// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "pch.h" #include "Terminal.hpp" #include "../../terminal/parser/OutputStateMachineEngine.hpp" #include "TerminalDispatch.hpp" #include "../../inc/unicode.hpp" #include "../../inc/argb.h" #include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp" #include "../../types/inc/colorTable.hpp" #include using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core; using namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Core; using namespace Microsoft::Console; using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render; using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types; using namespace Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal; using PointTree = interval_tree::IntervalTree; static std::wstring _KeyEventsToText(std::deque>& inEventsToWrite) { std::wstring wstr = L""; for (const auto& ev : inEventsToWrite) { if (ev->EventType() == InputEventType::KeyEvent) { const auto& k = static_cast(*ev); const auto wch = k.GetCharData(); wstr += wch; } } return wstr; } #pragma warning(suppress : 26455) // default constructor is throwing, too much effort to rearrange at this time. Terminal::Terminal() : _mutableViewport{ Viewport::Empty() }, _title{}, _colorTable{}, _screenReversed{ false }, _pfnWriteInput{ nullptr }, _scrollOffset{ 0 }, _snapOnInput{ true }, _altGrAliasing{ true }, _blockSelection{ false }, _selection{ std::nullopt }, _taskbarState{ 0 }, _taskbarProgress{ 0 }, _trimBlockSelection{ false }, _intenseIsBright{ true }, _adjustIndistinguishableColors{ true } { auto dispatch = std::make_unique(*this); auto engine = std::make_unique(std::move(dispatch)); _stateMachine = std::make_unique(std::move(engine)); // Until we have a true pass-through mode (GH#1173), the decision as to // whether C1 controls are interpreted or not is made at the conhost level. // If they are being filtered out, then we will simply never receive them. // But if they are being accepted by conhost, there's a chance they may get // passed through in some situations, so it's important that our state // machine is always prepared to accept them. _stateMachine->SetParserMode(StateMachine::Mode::AcceptC1, true); auto passAlongInput = [&](std::deque>& inEventsToWrite) { if (!_pfnWriteInput) { return; } std::wstring wstr = _KeyEventsToText(inEventsToWrite); _pfnWriteInput(wstr); }; _terminalInput = std::make_unique(passAlongInput); _InitializeColorTable(); _colorTable.at(TextColor::DEFAULT_FOREGROUND) = RGB(255, 255, 255); _colorTable.at(TextColor::DEFAULT_BACKGROUND) = ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); _colorTable.at(TextColor::CURSOR_COLOR) = INVALID_COLOR; } void Terminal::Create(COORD viewportSize, SHORT scrollbackLines, IRenderTarget& renderTarget) { _mutableViewport = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 }, viewportSize); _scrollbackLines = scrollbackLines; const COORD bufferSize{ viewportSize.X, Utils::ClampToShortMax(viewportSize.Y + scrollbackLines, 1) }; const TextAttribute attr{}; const UINT cursorSize = 12; _buffer = std::make_unique(bufferSize, attr, cursorSize, renderTarget); } // Method Description: // - Initializes the Terminal from the given set of settings. // Arguments: // - settings: the set of CoreSettings we need to use to initialize the terminal // - renderTarget: A render target the terminal can use for paint invalidation. void Terminal::CreateFromSettings(ICoreSettings settings, IRenderTarget& renderTarget) { const COORD viewportSize{ Utils::ClampToShortMax(settings.InitialCols(), 1), Utils::ClampToShortMax(settings.InitialRows(), 1) }; // TODO:MSFT:20642297 - Support infinite scrollback here, if HistorySize is -1 Create(viewportSize, Utils::ClampToShortMax(settings.HistorySize(), 0), renderTarget); UpdateSettings(settings); } // Method Description: // - Update our internal properties to match the new values in the provided // CoreSettings object. // Arguments: // - settings: an ICoreSettings with new settings values for us to use. void Terminal::UpdateSettings(ICoreSettings settings) { UpdateAppearance(settings); _snapOnInput = settings.SnapOnInput(); _altGrAliasing = settings.AltGrAliasing(); _wordDelimiters = settings.WordDelimiters(); _suppressApplicationTitle = settings.SuppressApplicationTitle(); _startingTitle = settings.StartingTitle(); _trimBlockSelection = settings.TrimBlockSelection(); _terminalInput->ForceDisableWin32InputMode(settings.ForceVTInput()); if (settings.TabColor() == nullptr) { _tabColor = std::nullopt; } else { _tabColor = til::color{ settings.TabColor().Value() }.with_alpha(0xff); } if (!_startingTabColor && settings.StartingTabColor()) { _startingTabColor = til::color{ settings.StartingTabColor().Value() }.with_alpha(0xff); } if (_pfnTabColorChanged) { _pfnTabColorChanged(GetTabColor()); } // TODO:MSFT:21327402 - if HistorySize has changed, resize the buffer so we // have a smaller scrollback. We should do this carefully - if the new buffer // size is smaller than where the mutable viewport currently is, we'll want // to make sure to rotate the buffer contents upwards, so the mutable viewport // remains at the bottom of the buffer. if (_buffer) { // Clear the patterns first _buffer->ClearPatternRecognizers(); if (settings.DetectURLs()) { // Add regex pattern recognizers to the buffer // For now, we only add the URI regex pattern _hyperlinkPatternId = _buffer->AddPatternRecognizer(linkPattern); UpdatePatternsUnderLock(); } else { ClearPatternTree(); } } } // Method Description: // - Update our internal properties to match the new values in the provided // CoreAppearance object. // Arguments: // - appearance: an ICoreAppearance with new settings values for us