_as(); if (imageSource == nullptr || imageSource.UriSource() == nullptr || imageSource.UriSource().RawUri() != imageUri.RawUri()) { // Note that BitmapImage handles the image load asynchronously, // which is especially important since the image // may well be both large and somewhere out on the // internet. Media::Imaging::BitmapImage image(imageUri); BackgroundImage().Source(image); } // Apply stretch, opacity and alignment settings BackgroundImage().Stretch(_settings.BackgroundImageStretchMode()); BackgroundImage().Opacity(_settings.BackgroundImageOpacity()); BackgroundImage().HorizontalAlignment(_settings.BackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment()); BackgroundImage().VerticalAlignment(_settings.BackgroundImageVerticalAlignment()); } else { BackgroundImage().Source(nullptr); } } // Method Description: // - Style the background of the control with the provided background color // Arguments: // - color: The background color to use as a uint32 (aka DWORD COLORREF) // Return Value: // - winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::_BackgroundColorChanged(const COLORREF color) { til::color newBgColor{ color }; auto weakThis{ get_weak() }; co_await winrt::resume_foreground(Dispatcher()); if (auto control{ weakThis.get() }) { if (auto acrylic = RootGrid().Background().try_as()) { acrylic.FallbackColor(newBgColor); acrylic.TintColor(newBgColor); } else if (auto solidColor = RootGrid().Background().try_as()) { solidColor.Color(newBgColor); } } } TermControl::~TermControl() { Close(); } // Method Description: // - Creates an automation peer for the Terminal Control, enabling accessibility on our control. // Arguments: // - None // Return Value: // - The automation peer for our control Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers::AutomationPeer TermControl::OnCreateAutomationPeer() try { if (_initializedTerminal && !_closing) // only set up the automation peer if we're ready to go live { // create a custom automation peer with this code pattern: // (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/accessibility/custom-automation-peers) auto autoPeer = winrt::make_self(this); _uiaEngine = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Console::Render::UiaEngine>(autoPeer.get()); _renderer->AddRenderEngine(_uiaEngine.get()); return *autoPeer; } return nullptr; } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); return nullptr; } ::Microsoft::Console::Types::IUiaData* TermControl::GetUiaData() const { return _terminal.get(); } const FontInfo TermControl::GetActualFont() const { return _actualFont; } const Windows::UI::Xaml::Thickness TermControl::GetPadding() { return SwapChainPanel().Margin(); } TerminalConnection::ConnectionState TermControl::ConnectionState() const { return _connection.State(); } winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::RenderEngineSwapChainChanged() { // This event is only registered during terminal initialization, // so we don't need to check _initializedTerminal. // We also don't lock for things that come back from the renderer. auto chain = _renderEngine->GetSwapChain(); auto weakThis{ get_weak() }; co_await winrt::resume_foreground(Dispatcher()); if (auto control{ weakThis.get() }) { _AttachDxgiSwapChainToXaml(chain.Get()); } } // Method Description: // - Called when the renderer triggers a warning. It might do this when it // fails to find a shader file, or fails to compile a shader. We'll take // that renderer warning, and display a dialog to the user with and // appropriate error message. WE'll display the dialog with our // RaiseNotice event. // Arguments: // - hr: an HRESULT describing the warning // Return Value: // - winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::_RendererWarning(const HRESULT hr) { auto weakThis{ get_weak() }; co_await winrt::resume_foreground(Dispatcher()); if (auto control{ weakThis.get() }) { winrt::hstring message; if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { message = { fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ RS_(L"PixelShaderNotFound") }, _settings.PixelShaderPath()) }; } else if (D2DERR_SHADER_COMPILE_FAILED == hr) { message = { fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ RS_(L"PixelShaderCompileFailed") }) }; } else { message = { fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ RS_(L"UnexpectedRendererError") }, hr) }; } auto noticeArgs = winrt::make(NoticeLevel::Warning, std::move(message)); control->_raiseNoticeHandlers(*control, std::move(noticeArgs)); } } void TermControl::_AttachDxgiSwapChainToXaml(IDXGISwapChain1* swapChain) { auto nativePanel = SwapChainPanel().as(); nativePanel->SetSwapChain(swapChain); } bool TermControl::_InitializeTerminal() { { // scope for terminalLock auto terminalLock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); if (_initializedTerminal) { return false; } const auto actualWidth = SwapChainPanel().ActualWidth(); const auto actualHeight = SwapChainPanel().ActualHeight(); const auto windowWidth = actualWidth * SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleX(); // Width() and Height() are NaN? const auto windowHeight = actualHeight * SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleY(); if (windowWidth == 0 || windowHeight == 0) { return false; } // First create the render thread. // Then stash a local pointer to the render thread so we can initialize it and enable it // to paint itself *after* we hand off its ownership to the renderer. // We split up construction and initialization of the render thread object this way // because the renderer and render thread have circular references to each other. auto renderThread = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Console::Render::RenderThread>(); auto* const localPointerToThread = renderThread.get(); // Now create the renderer and initialize the render thread. _renderer = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Console::Render::Renderer>(_terminal.get(), nullptr, 0, std::move(renderThread)); ::Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& renderTarget = *_renderer; _renderer->SetRendererEnteredErrorStateCallback([weakThis = get_weak()]() { if (auto strongThis{ weakThis.get() }) { strongThis->_RendererEnteredErrorState(); } }); THROW_IF_FAILED(localPointerToThread->Initialize(_renderer.get())); // Set up the DX Engine auto dxEngine = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Console::Render::DxEngine>(); _renderer->AddRenderEngine(dxEngine.get()); // Initialize our font with the renderer // We don't have to care about DPI. We'll get a change message immediately if it's not 96 // and react accordingly. _UpdateFont(true); const COORD windowSize{ static_cast(windowWidth), static_cast(windowHeight) }; // Fist set up the dx engine with the window size in pixels. // Then, using the font, get the number of characters that can fit. // Resize our terminal connection to match that size, and initialize the terminal with that size. const auto viewInPixels = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 }, windowSize); LOG_IF_FAILED(dxEngine->SetWindowSize({ viewInPixels.Width(), viewInPixels.Height() })); // Update DxEngine's SelectionBackground dxEngine->SetSelectionBackground(_settings.SelectionBackground()); const auto vp = dxEngine->GetViewportInCharacters(viewInPixels); const auto width = vp.Width(); const auto height = vp.Height(); _connection.Resize(height, width); // Override the default width and height to match the size of the swapChainPanel _settings.InitialCols(width); _settings.InitialRows(height); _terminal->CreateFromSettings(_settings, renderTarget); // IMPORTANT! Set this callback up sooner than later. If we do it // after Enable, then it'll be possible to paint the frame once // _before_ the warning handler is set up, and then warnings from // the first paint will be ignored! dxEngine->SetWarningCallback(std::bind(&TermControl::_RendererWarning, this, std::placeholders::_1)); dxEngine->SetRetroTerminalEffect(_settings.RetroTerminalEffect()); dxEngine->SetPixelShaderPath(_settings.PixelShaderPath()); dxEngine->SetForceFullRepaintRendering(_settings.ForceFullRepaintRendering()); dxEngine->SetSoftwareRendering(_settings.SoftwareRendering()); // Update DxEngine's AntialiasingMode switch (_settings.AntialiasingMode()) { case TextAntialiasingMode::Cleartype: dxEngine->SetAntialiasingMode(D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_CLEARTYPE); break; case TextAntialiasingMode::Aliased: dxEngine->SetAntialiasingMode(D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_ALIASED); break; case TextAntialiasingMode::Grayscale: default: dxEngine->SetAntialiasingMode(D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_GRAYSCALE); break; } // GH#5098: Inform the engine of the opacity of the default text background. if (_settings.UseAcrylic()) { dxEngine->SetDefaultTextBackgroundOpacity(::base::saturated_cast(_settings.TintOpacity())); } THROW_IF_FAILED(dxEngine->Enable()); _renderEngine = std::move(dxEngine); _AttachDxgiSwapChainToXaml(_renderEngine->GetSwapChain().Get()); // Tell the DX Engine to notify us when the swap chain changes. // We do this after we initially set the swapchain so as to avoid unnecessary callbacks (and locking problems) _renderEngine->SetCallback(std::bind(&TermControl::RenderEngineSwapChainChanged, this)); auto bottom = _terminal->GetViewport().BottomExclusive(); auto bufferHeight = bottom; ScrollBar().Maximum(bufferHeight - bufferHeight); ScrollBar().Minimum(0); ScrollBar().Value(0); ScrollBar().ViewportSize(bufferHeight); ScrollBar().LargeChange(std::max(bufferHeight - 1, 0)); // scroll one "screenful" at a time when the scroll bar is clicked localPointerToThread->EnablePainting(); // Set up blinking cursor int blinkTime = GetCaretBlinkTime(); if (blinkTime != INFINITE) { // Create a timer DispatcherTimer cursorTimer; cursorTimer.Interval(std::chrono::milliseconds(blinkTime)); cursorTimer.Tick({ get_weak(), &TermControl::_CursorTimerTick }); cursorTimer.Start(); _cursorTimer.emplace(std::move(cursorTimer)); } else { // The user has disabled cursor blinking _cursorTimer = std::nullopt; } // Set up blinking attributes BOOL animationsEnabled = TRUE; SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETCLIENTAREAANIMATION, 0, &animationsEnabled, 0); if (animationsEnabled && blinkTime != INFINITE) { // Create a timer DispatcherTimer blinkTimer; blinkTimer.Interval(std::chrono::milliseconds(blinkTime)); blinkTimer.Tick({ get_weak(), &TermControl::_BlinkTimerTick }); blinkTimer.Start(); _blinkTimer.emplace(std::move(blinkTimer)); } else { // The user has disabled blinking _blinkTimer = std::nullopt; } // import value from WinUser (convert from milli-seconds to micro-seconds) _multiClickTimer = GetDoubleClickTime() * 1000; // Focus the control here. If we do it during control initialization, then // focus won't actually get passed to us. I believe this is because // we're not technically a part of the UI tree yet, so focusing us // becomes a no-op. this->Focus(FocusState::Programmatic); _initializedTerminal = true; } // scope for TerminalLock // Start the connection outside of lock, because it could // start writing output immediately. _connection.Start(); // Likewise, run the event handlers outside of lock (they could // be reentrant) _InitializedHandlers(*this, nullptr); return true; } void TermControl::_CharacterHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Input::CharacterReceivedRoutedEventArgs const& e) { if (_closing) { return; } _HidePointerCursorHandlers(*this, nullptr); const auto ch = e.Character(); const auto scanCode = gsl::narrow_cast(e.KeyStatus().ScanCode); auto modifiers = _GetPressedModifierKeys(); if (e.KeyStatus().IsExtendedKey) { modifiers |= ControlKeyStates::EnhancedKey; } const bool handled = _terminal->SendCharEvent(ch, scanCode, modifiers); e.Handled(handled); } // Method