/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: - userdpiapi.hpp Abstract: - This module is used for abstracting calls to ntdll DLL APIs to break DDK dependencies. Author(s): - Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) July-2016 --*/ #pragma once #include "conddkrefs.h" // From winternl.h typedef enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS { ProcessBasicInformation = 0, ProcessDebugPort = 7, ProcessWow64Information = 26, ProcessImageFileName = 27, ProcessBreakOnTermination = 29 } PROCESSINFOCLASS; typedef struct _PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION { PVOID Reserved1; PVOID PebBaseAddress; PVOID Reserved2[2]; ULONG_PTR UniqueProcessId; ULONG_PTR Reserved3; } PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION; typedef PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION* PPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION; // end From winternl.h class NtPrivApi sealed { public: [[nodiscard]] static NTSTATUS s_GetProcessParentId(_Inout_ PULONG ProcessId); ~NtPrivApi(); private: [[nodiscard]] static NTSTATUS s_NtOpenProcess(_Out_ PHANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, _In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _In_opt_ PCLIENT_ID ClientId); [[nodiscard]] static NTSTATUS s_NtQueryInformationProcess(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass, _Out_ PVOID ProcessInformation, _In_ ULONG ProcessInformationLength, _Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength); [[nodiscard]] static NTSTATUS s_NtClose(_In_ HANDLE Handle); static NtPrivApi& _Instance(); HMODULE _hNtDll; NtPrivApi(); };