to use. void Terminal::UpdateAppearance(const ICoreAppearance& appearance) { // Set the default background as transparent to prevent the // DX layer from overwriting the background image or acrylic effect const til::color newBackgroundColor{ appearance.DefaultBackground() }; _colorTable.at(TextColor::DEFAULT_BACKGROUND) = newBackgroundColor.with_alpha(0); const til::color newForegroundColor{ appearance.DefaultForeground() }; _colorTable.at(TextColor::DEFAULT_FOREGROUND) = newForegroundColor; const til::color newCursorColor{ appearance.CursorColor() }; _colorTable.at(TextColor::CURSOR_COLOR) = newCursorColor; _intenseIsBright = appearance.IntenseIsBright(); _adjustIndistinguishableColors = appearance.AdjustIndistinguishableColors(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { _colorTable.at(i) = til::color{ appearance.GetColorTableEntry(i) }; } if (_adjustIndistinguishableColors) { _MakeAdjustedColorArray(); } CursorType cursorShape = CursorType::VerticalBar; switch (appearance.CursorShape()) { case CursorStyle::Underscore: cursorShape = CursorType::Underscore; break; case CursorStyle::FilledBox: cursorShape = CursorType::FullBox; break; case CursorStyle::EmptyBox: cursorShape = CursorType::EmptyBox; break; case CursorStyle::Vintage: cursorShape = CursorType::Legacy; break; case CursorStyle::DoubleUnderscore: cursorShape = CursorType::DoubleUnderscore; break; default: case CursorStyle::Bar: cursorShape = CursorType::VerticalBar; break; } if (_buffer) { _buffer->GetCursor().SetStyle(appearance.CursorHeight(), cursorShape); } _defaultCursorShape = cursorShape; } // Method Description: // - Resize the terminal as the result of some user interaction. // Arguments: // - viewportSize: the new size of the viewport, in chars // Return Value: // - S_OK if we successfully resized the terminal, S_FALSE if there was // nothing to do (the viewportSize is the same as our current size), or an // appropriate HRESULT for failing to resize. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT Terminal::UserResize(const COORD viewportSize) noexcept { const auto oldDimensions = _mutableViewport.Dimensions(); if (viewportSize == oldDimensions) { return S_FALSE; } const auto dx = ::base::ClampSub(viewportSize.X, oldDimensions.X); const short newBufferHeight = ::base::ClampAdd(viewportSize.Y, _scrollbackLines); COORD bufferSize{ viewportSize.X, newBufferHeight }; // This will be used to determine where the viewport should be in the new buffer. const short oldViewportTop = _mutableViewport.Top(); short newViewportTop = oldViewportTop; short newVisibleTop = ::base::saturated_cast(_VisibleStartIndex()); // If the original buffer had _no_ scroll offset, then we should be at the // bottom in the new buffer as well. Track that case now. const bool originalOffsetWasZero = _scrollOffset == 0; // skip any drawing updates that might occur until we swap _buffer with the new buffer or if we exit early. _buffer->GetCursor().StartDeferDrawing(); // we're capturing _buffer by reference here because when we exit, we want to EndDefer on the current active buffer. auto endDefer = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept { _buffer->GetCursor().EndDeferDrawing(); }); // First allocate a new text buffer to take the place of the current one. std::unique_ptr newTextBuffer; try { // GH#3848 - Stash away the current attributes the old text buffer is // using. We'll initialize the new buffer with the default attributes, // but after the resize, we'll want to make sure that the new buffer's // current attributes (the ones used for printing new text) match the // old buffer's. const auto oldBufferAttributes = _buffer->GetCurrentAttributes(); newTextBuffer = std::make_unique(bufferSize, TextAttribute{}, 0, // temporarily set size to 0 so it won't render. _buffer->GetRenderTarget()); newTextBuffer->GetCursor().StartDeferDrawing(); // Build a PositionInformation to track the position of both the top of // the mutable viewport and the top of the visible viewport in the new // buffer. // * the new value of mutableViewportTop will be used to figure out // where we should place the mutable viewport in the new buffer. This // requires a bit of trickiness to remain consistent with conpty's // buffer (as seen below). // * the new value of visibleViewportTop will be used to calculate the // new scrollOffset in the new buffer, so that the visible lines on // the screen remain roughly the same. TextBuffer::PositionInformation oldRows{ 0 }; oldRows.mutableViewportTop = oldViewportTop; oldRows.visibleViewportTop = newVisibleTop; const std::optional oldViewStart{ oldViewportTop }; RETURN_IF_FAILED(TextBuffer::Reflow(*_buffer.get(), *newTextBuffer.get(), _mutableViewport, { oldRows })); newViewportTop = oldRows.mutableViewportTop; newVisibleTop = oldRows.visibleViewportTop; // Restore the active text attributes newTextBuffer->SetCurrentAttributes(oldBufferAttributes); } CATCH_RETURN(); // Conpty resizes a little oddly - if the height decreased, and there were // blank lines at the bottom, those lines will get trimmed. If there's not // blank lines, then the top will get "shifted down", moving the top line // into scrollback. See GH#3490 for more details. // // If the final position in the buffer is on the bottom row of the new // viewport, then we're going to need to move the top down. Otherwise, move // the bottom up. // // There are also important things to consider with line wrapping. // * If a line in scrollback wrapped that didn't previously, we'll need to // make sure to have the new viewport down another line. This will cause // our top to move down. // * If a line _in the viewport_ wrapped that didn't previously, then the // conpty