Description: // - Manually handles key events for certain keys that can't be passed to us // normally. Namely, the keys we're concerned with are F7 down and Alt up. // Return value: // - Whether the key was handled. bool TermControl::OnDirectKeyEvent(const uint32_t vkey, const uint8_t scanCode, const bool down) { // Short-circuit isReadOnly check to avoid warning dialog if (_isReadOnly) { return false; } const auto modifiers{ _GetPressedModifierKeys() }; auto handled = false; if (vkey == VK_MENU && !down) { // Manually generate an Alt KeyUp event into the key bindings or terminal. // This is required as part of GH#6421. (void)_TrySendKeyEvent(VK_MENU, scanCode, modifiers, false); handled = true; } else if (vkey == VK_F7 && down) { // Manually generate an F7 event into the key bindings or terminal. // This is required as part of GH#638. auto bindings{ _settings.KeyBindings() }; if (bindings) { handled = bindings.TryKeyChord({ modifiers.IsCtrlPressed(), modifiers.IsAltPressed(), modifiers.IsShiftPressed(), VK_F7, }); } if (!handled) { // _TrySendKeyEvent pretends it didn't handle F7 for some unknown reason. (void)_TrySendKeyEvent(VK_F7, scanCode, modifiers, true); // GH#6438: Note that we're _not_ sending the key up here - that'll // get passed through XAML to our KeyUp handler normally. handled = true; } } return handled; } void TermControl::_KeyDownHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Input::KeyRoutedEventArgs const& e) { _KeyHandler(e, true); } void TermControl::_KeyUpHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Input::KeyRoutedEventArgs const& e) { _KeyHandler(e, false); } void TermControl::_KeyHandler(Input::KeyRoutedEventArgs const& e, const bool keyDown) { // If the current focused element is a child element of searchbox, // we do not send this event up to terminal if (_searchBox && _searchBox->ContainsFocus()) { return; } // Mark the event as handled and do nothing if we're closing, or the key // was the Windows key. // // NOTE: for key combos like CTRL + C, two events are fired (one for // CTRL, one for 'C'). Since it's possible the terminal is in // win32-input-mode, then we'll send all these keystrokes to the // terminal - it's smart enough to ignore the keys it doesn't care // about. if (_closing || e.OriginalKey() == VirtualKey::LeftWindows || e.OriginalKey() == VirtualKey::RightWindows) { e.Handled(true); return; } auto modifiers = _GetPressedModifierKeys(); const auto vkey = gsl::narrow_cast(e.OriginalKey()); const auto scanCode = gsl::narrow_cast(e.KeyStatus().ScanCode); // Short-circuit isReadOnly check to avoid warning dialog if (_isReadOnly) { e.Handled(!keyDown || _TryHandleKeyBinding(vkey, scanCode, modifiers)); return; } if (e.KeyStatus().IsExtendedKey) { modifiers |= ControlKeyStates::EnhancedKey; } // Alt-Numpad# input will send us a character once the user releases // Alt, so we should be ignoring the individual keydowns. The character // will be sent through the TSFInputControl. See GH#1401 for more // details if (modifiers.IsAltPressed() && (e.OriginalKey() >= VirtualKey::NumberPad0 && e.OriginalKey() <= VirtualKey::NumberPad9)) { e.Handled(true); return; } // GH#2235: Terminal::Settings hasn't been modified to differentiate // between AltGr and Ctrl+Alt yet. // -> Don't check for key bindings if this is an AltGr key combination. // // GH#4999: Only process keybindings on the keydown. If we don't check // this at all, we'll process the keybinding twice. If we only process // keybindings on the keyUp, then we'll still send the keydown to the // connected terminal application, and something like ctrl+shift+T will // emit a ^T to the pipe. if (!modifiers.IsAltGrPressed() && keyDown && _TryHandleKeyBinding(vkey, scanCode, modifiers)) { e.Handled(true); return; } if (_TrySendKeyEvent(vkey, scanCode, modifiers, keyDown)) { e.Handled(true); return; } // Manually prevent keyboard navigation with tab. We want to send tab to // the terminal, and we don't want to be able to escape focus of the // control with tab. e.Handled(e.OriginalKey() == VirtualKey::Tab); } // Method Description: // - Attempt to handle this key combination as a key binding // Arguments: // - vkey: The vkey of the key pressed. // - scanCode: The scan code of the key pressed. // - modifiers: The ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states. bool TermControl::_TryHandleKeyBinding(const WORD vkey, const WORD scanCode, ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates modifiers) const { auto bindings = _settings.KeyBindings(); if (!bindings) { return false; } auto success = bindings.TryKeyChord({ modifiers.IsCtrlPressed(), modifiers.IsAltPressed(), modifiers.IsShiftPressed(), vkey, }); if (!success) { return false; } // Let's assume the user has bound the dead key "^" to a sendInput command that sends "b". // If the user presses the two keys "^a" it'll produce "bâ", despite us marking the key event as handled. // The following is used to manually "consume" such dead keys and clear them from the keyboard state. _ClearKeyboardState(vkey, scanCode); return true; } // Method Description: // - Discards currently pressed dead keys. // Arguments: // - vkey: The vkey of the key pressed. // - scanCode: The scan code of the key pressed. void TermControl::_ClearKeyboardState(const WORD vkey, const WORD scanCode) const noexcept { std::array keyState; if (!GetKeyboardState(keyState.data())) { return; } // As described in "Sometimes you *want* to interfere with the keyboard's state buffer": // http://archives.miloush.net/michkap/archive/2006/09/10/748775.html // > "The key here is to keep trying to pass stuff to ToUnicode until -1 is not returned." std::array buffer; while (ToUnicodeEx(vkey, scanCode, keyState.data(), buffer.data(), gsl::narrow_cast(buffer.size()), 0b1, nullptr) < 0) { } } // Method Description: // - Send this particular key event to the terminal. // See Terminal::SendKeyEvent for more information. // - Clears the current selection. // - Makes the cursor briefly visible during typing. // Arguments: // - vkey: The vkey of the key pressed. // - scanCode: The scan code of the key pressed. // - states: The Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states. // - keyDown: If true, the key was pressed, otherwise the key was released. bool TermControl::_TrySendKeyEvent(const WORD vkey, const WORD scanCode, const ControlKeyStates modifiers, const bool keyDown) { // When there is a selection active, escape should clear it and NOT flow through // to the terminal. With any other keypress, it should clear the selection AND // flow through to the terminal. // GH#6423 - don't dismiss selection if the key that was pressed was a // modifier key. We'll wait for a real keystroke to dismiss the // GH #7395 - don't dismiss selection when taking PrintScreen // selection. // GH#8522, GH#3758 - Only dismiss the selection on key _down_. If we // dismiss on key up, then there's chance that we'll immediately dismiss // a selection created by an action bound to a keydown. if (_terminal->IsSelectionActive() && !KeyEvent::IsModifierKey(vkey) && vkey != VK_SNAPSHOT && keyDown) { const CoreWindow window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread(); const auto leftWinKeyState = window.GetKeyState(VirtualKey::LeftWindows); const auto rightWinKeyState = window.GetKeyState(VirtualKey::RightWindows); const auto isLeftWinKeyDown = WI_IsFlagSet(leftWinKeyState, CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down); const auto isRightWinKeyDown = WI_IsFlagSet(rightWinKeyState, CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down); // GH#8791 - don't dismiss selection if Windows key was also pressed as a key-combination. if (!isLeftWinKeyDown && !isRightWinKeyDown) { _terminal->ClearSelection(); _renderer->TriggerSelection(); } if (vkey == VK_ESCAPE) { return true; } } if (vkey == VK_ESCAPE || vkey == VK_RETURN) { TSFInputControl().ClearBuffer(); } // If the terminal translated the key, mark the event as handled. // This will prevent the system from trying to get the character out // of it and sending us a CharacterReceived event. const auto handled = vkey ? _terminal->SendKeyEvent(vkey, scanCode, modifiers, keyDown) : true; if (_cursorTimer.has_value()) { // Manually show the cursor when a key is pressed. Restarting // the timer prevents flickering. _terminal->SetCursorOn(true); _cursorTimer.value().Start(); } return handled; } // Method Description: // - handle a tap event by taking focus // Arguments: // - sender: the XAML element responding to the tap event // - args: event data void TermControl::_TappedHandler(const IInspectable& /*sender*/, const TappedRoutedEventArgs& e) { Focus(FocusState::Pointer); e.Handled(true); } // Method Description: // - Send this particular mouse event to the terminal. // See Terminal::SendMouseEvent for more information. // Arguments: // - point: the PointerPoint object representing a mouse event from our XAML input handler bool TermControl::_TrySendMouseEvent(Windows::UI::Input::PointerPoint const& point) { const auto props = point.Properties(); // Get the terminal position relative to the viewport const auto terminalPosition = _GetTerminalPosition(point.Position()); // Which mouse button changed state (and how) unsigned int uiButton{}; switch (props.PointerUpdateKind()) { case PointerUpdateKind::LeftButtonPressed: uiButton = WM_LBUTTONDOWN; break; case PointerUpdateKind::LeftButtonReleased: uiButton = WM_LBUTTONUP; break; case PointerUpdateKind::MiddleButtonPressed: uiButton = WM_MBUTTONDOWN; break; case PointerUpdateKind::MiddleButtonReleased: uiButton = WM_MBUTTONUP; break; case PointerUpdateKind::RightButtonPressed: uiButton = WM_RBUTTONDOWN; break; case PointerUpdateKind::RightButtonReleased: uiButton = WM_RBUTTONUP; break; default: uiButton = WM_MOUSEMOVE; } // Mouse wheel data const short sWheelDelta = ::base::saturated_cast(props.MouseWheelDelta()); if (sWheelDelta != 0 && !props.IsHorizontalMouseWheel()) { // if we have a mouse wheel delta and it wasn't a horizontal wheel motion uiButton = WM_MOUSEWHEEL; } const auto modifiers = _GetPressedModifierKeys(); const TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state{ props.IsLeftButtonPressed(), props.IsMiddleButtonPressed(), props.IsRightButtonPressed() }; return _terminal->SendMouseEvent(terminalPosition, uiButton, modifiers, sWheelDelta, state); } // Method Description: // - Checks if we can send vt mouse input. // Arguments: // - point: the PointerPoint object representing a mouse event from our XAML input handler bool TermControl::_CanSendVTMouseInput() { if (!_terminal) { return false; } // If the user is holding down Shift, suppress mouse events // TODO GH#4875: disable/customize this functionality const auto modifiers = _GetPressedModifierKeys(); if (modifiers.IsShiftPressed()) { return false; } return _terminal->IsTrackingMouseInput(); } // Method Description: // - handle a mouse click event. Begin selection process. // Arguments: // - sender: the XAML element responding to the pointer input // - args: event data void TermControl::_PointerPressedHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& args) { if (_closing) { return; } _RestorePointerCursorHandlers(*this, nullptr); _CapturePointer(sender, args); const auto ptr = args.Pointer(); const auto point = args.GetCurrentPoint(*this); // We also TryShow in GotFocusHandler, but this call is specifically // for the case where the Terminal is in focus but the user closed the // on-screen keyboard. This lets the user simply tap on the terminal // again to bring it up. InputPane::GetForCurrentView().TryShow(); if (!