/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: - ConsoleTAEFTemplates.hpp Abstract: - This module contains common TAEF templates for console structures Author: - Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 2015 - Paul Campbell (PaulCam) 2015 Revision History: --*/ #pragma once // Helper for declaring a variable to store a TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY and get it's value from the test metadata #define INIT_TEST_PROPERTY(type, identifer, description) \ type identifer; \ VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L#identifer, identifer), description); // Thinking of adding a new VerifyOutputTraits for a new type? MAKE SURE that // you include this header (or at least the relevant definition) before _every_ // Verify for that type. // // From a thread on the matter in 2018: // > my best guess is that one of your cpp files uses a COORD in a Verify macro // > without including consoletaeftemplates.hpp. This caused the // > VerifyOutputTraits symbol to be used with the default // > implementation. In other of your cpp files, you did include // > consoletaeftemplates.hpp properly and they would have compiled the actual // > specialization from consoletaeftemplates.hpp into the corresponding obj // > file for that cpp file. When the test DLL was linked, the linker picks one // > of the multiple definitions available from the different obj files for // > VerifyOutputTraits. The linker happened to pick the one from the cpp // > file where consoletaeftemplates.hpp was not included properly. I’ve // > encountered a similar situation before and it was baffling because the // > compiled code was obviously doing different behavior than what the source // > code said. This can happen when you violate the one-definition rule. namespace WEX::TestExecution { template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const SMALL_RECT& sr) { return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"(L:%d, R:%d, T:%d, B:%d)", sr.Left, sr.Right, sr.Top, sr.Bottom); } }; template<> class VerifyCompareTraits { public: static bool AreEqual(const SMALL_RECT& expected, const SMALL_RECT& actual) { return expected.Left == actual.Left && expected.Right == actual.Right && expected.Top == actual.Top && expected.Bottom == actual.Bottom; } static bool AreSame(const SMALL_RECT& expected, const SMALL_RECT& actual) { return &expected == &actual; } static bool IsLessThan(const SMALL_RECT& expectedLess, const SMALL_RECT& expectedGreater) = delete; static bool IsGreaterThan(const SMALL_RECT& expectedGreater, const SMALL_RECT& expectedLess) = delete; static bool IsNull(const SMALL_RECT& object) { return object.Left == 0 && object.Right == 0 && object.Top == 0 && object.Bottom == 0; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const COORD& coord) { return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"(X:%d, Y:%d)", coord.X, coord.Y); } }; template<> class VerifyCompareTraits { public: static bool AreEqual(const COORD& expected, const COORD& actual) { return expected.X == actual.X && expected.Y == actual.Y; } static bool AreSame(const COORD& expected, const COORD& actual) { return &expected == &actual; } static bool IsLessThan(const COORD& expectedLess, const COORD& expectedGreater) { // less is on a line above greater (Y values less than) return (expectedLess.Y < expectedGreater.Y) || // or on the same lines and less is left of greater (X values less than) ((expectedLess.Y == expectedGreater.Y) && (expectedLess.X < expectedGreater.X)); } static bool IsGreaterThan(const COORD& expectedGreater, const COORD& expectedLess) { // greater is on a line below less (Y value greater than) return (expectedGreater.Y > expectedLess.Y) || // or on the same lines and greater is right of less (X values greater than) ((expectedGreater.Y == expectedLess.Y) && (expectedGreater.X > expectedLess.X)); } static bool IsNull(const COORD& object) { return object.X == 0 && object.Y == 0; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& cci) { return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"(Vis:%s, Size:%d)", cci.bVisible ? L"True" : L"False", cci.dwSize); } }; template<> class VerifyCompareTraits { public: static bool AreEqual(const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& expected, const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& actual) { return expected.bVisible == actual.bVisible && expected.dwSize == actual.dwSize; } static bool AreSame(const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& expected, const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& actual) { return &expected == &actual; } static bool IsLessThan(const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& expectedLess, const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& expectedGreater) = delete; static bool IsGreaterThan(const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& expectedGreater, const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& expectedLess) = delete; static bool IsNull(const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO& object) { return object.bVisible == 0 && object.dwSize == 0; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& sbiex) { return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"(Full:%s Attrs:0x%x PopupAttrs:0x%x CursorPos:%s Size:%s MaxSize:%s Viewport:%s)\r\nColors:\r\n(0:0x%x)\r\n(1:0x%x)\r\n(2:0x%x)\r\n(3:0x%x)\r\n(4:0x%x)\r\n(5:0x%x)\r\n(6:0x%x)\r\n(7:0x%x)\r\n(8:0x%x)\r\n(9:0x%x)\r\n(A:0x%x)\r\n(B:0x%x)\r\n(C:0x%x)\r\n(D:0x%x)\r\n(E:0x%x)\r\n(F:0x%x)\r\n", sbiex.bFullscreenSupported ? L"True" : L"False", sbiex.wAttributes, sbiex.wPopupAttributes, VerifyOutputTraits::ToString(sbiex.dwCursorPosition).ToCStrWithFallbackTo(L"Fail"), VerifyOutputTraits::ToString(sbiex.dwSize).ToCStrWithFallbackTo(L"Fail"), VerifyOutputTraits::ToString(sbiex.dwMaximumWindowSize).ToCStrWithFallbackTo(L"Fail"), VerifyOutputTraits::ToString(sbiex.srWindow).ToCStrWithFallbackTo(L"Fail"), sbiex.ColorTable[0], sbiex.ColorTable[1], sbiex.ColorTable[2], sbiex.ColorTable[3], sbiex.ColorTable[4], sbiex.ColorTable[5], sbiex.ColorTable[6], sbiex.ColorTable[7], sbiex.ColorTable[8], sbiex.ColorTable[9], sbiex.ColorTable[10], sbiex.ColorTable[11], sbiex.ColorTable[12], sbiex.ColorTable[13], sbiex.ColorTable[14], sbiex.ColorTable[15]); } }; template<> class VerifyCompareTraits { public: static bool AreEqual(const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& expected, const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& actual) { return expected.bFullscreenSupported == actual.bFullscreenSupported && expected.wAttributes == actual.wAttributes && expected.wPopupAttributes == actual.wPopupAttributes && VerifyCompareTraits::AreEqual(expected.dwCursorPosition, actual.dwCursorPosition) && VerifyCompareTraits::AreEqual(expected.dwSize, actual.dwSize) && VerifyCompareTraits::AreEqual(expected.dwMaximumWindowSize, actual.dwMaximumWindowSize) && VerifyCompareTraits::AreEqual(expected.srWindow, actual.srWindow) && expected.ColorTable[0] == actual.ColorTable[0] && expected.ColorTable[1] == actual.ColorTable[1] && expected.ColorTable[2] == actual.ColorTable[2] && expected.ColorTable[3] == actual.ColorTable[3] && expected.ColorTable[4] == actual.ColorTable[4] && expected.ColorTable[5] == actual.ColorTable[5] && expected.ColorTable[6] == actual.ColorTable[6] && expected.ColorTable[7] == actual.ColorTable[7] && expected.ColorTable[8] == actual.ColorTable[8] && expected.ColorTable[9] == actual.ColorTable[9] && expected.ColorTable[10] == actual.ColorTable[10] && expected.ColorTable[11] == actual.ColorTable[11] && expected.ColorTable[12] == actual.ColorTable[12] && expected.ColorTable[13] == actual.ColorTable[13] && expected.ColorTable[14] == actual.ColorTable[14] && expected.ColorTable[15] == actual.ColorTable[15]; } static bool AreSame(const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& expected, const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& actual) { return &expected == &actual; } static bool IsLessThan(const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& expectedLess, const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& expectedGreater) = delete; static bool IsGreaterThan(const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& expectedGreater, const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& expectedLess) = delete; static bool IsNull(const CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX& object) { return object.bFullscreenSupported == 0 && object.wAttributes == 0 && object.wPopupAttributes == 0 && VerifyCompareTraits::IsNull(object.dwCursorPosition) && VerifyCompareTraits::IsNull(object.dwSize) && VerifyCompareTraits::IsNull(object.dwMaximumWindowSize) && VerifyCompareTraits::IsNull(object.srWindow) && object.ColorTable[0] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[1] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[2] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[3] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[4] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[5] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[6] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[7] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[8] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[9] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[10] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[11] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[12] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[13] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[14] == 0x0 && object.ColorTable[15] == 0x0; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const INPUT_RECORD& ir) { SetVerifyOutput verifySettings(VerifyOutputSettings::LogOnlyFailures); WCHAR szBuf[1024]; VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopy(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), L"(ev: ")); switch (ir.EventType) { case FOCUS_EVENT: { WCHAR szFocus[512]; VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintf(szFocus, ARRAYSIZE(szFocus), L"FOCUS set: %s)", ir.Event.FocusEvent.bSetFocus ? L"T" : L"F")); VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szFocus)); break; } case KEY_EVENT: { WCHAR szKey[512]; VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintf(szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey), L"KEY down: %s reps: %d kc: 0x%x sc: 0x%x uc: %d ctl: 0x%x)", ir.