buffer will also have that wrapped line, and will move the // cursor & text down a line in response. This causes our bottom to move // down. // // We're going to use a combo of both these things to calculate where the // new viewport should be. To keep in sync with conpty, we'll need to make // sure that any lines that entered the scrollback _stay in scrollback_. We // do that by taking the max of // * Where the old top line in the viewport exists in the new buffer (as // calculated by TextBuffer::Reflow) // * Where the bottom of the text in the new buffer is (and using that to // calculate another proposed top location). const COORD newCursorPos = newTextBuffer->GetCursor().GetPosition(); #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 26496) // cpp core checks wants this const, but it's assigned immediately below... COORD newLastChar = newCursorPos; try { newLastChar = newTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter(); } CATCH_LOG(); #pragma warning(pop) const auto maxRow = std::max(newLastChar.Y, newCursorPos.Y); const short proposedTopFromLastLine = ::base::ClampAdd(::base::ClampSub(maxRow, viewportSize.Y), 1); const short proposedTopFromScrollback = newViewportTop; short proposedTop = std::max(proposedTopFromLastLine, proposedTopFromScrollback); // If we're using the new location of the old top line to place the // viewport, we might need to make an adjustment to it. // // We're using the last cell of the line to calculate where the top line is // in the new buffer. If that line wrapped, then all the lines below it // shifted down in the buffer. If there's space for all those lines in the // conpty buffer, then the originally unwrapped top line will _still_ be in // the buffer. In that case, don't stick to the _end_ of the old top line, // instead stick to the _start_, which is one line up. // // We can know if there's space in the conpty buffer by checking if the // maxRow (the highest row we've written text to) is above the viewport from // this proposed top position. if (proposedTop == proposedTopFromScrollback) { const auto proposedViewFromTop = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, proposedTopFromScrollback }, viewportSize); if (maxRow < proposedViewFromTop.BottomInclusive()) { if (dx < 0 && proposedTop > 0) { try { auto& row = newTextBuffer->GetRowByOffset(::base::ClampSub(proposedTop, 1)); if (row.WasWrapForced()) { proposedTop--; } } CATCH_LOG(); } } } // If the new bottom would be higher than the last row of text, then we // definitely want to use the last row of text to determine where the // viewport should be. const auto proposedViewFromTop = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, proposedTopFromScrollback }, viewportSize); if (maxRow > proposedViewFromTop.BottomInclusive()) { proposedTop = proposedTopFromLastLine; } // Make sure the proposed viewport is within the bounds of the buffer. // First make sure the top is >=0 proposedTop = std::max(static_cast(0), proposedTop); // If the new bottom would be below the bottom of the buffer, then slide the // top up so that we'll still fit within the buffer. const auto newView = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, proposedTop }, viewportSize); const auto proposedBottom = newView.BottomExclusive(); if (proposedBottom > bufferSize.Y) { proposedTop = ::base::ClampSub(proposedTop, ::base::ClampSub(proposedBottom, bufferSize.Y)); } _mutableViewport = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, proposedTop }, viewportSize); _buffer.swap(newTextBuffer); // GH#3494: Maintain scrollbar position during resize // Make sure that we don't scroll past the mutableViewport at the bottom of the buffer newVisibleTop = std::min(newVisibleTop, _mutableViewport.Top()); // Make sure we don't scroll past the top of the scrollback newVisibleTop = std::max(newVisibleTop, 0); // If the old scrolloffset was 0, then we weren't scrolled back at all // before, and shouldn't be now either. _scrollOffset = originalOffsetWasZero ? 0 : static_cast(::base::ClampSub(_mutableViewport.Top(), newVisibleTop)); // GH#5029 - make sure to InvalidateAll here, so that we'll paint the entire visible viewport. try { _buffer->GetRenderTarget().TriggerRedrawAll(); } CATCH_LOG(); _NotifyScrollEvent(); return S_OK; } void Terminal::Write(std::wstring_view stringView) { auto lock = LockForWriting(); _stateMachine->ProcessString(stringView); } void Terminal::WritePastedText(std::wstring_view stringView) { auto option = ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::FilterOption::CarriageReturnNewline | ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::FilterOption::ControlCodes; std::wstring filtered = ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::FilterStringForPaste(stringView, option); if (IsXtermBracketedPasteModeEnabled()) { filtered.insert(0, L"\x1b[200~"); filtered.append(L"\x1b[201~"); } if (_pfnWriteInput) { _pfnWriteInput(filtered); } } // Method Description: // - Attempts to snap to the bottom of the buffer, if SnapOnInput is true. Does // nothing if SnapOnInput is set to false, or we're already at the bottom of // the buffer. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - void Terminal::TrySnapOnInput() { if (_snapOnInput && _scrollOffset != 0) { auto lock = LockForWriting(); _scrollOffset = 0; _NotifyScrollEvent(); } } // Routine Description: // - Relays if we are tracking mouse input // Parameters: // - // Return value: // - true, if we are tracking mouse input. False, otherwise bool Terminal::IsTrackingMouseInput() const noexcept { return _terminalInput->IsTrackingMouseInput(); } // Method Description: // - Given a coord, get the URI at that location // Arguments: // - The position std::wstring Terminal::GetHyperlinkAtPosition(const COORD position) { auto attr = _buffer->GetCellDataAt(_ConvertToBufferCell(position))->TextAttr(); if (attr.IsHyperlink()) { auto uri = _buffer->GetHyperlinkUriFromId(attr.GetHyperlinkId()); return uri; } // also look through our known pattern locations in our pattern interval tree const auto result = GetHyperlinkIntervalFromPosition(position); if (result.has_value() && result->value == _hyperlinkPatternId) { const auto start = result->start; const auto end = result->stop; std::wstring uri; const auto startIter = _buffer->GetCellDataAt(_ConvertToBufferCell(start)); const auto endIter = _buffer->GetCellDataAt(_ConvertToBufferCell(end)); for (auto iter = startIter; iter != endIter; ++iter) { uri += iter->Chars(); } return uri; } return {}; } // Method Description: // - Gets the hyperlink ID of the text at the given terminal position // Arguments: // - The position of the text // Return value: // - The hyperlink ID uint16_t Terminal::GetHyperlinkIdAtPosition(const COORD position) { return _buffer->GetCellDataAt(_ConvertToBufferCell(position))->TextAttr().GetHyperlinkId(); } // Method description: // - Given a position in a URI pattern, gets the start and end coordinates of the URI // Arguments: // - The position // Return value: // - The interval representing the start and end coordinates std::optional Terminal::GetHyperlinkIntervalFromPosition(const COORD position) { const auto results = _patternIntervalTree.findOverlapping(COORD{ position.X + 1, position.Y }, position); if (results.size() > 0) { for (const auto& result : results) { if (result.value == _hyperlinkPatternId) { return result; } } } return std::nullopt; } // Method Description: // - Send this particular (non-character) key event to the terminal. // - The terminal will translate the key and the modifiers pressed into the // appropriate VT sequence for that key chord. If we do translate the key, // we'll return true. In that case, the event should NOT be processed any further. // - Character events (e.g. WM_CHAR) are generally the best way to properly receive // keyboard input on Windows though, as the OS is suited best at handling the // translation of the current keyboard layout, dead keys, etc. // As a result of this false is returned for all key events that contain characters. // SendCharEvent may then be called with the data obtained from a character event. // - As a special case we'll always handle VK_TAB key events. // This must be done due to TermControl::_KeyDownHandler (one of the callers) // always marking tab key events as handled, causing no character event to be raised. // Arguments: // - vkey: The vkey of the last pressed key. // - scanCode: The scan code of the last pressed key. // - states: The Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states. // - keyDown: If true, the key was pressed, otherwise the key was released. // Return Value: // - true if we translated the key event, and it should not be processed any further. // - false if we did not translate the key, and it should be processed into a character. bool Terminal::SendKeyEvent(const WORD vkey, const WORD scanCode, const ControlKeyStates states, const bool keyDown) { // GH#6423 - don't snap on this key if the key that was pressed was a // modifier key. We'll wait for a real keystroke to snap to the bottom. // GH#6481 - Additionally, make sure the key was actually pressed. This // check will make sure we behave the same as before GH#6309 if (!KeyEvent::IsModifierKey(vkey) && keyDown) { TrySnapOnInput(); } _StoreKeyEvent(vkey, scanCode); // Certain applications like AutoHotKey and its keyboard remapping feature, // send us key events using SendInput() whose values are outside of the valid range. // GH#7064 if (vkey == 0 || vkey >= 0xff) { return false; } // While not explicitly permitted, a wide range of software, including Windows' own touch keyboard, // sets the wScan member of the KEYBDINPUT structure to 0, resulting in scanCode being 0 as well. // --> Alternatively get the scanCode from the vkey if possible. // GH#7495 const auto sc = scanCode ? scanCode : _ScanCodeFromVirtualKey(vkey); if (sc == 0) { return false; } const auto isAltOnlyPressed = states.IsAltPressed() && !states.IsCtrlPressed(); // By default Windows treats Ctrl+Alt as an alias for AltGr. // When the altGrAliasing setting is set to false, this behaviour should be disabled. // // Whenever possible _CharacterFromKeyEvent() will return a valid character. // For instance both Ctrl+Alt+Q as well as AltGr+Q return @ on a German keyboard. // // We can achieve the altGrAliasing functionality by skipping the call to _CharacterFromKeyEvent, // as TerminalInput::HandleKey will then fall back to using the vkey which // is the underlying ASCII character (e.g. A-Z) on the keyboard in our case. // See GH#5525/GH#6211 for more details const auto isSuppressedAltGrAlias = !