_focused) { Focus(FocusState::Pointer); } if (ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Mouse || ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Pen) { const auto modifiers = static_cast(args.KeyModifiers()); // static_cast to a uint32_t because we can't use the WI_IsFlagSet // macro directly with a VirtualKeyModifiers const auto altEnabled = WI_IsFlagSet(modifiers, static_cast(VirtualKeyModifiers::Menu)); const auto shiftEnabled = WI_IsFlagSet(modifiers, static_cast(VirtualKeyModifiers::Shift)); const auto ctrlEnabled = WI_IsFlagSet(modifiers, static_cast(VirtualKeyModifiers::Control)); if (_CanSendVTMouseInput()) { _TrySendMouseEvent(point); args.Handled(true); return; } if (point.Properties().IsLeftButtonPressed()) { auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); const auto cursorPosition = point.Position(); const auto terminalPosition = _GetTerminalPosition(cursorPosition); // handle ALT key _terminal->SetBlockSelection(altEnabled); auto clickCount = _NumberOfClicks(cursorPosition, point.Timestamp()); // This formula enables the number of clicks to cycle properly between single-, double-, and triple-click. // To increase the number of acceptable click states, simply increment MAX_CLICK_COUNT and add another if-statement const unsigned int MAX_CLICK_COUNT = 3; const auto multiClickMapper = clickCount > MAX_CLICK_COUNT ? ((clickCount + MAX_CLICK_COUNT - 1) % MAX_CLICK_COUNT) + 1 : clickCount; ::Terminal::SelectionExpansionMode mode = ::Terminal::SelectionExpansionMode::Cell; if (multiClickMapper == 1) { mode = ::Terminal::SelectionExpansionMode::Cell; } else if (multiClickMapper == 2) { mode = ::Terminal::SelectionExpansionMode::Word; } else if (multiClickMapper == 3) { mode = ::Terminal::SelectionExpansionMode::Line; } // Update the selection appropriately if (ctrlEnabled && multiClickMapper == 1 && !(_terminal->GetHyperlinkAtPosition(terminalPosition).empty())) { _HyperlinkHandler(_terminal->GetHyperlinkAtPosition(terminalPosition)); } else if (shiftEnabled && _terminal->IsSelectionActive()) { // Shift+Click: only set expand on the "end" selection point _terminal->SetSelectionEnd(terminalPosition, mode); _selectionNeedsToBeCopied = true; } else if (mode == ::Terminal::SelectionExpansionMode::Cell && !shiftEnabled) { // Single Click: reset the selection and begin a new one _terminal->ClearSelection(); _singleClickTouchdownPos = cursorPosition; _selectionNeedsToBeCopied = false; // there's no selection, so there's nothing to update } else { // Multi-Click Selection: expand both "start" and "end" selection points _terminal->MultiClickSelection(terminalPosition, mode); _selectionNeedsToBeCopied = true; } _lastMouseClickTimestamp = point.Timestamp(); _lastMouseClickPos = cursorPosition; _renderer->TriggerSelection(); } else if (point.Properties().IsRightButtonPressed()) { // CopyOnSelect right click always pastes if (_settings.CopyOnSelect() || !_terminal->IsSelectionActive()) { PasteTextFromClipboard(); } else { CopySelectionToClipboard(shiftEnabled, nullptr); } } } else if (ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Touch) { const auto contactRect = point.Properties().ContactRect(); // Set our touch rect, to start a pan. _touchAnchor = winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point{ contactRect.X, contactRect.Y }; } args.Handled(true); } // Method Description: // - handle a mouse moved event. Specifically handling mouse drag to update selection process. // Arguments: // - sender: not used // - args: event data void TermControl::_PointerMovedHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& args) { if (_closing) { return; } _RestorePointerCursorHandlers(*this, nullptr); const auto ptr = args.Pointer(); const auto point = args.GetCurrentPoint(*this); const auto cursorPosition = point.Position(); const auto terminalPosition = _GetTerminalPosition(cursorPosition); if (!_focused && _settings.FocusFollowMouse()) { _FocusFollowMouseRequestedHandlers(*this, nullptr); } if (ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Mouse || ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Pen) { // Short-circuit isReadOnly check to avoid warning dialog if (_focused && !_isReadOnly && _CanSendVTMouseInput()) { _TrySendMouseEvent(point); args.Handled(true); return; } if (_focused && point.Properties().IsLeftButtonPressed()) { auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); if (_singleClickTouchdownPos) { // Figure out if the user's moved a quarter of a cell's smaller axis away from the clickdown point auto& touchdownPoint{ *_singleClickTouchdownPos }; auto distance{ std::sqrtf(std::powf(cursorPosition.X - touchdownPoint.X, 2) + std::powf(cursorPosition.Y - touchdownPoint.Y, 2)) }; const til::size fontSize{ _actualFont.GetSize() }; const auto fontSizeInDips = fontSize.scale(til::math::rounding, 1.0f / _renderEngine->GetScaling()); if (distance >= (std::min(fontSizeInDips.width(), fontSizeInDips.height()) / 4.f)) { _terminal->SetSelectionAnchor(_GetTerminalPosition(touchdownPoint)); // stop tracking the touchdown point _singleClickTouchdownPos = std::nullopt; } } _SetEndSelectionPointAtCursor(cursorPosition); const double cursorBelowBottomDist = cursorPosition.Y - SwapChainPanel().Margin().Top - SwapChainPanel().ActualHeight(); const double cursorAboveTopDist = -1 * cursorPosition.Y + SwapChainPanel().Margin().Top; constexpr double MinAutoScrollDist = 2.0; // Arbitrary value double newAutoScrollVelocity = 0.0; if (cursorBelowBottomDist > MinAutoScrollDist) { newAutoScrollVelocity = _GetAutoScrollSpeed(cursorBelowBottomDist); } else if (cursorAboveTopDist > MinAutoScrollDist) { newAutoScrollVelocity = -1.0 * _GetAutoScrollSpeed(cursorAboveTopDist); } if (newAutoScrollVelocity != 0) { _TryStartAutoScroll(point, newAutoScrollVelocity); } else { _TryStopAutoScroll(ptr.PointerId()); } } _UpdateHoveredCell(terminalPosition); } else if (_focused && ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Touch && _touchAnchor) { const auto contactRect = point.Properties().ContactRect(); winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point newTouchPoint{ contactRect.X, contactRect.Y }; const auto anchor = _touchAnchor.value(); // Our _actualFont's size is in pixels, convert to DIPs, which the // rest of the Points here are in. const til::size fontSize{ _actualFont.GetSize() }; const auto fontSizeInDips = fontSize.scale(til::math::rounding, 1.0f / _renderEngine->GetScaling()); // Get the difference between the point we've dragged to and the start of the touch. const float dy = newTouchPoint.Y - anchor.Y; // Start viewport scroll after we've moved more than a half row of text if (std::abs(dy) > (fontSizeInDips.height() / 2.0f)) { // Multiply by -1, because moving the touch point down will // create a positive delta, but we want the viewport to move up, // so we'll need a negative scroll amount (and the inverse for // panning down) const float numRows = -1.0f * (dy / fontSizeInDips.height()); const auto currentOffset = ::base::ClampedNumeric(ScrollBar().Value()); const auto newValue = numRows + currentOffset; ScrollBar().Value(newValue); // Use this point as our new scroll anchor. _touchAnchor = newTouchPoint; } } args.Handled(true); } // Method Description: // - Event handler for the PointerReleased event. We use this to de-anchor // touch events, to stop scrolling via touch. // Arguments: // - sender: the XAML element responding to the pointer input // - args: event data void TermControl::_PointerReleasedHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& args) { if (_closing) { return; } const auto ptr = args.Pointer(); const auto point = args.GetCurrentPoint(*this); _ReleasePointerCapture(sender, args); if (ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Mouse || ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Pen) { // Short-circuit isReadOnly check to avoid warning dialog if (!_isReadOnly && _CanSendVTMouseInput()) { _TrySendMouseEvent(point); args.Handled(true); return; } // Only a left click release when copy on select is active should perform a copy. // Right clicks and middle clicks should not need to do anything when released. if (_settings.CopyOnSelect() && point.Properties().PointerUpdateKind() == Windows::UI::Input::PointerUpdateKind::LeftButtonReleased && _selectionNeedsToBeCopied) { CopySelectionToClipboard(false, nullptr); } } else if (ptr.PointerDeviceType() == Windows::Devices::Input::PointerDeviceType::Touch) { _touchAnchor = std::nullopt; } _singleClickTouchdownPos = std::nullopt; _TryStopAutoScroll(ptr.PointerId()); args.Handled(true); } // Method Description: // - Event handler for the PointerWheelChanged event. This is raised in // response to mouse wheel changes. Depending upon what modifier keys are // pressed, different actions will take place. // - Primarily just takes the data from the PointerRoutedEventArgs and uses // it to call _DoMouseWheel, see _DoMouseWheel for more details. // Arguments: // - args: the event args containing information about t`he mouse wheel event. void TermControl::_MouseWheelHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& args) { if (_closing) { return; } _RestorePointerCursorHandlers(*this, nullptr); const auto point = args.GetCurrentPoint(*this); const auto props = point.Properties(); const TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state{ props.IsLeftButtonPressed(), props.IsMiddleButtonPressed(), props.IsRightButtonPressed() }; auto result = _DoMouseWheel(point.Position(), ControlKeyStates{ args.KeyModifiers() }, point.Properties().MouseWheelDelta(), state); if (result) { args.Handled(true); } } // Method Description: // - Actually handle a scrolling event, whether from a mouse wheel or a // touchpad scroll. Depending upon what modifier keys are pressed, // different actions will take place. // * Attempts to first dispatch the mouse scroll as a VT event // * If Ctrl+Shift are pressed, then attempts to change our opacity // * If just Ctrl is pressed, we'll attempt to "zoom" by changing our font size // * Otherwise, just scrolls the content of the viewport // Arguments: // - point: the location of the mouse during this event // - modifiers: The modifiers pressed during this event, in the form of a VirtualKeyModifiers // - delta: the mouse wheel delta that triggered this event. bool TermControl::_DoMouseWheel(const Windows::Foundation::Point point, const ControlKeyStates modifiers, const int32_t delta, const TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state) { // Short-circuit isReadOnly check to avoid warning dialog if (!