// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "precomp.h" #include "ConsoleArguments.hpp" #include "../types/inc/utils.hpp" #include using namespace Microsoft::Console::Utils; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::VT_MODE_ARG = L"--vtmode"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::HEADLESS_ARG = L"--headless"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::SERVER_HANDLE_ARG = L"--server"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::SIGNAL_HANDLE_ARG = L"--signal"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::HANDLE_PREFIX = L"0x"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::CLIENT_COMMANDLINE_ARG = L"--"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::FORCE_V1_ARG = L"-ForceV1"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::FILEPATH_LEADER_PREFIX = L"\\??\\"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::WIDTH_ARG = L"--width"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::HEIGHT_ARG = L"--height"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::INHERIT_CURSOR_ARG = L"--inheritcursor"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::FEATURE_ARG = L"--feature"; const std::wstring_view ConsoleArguments::FEATURE_PTY_ARG = L"pty"; std::wstring EscapeArgument(std::wstring_view ac) { if (ac.empty()) { return L"\"\""; } bool hasSpace = false; auto n = ac.size(); for (auto c : ac) { switch (c) { case L'"': case L'\\': n++; break; case ' ': case '\t': hasSpace = true; break; default: break; } } if (hasSpace) { n += 2; } if (n == ac.size()) { return std::wstring{ ac }; } std::wstring buf; if (hasSpace) { buf.push_back(L'"'); } size_t slashes = 0; for (auto c : ac) { switch (c) { case L'\\': slashes++; buf.push_back(L'\\'); break; case L'"': { for (; slashes > 0; slashes--) { buf.push_back(L'\\'); } buf.push_back(L'\\'); buf.push_back(c); } break; default: slashes = 0; buf.push_back(c); break; } } if (hasSpace) { for (; slashes > 0; slashes--) { buf.push_back(L'\\'); } buf.push_back(L'"'); } return buf; } ConsoleArguments::ConsoleArguments(const std::wstring& commandline, const HANDLE hStdIn, const HANDLE hStdOut) : _commandline(commandline), _vtInHandle(hStdIn), _vtOutHandle(hStdOut), _recievedEarlySizeChange{ false }, _originalWidth{ -1 }, _originalHeight{ -1 } { _clientCommandline = L""; _vtMode = L""; _headless = false; _createServerHandle = true; _serverHandle = 0; _signalHandle = 0; _forceV1 = false; _width = 0; _height = 0; _inheritCursor = false; } ConsoleArguments::ConsoleArguments() : ConsoleArguments(L"", nullptr, nullptr) { } ConsoleArguments& ConsoleArguments::operator=(const ConsoleArguments& other) { if (this != &other) { _commandline = other._commandline; _clientCommandline = other._clientCommandline; _vtInHandle = other._vtInHandle; _vtOutHandle = other._vtOutHandle; _vtMode = other._vtMode; _headless = other._headless; _createServerHandle = other._createServerHandle; _serverHandle = other._serverHandle; _signalHandle = other._signalHandle; _forceV1 = other._forceV1; _width = other._width; _height = other._height; _inheritCursor = other._inheritCursor; _recievedEarlySizeChange = other._recievedEarlySizeChange; } return *this; } // Routine Description: // - Consumes the argument at the given index off of the vector. // Arguments: // - args - The vector full of args // - index - The item to consume/remove from the vector. // Return Value: // - void ConsoleArguments::s_ConsumeArg(_Inout_ std::vector& args, _In_ size_t& index) { args.erase(args.begin() + index); } // Routine Description: // Given the commandline of tokens `args`, tries to find the argument at // index+1, and places its value into pSetting. // If there aren't enough args, then returns E_INVALIDARG. // If we found a value, then we take the elements at both index and index+1 out // of args. We'll also decrement index, so that a caller who is using index // as a loop index will autoincrement it to have it point at the correct // next index. // // EX: for args=[--foo, bar, --baz] // index=0 would place "bar" in pSetting, // args is now [--baz], index is now -1, caller increments to 0 // index=2 would return E_INVALIDARG, // args is still [--foo, bar, --baz], index is still 2, caller increments to 3. // Arguments: // args: A collection of wstrings representing command-line arguments // index: the index of the argument