_altGrAliasing && states.IsAltPressed() && states.IsCtrlPressed() && !states.IsAltGrPressed(); const auto ch = isSuppressedAltGrAlias ? UNICODE_NULL : _CharacterFromKeyEvent(vkey, sc, states); // Delegate it to the character event handler if this key event can be // mapped to one (see method description above). For Alt+key combinations // we'll not receive another character event for some reason though. // -> Don't delegate the event if this is a Alt+key combination. // // As a special case we'll furthermore always handle VK_TAB // key events here instead of in Terminal::SendCharEvent. // See the method description for more information. if (!isAltOnlyPressed && vkey != VK_TAB && ch != UNICODE_NULL) { return false; } KeyEvent keyEv{ keyDown, 1, vkey, sc, ch, states.Value() }; return _terminalInput->HandleKey(&keyEv); } // Method Description: // - Send this particular mouse event to the terminal. The terminal will translate // the button and the modifiers pressed into the appropriate VT sequence for that // mouse event. If we do translate the key, we'll return true. In that case, the // event should NOT be processed any further. If we return false, the event // was NOT translated, and we should instead use the event normally // Arguments: // - viewportPos: the position of the mouse event relative to the viewport origin. // - uiButton: the WM mouse button event code // - states: The Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states. // - wheelDelta: the amount that the scroll wheel changed (should be 0 unless button is a WM_MOUSE*WHEEL) // Return Value: // - true if we translated the key event, and it should not be processed any further. // - false if we did not translate the key, and it should be processed into a character. bool Terminal::SendMouseEvent(const COORD viewportPos, const unsigned int uiButton, const ControlKeyStates states, const short wheelDelta, const TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state) { // GH#6401: VT applications should be able to receive mouse events from outside the // terminal buffer. This is likely to happen when the user drags the cursor offscreen. // We shouldn't throw away perfectly good events when they're offscreen, so we just // clamp them to be within the range [(0, 0), (W, H)]. #pragma warning(suppress : 26496) // analysis can't tell we're assigning through a reference below auto clampedPos{ viewportPos }; _mutableViewport.ToOrigin().Clamp(clampedPos); return _terminalInput->HandleMouse(clampedPos, uiButton, GET_KEYSTATE_WPARAM(states.Value()), wheelDelta, state); } // Method Description: // - Send this particular character to the terminal. // - This method is the counterpart to SendKeyEvent and behaves almost identical. // The difference is the focus on sending characters to the terminal, // whereas SendKeyEvent handles the sending of keys like the arrow keys. // Arguments: // - ch: The UTF-16 code unit to be sent. // - scanCode: The scan code of the last pressed key. Can be left 0. // - states: The Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states. // Return Value: // - true if we translated the character event, and it should not be processed any further. // - false otherwise. bool Terminal::SendCharEvent(const wchar_t ch, const WORD scanCode, const ControlKeyStates states) { auto vkey = _TakeVirtualKeyFromLastKeyEvent(scanCode); if (vkey == 0 && scanCode != 0) { vkey = _VirtualKeyFromScanCode(scanCode); } if (vkey == 0) { vkey = _VirtualKeyFromCharacter(ch); } // Unfortunately, the UI doesn't give us both a character down and a // character up event, only a character received event. So fake sending both // to the terminal input translator. Unless it's in win32-input-mode, it'll // ignore the keyup. KeyEvent keyDown{ true, 1, vkey, scanCode, ch, states.Value() }; KeyEvent keyUp{ false, 1, vkey, scanCode, ch, states.Value() }; const auto handledDown = _terminalInput->HandleKey(&keyDown); const auto handledUp = _terminalInput->HandleKey(&keyUp); return handledDown || handledUp; } // Method Description: // - Invalidates the regions described in the given pattern tree for the rendering purposes // Arguments: // - The interval tree containing regions that need to be invalidated void Terminal::_InvalidatePatternTree(interval_tree::IntervalTree& tree) { const auto vis = _VisibleStartIndex(); auto invalidate = [=](const PointTree::interval& interval) { COORD startCoord{ gsl::narrow(interval.start.x()), gsl::narrow(interval.start.y() + vis) }; COORD endCoord{ gsl::narrow(interval.stop.x()), gsl::narrow(interval.stop.y() + vis) }; _InvalidateFromCoords(startCoord, endCoord); }; tree.visit_all(invalidate); } // Method Description: // - Given start and end coords, invalidates all the regions between them // Arguments: // - The start and end coords void Terminal::_InvalidateFromCoords(const COORD start, const COORD end) { if (start.Y == end.Y) { SMALL_RECT region{ start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y }; _buffer->GetRenderTarget().TriggerRedraw(Viewport::FromInclusive(region)); } else { const auto rowSize = gsl::narrow(_buffer->GetRowByOffset(0).size()); // invalidate the first line SMALL_RECT region{ start.X, start.Y, rowSize - 1, start.Y }; _buffer->GetRenderTarget().TriggerRedraw(Viewport::FromInclusive(region)); if ((end.Y - start.Y) > 1) { // invalidate the lines in between the first and last line region = til::rectangle(0, start.Y + 1, rowSize - 1, end.Y - 1); _buffer->GetRenderTarget().TriggerRedraw(Viewport::FromInclusive(region)); } // invalidate the last line region = til::rectangle(0, end.Y, end.X, end.Y); _buffer->GetRenderTarget().TriggerRedraw(Viewport::FromInclusive(region)); } } // Method Description: // - Returns the keyboard's scan code for the given virtual key code. // Arguments: // - vkey: The virtual key code. // Return Value: // - The keyboard's scan code. WORD Terminal::_ScanCodeFromVirtualKey(const WORD vkey) noexcept { return LOWORD(MapVirtualKeyW(vkey, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC)); } // Method Description: // - Returns the virtual key code for the given keyboard's scan code. // Arguments: // - scanCode: The keyboard's scan code. // Return Value: // - The virtual key code. 0 if no mapping can be found. WORD Terminal::_VirtualKeyFromScanCode(const WORD scanCode) noexcept { return LOWORD(MapVirtualKeyW(scanCode, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK)); } // Method Description: // - Returns any virtual key code that produces the given character. // Arguments: // - scanCode: The keyboard's scan code. // Return Value: // - The virtual key code. 0 if no mapping can be found. WORD Terminal::_VirtualKeyFromCharacter(const wchar_t ch) noexcept { const auto vkey = LOWORD(VkKeyScanW(ch)); return vkey == -1 ? 