_isReadOnly && _CanSendVTMouseInput()) { // Most mouse event handlers call // _TrySendMouseEvent(point); // here with a PointerPoint. However, as of #979, we don't have a // PointerPoint to work with. So, we're just going to do a // mousewheel event manually return _terminal->SendMouseEvent(_GetTerminalPosition(point), WM_MOUSEWHEEL, _GetPressedModifierKeys(), ::base::saturated_cast(delta), state); } const auto ctrlPressed = modifiers.IsCtrlPressed(); const auto shiftPressed = modifiers.IsShiftPressed(); if (ctrlPressed && shiftPressed) { _MouseTransparencyHandler(delta); } else if (ctrlPressed) { _MouseZoomHandler(delta); } else { _MouseScrollHandler(delta, point, state.isLeftButtonDown); } return false; } // Method Description: // - This is part of the solution to GH#979 // - Manually handle a scrolling event. This is used to help support // scrolling on devices where the touchpad doesn't correctly handle // scrolling inactive windows. // Arguments: // - location: the location of the mouse during this event. This location is // relative to the origin of the control // - delta: the mouse wheel delta that triggered this event. // - state: the state for each of the mouse buttons individually (pressed/unpressed) bool TermControl::OnMouseWheel(const Windows::Foundation::Point location, const int32_t delta, const bool leftButtonDown, const bool midButtonDown, const bool rightButtonDown) { const auto modifiers = _GetPressedModifierKeys(); TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state{ leftButtonDown, midButtonDown, rightButtonDown }; return _DoMouseWheel(location, modifiers, delta, state); } // Method Description: // - Tell TerminalCore to update its knowledge about the locations of visible regex patterns // - We should call this (through the throttled function) when something causes the visible // region to change, such as when new text enters the buffer or the viewport is scrolled void TermControl::UpdatePatternLocations() { _terminal->UpdatePatterns(); } // Method Description: // - Adjust the opacity of the acrylic background in response to a mouse // scrolling event. // Arguments: // - mouseDelta: the mouse wheel delta that triggered this event. void TermControl::_MouseTransparencyHandler(const double mouseDelta) { // Transparency is on a scale of [0.0,1.0], so only increment by .01. const auto effectiveDelta = mouseDelta < 0 ? -.01 : .01; if (_settings.UseAcrylic()) { try { auto acrylicBrush = RootGrid().Background().as(); _settings.TintOpacity(acrylicBrush.TintOpacity() + effectiveDelta); acrylicBrush.TintOpacity(_settings.TintOpacity()); if (acrylicBrush.TintOpacity() == 1.0) { _settings.UseAcrylic(false); _InitializeBackgroundBrush(); COLORREF bg = _settings.DefaultBackground(); _BackgroundColorChanged(bg); } else { // GH#5098: Inform the engine of the new opacity of the default text background. if (_renderEngine) { _renderEngine->SetDefaultTextBackgroundOpacity(::base::saturated_cast(_settings.TintOpacity())); } } } CATCH_LOG(); } else if (mouseDelta < 0) { _settings.UseAcrylic(true); //Setting initial opacity set to 1 to ensure smooth transition to acrylic during mouse scroll _settings.TintOpacity(1.0); _InitializeBackgroundBrush(); } } // Method Description: // - Adjust the font size of the terminal in response to a mouse scrolling // event. // Arguments: // - mouseDelta: the mouse wheel delta that triggered this event. void TermControl::_MouseZoomHandler(const double mouseDelta) { const auto fontDelta = mouseDelta < 0 ? -1 : 1; AdjustFontSize(fontDelta); } // Method Description: // - Reset the font size of the terminal to its default size. // Arguments: // - none void TermControl::ResetFontSize() { _SetFontSize(_settings.FontSize()); } // Method Description: // - Adjust the font size of the terminal control. // Arguments: // - fontSizeDelta: The amount to increase or decrease the font size by. void TermControl::AdjustFontSize(int fontSizeDelta) { const auto newSize = _desiredFont.GetEngineSize().Y + fontSizeDelta; _SetFontSize(newSize); } // Method Description: // - Scroll the visible viewport in response to a mouse wheel event. // Arguments: // - mouseDelta: the mouse wheel delta that triggered this event. // - point: the location of the mouse during this event // - isLeftButtonPressed: true iff the left mouse button was pressed during this event. void TermControl::_MouseScrollHandler(const double mouseDelta, const Windows::Foundation::Point point, const bool isLeftButtonPressed) { const auto currentOffset = ScrollBar().Value(); // negative = down, positive = up // However, for us, the signs are flipped. // With one of the precision mice, one click is always a multiple of 120 (WHEEL_DELTA), // but the "smooth scrolling" mode results in non-int values const auto rowDelta = mouseDelta / (-1.0 * WHEEL_DELTA); // WHEEL_PAGESCROLL is a Win32 constant that represents the "scroll one page // at a time" setting. If we ignore it, we will scroll a truly absurd number // of rows. const auto rowsToScroll{ _rowsToScroll == WHEEL_PAGESCROLL ? GetViewHeight() : _rowsToScroll }; double newValue = (rowsToScroll * rowDelta) + (currentOffset); // The scroll bar's ValueChanged handler will actually move the viewport // for us. ScrollBar().Value(newValue); if (_terminal->IsSelectionActive() && isLeftButtonPressed) { // Have to take the lock or we could change the endpoints out from under the renderer actively rendering. auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); // If user is mouse selecting and scrolls, they then point at new character. // Make sure selection reflects that immediately. _SetEndSelectionPointAtCursor(point); } } void TermControl::_ScrollbarChangeHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Controls::Primitives::RangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs const& args) { if (_isInternalScrollBarUpdate || _closing) { // The update comes from ourselves, more specifically from the // terminal. So we don't have to update the terminal because it // already knows. return; } // Clear the regex pattern tree so the renderer does not try to render them while scrolling _terminal->ClearPatternTree(); const auto newValue = static_cast(args.NewValue()); // This is a scroll event that wasn't initiated by the terminal // itself - it was initiated by the mouse wheel, or the scrollbar. _terminal->UserScrollViewport(newValue); // User input takes priority over terminal events so cancel // any pending scroll bar update if the user scrolls. _updateScrollBar->ModifyPending([](auto& update) { update.newValue.reset(); }); _updatePatternLocations->Run(); } // Method Description: // - captures the pointer so that none of the other XAML elements respond to pointer events // Arguments: // - sender: XAML element that is interacting with pointer // - args: pointer data (i.e.: mouse, touch) // Return Value: // - true if we successfully capture the pointer, false otherwise. bool TermControl::_CapturePointer(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& args) { IUIElement uielem; if (sender.try_as(uielem)) { uielem.CapturePointer(args.Pointer()); return true; } return false; } // Method Description: // - releases the captured pointer because we're done responding to XAML pointer events // Arguments: // - sender: XAML element that is interacting with pointer // - args: pointer data (i.e.: mouse, touch) // Return Value: // - true if we release capture of the pointer, false otherwise. bool TermControl::_ReleasePointerCapture(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& args) { IUIElement uielem; if (sender.try_as(uielem)) { uielem.ReleasePointerCapture(args.Pointer()); return true; } return false; } // Method Description: // - Starts new pointer related auto scroll behavior, or continues existing one. // Does nothing when there is already auto scroll associated with another pointer. // Arguments: // - pointerPoint: info about pointer that causes auto scroll. Pointer's position // is later used to update selection. // - scrollVelocity: target velocity of scrolling in characters / sec void TermControl::_TryStartAutoScroll(Windows::UI::Input::PointerPoint const& pointerPoint, const double scrollVelocity) { // Allow only one pointer at the time if (!_autoScrollingPointerPoint.has_value() || _autoScrollingPointerPoint.value().PointerId() == pointerPoint.PointerId()) { _autoScrollingPointerPoint = pointerPoint; _autoScrollVelocity = scrollVelocity; // If this is first time the auto scroll update is about to be called, // kick-start it by initializing its time delta as if it started now if (!_lastAutoScrollUpdateTime.has_value()) { _lastAutoScrollUpdateTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } // Apparently this check is not necessary but greatly improves performance if (!_autoScrollTimer.IsEnabled()) { _autoScrollTimer.Start(); } } } // Method Description: // - Stops auto scroll if it's active and is associated with supplied pointer id. // Arguments: // - pointerId: id of pointer for which to stop auto scroll void TermControl::_TryStopAutoScroll(const uint32_t pointerId) { if (_autoScrollingPointerPoint.has_value() && pointerId == _autoScrollingPointerPoint.value().PointerId()) { _autoScrollingPointerPoint = std::nullopt; _autoScrollVelocity = 0; _lastAutoScrollUpdateTime = std::nullopt; // Apparently this check is not necessary but greatly improves performance if (_autoScrollTimer.IsEnabled()) { _autoScrollTimer.Stop(); } } } // Method Description: // - Called continuously to gradually scroll viewport when user is // mouse selecting outside it (to 'follow' the cursor). // Arguments: // - none void TermControl::_UpdateAutoScroll(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* e */) { if (_autoScrollVelocity != 0) { const auto timeNow = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (_lastAutoScrollUpdateTime.has_value()) { static constexpr double microSecPerSec = 1000000.0; const double deltaTime = std::chrono::duration_cast(timeNow - _lastAutoScrollUpdateTime.value()).count() / microSecPerSec; ScrollBar().Value(ScrollBar().Value() + _autoScrollVelocity * deltaTime); if (_autoScrollingPointerPoint.has_value()) { // Have to take the lock because the renderer will not draw correctly if you move its endpoints while it is generating a frame. auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); _SetEndSelectionPointAtCursor(_autoScrollingPointerPoint.value().Position()); } } _lastAutoScrollUpdateTime = timeNow; } } // Method Description: // - Event handler for the GotFocus event. This is used to... // - enable accessibility notifications for this TermControl // - start blinking the cursor when the window is focused // - update the number of lines to scroll to the value set in the system void TermControl::_GotFocusHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */, RoutedEventArgs const& /* args */) { if (_closing) { return; } _focused = true; InputPane::GetForCurrentView().TryShow(); // GH#5421: Enable the UiaEngine before checking for the SearchBox // That way, new selections are notified to automation clients. if (_uiaEngine.get()) { THROW_IF_FAILED(_uiaEngine->Enable()); } // If the searchbox is focused, we don't want TSFInputControl to think // it has focus so it doesn't intercept IME input. We also don't want the // terminal's cursor to start blinking. So, we'll just return quickly here. if (_searchBox && _searchBox->ContainsFocus()) { return; } if (TSFInputControl() != nullptr) { TSFInputControl().NotifyFocusEnter(); } if (_cursorTimer.has_value()) { // When the terminal focuses, show the cursor immediately _terminal->SetCursorOn(true); _cursorTimer.value().Start(); } if (_blinkTimer.has_value()) { _blinkTimer.value().Start(); } _UpdateSystemParameterSettings(); } // Method Description // - Updates internal params based on system parameters void TermControl::_UpdateSystemParameterSettings() noexcept { if (!SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, &_rowsToScroll, 0)) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(); // If SystemParametersInfoW fails, which it shouldn't, fall back to // Windows' default value. _rowsToScroll = 3; } } // Method Description: // - Event handler for the LostFocus event. This is used to... // - disable accessibility notifications for this TermControl // - hide and stop blinking the cursor when the window loses focus. void TermControl::_LostFocusHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */, RoutedEventArgs const& /* args */) { if (_closing) { return; } _RestorePointerCursorHandlers(*this, nullptr); _focused = false; if (_uiaEngine.get()) { THROW_IF_FAILED(_uiaEngine->Disable()); } if (TSFInputControl() != nullptr) { TSFInputControl().NotifyFocusLeave(); } if (_cursorTimer.has_value()) { _cursorTimer.value().Stop(); _terminal->SetCursorOn(false); } if (_blinkTimer.has_value()) { _blinkTimer.value().Stop(); } } // Method Description: // - Writes the given sequence as input to the active terminal connection. // - This method has been overloaded to allow zero-copy winrt::param::hstring optimizations. // Arguments: // - wstr: the string of characters to write to the terminal connection. // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_SendInputToConnection(const winrt::hstring& wstr) { if (_isReadOnly) { _RaiseReadOnlyWarning(); } else { _connection.WriteInput(wstr); } } void