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown ? L"T" : L"F", ir.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount, ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode, ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode, ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar, ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState)); VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szKey)); break; } case MENU_EVENT: { WCHAR szMenu[512]; VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintf(szMenu, ARRAYSIZE(szMenu), L"MENU cmd: %d (0x%x))", ir.Event.MenuEvent.dwCommandId, ir.Event.MenuEvent.dwCommandId)); VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szMenu)); break; } case MOUSE_EVENT: { WCHAR szMouse[512]; VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintf(szMouse, ARRAYSIZE(szMouse), L"MOUSE pos: (%d, %d) buttons: 0x%x ctl: 0x%x evflags: 0x%x)", ir.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.X, ir.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y, ir.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState, ir.Event.MouseEvent.dwControlKeyState, ir.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags)); VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szMouse)); break; } case WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT: { WCHAR szBufferSize[512]; VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchPrintf(szBufferSize, ARRAYSIZE(szBufferSize), L"WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE (%d, %d)", ir.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.X, ir.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.Y)); VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(StringCchCat(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szBufferSize)); break; } default: VERIFY_FAIL(L"ERROR: unknown input event type encountered"); } return WEX::Common::NoThrowString(szBuf); } }; template<> class VerifyCompareTraits { public: static bool AreEqual(const INPUT_RECORD& expected, const INPUT_RECORD& actual) { bool fEqual = false; if (expected.EventType == actual.EventType) { switch (expected.EventType) { case FOCUS_EVENT: { fEqual = expected.Event.FocusEvent.bSetFocus == actual.Event.FocusEvent.bSetFocus; break; } case KEY_EVENT: { fEqual = (expected.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown == actual.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown && expected.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount == actual.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount && expected.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == actual.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode && expected.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode == actual.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode && expected.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar == actual.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar && expected.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState == actual.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState); break; } case MENU_EVENT: { fEqual = expected.Event.MenuEvent.dwCommandId == actual.Event.MenuEvent.dwCommandId; break; } case MOUSE_EVENT: { fEqual = (expected.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.X == actual.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.X && expected.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y == actual.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y && expected.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == actual.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState && expected.Event.MouseEvent.dwControlKeyState == actual.Event.MouseEvent.dwControlKeyState && expected.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags == actual.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags); break; } case WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT: { fEqual = (expected.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.X == actual.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.X && expected.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.Y == actual.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize.Y); break; } default: VERIFY_FAIL(L"ERROR: unknown input event type encountered"); } } return fEqual; } static bool AreSame(const INPUT_RECORD& expected, const INPUT_RECORD& actual) { return &expected == &actual; } static bool IsLessThan(const INPUT_RECORD& expectedLess, const INPUT_RECORD& expectedGreater) = delete; static bool IsGreaterThan(const INPUT_RECORD& expectedGreater, const INPUT_RECORD& expectedLess) = delete; static bool IsNull(const INPUT_RECORD& object) { return object.EventType == 0; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& cfi) { return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"Index: %n Size: (X:%d, Y:%d)", cfi.nFont, cfi.dwFontSize.X, cfi.dwFontSize.Y); } }; template<> class VerifyCompareTraits { public: static bool AreEqual(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& expected, const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& actual) { return expected.nFont == actual.nFont && expected.dwFontSize.X == actual.dwFontSize.X && expected.dwFontSize.Y == actual.dwFontSize.Y; } static bool AreSame(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& expected, const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& actual) { return &expected == &actual; } static bool IsLessThan(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& expectedLess, const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& expectedGreater) { return expectedLess.dwFontSize.X < expectedGreater.dwFontSize.X && expectedLess.dwFontSize.Y < expectedGreater.dwFontSize.Y; } static bool IsGreaterThan(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& expectedGreater, const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& expectedLess) { return expectedLess.dwFontSize.X < expectedGreater.dwFontSize.X && expectedLess.dwFontSize.Y < expectedGreater.dwFontSize.Y; } static bool IsNull(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFO& object) { return object.nFont == 0 && object.dwFontSize.X == 0 && object.dwFontSize.Y == 0; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& cfiex) { return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"Index: %d Size: (X:%d, Y:%d) Family: 0x%x (%d) Weight: 0x%x (%d) Name: %ls", cfiex.nFont, cfiex.dwFontSize.X, cfiex.dwFontSize.Y, cfiex.FontFamily, cfiex.FontFamily, cfiex.FontWeight, cfiex.FontWeight, cfiex.FaceName); } }; template<> class VerifyCompareTraits { public: static bool AreEqual(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& expected, const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& actual) { return expected.nFont == actual.nFont && expected.dwFontSize.X == actual.dwFontSize.X && expected.dwFontSize.Y == actual.dwFontSize.Y && expected.FontFamily == actual.FontFamily && expected.FontWeight == actual.FontWeight && 0 == wcscmp(expected.FaceName, actual.FaceName); } static bool AreSame(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& expected, const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& actual) { return &expected == &actual; } static bool IsLessThan(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& expectedLess, const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& expectedGreater) { return expectedLess.dwFontSize.X < expectedGreater.dwFontSize.X && expectedLess.dwFontSize.Y < expectedGreater.dwFontSize.Y; } static bool IsGreaterThan(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& expectedGreater, const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& expectedLess) { return expectedLess.dwFontSize.X < expectedGreater.dwFontSize.X && expectedLess.dwFontSize.Y < expectedGreater.dwFontSize.Y; } static bool IsNull(const CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX& object) { return object.nFont == 0 && object.dwFontSize.X == 0 && object.dwFontSize.Y == 0 && object.FontFamily == 0 && object.FontWeight == 0 && object.FaceName[0] == L'\0'; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const CHAR_INFO& ci) { // 0x2400 is the Unicode symbol for a printable 'NUL' inscribed in a 1 column block. It's for communicating NUL without printing 0x0. wchar_t const wch = ci.Char.UnicodeChar != L'\0' ? ci.Char.UnicodeChar : 0x2400; // 0x20 is a standard space character. char const ch = ci.Char.AsciiChar != '\0' ? ci.Char.AsciiChar : 0x20; return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"Unicode Char: %lc (0x%x), Attributes: 0x%x, [Ascii Char: %c (0x%hhx)]", wch, ci.Char.UnicodeChar, ci.Attributes, ch, ci.Char.AsciiChar); } }; template<> class VerifyCompareTraits { public: static bool AreEqual(const CHAR_INFO& expected, const CHAR_INFO& actual) { return expected.Attributes == actual.Attributes && expected.Char.UnicodeChar == actual.Char.UnicodeChar; } static bool AreSame(const CHAR_INFO& expected, const CHAR_INFO& actual) { return &expected == &actual; } static bool IsLessThan(const CHAR_INFO&, const CHAR_INFO&) = delete; static bool IsGreaterThan(const CHAR_INFO&, const CHAR_INFO&) = delete; static bool IsNull(const CHAR_INFO& object) { return object.Attributes == 0 && object.Char.UnicodeChar == 0; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const std::string_view& view) { if (view.empty()) { return L""; } WEX::Common::NoThrowString s; s.AppendFormat(L"%.*hs", gsl::narrow_cast(view.size()), view.data()); return s; } }; template<> class VerifyOutputTraits { public: static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const std::wstring_view& view) { if (view.empty()) { return L""; } return WEX::Common::NoThrowString(view.data(), gsl::narrow(view.size())); } }; template class VerifyCompareTraits, std::basic_string_view> { public: static bool AreEqual(const std::basic_string_view& expected, const std::basic_string_view& actual) { return expected == actual; } static bool AreSame(const std::basic_string_view& expected, const std::basic_string_view& actual) { return expected.data() == actual.data(); } static bool IsLessThan(const std::basic_string_view&, const std::basic_string_view&) = delete; static bool IsGreaterThan(const std::basic_string_view&, const std::basic_string_view&) = delete; static bool IsNull(const std::basic_string_view& object) { return object.empty(); } }; }