0 : vkey; } // Method Description: // - Translates the specified virtual key code and keyboard state to the corresponding character. // Arguments: // - vkey: The virtual key code that initiated this keyboard event. // - scanCode: The scan code that initiated this keyboard event. // - states: The current keyboard state. // Return Value: // - The character that would result from this virtual key code and keyboard state. wchar_t Terminal::_CharacterFromKeyEvent(const WORD vkey, const WORD scanCode, const ControlKeyStates states) noexcept try { // We might want to use GetKeyboardState() instead of building our own keyState. // The question is whether that's necessary though. For now it seems to work fine as it is. std::array keyState = {}; keyState.at(VK_SHIFT) = states.IsShiftPressed() ? 0x80 : 0; keyState.at(VK_CONTROL) = states.IsCtrlPressed() ? 0x80 : 0; keyState.at(VK_MENU) = states.IsAltPressed() ? 0x80 : 0; // For the following use of ToUnicodeEx() please look here: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-tounicodeex // Technically ToUnicodeEx() can produce arbitrarily long sequences of diacritics etc. // Since we only handle the case of a single UTF-16 code point, we can set the buffer size to 2 though. std::array buffer; // wFlags: // * If bit 0 is set, a menu is active. // If this flag is not specified ToUnicodeEx will send us character events on certain Alt+Key combinations (e.g. Alt+Arrow-Up). // * If bit 2 is set, keyboard state is not changed (Windows 10, version 1607 and newer) const auto result = ToUnicodeEx(vkey, scanCode, keyState.data(), buffer.data(), gsl::narrow_cast(buffer.size()), 0b101, nullptr); // TODO:GH#2853 We're only handling single UTF-16 code points right now, since that's the only thing KeyEvent supports. return result == 1 || result == -1 ? buffer.at(0) : 0; } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); return UNICODE_INVALID; } // Method Description: // - It's possible for a single scan code on a keyboard to // produce different key codes depending on the keyboard state. // MapVirtualKeyW(scanCode, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK) will always chose one of the // possibilities no matter what though and thus can't be used in SendCharEvent. // - This method stores the key code from a key event (SendKeyEvent). // If the key event contains character data, handling of the event will be // denied, in order to delegate the work to the character event handler. // - The character event handler (SendCharEvent) will now pick up // the stored key code to restore the full key event data. // Arguments: // - vkey: The virtual key code. // - scanCode: The scan code. void Terminal::_StoreKeyEvent(const WORD vkey, const WORD scanCode) { _lastKeyEventCodes.emplace(KeyEventCodes{ vkey, scanCode }); } // Method Description: // - This method acts as a counterpart to _StoreKeyEvent and extracts a stored // key code. As a safety measure it'll ensure that the given scan code // matches the stored scan code from the previous key event. // - See _StoreKeyEvent for more information. // Arguments: // - scanCode: The scan code. // Return Value: // - The key code matching the given scan code. Otherwise 0. WORD Terminal::_TakeVirtualKeyFromLastKeyEvent(const WORD scanCode) noexcept { const auto codes = _lastKeyEventCodes.value_or(KeyEventCodes{}); _lastKeyEventCodes.reset(); return codes.ScanCode == scanCode ? codes.VirtualKey : 0; } // Method Description: // - Acquire a read lock on the terminal. // Return Value: // - a shared_lock which can be used to unlock the terminal. The shared_lock // will release this lock when it's destructed. [[nodiscard]] std::unique_lock Terminal::LockForReading() { #ifdef NDEBUG return std::unique_lock{ _readWriteLock }; #else auto lock = std::unique_lock{ _readWriteLock }; _lastLocker = GetCurrentThreadId(); return lock; #endif } // Method Description: // - Acquire a write lock on the terminal. // Return Value: // - a unique_lock which can be used to unlock the terminal. The unique_lock // will release this lock when it's destructed. [[nodiscard]] std::unique_lock Terminal::LockForWriting() { #ifdef NDEBUG return std::unique_lock{ _readWriteLock }; #else auto lock = std::unique_lock{ _readWriteLock }; _lastLocker = GetCurrentThreadId(); return lock; #endif } Viewport Terminal::_GetMutableViewport() const noexcept { return _mutableViewport; } short Terminal::GetBufferHeight() const noexcept { return _mutableViewport.BottomExclusive(); } // ViewStartIndex is also the length of the scrollback int Terminal::ViewStartIndex() const noexcept { return _mutableViewport.Top(); } int Terminal::ViewEndIndex() const noexcept { return _mutableViewport.BottomInclusive(); } // _VisibleStartIndex is the first visible line of the buffer int Terminal::_VisibleStartIndex() const noexcept { return std::max(0, ViewStartIndex() - _scrollOffset); } int Terminal::_VisibleEndIndex() const noexcept { return std::max(0, ViewEndIndex() - _scrollOffset); } Viewport Terminal::_GetVisibleViewport() const noexcept { const COORD origin{ 0, gsl::narrow(_VisibleStartIndex()) }; return Viewport::FromDimensions(origin, _mutableViewport.Dimensions()); } // Writes a string of text to the buffer, then moves the cursor (and viewport) // in accordance with the written text. // This method is our proverbial `WriteCharsLegacy`, and great care should be made to // keep it minimal