TermControl::_SendInputToConnection(std::wstring_view wstr) { if (_isReadOnly) { _RaiseReadOnlyWarning(); } else { _connection.WriteInput(wstr); } } // Method Description: // - Pre-process text pasted (presumably from the clipboard) // before sending it over the terminal's connection. void TermControl::_SendPastedTextToConnection(const std::wstring& wstr) { _terminal->WritePastedText(wstr); _terminal->ClearSelection(); _terminal->TrySnapOnInput(); } // Method Description: // - Update the font with the renderer. This will be called either when the // font changes or the DPI changes, as DPI changes will necessitate a // font change. This method will *not* change the buffer/viewport size // to account for the new glyph dimensions. Callers should make sure to // appropriately call _DoResizeUnderLock after this method is called. // - The write lock should be held when calling this method. // Arguments: // - initialUpdate: whether this font update should be considered as being // concerned with initialization process. Value forwarded to event handler. void TermControl::_UpdateFont(const bool initialUpdate) { const int newDpi = static_cast(static_cast(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI) * SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleX()); // TODO: MSFT:20895307 If the font doesn't exist, this doesn't // actually fail. We need a way to gracefully fallback. _renderer->TriggerFontChange(newDpi, _desiredFont, _actualFont); // If the actual font isn't what was requested... if (_actualFont.GetFaceName() != _desiredFont.GetFaceName()) { // Then warn the user that we picked something because we couldn't find their font. // Format message with user's choice of font and the font that was chosen instead. const winrt::hstring message{ fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ RS_(L"NoticeFontNotFound") }, _desiredFont.GetFaceName(), _actualFont.GetFaceName()) }; // Capture what we need to resume later. [strongThis = get_strong(), message]() -> winrt::fire_and_forget { // Take these out of the lambda and store them locally // because the coroutine will lose them into space // by the time it resumes. const auto msg = message; const auto strong = strongThis; // Pop the rest of this function to the tail of the UI thread // Just in case someone was holding a lock when they called us and // the handlers decide to do something that take another lock // (like ShellExecute pumping our messaging thread...GH#7994) co_await strong->Dispatcher(); auto noticeArgs = winrt::make(NoticeLevel::Warning, std::move(msg)); strong->_raiseNoticeHandlers(*strong, std::move(noticeArgs)); }(); } const auto actualNewSize = _actualFont.GetSize(); _fontSizeChangedHandlers(actualNewSize.X, actualNewSize.Y, initialUpdate); } // Method Description: // - Set the font size of the terminal control. // Arguments: // - fontSize: The size of the font. void TermControl::_SetFontSize(int fontSize) { try { // Make sure we have a non-zero font size const auto newSize = std::max(gsl::narrow_cast(fontSize), 1); const auto fontFace = _settings.FontFace(); const auto fontWeight = _settings.FontWeight(); _actualFont = { fontFace, 0, fontWeight.Weight, { 0, newSize }, CP_UTF8, false }; _desiredFont = { _actualFont }; auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); // Refresh our font with the renderer _UpdateFont(); // Resize the terminal's BUFFER to match the new font size. This does // NOT change the size of the window, because that can lead to more // problems (like what happens when you change the font size while the // window is maximized?) _RefreshSizeUnderLock(); } CATCH_LOG(); } // Method Description: // - Triggered when the swapchain changes size. We use this to resize the // terminal buffers to match the new visible size. // Arguments: // - e: a SizeChangedEventArgs with the new dimensions of the SwapChainPanel void TermControl::_SwapChainSizeChanged(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, SizeChangedEventArgs const& e) { if (!_initializedTerminal || _closing) { return; } auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); const auto newSize = e.NewSize(); const auto currentScaleX = SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleX(); const auto currentEngineScale = _renderEngine->GetScaling(); auto foundationSize = newSize; // A strange thing can happen here. If you have two tabs open, and drag // across a DPI boundary, then switch to the other tab, that tab will // receive two events: First, a SizeChanged, then a ScaleChanged. In the // SizeChanged event handler, the SwapChainPanel's CompositionScale will // _already_ be the new scaling, but the engine won't have that value // yet. If we scale by the CompositionScale here, we'll end up in a // weird torn state. I'm not totally sure why. // // Fortunately we will be getting that following ScaleChanged event, and // we'll end up resizing again, so we don't terribly need to worry about // this. foundationSize.Width *= currentEngineScale; foundationSize.Height *= currentEngineScale; _DoResizeUnderLock(foundationSize.Width, foundationSize.Height); } // Method Description: // - Triggered when the swapchain changes DPI. When this happens, we're // going to receive 3 events: // - 1. First, a CompositionScaleChanged _for the original scale_. I don't // know why this event happens first. **It also doesn't always happen.** // However, when it does happen, it doesn't give us any useful // information. // - 2. Then, a SizeChanged. During that SizeChanged, either: // - the CompositionScale will still be the original DPI. This happens // when the control is visible as the DPI changes. // - The CompositionScale will be the new DPI. This happens when the // control wasn't focused as the window's DPI changed, so it only got // these messages after XAML updated it's scaling. // - 3. Finally, a CompositionScaleChanged with the _new_ DPI. // - 4. We'll usually get another SizeChanged some time after this last // ScaleChanged. This usually seems to happen after something triggers // the UI to re-layout, like hovering over the scrollbar. This event // doesn't reliably happen immediately after a scale change, so we can't // depend on it (despite the fact that both the scale and size state is // definitely correct in it) // - In the 3rd event, we're going to update our font size for the new DPI. // At that point, we know how big the font should be for the new DPI, and // how big the SwapChainPanel will be. If these sizes are different, we'll // need to resize the buffer to fit in the new window. // Arguments: // - sender: The SwapChainPanel who's DPI changed. This is our _swapchainPanel. // - args: This param is unused in the CompositionScaleChanged event. void TermControl::_SwapChainScaleChanged(Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainPanel const& sender, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*args*/) { if (_renderEngine) { const auto scaleX = sender.CompositionScaleX(); const auto scaleY = sender.CompositionScaleY(); const auto dpi = (float)(scaleX * USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI); const auto currentEngineScale = _renderEngine->GetScaling(); // If we're getting a notification to change to the DPI we already // have, then we're probably just beginning the DPI change. Since // we'll get _another_ event with the real DPI, do nothing here for // now. We'll also skip the next resize in _SwapChainSizeChanged. const bool dpiWasUnchanged = currentEngineScale == scaleX; if (dpiWasUnchanged) { return; } const auto actualFontOldSize = _actualFont.GetSize(); auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); _renderer->TriggerFontChange(::base::saturated_cast(dpi), _desiredFont, _actualFont); const auto actualFontNewSize = _actualFont.GetSize(); if (actualFontNewSize != actualFontOldSize) { _RefreshSizeUnderLock(); } } } // Method Description: // - Toggle the cursor on and off when called by the cursor blink timer. // Arguments: // - sender: not used // - e: not used void TermControl::_CursorTimerTick(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* e */) { if ((_closing) || (!_terminal->IsCursorBlinkingAllowed() && _terminal->IsCursorVisible())) { return; } _terminal->SetCursorOn(!_terminal->IsCursorOn()); } // Method Description: // - Toggle the blinking rendition state when called by the blink timer. // Arguments: // - sender: not used // - e: not used void TermControl::_BlinkTimerTick(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* e */) { if (!_closing) { auto& renderTarget = *_renderer; auto& blinkingState = _terminal->GetBlinkingState(); blinkingState.ToggleBlinkingRendition(renderTarget); } } // Method Description: // - Sets selection's end position to match supplied cursor position, e.g. while mouse dragging. // Arguments: // - cursorPosition: in pixels, relative to the origin of the control void TermControl::_SetEndSelectionPointAtCursor(Windows::Foundation::Point const& cursorPosition) { if (!_terminal->IsSelectionActive()) { return; } auto terminalPosition = _GetTerminalPosition(cursorPosition); const short lastVisibleRow = std::max(_terminal->GetViewport().Height() - 1, 0); const short lastVisibleCol = std::max(_terminal->GetViewport().Width() - 1, 0); terminalPosition.Y = std::clamp(terminalPosition.Y, 0, lastVisibleRow); terminalPosition.X = std::clamp(terminalPosition.X, 0, lastVisibleCol); // save location (for rendering) + render _terminal->SetSelectionEnd(terminalPosition); _renderer->TriggerSelection(); _selectionNeedsToBeCopied = true; } // Method Description: // - Perform a resize for the current size of the swapchainpanel. If the // font size changed, we'll need to resize the buffer to fit the existing // swapchain size. This helper will call _DoResizeUnderLock with the current size // of the swapchain, accounting for scaling due to DPI. // - Note that a DPI change will also trigger a font size change, and will call into here. // - The write lock should be held when calling this method, we might be changing the buffer size in _DoResizeUnderLock. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_RefreshSizeUnderLock() { const auto currentScaleX = SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleX(); const auto currentScaleY = SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleY(); const auto actualWidth = SwapChainPanel().ActualWidth(); const auto actualHeight = SwapChainPanel().ActualHeight(); const auto widthInPixels = actualWidth * currentScaleX; const auto heightInPixels = actualHeight * currentScaleY; _DoResizeUnderLock(widthInPixels, heightInPixels); } // Method Description: // - Process a resize event that was initiated by the user. This can either // be due to the user resizing the window (causing the swapchain to // resize) or due to the DPI changing (causing us to need to resize the // buffer to match) // Arguments: // - newWidth: the new width of the swapchain, in pixels. // - newHeight: the new height of the swapchain, in pixels. void TermControl::_DoResizeUnderLock(const double newWidth, const double newHeight) { SIZE size; size.cx = static_cast(newWidth); size.cy = static_cast(newHeight); // Don't actually resize so small that a single character wouldn't fit // in either dimension. The buffer really doesn't like being size 0. if (size.cx < _actualFont.GetSize().X || size.cy < _actualFont.GetSize().Y) { return; } _terminal->ClearSelection(); // Tell the dx engine that our window is now the new size. THROW_IF_FAILED(_renderEngine->SetWindowSize(size)); // Invalidate everything _renderer->TriggerRedrawAll(); // Convert our new dimensions to characters const auto viewInPixels = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 }, { static_cast(size.cx), static_cast(size.cy) }); const auto vp = _renderEngine->GetViewportInCharacters(viewInPixels); // If this function succeeds with S_FALSE, then the terminal didn't // actually change size. No need to notify the connection of this no-op. const HRESULT hr = _terminal->UserResize({ vp.Width(), vp.Height() }); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != S_FALSE) { _connection.Resize(vp.Height(), vp.Width()); } } void TermControl::_TerminalWarningBell() { _WarningBellHandlers(*this, nullptr); } void TermControl::_TerminalTitleChanged(const std::wstring_view& wstr) { _titleChangedHandlers(winrt::hstring{ wstr }); } void TermControl::_TerminalTabColorChanged(const std::optional /*color*/) { _TabColorChangedHandlers(*this, nullptr); } void TermControl::_CopyToClipboard(const std::wstring_view& wstr) { auto copyArgs = winrt::make_self(winrt::hstring(wstr)); _clipboardCopyHandlers(*this, *copyArgs); } // Method Description: // - Update the position and size of the scrollbar to match the given // viewport top, viewport height, and buffer size. // Additionally fires a ScrollPositionChanged event for anyone who's // registered an event handler for us. // Arguments: // - viewTop: the top of the visible viewport, in rows. 0 indicates the top // of the buffer. // - viewHeight: the height of the viewport in rows. // - bufferSize: the length of the buffer, in rows void TermControl::_TerminalScrollPositionChanged(const int viewTop, const int viewHeight, const int bufferSize) { // Since this callback fires from non-UI thread, we might be already // closed/closing. if (_closing.load()) { return; } // Clear the regex pattern tree so the renderer does not try to render them while scrolling _terminal->ClearPatternTree(); _scrollPositionChangedHandlers(viewTop, viewHeight, bufferSize); ScrollBarUpdate update; const auto hiddenContent = bufferSize - viewHeight; update.newMaximum = hiddenContent; update.newMinimum = 0; update.newViewportSize = viewHeight; update.newValue = viewTop; _updateScrollBar->Run(update); _updatePatternLocations->Run(); } // Method Description: // - Tells TSFInputControl to redraw the Canvas/TextBlock so it'll update // to be where the current cursor position is. // Arguments: // - N/A void TermControl::_TerminalCursorPositionChanged() { _tsfTryRedrawCanvas->Run(); } hstring TermControl::Title() { hstring hstr{ _terminal->GetConsoleTitle() }; return hstr; } hstring TermControl::GetProfileName() const { return _settings.ProfileName(); } hstring TermControl::WorkingDirectory() const { hstring hstr{ _terminal->GetWorkingDirectory() }; return hstr; } // Method Description: // - Given a copy-able selection, get the selected text from the buffer and send it to the // Windows Clipboard (CascadiaWin32:main.cpp). // - CopyOnSelect does NOT clear the selection // Arguments: // - singleLine: collapse all of the text to one line // - formats: which formats to copy (defined by action's CopyFormatting arg). nullptr // if we should defer which formats are copied to the global setting bool TermControl::CopySelectionToClipboard(bool singleLine, const Windows::Foundation::IReference& formats) { if (_closing) { return false; } // no selection --> nothing to copy if (!_terminal->IsSelectionActive()) { return false; } // Mark the current selection as copied _selectionNeedsToBeCopied = false; // extract text from buffer const auto bufferData = _terminal->RetrieveSelectedTextFromBuffer(singleLine); // convert text: vector --> string std::wstring textData; for (const auto& text : bufferData.text) { textData += text; } // convert text to HTML format // GH#5347 - Don't provide a title for the generated HTML, as many // web applications will paste the title first, followed by the HTML // content, which is unexpected. const auto htmlData = formats == nullptr || WI_IsFlagSet(formats.Value(), CopyFormat::HTML) ? TextBuffer::GenHTML(bufferData, _actualFont.GetUnscaledSize().Y, _actualFont.GetFaceName(), _settings.DefaultBackground()) : ""; // convert to RTF format const auto rtfData = formats == nullptr || WI_IsFlagSet(formats.Value(), CopyFormat::RTF) ? TextBuffer::GenRTF(bufferData, _actualFont.GetUnscaledSize().Y, _actualFont.GetFaceName(), _settings.DefaultBackground()) : ""; if (!_settings.CopyOnSelect()) { _terminal->ClearSelection(); _renderer->TriggerSelection(); } // send data up for clipboard auto copyArgs = winrt::make_self(winrt::hstring(textData), winrt::to_hstring(htmlData), winrt::to_hstring(rtfData), formats); _clipboardCopyHandlers(*this, *copyArgs); return true; } // Method Description: // - Initiate a paste operation. void TermControl::PasteTextFromClipboard() { // attach TermControl::_SendInputToConnection() as the clipboardDataHandler. // This is called when the clipboard data is loaded. auto clipboardDataHandler = std::bind(&TermControl::_SendPastedTextToConnection, this, std::placeholders::_1); auto pasteArgs = winrt::make_self(clipboardDataHandler); // send paste event up to TermApp _clipboardPasteHandlers(*this, *pasteArgs); } // Method Description: // - Asynchronously close our connection. The Connection will likely wait // until the attached process terminates before Close returns. If that's // the case, we don't want to block the UI thread waiting on that process // handle. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::_AsyncCloseConnection() { if (auto localConnection{ std::exchange(_connection, nullptr) }) { // Close the connection on the background thread. co_await winrt::resume_background(); localConnection.Close(); // connection is destroyed. } } void TermControl::Close() { if (!_closing.exchange(true)) { _RestorePointerCursorHandlers(*this, nullptr); // Stop accepting new output and state changes before we disconnect everything. _connection.TerminalOutput(_connectionOutputEventToken); _connectionStateChangedRevoker.revoke(); TSFInputControl().Close(); // Disconnect the TSF input control so it doesn't receive EditContext events. _autoScrollTimer.Stop(); // GH#1996 - Close the connection asynchronously on a background // thread. // Since TermControl::Close is only ever triggered by the UI, we // don't really care to wait for the connection to be completely // closed. We can just do it whenever. _AsyncCloseConnection(); { // GH#8734: // We lock the terminal here to make sure it isn't still being // used in the connection thread before we destroy the renderer. // However, we must unlock it again prior to triggering the // teardown, to avoid the render thread being deadlocked. The // renderer may be waiting to acquire the terminal lock, while // we're waiting for the renderer to finish. auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); } if (auto localRenderEngine{ std::exchange(_renderEngine, nullptr) }) { if (auto localRenderer{ std::exchange(_renderer, nullptr) }) { localRenderer->TriggerTeardown(); // renderer is destroyed } // renderEngine is destroyed } // we don't destroy _terminal here; it now has the same lifetime as the // control. } } // Method Description: // - Scrolls the viewport of the terminal and updates the scroll bar accordingly // Arguments: // - viewTop: the viewTop to scroll to void TermControl::ScrollViewport(int viewTop) { ScrollBar().Value(viewTop); } int TermControl::GetScrollOffset() { return _terminal->GetScrollOffset(); } // Function Description: // - Gets the height of the terminal in lines of text // Return Value: // - The height of the terminal in lines of text int TermControl::GetViewHeight() const { const auto viewPort = _terminal->GetViewport(); return viewPort.Height(); } // Function Description: // - Determines how much space (in pixels) an app would need to reserve to // create a control with the settings stored in the settings param. This // accounts for things like the font size and face, the initialRows and // initialCols, and scrollbar visibility. The returned sized is based upon // the provided DPI value // Arguments: // - settings: A IControlSettings with the settings to get the pixel size of. // - dpi: The DPI we should create the terminal at. This affects things such // as font size, scrollbar and other control scaling, etc. Make sure the // caller knows what monitor the control is about to appear on. // Return Value: // - a size containing the requested dimensions in pixels. winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size TermControl::GetProposedDimensions(IControlSettings const& settings, const uint32_t dpi) { // If the settings have negative or zero row or column counts, ignore those counts. // (The lower TerminalCore layer also has upper bounds as well, but at this layer // we may eventually impose different ones depending on how many pixels we can address.) const auto cols = ::base::saturated_cast(std::max(settings.InitialCols(), 1)); const auto rows = ::base::saturated_cast(std::max(settings.InitialRows(), 1)); const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size initialSize{ cols, rows }; return GetProposedDimensions(initialSize, settings.FontSize(), settings.FontWeight(), settings.FontFace(), settings.ScrollState(), settings.Padding(), dpi); } // Function Description: // - Determines how much space (in pixels) an app would need to reserve to // create a control with the settings stored in the settings param. This // accounts for things like the font size and face, the initialRows and // initialCols, and scrollbar visibility. The returned sized is based upon // the provided DPI value // Arguments: // - initialSizeInChars: The size to get the proposed dimensions for. // - fontHeight: The font height to use to calculate the proposed size for. // - fontWeight: The font weight to use to calculate the proposed size for. // - fontFace: The font name to use to calculate the proposed size for. // - scrollState: The ScrollbarState to use to calculate the proposed size for. // - padding: The padding to use to calculate the proposed size for. // - dpi: The DPI we should create the terminal at. This affects things such // as font size, scrollbar and other control scaling, etc. Make sure the // caller knows what monitor the control is about to appear on. // Return Value: // - a size containing the requested dimensions in pixels. winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size TermControl::GetProposedDimensions(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size& initialSizeInChars, const int32_t& fontHeight, const winrt::Windows::UI::Text::FontWeight& fontWeight, const winrt::hstring& fontFace, const ScrollbarState& scrollState, const winrt::hstring& padding, const uint32_t dpi) { const auto cols = ::base::saturated_cast(initialSizeInChars.Width); const auto rows = ::base::saturated_cast(initialSizeInChars.Height); // Initialize our font information. // The font width doesn't terribly matter, we'll only be using the // height to look it up // The other params here also largely don't matter. // The family is only used to determine if the font is truetype or // not, but DX doesn't use that info at all. // The Codepage is additionally not actually used by the DX engine at all. FontInfo actualFont = { fontFace, 0, fontWeight.Weight, { 0, gsl::narrow_cast(fontHeight) }, CP_UTF8, false }; FontInfoDesired desiredFont = { actualFont }; // Create a DX engine and initialize it with our font and DPI. We'll // then use it to measure how much space the requested rows and columns // will take up. // TODO: MSFT:21254947 - use a static function to do this instead of // instantiating a DxEngine auto dxEngine = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Console::Render::DxEngine>(); THROW_IF_FAILED(dxEngine->UpdateDpi(dpi)); THROW_IF_FAILED(dxEngine->UpdateFont(desiredFont, actualFont)); const auto scale = dxEngine->GetScaling(); const auto fontSize = actualFont.GetSize(); // UWP XAML scrollbars aren't guaranteed to be the same size as the // ComCtl scrollbars, but it's certainly close enough. const auto scrollbarSize = GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CXVSCROLL, dpi); double width = cols * fontSize.X; // Reserve additional space if scrollbar is intended to be visible if (scrollState == ScrollbarState::Visible) { width += scrollbarSize; } double height = rows * fontSize.Y; auto thickness = _ParseThicknessFromPadding(padding); // GH#2061 - make sure to account for the size the padding _will be_ scaled to width += scale * (thickness.Left + thickness.Right); height += scale * (thickness.Top + thickness.Bottom); return { gsl::narrow_cast(width), gsl::narrow_cast(height) }; } // Method Description: // - Get the size of a single character of this control. The size is in // DIPs. If you need it in _pixels_, you'll need to multiply by the // current display scaling. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - The dimensions of a single character of this control, in DIPs winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size TermControl::CharacterDimensions() const { const auto fontSize = _actualFont.GetSize(); return { gsl::narrow_cast(fontSize.X), gsl::narrow_cast(fontSize.Y) }; } // Method Description: // - Get the absolute minimum size that this control can be resized to and // still have 1x1 character visible. This includes the space needed for // the scrollbar and the padding. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - The minimum size that this terminal control can be resized to and still // have a visible character. winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size TermControl::MinimumSize() { if (_initializedTerminal) { const auto fontSize = _actualFont.GetSize(); double width = fontSize.X; double height = fontSize.Y; // Reserve additional space if scrollbar is intended to be visible if (_settings.ScrollState() == ScrollbarState::Visible) { width += ScrollBar().ActualWidth(); } // Account for the size of any padding const auto padding = GetPadding(); width += padding.Left + padding.Right; height += padding.Top + padding.Bottom; return { gsl::narrow_cast(width), gsl::narrow_cast(height) }; } else { // If the terminal hasn't been initialized yet, then the font size will // have dimensions {1, fontSize.Y}, which can mess with consumers of // this method. In that case, we'll need to pre-calculate the font // width, before we actually have a renderer or swapchain. const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size minSize{ 1, 1 }; const double scaleFactor = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView().RawPixelsPerViewPixel(); const auto dpi = ::base::saturated_cast(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI * scaleFactor); return GetProposedDimensions(minSize, _settings.FontSize(), _settings.FontWeight(), _settings.FontFace(), _settings.ScrollState(), _settings.Padding(), dpi); } } // Method Description: // - Adjusts given dimension (width or height) so that it aligns to the character grid. // The snap is always downward. // Arguments: // - widthOrHeight: if true operates on width, otherwise on height // - dimension: a dimension (width or height) to be snapped // Return Value: // - A dimension that would be aligned to the character grid. float TermControl::SnapDimensionToGrid(const bool widthOrHeight, const float dimension) { const auto fontSize = _actualFont.GetSize(); const auto fontDimension = widthOrHeight ? fontSize.X : fontSize.Y; const auto padding = GetPadding(); auto nonTerminalArea = gsl::narrow_cast(widthOrHeight ? padding.Left + padding.Right : padding.Top + padding.Bottom); if (widthOrHeight && _settings.ScrollState() == ScrollbarState::Visible) { nonTerminalArea += gsl::narrow_cast(ScrollBar().ActualWidth()); } const auto gridSize = dimension - nonTerminalArea; const int cells = static_cast(gridSize / fontDimension); return cells * fontDimension + nonTerminalArea; } // Method Description: // - Create XAML Thickness object based on padding props provided. // Used for controlling the TermControl XAML Grid container's Padding prop. // Arguments: // - padding: 2D padding values // Single Double value provides uniform padding // Two Double values provide isometric horizontal & vertical padding // Four Double values provide independent padding for 4 sides of the bounding rectangle // Return Value: // - Windows::UI::Xaml::Thickness object Windows::UI::Xaml::Thickness TermControl::_ParseThicknessFromPadding(const hstring padding) { const wchar_t singleCharDelim = L','; std::wstringstream tokenStream(padding.c_str()); std::wstring token; uint8_t paddingPropIndex = 0; std::array thicknessArr = {}; size_t* idx = nullptr; // Get padding values till we run out of delimiter separated values in the stream // or we hit max number of allowable values (= 4) for the bounding rectangle // Non-numeral values detected will default to 0 // std::getline will not throw exception unless flags are set on the wstringstream // std::stod will throw invalid_argument exception if the input is an invalid double value // std::stod will throw out_of_range exception if the input value is more than DBL_MAX try { for (; std::getline(tokenStream, token, singleCharDelim) && (paddingPropIndex < thicknessArr.size()); paddingPropIndex++) { // std::stod internally calls wcstod which handles whitespace prefix (which is ignored) // & stops the scan when first char outside the range of radix is encountered // We'll be permissive till the extent that stod function allows us to be by default // Ex. a value like 100.3#535w2 will be read as 100.3, but ;df25 will fail thicknessArr[paddingPropIndex] = std::stod(token, idx); } } catch (...) { // If something goes wrong, even if due to a single bad padding value, we'll reset the index & return default 0 padding paddingPropIndex = 0; LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } switch (paddingPropIndex) { case 1: return ThicknessHelper::FromUniformLength(thicknessArr[0]); case 2: return ThicknessHelper::FromLengths(thicknessArr[0], thicknessArr[1], thicknessArr[0], thicknessArr[1]); // No case for paddingPropIndex = 3, since it's not a norm to provide just Left, Top & Right padding values leaving out Bottom case 4: return ThicknessHelper::FromLengths(thicknessArr[0], thicknessArr[1], thicknessArr[2], thicknessArr[3]); default: return Thickness(); } } // Method Description: // - Get the modifier keys that are currently pressed. This can be used to // find out which modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift) are pressed in events that // don't necessarily include that state. // Return Value: // - The Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states. ControlKeyStates TermControl::_GetPressedModifierKeys() const { const CoreWindow window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread(); // DONT USE // != CoreVirtualKeyStates::None // OR // == CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down // Sometimes with the key down, the state is Down | Locked. // Sometimes with the key up, the state is Locked. // IsFlagSet(Down) is the only correct solution. struct KeyModifier { VirtualKey vkey; ControlKeyStates flags; }; constexpr std::array modifiers{ { { VirtualKey::RightMenu, ControlKeyStates::RightAltPressed }, { VirtualKey::LeftMenu, ControlKeyStates::LeftAltPressed }, { VirtualKey::RightControl, ControlKeyStates::RightCtrlPressed }, { VirtualKey::LeftControl, ControlKeyStates::LeftCtrlPressed }, { VirtualKey::Shift, ControlKeyStates::ShiftPressed }, } }; ControlKeyStates flags; for (const auto& mod : modifiers) { const auto state = window.GetKeyState(mod.vkey); const auto isDown = WI_IsFlagSet(state, CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down); if (isDown) { flags |= mod.flags; } } return flags; } // Method Description: // - Gets the corresponding viewport terminal position for the cursor // by excluding the padding and normalizing with the font size. // This is used for selection. // Arguments: // - cursorPosition: the (x,y) position of a given cursor (i.e.: mouse cursor). // NOTE: origin (0,0) is top-left. // Return Value: // - the corresponding viewport terminal position for the given Point parameter const COORD TermControl::_GetTerminalPosition(winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point cursorPosition) { // cursorPosition is DIPs, relative to SwapChainPanel origin const til::point cursorPosInDIPs{ til::math::rounding, cursorPosition }; const til::size marginsInDips{ til::math::rounding, GetPadding().Left, GetPadding().Top }; // This point is the location of the cursor within the actual grid of characters, in DIPs const til::point relativeToMarginInDIPs = cursorPosInDIPs - marginsInDips; // Convert it to pixels const til::point relativeToMarginInPixels{ relativeToMarginInDIPs * SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleX() }; // Get the size of the font, which is in pixels const til::size fontSize{ _actualFont.GetSize() }; // Convert the location in pixels to characters within the current viewport. return til::point{ relativeToMarginInPixels / fontSize }; } // Method Description: // - Composition Completion handler for the TSFInputControl that // handles writing text out to TerminalConnection // Arguments: // - text: the text to write to TerminalConnection // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_CompositionCompleted(winrt::hstring text) { if (_closing) { return; } _connection.WriteInput(text); } // Method Description: // - CurrentCursorPosition handler for the TSFInputControl that // handles returning current cursor position. // Arguments: // - eventArgs: event for storing the current cursor position // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_CurrentCursorPositionHandler(const IInspectable& /*sender*/, const CursorPositionEventArgs& eventArgs) { auto lock = _terminal->LockForReading(); if (!_initializedTerminal) { // fake it eventArgs.CurrentPosition({ 0, 0 }); return; } const til::point cursorPos = _terminal->GetCursorPosition(); Windows::Foundation::Point p = { ::base::ClampedNumeric(cursorPos.x()), ::base::ClampedNumeric(cursorPos.y()) }; eventArgs.CurrentPosition(p); } // Method Description: // - FontInfo handler for the TSFInputControl that // handles returning current font information // Arguments: // - eventArgs: event for storing the current font information // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_FontInfoHandler(const IInspectable& /*sender*/, const FontInfoEventArgs& eventArgs) { eventArgs.FontSize(CharacterDimensions()); eventArgs.FontFace(_actualFont.GetFaceName()); ::winrt::Windows::UI::Text::FontWeight weight; weight.Weight = static_cast(_actualFont.GetWeight()); eventArgs.FontWeight(weight); } // Method Description: // - Returns the number of clicks that occurred (double and triple click support) // Arguments: // - clickPos: the (x,y) position of a given cursor (i.e.: mouse cursor). // NOTE: origin (0,0) is top-left. // - clickTime: the timestamp that the click occurred // Return Value: // - if the click is in the same position as the last click and within the timeout, the number of clicks within that time window // - otherwise, 1 const unsigned int TermControl::_NumberOfClicks(winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point clickPos, Timestamp clickTime) { // if click occurred at a different location or past the multiClickTimer... Timestamp delta; THROW_IF_FAILED(UInt64Sub(clickTime, _lastMouseClickTimestamp, &delta)); if (clickPos != _lastMouseClickPos || delta > _multiClickTimer) { // exit early. This is a single click. _multiClickCounter = 1; } else { _multiClickCounter++; } return _multiClickCounter; } // Method Description: // - Calculates speed of single axis of auto scrolling. It has to allow for both // fast and precise selection. // Arguments: // - cursorDistanceFromBorder: distance from viewport border to cursor, in pixels. Must be non-negative. // Return Value: // - positive speed in characters / sec double