// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "pch.h" #include "CTerminalHandoff.h" using namespace Microsoft::WRL; // The callback function when a connection is received static NewHandoffFunction _pfnHandoff = nullptr; // The registration ID of the class object for clean up later static DWORD g_cTerminalHandoffRegistration = 0; // Routine Description: // - Starts listening for TerminalHandoff requests by registering // our class and interface with COM. // Arguments: // - pfnHandoff - Function to callback when a handoff is received // Return Value: // - S_OK, E_NOT_VALID_STATE (start called when already started) or relevant COM registration error. HRESULT CTerminalHandoff::s_StartListening(NewHandoffFunction pfnHandoff) noexcept try { RETURN_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, _pfnHandoff != nullptr); const auto classFactory = Make>(); RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(classFactory); ComPtr unk; RETURN_IF_FAILED(classFactory.As(&unk)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(CoRegisterClassObject(__uuidof(CTerminalHandoff), unk.Get(), CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, &g_cTerminalHandoffRegistration)); _pfnHandoff = pfnHandoff; return S_OK; } CATCH_RETURN() // Routine Description: // - Stops listening for TerminalHandoff requests by revoking the registration // our class and interface with COM // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - S_OK, E_NOT_VALID_STATE (stop called when not started), or relevant COM class revoke error HRESULT CTerminalHandoff::s_StopListening() noexcept { RETURN_HR_IF_NULL(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, _pfnHandoff); _pfnHandoff = nullptr; if (g_cTerminalHandoffRegistration) { RETURN_IF_FAILED(CoRevokeClassObject(g_cTerminalHandoffRegistration)); g_cTerminalHandoffRegistration = 0; } return S_OK; } // Routine Description: // - Helper to duplicate a handle to ourselves so we can keep holding onto it // after the caller frees the original one. // Arguments: // - in - Handle to duplicate // - out - Where to place the duplicated value // Return Value: // - S_OK or Win32 error from `::DuplicateHandle` static HRESULT _duplicateHandle(const HANDLE in, HANDLE& out) noexcept { RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(::DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), in, GetCurrentProcess(), &out, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)); return S_OK; } // Routine Description: // - Receives the terminal handoff via COM from the other process, // duplicates handles as COM will free those given on the way out, // then fires off an event notifying the rest of the terminal that // a connection is on its way in. // Arguments: // - in - PTY input handle that we will read from // - out - PTY output handle that we will write to // - signal - PTY signal handle for out of band messaging // - process - Process handle to client so we can track its lifetime and exit appropriately // Return Value: // - E_NOT_VALID_STATE if a event handler is not registered before calling. `::DuplicateHandle` // error codes if we cannot manage to make our own copy of handles to retain. Or S_OK/error // from the registered handler event function. HRESULT CTerminalHandoff::EstablishPtyHandoff(HANDLE in, HANDLE out, HANDLE signal, HANDLE process) noexcept { // Report an error if no one registered a handoff function before calling this. RETURN_HR_IF_NULL(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, _pfnHandoff); // Duplicate the handles from what we received. // The contract with COM specifies that any HANDLEs we receive from the caller belong // to the caller and will be freed when we leave the scope of this method. // Making our own duplicate copy ensures they hang around in our lifetime. RETURN_IF_FAILED(_duplicateHandle(in, in)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(_duplicateHandle(out, out)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(_duplicateHandle(signal, signal)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(_duplicateHandle(process, process)); // Call registered handler from when we started listening. return _pfnHandoff(in, out, signal, process); }