and orderly, lest it become WriteCharsLegacy2ElectricBoogaloo // TODO: MSFT 21006766 // This needs to become stream logic on the buffer itself sooner rather than later // because it's otherwise impossible to avoid the Electric Boogaloo-ness here. // I had to make a bunch of hacks to get Japanese and emoji to work-ish. void Terminal::_WriteBuffer(const std::wstring_view& stringView) { auto& cursor = _buffer->GetCursor(); // Defer the cursor drawing while we are iterating the string, for a better performance. // We can not waste time displaying a cursor event when we know more text is coming right behind it. cursor.StartDeferDrawing(); for (size_t i = 0; i < stringView.size(); i++) { const auto wch = stringView.at(i); const COORD cursorPosBefore = cursor.GetPosition(); COORD proposedCursorPosition = cursorPosBefore; // TODO: MSFT 21006766 // This is not great but I need it demoable. Fix by making a buffer stream writer. // // If wch is a surrogate character we need to read 2 code units // from the stringView to form a single code point. const auto isSurrogate = wch >= 0xD800 && wch <= 0xDFFF; const auto view = stringView.substr(i, isSurrogate ? 2 : 1); const OutputCellIterator it{ view, _buffer->GetCurrentAttributes() }; const auto end = _buffer->Write(it); const auto cellDistance = end.GetCellDistance(it); const auto inputDistance = end.GetInputDistance(it); if (inputDistance > 0) { // If "wch" was a surrogate character, we just consumed 2 code units above. // -> Increment "i" by 1 in that case and thus by 2 in total in this iteration. proposedCursorPosition.X += gsl::narrow(cellDistance); i += inputDistance - 1; } else { // If _WriteBuffer() is called with a consecutive string longer than the viewport/buffer width // the call to _buffer->Write() will refuse to write anything on the current line. // GetInputDistance() thus returns 0, which would in turn cause i to be // decremented by 1 below and force the outer loop to loop forever. // This if() basically behaves as if "\r\n" had been encountered above and retries the write. // With well behaving shells during normal operation this safeguard should normally not be encountered. proposedCursorPosition.X = 0; proposedCursorPosition.Y++; // Try the character again. i--; // If we write the last cell of the row here, TextBuffer::Write will // mark this line as wrapped for us. If the next character we // process is a newline, the Terminal::CursorLineFeed will unmark // this line as wrapped. // TODO: GH#780 - This should really be a _deferred_ newline. If // the next character to come in is a newline or a cursor // movement or anything, then we should _not_ wrap this line // here. } _AdjustCursorPosition(proposedCursorPosition); } cursor.EndDeferDrawing(); } void Terminal::_AdjustCursorPosition(const COORD proposedPosition) { #pragma warning(suppress : 26496) // cpp core checks wants this const but it's modified below. auto proposedCursorPosition = proposedPosition; auto& cursor = _buffer->GetCursor(); const Viewport bufferSize = _buffer->GetSize(); // If we're about to scroll past the bottom of the buffer, instead cycle the // buffer. SHORT rowsPushedOffTopOfBuffer = 0; const auto newRows = std::max(0, proposedCursorPosition.Y - bufferSize.Height() + 1); if (proposedCursorPosition.Y >= bufferSize.Height()) { for (auto dy = 0; dy < newRows; dy++) { _buffer->IncrementCircularBuffer(); proposedCursorPosition.Y--; rowsPushedOffTopOfBuffer++; // Update our selection too, so it doesn't move as the buffer is cycled if (_selection) { // If the start of the selection is above 0, we can reduce both the start and end by 1 if (_selection->start.Y > 0) { _selection->start.Y -= 1; _selection->end.Y -= 1; } else { // The start of the selection is at 0, if the end is greater than 0, then only reduce the end if (_selection->end.Y > 0) { _selection->start.X = 0; _selection->end.Y -= 1; } else { // Both the start and end of the selection are at 0, clear the selection _selection.reset(); } } } } // manually erase our pattern intervals since the locations have changed now _patternIntervalTree = {}; } // Update Cursor Position cursor.SetPosition(proposedCursorPosition); // Move the viewport down if the cursor moved below the viewport. bool updatedViewport = false; const auto scrollAmount = std::max(0, proposedCursorPosition.Y - _mutableViewport.BottomInclusive()); if (scrollAmount > 0) { const auto newViewTop = std::max(0, proposedCursorPosition.Y - (_mutableViewport.Height() - 1)); if (newViewTop != _mutableViewport.Top()) { _mutableViewport = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, gsl::narrow(newViewTop) }, _mutableViewport.Dimensions()); updatedViewport = true; } } // If the viewport moved, or we circled the buffer, we might need to update // our _scrollOffset if (updatedViewport || newRows != 0) { const auto oldScrollOffset = _scrollOffset; // scroll if... // - no selection is active // - viewport is already at the bottom const bool scrollToOutput = !IsSelectionActive() && _scrollOffset == 0; _scrollOffset = scrollToOutput ? 