/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: - DefaultSettings.h Abstract: - A header with a bunch of default values used for settings, especially for terminal settings used by Cascadia Author(s): - Mike Griese - March 2019 --*/ #pragma once constexpr COLORREF COLOR_WHITE = 0x00ffffff; constexpr COLORREF COLOR_BLACK = 0x00000000; constexpr COLORREF OPACITY_OPAQUE = 0xff000000; constexpr COLORREF DEFAULT_FOREGROUND = COLOR_WHITE; constexpr COLORREF DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_WITH_ALPHA = OPACITY_OPAQUE | DEFAULT_FOREGROUND; constexpr COLORREF DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = COLOR_BLACK; constexpr COLORREF DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_WITH_ALPHA = OPACITY_OPAQUE | DEFAULT_BACKGROUND; constexpr COLORREF POWERSHELL_BLUE = RGB(1, 36, 86); constexpr short DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE = 9001; #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 26426) // TODO GH 2674, don't disable this warning, move to std::wstring_view or something like that. const std::wstring DEFAULT_FONT_FACE{ L"Consolas" }; constexpr int DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 12; constexpr int DEFAULT_ROWS = 30; constexpr int DEFAULT_COLS = 120; const std::wstring DEFAULT_PADDING{ L"8, 8, 8, 8" }; const std::wstring DEFAULT_STARTING_DIRECTORY{ L"%USERPROFILE%" }; constexpr COLORREF DEFAULT_CURSOR_COLOR = COLOR_WHITE; constexpr COLORREF DEFAULT_CURSOR_HEIGHT = 25; const std::wstring DEFAULT_WORD_DELIMITERS{ L" ./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}~?\u2502" }; #pragma warning(pop)