of which to get the value for. The value // should be at (index+1). index will be decremented by one on success. // pSetting: receives the string at index+1 // Return Value: // S_OK if we parsed the string successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating // failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::s_GetArgumentValue(_Inout_ std::vector& args, _Inout_ size_t& index, _Out_opt_ std::wstring* const pSetting) { bool hasNext = (index + 1) < args.size(); if (hasNext) { s_ConsumeArg(args, index); if (pSetting != nullptr) { *pSetting = args[index]; } s_ConsumeArg(args, index); } return (hasNext) ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; } // Routine Description: // Similar to s_GetArgumentValue. // Attempts to get the next arg as a "feature" arg - this can be used for // feature detection. // If the next arg is not recognized, then we don't support that feature. // Currently, the only supported feature arg is `pty`, to identify pty support. // Arguments: // args: A collection of wstrings representing command-line arguments // index: the index of the argument of which to get the value for. The value // should be at (index+1). index will be decremented by one on success. // pSetting: receives the string at index+1 // Return Value: // S_OK if we parsed the string successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating // failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::s_HandleFeatureValue(_Inout_ std::vector& args, _Inout_ size_t& index) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; bool hasNext = (index + 1) < args.size(); if (hasNext) { s_ConsumeArg(args, index); std::wstring value = args[index]; if (value == FEATURE_PTY_ARG) { hr = S_OK; } s_ConsumeArg(args, index); } return (hasNext) ? hr : E_INVALIDARG; } // Method Description: // Routine Description: // Given the commandline of tokens `args`, tries to find the argument at // index+1, and places its value into pSetting. See above for examples. // This implementation attempts to parse a short from the argument. // Arguments: // args: A collection of wstrings representing command-line arguments // index: the index of the argument of which to get the value for. The value // should be at (index+1). index will be decremented by one on success. // pSetting: receives the short at index+1 // Return Value: // S_OK if we parsed the short successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating // failure. This could be the case for non-numeric arguments, or for >SHORT_MAX args. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::s_GetArgumentValue(_Inout_ std::vector& args, _Inout_ size_t& index, _Out_opt_ short* const pSetting) { bool succeeded = (index + 1) < args.size(); if (succeeded) { s_ConsumeArg(args, index); if (pSetting != nullptr) { try { size_t pos = 0; int value = std::stoi(args[index], &pos); // If the entire string was a number, pos will be equal to the // length of the string. Otherwise, a string like 8foo will // be parsed as "8" if (value > SHORT_MAX || pos != args[index].length()) { succeeded = false; } else { *pSetting = static_cast(value); succeeded = true; } } catch (...) { succeeded = false; } } s_ConsumeArg(args, index); } return (succeeded) ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; } // Routine Description: // - Parsing helper that will turn a string into a handle value if possible. // Arguments: // - handleAsText - The string representation of the handle that was passed in on the command line // - handleAsVal - The location to store the value if we can appropriately convert it. // Return Value: // - S_OK if we could successfully parse the given text and store it in the handle value location. // - E_INVALIDARG if we couldn't parse the text as a valid hex-encoded handle number OR // if the handle value was already filled. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::s_ParseHandleArg(const std::wstring& handleAsText, _Inout_ DWORD& handleAsVal) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // The handle should have a valid prefix. if (handleAsText.substr(0, HANDLE_PREFIX.length()) != HANDLE_PREFIX) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if (0 == handleAsVal) { handleAsVal = wcstoul(handleAsText.c_str(), nullptr /*endptr*/, 16 /*base*/); // If the handle didn't parse into a reasonable handle ID, invalid. if (handleAsVal == 0) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else { // If we're trying to set the handle a second time, invalid. hr = E_INVALIDARG; } return hr; } // Routine Description: // Given the commandline of tokens `args`, creates a wstring containing all of // the remaining args after index joined with spaces. If skipFirst==true, // then we omit the argument at index from this finished string. skipFirst // should only be true if the first arg is // ConsoleArguments::CLIENT_COMMANDLINE_ARG. Removes all the args starting // at index from the collection. // The finished commandline is placed in _clientCommandline // Arguments: // args: A collection of wstrings representing command-line arguments // index: the index of the argument of which to start the commandline from. // skipFirst: if true, omit the arg at index (which should be "--") // Return Value: // S_OK if we parsed the string successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating // failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::_GetClientCommandline(_Inout_ std::vector& args, const size_t index, const bool skipFirst) { auto start = args.begin() + index; // Erase the first token. // Used to get rid of the explicit commandline token "--" if (skipFirst) { // Make sure that the arg we're deleting is "--" FAIL_FAST_IF(!(CLIENT_COMMANDLINE_ARG == start->c_str())); args.erase(start); } _clientCommandline = L""; size_t j = 0; for (j = index; j < args.size(); j++) { _clientCommandline += EscapeArgument(args[j]); // escape commandline if (j + 1 < args.size()) { _clientCommandline += L" "; } } args.erase(args.begin() + index, args.begin() + j); return S_OK; } // Routine Description: // Attempts to parse the commandline that this ConsoleArguments was initialized // with. Fills all of our members with values that were specified on the // commandline. // Arguments: // // Return Value: // S_OK if we parsed our _commandline successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG // indicating failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleArguments::ParseCommandline() { // If the commandline was empty, quick return. if (_commandline.length() == 0) { return S_OK; } std::vector args; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Make a mutable copy of the commandline for tokenizing std::wstring copy = _commandline; // Tokenize the commandline int argc = 0; wil::unique_hlocal_ptr argv; argv.reset(CommandLineToArgvW(copy.c_str(), &argc)); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(argv == nullptr); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { args.push_back(argv[i]); } // Parse args out of the commandline. // As we handle a token, remove it from the args. // At the end of parsing, there should be nothing left. for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size();) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; std::wstring arg = args[i]; if (arg.substr(0, HANDLE_PREFIX.length()) == HANDLE_PREFIX || arg == SERVER_HANDLE_ARG) { // server handle token accepted two ways: // --server 0x4 (new method) // 0x4 (legacy method) // If we see >1 of these, it's invalid. std::wstring serverHandleVal = arg; if (arg == SERVER_HANDLE_ARG) { hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &serverHandleVal); } else { s_ConsumeArg(args, i); hr = S_OK; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = s_ParseHandleArg(serverHandleVal, _serverHandle); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _createServerHandle = false; } } } else if (arg == SIGNAL_HANDLE_ARG) { std::wstring signalHandleVal; hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &signalHandleVal); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = s_ParseHandleArg(signalHandleVal, _signalHandle); } } else if (arg == FORCE_V1_ARG) { // -ForceV1 command line switch for NTVDM support _forceV1 = true; s_ConsumeArg(args, i); hr = S_OK; } else if (arg.substr(0, FILEPATH_LEADER_PREFIX.length()) == FILEPATH_LEADER_PREFIX) { // beginning of command line -- includes file path // skipped for historical reasons. s_ConsumeArg(args, i); hr = S_OK; } else if (arg == VT_MODE_ARG) { hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &_vtMode); } else if (arg == WIDTH_ARG) { hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &_width); } else if (arg == HEIGHT_ARG) { hr = s_GetArgumentValue(args, i, &_height); } else if (arg == FEATURE_ARG) { hr = s_HandleFeatureValue(args, i); } else if (arg == HEADLESS_ARG) { _headless = true; s_ConsumeArg(args, i); hr = S_OK; } else if (arg == INHERIT_CURSOR_ARG) { _inheritCursor = true; s_ConsumeArg(args, i); hr = S_OK; } else if (arg == CLIENT_COMMANDLINE_ARG) { // Everything after this is the explicit commandline hr = _GetClientCommandline(args, i, true); break; } // TODO: handle the rest of the possible params (MSFT:13271366, MSFT:13631640) // TODO: handle invalid args // e.g. "conhost --foo bar" should not make the clientCommandline "--foo bar" else { // If we encounter something that doesn't match one of our other // args, then it's the start of the commandline hr = _GetClientCommandline(args, i, false); break; } if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } } // We should have consumed every token at this point. // if not, it is some sort of parsing error. // If we failed to parse an arg, then no need to assert. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { FAIL_FAST_IF(!args.empty()); } return hr; } // Routine Description: // - Returns true if we already have opened handles to use for the VT server // streams. // - If false, try next to see if we have pipe names to open instead. // Arguments: // - - uses internal state // Return Value: // - True or false (see description) bool ConsoleArguments::HasVtHandles() const { return IsValidHandle(_vtInHandle) && IsValidHandle(_vtOutHandle); } // Routine Description: // - Returns true if we were passed a seemingly valid signal handle on startup. // Arguments: // - - uses internal state // Return Value: // - True or false (see description) bool ConsoleArguments::HasSignalHandle() const { return IsValidHandle(GetSignalHandle()); } // Routine Description: // - Returns true if we already have at least one handle for conpty streams. // Arguments: // - - uses internal state // Return Value: // - True or false (see description) bool ConsoleArguments::InConptyMode() const noexcept { // If we only have a signal handle, then that's fine, they probably called // CreatePseudoConsole with neither handle. // If we only have one of the other handles, that's fine they're still // invoking us by passing in pipes, so they know what they're doing. return IsValidHandle(_vtInHandle) || IsValidHandle(_vtOutHandle) || HasSignalHandle(); } bool ConsoleArguments::IsHeadless() const { return _headless; } bool ConsoleArguments::ShouldCreateServerHandle() const { return _createServerHandle; } HANDLE ConsoleArguments::GetServerHandle() const { return ULongToHandle(_serverHandle); } HANDLE ConsoleArguments::GetSignalHandle() const { return ULongToHandle(_signalHandle); } HANDLE ConsoleArguments::GetVtInHandle() const { return _vtInHandle; } HANDLE ConsoleArguments::GetVtOutHandle() const { return _vtOutHandle; } std::wstring ConsoleArguments::GetClientCommandline() const { return _clientCommandline; } std::wstring ConsoleArguments::GetVtMode() const { return _vtMode; } bool ConsoleArguments::GetForceV1() const { return _forceV1; } short ConsoleArguments::GetWidth() const { return _width; } short ConsoleArguments::GetHeight() const { return _height; } bool ConsoleArguments::GetInheritCursor() const { return _inheritCursor; } // Method Description: // - Tell us to use a different size than the one parsed as the size of the // console. This is called by the PtySignalInputThread when it receives a // resize before the first client has connected. Because there's no client, // there's also no buffer yet, so it has nothing to resize. // However, we shouldn't just discard that first resize message. Instead, // store it in here, so we can use the value when the first client does connect. // Arguments: // - dimensions: the new size in characters of the conpty buffer & viewport. // Return Value: // - void ConsoleArguments::SetExpectedSize(COORD dimensions) noexcept { _width = dimensions.X; _height = dimensions.Y; // Stash away the original values we parsed when this is called. // This is to help debugging - if the signal thread DOES change these values, // we can still recover what was given to us on the commandline. if (!_recievedEarlySizeChange) { _originalWidth = _width; _originalHeight = _height; // Mark that we've changed size from what our commandline values were _recievedEarlySizeChange = true; } }