0 : _scrollOffset + scrollAmount + newRows; // Clamp the range to make sure that we don't scroll way off the top of the buffer _scrollOffset = std::clamp(_scrollOffset, 0, _buffer->GetSize().Height() - _mutableViewport.Height()); // If the new scroll offset is different, then we'll still want to raise a scroll event updatedViewport = updatedViewport || (oldScrollOffset != _scrollOffset); } // If the viewport moved, then send a scrolling notification. if (updatedViewport) { _NotifyScrollEvent(); } if (rowsPushedOffTopOfBuffer != 0) { // We have to report the delta here because we might have circled the text buffer. // That didn't change the viewport and therefore the TriggerScroll(void) // method can't detect the delta on its own. COORD delta{ 0, -rowsPushedOffTopOfBuffer }; _buffer->GetRenderTarget().TriggerScroll(&delta); } // Firing the CursorPositionChanged event is very expensive so we try not to do that when // the cursor does not need to be redrawn. if (!cursor.IsDeferDrawing()) { _NotifyTerminalCursorPositionChanged(); } } void Terminal::UserScrollViewport(const int viewTop) { // we're going to modify state here that the renderer could be reading. auto lock = LockForWriting(); const auto clampedNewTop = std::max(0, viewTop); const auto realTop = ViewStartIndex(); const auto newDelta = realTop - clampedNewTop; // if viewTop > realTop, we want the offset to be 0. _scrollOffset = std::max(0, newDelta); // We can use the void variant of TriggerScroll here because // we adjusted the viewport so it can detect the difference // from the previous frame drawn. _buffer->GetRenderTarget().TriggerScroll(); } int Terminal::GetScrollOffset() noexcept { return _VisibleStartIndex(); } void Terminal::_NotifyScrollEvent() noexcept try { if (_pfnScrollPositionChanged) { const auto visible = _GetVisibleViewport(); const auto top = visible.Top(); const auto height = visible.Height(); const auto bottom = this->GetBufferHeight(); _pfnScrollPositionChanged(top, height, bottom); } } CATCH_LOG() void Terminal::_NotifyTerminalCursorPositionChanged() noexcept { if (_pfnCursorPositionChanged) { try { _pfnCursorPositionChanged(); } CATCH_LOG(); } } void Terminal::SetWriteInputCallback(std::function pfn) noexcept { _pfnWriteInput.swap(pfn); } void Terminal::SetWarningBellCallback(std::function pfn) noexcept { _pfnWarningBell.swap(pfn); } void Terminal::SetTitleChangedCallback(std::function pfn) noexcept { _pfnTitleChanged.swap(pfn); } void Terminal::SetTabColorChangedCallback(std::function)> pfn) noexcept { _pfnTabColorChanged.swap(pfn); } void Terminal::SetCopyToClipboardCallback(std::function pfn) noexcept { _pfnCopyToClipboard.swap(pfn); } void Terminal::SetScrollPositionChangedCallback(std::function pfn) noexcept { _pfnScrollPositionChanged.swap(pfn); } void Terminal::SetCursorPositionChangedCallback(std::function pfn) noexcept { _pfnCursorPositionChanged.swap(pfn); } // Method Description: // - Allows setting a callback for when the background color is changed // Arguments: // - pfn: a function callback that takes a color void Terminal::SetBackgroundCallback(std::function pfn) noexcept { _pfnBackgroundColorChanged.swap(pfn); } // Method Description: // - Allows settings a callback for settings the taskbar progress indicator // Arguments: // - pfn: a function callback that takes 2 size_t parameters, one indicating the progress state // and the other indicating the progress value void Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal::TaskbarProgressChangedCallback(std::function pfn) noexcept { _pfnTaskbarProgressChanged.swap(pfn); } void Terminal::_InitializeColorTable() try { const gsl::span tableView = { _colorTable.data(), _colorTable.size() }; // First set up the basic 256 colors Utils::InitializeColorTable(tableView); // Then make sure all the values have an alpha of 255 Utils::SetColorTableAlpha(tableView, 0xff); } CATCH_LOG() // Method Description: // - Sets the cursor to be currently on. On/Off is tracked independently of // cursor visibility (hidden/visible). On/off is controlled by the cursor // blinker. Visibility is usually controlled by the client application. If the // cursor is hidden, then the cursor will remain hidden. If the cursor is // Visible, then it will immediately become visible. // Arguments: // - isVisible: whether the cursor should be visible void Terminal::SetCursorOn(const bool isOn) { auto lock = LockForWriting(); _buffer->GetCursor().SetIsOn(isOn); } bool Terminal::IsCursorBlinkingAllowed() const noexcept { const auto& cursor = _buffer->GetCursor(); return cursor.IsBlinkingAllowed(); } // Method Description: // - Update our internal knowledge about where regex patterns are on the screen // - This is called by TerminalControl (through a throttled function) when the visible // region changes (for example by text entering the buffer or scrolling) // - INVARIANT: this function can only be called if the caller has the writing lock on the terminal void Terminal::UpdatePatternsUnderLock() noexcept { auto oldTree = _patternIntervalTree; _patternIntervalTree = _buffer->GetPatterns(_VisibleStartIndex(), _VisibleEndIndex()); _InvalidatePatternTree(oldTree); _InvalidatePatternTree(_patternIntervalTree); } // Method Description: // - Clears and invalidates the interval pattern tree // - This is called to prevent the renderer from rendering patterns while the // visible region is changing void Terminal::ClearPatternTree() noexcept { auto oldTree = _patternIntervalTree; _patternIntervalTree = {}; _InvalidatePatternTree(oldTree); } // Method Description: // - Returns the tab color // If the starting color exits, it's value is preferred const std::optional Terminal::GetTabColor() const noexcept { return _startingTabColor.has_value() ? _startingTabColor : _tabColor; } BlinkingState& Terminal::GetBlinkingState() const noexcept { return _blinkingState; } // Method Description: // - Gets the internal taskbar state value // Return Value: // - The taskbar state const size_t Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal::GetTaskbarState() const noexcept { return _taskbarState; } // Method Description: // - Gets the internal taskbar progress value // Return Value: // - The taskbar progress const size_t Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal::GetTaskbarProgress() const noexcept { return _taskbarProgress; }