TermControl::_GetAutoScrollSpeed(double cursorDistanceFromBorder) const { // The numbers below just feel well, feel free to change. // TODO: Maybe account for space beyond border that user has available return std::pow(cursorDistanceFromBorder, 2.0) / 25.0 + 2.0; } // Method Description: // - Async handler for the "Drop" event. If a file was dropped onto our // root, we'll try to get the path of the file dropped onto us, and write // the full path of the file to our terminal connection. Like conhost, if // the path contains a space, we'll wrap the path in quotes. // - Unlike conhost, if multiple files are dropped onto the terminal, we'll // write all the paths to the terminal, separated by spaces. // Arguments: // - e: The DragEventArgs from the Drop event // Return Value: // - winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::_DragDropHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, DragEventArgs const e) { if (_closing) { return; } if (e.DataView().Contains(StandardDataFormats::ApplicationLink())) { try { Windows::Foundation::Uri link{ co_await e.DataView().GetApplicationLinkAsync() }; _SendPastedTextToConnection(std::wstring{ link.AbsoluteUri() }); } CATCH_LOG(); } else if (e.DataView().Contains(StandardDataFormats::WebLink())) { try { Windows::Foundation::Uri link{ co_await e.DataView().GetWebLinkAsync() }; _SendPastedTextToConnection(std::wstring{ link.AbsoluteUri() }); } CATCH_LOG(); } else if (e.DataView().Contains(StandardDataFormats::Text())) { try { std::wstring text{ co_await e.DataView().GetTextAsync() }; _SendPastedTextToConnection(text); } CATCH_LOG(); } // StorageItem must be last. Some applications put hybrid data format items // in a drop message and we'll eat a crash when we request them. // Those applications usually include Text as well, so having storage items // last makes sure we'll hit text before getting to them. else if (e.DataView().Contains(StandardDataFormats::StorageItems())) { Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView items; try { items = co_await e.DataView().GetStorageItemsAsync(); } CATCH_LOG(); if (items.Size() > 0) { std::wstring allPaths; for (auto item : items) { // Join the paths with spaces if (!allPaths.empty()) { allPaths += L" "; } std::wstring fullPath{ item.Path() }; const auto containsSpaces = std::find(fullPath.begin(), fullPath.end(), L' ') != fullPath.end(); auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting(); if (containsSpaces) { fullPath.insert(0, L"\""); fullPath += L"\""; } allPaths += fullPath; } _SendInputToConnection(allPaths); } } } // Method Description: // - Handle the DragOver event. We'll signal that the drag operation we // support is the "copy" operation, and we'll also customize the // appearance of the drag-drop UI, by removing the preview and setting a // custom caption. For more information, see // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/input/drag-and-drop#customize-the-ui // Arguments: // - e: The DragEventArgs from the DragOver event // Return Value: // - void TermControl::_DragOverHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, DragEventArgs const& e) { if (_closing) { return; } // We can only handle drag/dropping StorageItems (files) and plain Text // currently. If the format on the clipboard is anything else, returning // early here will prevent the drag/drop from doing anything. if (!(e.DataView().Contains(StandardDataFormats::StorageItems()) || e.DataView().Contains(StandardDataFormats::Text()))) { return; } // Make sure to set the AcceptedOperation, so that we can later receive the path in the Drop event e.AcceptedOperation(DataPackageOperation::Copy); // Sets custom UI text if (e.DataView().Contains(StandardDataFormats::StorageItems())) { e.DragUIOverride().Caption(RS_(L"DragFileCaption")); } else if (e.DataView().Contains(StandardDataFormats::Text())) { e.DragUIOverride().Caption(RS_(L"DragTextCaption")); } // Sets if the caption is visible e.DragUIOverride().IsCaptionVisible(true); // Sets if the dragged content is visible e.DragUIOverride().IsContentVisible(false); // Sets if the glyph is visible e.DragUIOverride().IsGlyphVisible(false); } // Method description: // - Checks if the uri is valid and sends an event if so // Arguments: // - The uri winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::_HyperlinkHandler(const std::wstring_view uri) { // Save things we need to resume later. winrt::hstring heldUri{ uri }; auto strongThis{ get_strong() }; // Pop the rest of this function to the tail of the UI thread // Just in case someone was holding a lock when they called us and // the handlers decide to do something that take another lock // (like ShellExecute pumping our messaging thread...GH#7994) co_await Dispatcher(); auto hyperlinkArgs = winrt::make_self(heldUri); _openHyperlinkHandlers(*strongThis, *hyperlinkArgs); } // Method Description: // - Produces the error dialog that notifies the user that rendering cannot proceed. winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::_RendererEnteredErrorState() { auto strongThis{ get_strong() }; co_await Dispatcher(); // pop up onto the UI thread if (auto loadedUiElement{ FindName(L"RendererFailedNotice") }) { if (auto uiElement{ loadedUiElement.try_as<::winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement>() }) { uiElement.Visibility(Visibility::Visible); } } } // Method Description: // - Responds to the Click event on the button that will re-enable the renderer. void TermControl::_RenderRetryButton_Click(IInspectable const& /*sender*/, IInspectable const& /*args*/) { // It's already loaded if we get here, so just hide it. RendererFailedNotice().Visibility(Visibility::Collapsed); _renderer->ResetErrorStateAndResume(); } IControlSettings TermControl::Settings() const { return _settings; } Windows::Foundation::IReference TermControl::TabColor() noexcept { auto coreColor = _terminal->GetTabColor(); return coreColor.has_value() ? Windows::Foundation::IReference(coreColor.value()) : nullptr; } // Method Description: // - Sends an event (which will be caught by TerminalPage and forwarded to AppHost after) // to set the progress indicator on the taskbar winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::TaskbarProgressChanged() { co_await resume_foreground(Dispatcher(), CoreDispatcherPriority::High); _setTaskbarProgressHandlers(*this, nullptr); } // Method Description: // - Gets the internal taskbar state value // Return Value: // - The taskbar state of this control const size_t TermControl::TaskbarState() const noexcept { return _terminal->GetTaskbarState(); } // Method Description: // - Gets the internal taskbar progress value // Return Value: // - The taskbar progress of this control const size_t TermControl::TaskbarProgress() const noexcept { return _terminal->GetTaskbarProgress(); } // Method Description: // - Checks whether the control is in a read-only mode (in this mode node input is sent to connection). // Return Value: // - True if the mode is read-only bool TermControl::ReadOnly() const noexcept { return _isReadOnly; } // Method Description: // - Toggles the read-only flag, raises event describing the value change void TermControl::ToggleReadOnly() { _isReadOnly = !_isReadOnly; _ReadOnlyChangedHandlers(*this, winrt::box_value(_isReadOnly)); } winrt::fire_and_forget TermControl::_RaiseReadOnlyWarning() { auto weakThis{ get_weak() }; co_await winrt::resume_foreground(Dispatcher()); if (auto control{ weakThis.get() }) { auto noticeArgs = winrt::make(NoticeLevel::Info, RS_(L"TermControlReadOnly")); control->_raiseNoticeHandlers(*control, std::move(noticeArgs)); } } // Method description: // - Updates last hovered cell, renders / removes rendering of hyper-link if required // Arguments: // - terminalPosition: The terminal position of the pointer void TermControl::_UpdateHoveredCell(const std::optional& terminalPosition) { if (terminalPosition == _lastHoveredCell) { return; } _lastHoveredCell = terminalPosition; if (terminalPosition.has_value()) { const auto uri = _terminal->GetHyperlinkAtPosition(*terminalPosition); if (!uri.empty()) { // Update the tooltip with the URI HoveredUri().Text(uri); // Set the border thickness so it covers the entire cell const auto charSizeInPixels = CharacterDimensions(); const auto htInDips = charSizeInPixels.Height / SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleY(); const auto wtInDips = charSizeInPixels.Width / SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleX(); const Thickness newThickness{ wtInDips, htInDips, 0, 0 }; HyperlinkTooltipBorder().BorderThickness(newThickness); // Compute the location of the top left corner of the cell in DIPS const til::size marginsInDips{ til::math::rounding, GetPadding().Left, GetPadding().Top }; const til::point startPos{ terminalPosition->X, terminalPosition->Y }; const til::size fontSize{ _actualFont.GetSize() }; const til::point posInPixels{ startPos * fontSize }; const til::point posInDIPs{ posInPixels / SwapChainPanel().CompositionScaleX() }; const til::point locationInDIPs{ posInDIPs + marginsInDips }; // Move the border to the top left corner of the cell OverlayCanvas().SetLeft(HyperlinkTooltipBorder(), (locationInDIPs.x() - SwapChainPanel().ActualOffset().x)); OverlayCanvas().SetTop(HyperlinkTooltipBorder(), (locationInDIPs.y() - SwapChainPanel().ActualOffset().y)); } } const uint16_t newId = terminalPosition.has_value() ? _terminal->GetHyperlinkIdAtPosition(*terminalPosition) : 0u; const auto newInterval = terminalPosition.has_value() ? _terminal->GetHyperlinkIntervalFromPosition(*terminalPosition) : std::nullopt; // If the hyperlink ID changed or the interval changed, trigger a redraw all // (so this will happen both when we move onto a link and when we move off a link) if (newId != _lastHoveredId || (newInterval != _lastHoveredInterval)) { _lastHoveredId = newId; _lastHoveredInterval = newInterval; _renderEngine->UpdateHyperlinkHoveredId(newId); _renderer->UpdateLastHoveredInterval(newInterval); _renderer->TriggerRedrawAll(); } } // Method Description: // - Handle a mouse exited event, specifically clearing last hovered cell // and removing selection from hyper link if exists // Arguments: // - sender: not used // - args: event data void TermControl::_PointerExitedHandler(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs const& /*e*/) { _UpdateHoveredCell(std::nullopt); } // -------------------------------- WinRT Events --------------------------------- // Winrt events need a method for adding a callback to the event and removing the callback. // These macros will define them both for you. DEFINE_EVENT(TermControl, TitleChanged, _titleChangedHandlers, TerminalControl::TitleChangedEventArgs); DEFINE_EVENT(TermControl, FontSizeChanged, _fontSizeChangedHandlers, TerminalControl::FontSizeChangedEventArgs); DEFINE_EVENT(TermControl, ScrollPositionChanged, _scrollPositionChangedHandlers, TerminalControl::ScrollPositionChangedEventArgs); DEFINE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(TermControl, PasteFromClipboard, _clipboardPasteHandlers, TerminalControl::TermControl, TerminalControl::PasteFromClipboardEventArgs); DEFINE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(TermControl, CopyToClipboard, _clipboardCopyHandlers, TerminalControl::TermControl, TerminalControl::CopyToClipboardEventArgs); DEFINE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(TermControl, OpenHyperlink, _openHyperlinkHandlers, TerminalControl::TermControl, TerminalControl::OpenHyperlinkEventArgs); DEFINE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(TermControl, SetTaskbarProgress, _setTaskbarProgressHandlers, TerminalControl::TermControl, IInspectable); DEFINE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(TermControl, RaiseNotice, _raiseNoticeHandlers, TerminalControl::TermControl, TerminalControl::NoticeEventArgs); // clang-format on }