/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: console.h Abstract: This module contains the definitions for the console applet Author: Jerry Shea (jerrysh) Feb-3-1992 Revision History: Mike Griese, migrie, Oct 2016: Moved to cpp and the OpenConsole project --*/ #pragma once #include "font.h" #include "OptionsPage.h" #include "LayoutPage.h" #include "ColorsPage.h" #include "TerminalPage.h" #include "ColorControl.h" // // Icon ID. // #define IDI_CONSOLE 1 // // String table constants // // clang-format off #define IDS_NAME 1 #define IDS_INFO 2 #define IDS_TITLE 3 #define IDS_RASTERFONT 4 #define IDS_FONTSIZE 5 #define IDS_SELECTEDFONT 6 #define IDS_SAVE 7 #define IDS_LINKERRCAP 8 #define IDS_LINKERROR 9 #define IDS_FONTSTRING 10 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_LINE_SELECTION 11 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_FILTER_ON_PASTE 12 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_LINE_WRAP 13 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_CTRL_KEYS 14 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_EDIT_KEYS 15 // unused 16 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_OPACITY 17 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_INTERCEPT_COPY_PASTE 18 // clang-format on void MakeAltRasterFont( __in UINT CodePage, __out COORD* AltFontSize, __out BYTE* AltFontFamily, __out ULONG* AltFontIndex, __out_ecount(LF_FACESIZE) LPTSTR AltFaceName); [[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS InitializeDbcsMisc(VOID); BYTE CodePageToCharSet( UINT CodePage); BOOL ShouldAllowAllMonoTTFonts(); LPTTFONTLIST SearchTTFont( __in_opt LPCTSTR ptszFace, BOOL fCodePage, UINT CodePage); BOOL IsAvailableTTFont( LPCTSTR ptszFace); BOOL IsAvailableTTFontCP( LPCTSTR ptszFace, UINT CodePage); BOOL IsDisableBoldTTFont( LPCTSTR ptszFace); LPTSTR GetAltFaceName( LPCTSTR ptszFace); [[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DestroyDbcsMisc(VOID); int LanguageListCreate( HWND hDlg, UINT CodePage); int LanguageDisplay( HWND hDlg, UINT CodePage); // // Function prototypes // INT_PTR ConsolePropertySheet( __in HWND hWnd, __in PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO pStateInfo); VOID RegisterClasses( HINSTANCE hModule); VOID UnregisterClasses( HINSTANCE hModule); INT_PTR APIENTRY FontDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); VOID InitRegistryValues( __out PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO pStateInfo); DWORD GetRegistryValues( __out_opt PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO StateInfo); VOID SetGlobalRegistryValues(); VOID SetRegistryValues( PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO StateInfo, DWORD dwPage); [[nodiscard]] LRESULT CALLBACK FontPreviewWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); [[nodiscard]] LRESULT CALLBACK PreviewWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); VOID EndDlgPage( const HWND hDlg, const BOOL fSaveNow); BOOL UpdateStateInfo( HWND hDlg, UINT Item, int Value); BOOL InitializeConsoleState(); void UninitializeConsoleState(); void UpdateApplyButton(const HWND hDlg); [[nodiscard]] HRESULT FindFontAndUpdateState(); BOOL PopulatePropSheetPageArray(_Out_writes_(cPsps) PROPSHEETPAGE* pPsp, const size_t cPsps, const BOOL fRegisterCallbacks); void CreateAndAssociateToolTipToControl(const UINT dlgItem, const HWND hDlg, const UINT idsToolTip); BOOL CheckNum(HWND hDlg, UINT Item); void UpdateItem(HWND hDlg, UINT item, UINT nNum); void Undo(HWND hControlWindow); // // Macros // #define AttrToRGB(Attr) (gpStateInfo->ColorTable[(Attr)&0x0F]) #define ScreenTextColor(pStateInfo) \ (AttrToRGB(LOBYTE(pStateInfo->ScreenAttributes) & 0x0F)) #define ScreenBkColor(pStateInfo) \ (AttrToRGB(LOBYTE(pStateInfo->ScreenAttributes >> 4))) #define PopupTextColor(pStateInfo) \ (AttrToRGB(LOBYTE(pStateInfo->PopupAttributes) & 0x0F)) #define PopupBkColor(pStateInfo) \ (AttrToRGB(LOBYTE(pStateInfo->PopupAttributes >> 4))) // clang-format off #if DBG #define _DBGFONTS 0x00000001 #define _DBGFONTS2 0x00000002 #define _DBGCHARS 0x00000004 #define _DBGOUTPUT 0x00000008 #define _DBGALL 0xFFFFFFFF extern ULONG gDebugFlag; #define DBGFONTS(_params_) #define DBGFONTS2(_params_) #define DBGCHARS(_params_) #define DBGOUTPUT(_params_) #else #define DBGFONTS(_params_) #define DBGFONTS2(_params_) #define DBGCHARS(_params_) #define DBGOUTPUT(_params_) #endif // clang-format on // Macro definitions that handle codepages // #define CP_US (UINT)437 #define CP_JPN (UINT)932 #define CP_WANSUNG (UINT)949 #define CP_TC (UINT)950 #define CP_SC (UINT)936 #define IsBilingualCP(cp) ((cp) == CP_JPN || (cp) == CP_WANSUNG) #define IsEastAsianCP(cp) ((cp) == CP_JPN || (cp) == CP_WANSUNG || (cp) == CP_TC || (cp) == CP_SC) const unsigned int TRANSPARENCY_RANGE_MIN = 0x4D; const unsigned int OPTIONS_PAGE_INDEX = 0; const unsigned int FONT_PAGE_INDEX = 1; const unsigned int LAYOUT_PAGE_INDEX = 2; const unsigned int COLORS_PAGE_INDEX = 3; const unsigned int TERMINAL_PAGE_INDEX = 4; // number of property sheet pages static const int V1_NUMBER_OF_PAGES = 4; static const int NUMBER_OF_PAGES = 5; BOOL GetConsoleBoolValue(__in PCWSTR pszValueName, __in BOOL fDefault);