// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "precomp.h" #include "VtIo.hpp" #include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp" #include "../renderer/vt/XtermEngine.hpp" #include "../renderer/vt/Xterm256Engine.hpp" #include "../renderer/vt/WinTelnetEngine.hpp" #include "../renderer/base/renderer.hpp" #include "../types/inc/utils.hpp" #include "input.h" // ProcessCtrlEvents #include "output.h" // CloseConsoleProcessState using namespace Microsoft::Console; using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render; using namespace Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal; using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types; using namespace Microsoft::Console::Utils; using namespace Microsoft::Console::Interactivity; VtIo::VtIo() : _initialized(false), _objectsCreated(false), _lookingForCursorPosition(false), _IoMode(VtIoMode::INVALID) { } // Routine Description: // Tries to get the VtIoMode from the given string. If it's not one of the // *_STRING constants in VtIoMode.hpp, then it returns E_INVALIDARG. // Arguments: // VtIoMode: A string containing the console's requested VT mode. This can be // any of the strings in VtIoModes.hpp // pIoMode: recieves the VtIoMode that the string prepresents if it's a valid // IO mode string // Return Value: // S_OK if we parsed the string successfully, otherwise E_INVALIDARG indicating failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::ParseIoMode(const std::wstring& VtMode, _Out_ VtIoMode& ioMode) { ioMode = VtIoMode::INVALID; if (VtMode == XTERM_256_STRING) { ioMode = VtIoMode::XTERM_256; } else if (VtMode == XTERM_STRING) { ioMode = VtIoMode::XTERM; } else if (VtMode == WIN_TELNET_STRING) { ioMode = VtIoMode::WIN_TELNET; } else if (VtMode == XTERM_ASCII_STRING) { ioMode = VtIoMode::XTERM_ASCII; } else if (VtMode == DEFAULT_STRING) { ioMode = VtIoMode::XTERM_256; } else { return E_INVALIDARG; } return S_OK; } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::Initialize(const ConsoleArguments* const pArgs) { _lookingForCursorPosition = pArgs->GetInheritCursor(); // If we were already given VT handles, set up the VT IO engine to use those. if (pArgs->InConptyMode()) { return _Initialize(pArgs->GetVtInHandle(), pArgs->GetVtOutHandle(), pArgs->GetVtMode(), pArgs->GetSignalHandle()); } // Didn't need to initialize if we didn't have VT stuff. It's still OK, but report we did nothing. else { return S_FALSE; } } // Routine Description: // Tries to initialize this VtIo instance from the given pipe handles and // VtIoMode. The pipes should have been created already (by the caller of // conhost), in non-overlapped mode. // The VtIoMode string can be the empty string as a default value. // Arguments: // InHandle: a valid file handle. The console will // read VT sequences from this pipe to generate INPUT_RECORDs and other // input events. // OutHandle: a valid file handle. The console // will be "rendered" to this pipe using VT sequences // VtIoMode: A string containing the console's requested VT mode. This can be // any of the strings in VtIoModes.hpp // SignalHandle: an optional file handle that will be used to send signals into the console. // This represents the ability to send signals to a *nix tty/pty. // Return Value: // S_OK if we initialized successfully, otherwise an appropriate HRESULT // indicating failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::_Initialize(const HANDLE InHandle, const HANDLE OutHandle, const std::wstring& VtMode, _In_opt_ const HANDLE SignalHandle) { FAIL_FAST_IF_MSG(_initialized, "Someone attempted to double-_Initialize VtIo"); RETURN_IF_FAILED(ParseIoMode(VtMode, _IoMode)); _hInput.reset(InHandle); _hOutput.reset(OutHandle); _hSignal.reset(SignalHandle); // The only way we're initialized is if the args said we're in conpty mode. // If the args say so, then at least one of in, out, or signal was specified _initialized = true; return S_OK; } // Method Description: // - Create the VtRenderer and the VtInputThread for this console. // MUST BE DONE AFTER CONSOLE IS INITIALIZED, to make sure we've gotten the // buffer size from the attached client application. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // S_OK if we initialized successfully, // S_FALSE if VtIo hasn't been initialized (or we're not in conpty mode) // otherwise an appropriate HRESULT indicating failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::CreateIoHandlers() noexcept { if (!_initialized) { return S_FALSE; } const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation(); try { if (IsValidHandle(_hInput.get())) { _pVtInputThread = std::make_unique(std::move(_hInput), _lookingForCursorPosition); } if (IsValidHandle(_hOutput.get())) { Viewport initialViewport = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 }, gci.GetWindowSize().X, gci.GetWindowSize().Y); switch (_IoMode) { case VtIoMode::XTERM_256: _pVtRenderEngine = std::make_unique(std::move(_hOutput), gci, initialViewport, gci.GetColorTable(), static_cast(gci.GetColorTableSize())); break; case VtIoMode::XTERM: _pVtRenderEngine = std::make_unique(std::move(_hOutput), gci, initialViewport, gci.GetColorTable(), static_cast(gci.GetColorTableSize()), false); break; case VtIoMode::XTERM_ASCII: _pVtRenderEngine = std::make_unique(std::move(_hOutput), gci, initialViewport, gci.GetColorTable(), static_cast(gci.GetColorTableSize()), true); break; case VtIoMode::WIN_TELNET: _pVtRenderEngine = std::make_unique(std::move(_hOutput), gci, initialViewport, gci.GetColorTable(), static_cast(gci.GetColorTableSize())); break; default: return E_FAIL; } if (_pVtRenderEngine) { _pVtRenderEngine->SetTerminalOwner(this); } } } CATCH_RETURN(); _objectsCreated = true; return S_OK; } bool VtIo::IsUsingVt() const { return _objectsCreated; } // Routine Description: // Potentially starts this VtIo's input thread and render engine. // If the VtIo hasn't yet been given pipes, then this function will // silently do nothing. It's the responsibility of the caller to make sure // that the pipes are initialized first with VtIo::Initialize // Arguments: // // Return Value: // S_OK if we started successfully or had nothing to start, otherwise an // appropriate HRESULT indicating failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::StartIfNeeded() { // If we haven't been set up, do nothing (because there's nothing to start) if (!_objectsCreated) { return S_FALSE; } Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals(); if (_pVtRenderEngine) { try { g.pRender->AddRenderEngine(_pVtRenderEngine.get()); g.getConsoleInformation().GetActiveOutputBuffer().SetTerminalConnection(_pVtRenderEngine.get()); } CATCH_RETURN(); } // MSFT: 15813316 // If the terminal application wants us to inherit the cursor position, // we're going to emit a VT sequence to ask for the cursor position, then // read input until we get a response. Terminals who request this behavior // but don't respond will hang. // If we get a response, the InteractDispatch will call SetCursorPosition, // which will call to our VtIo::SetCursorPosition method. // We need both handles for this initialization to work. If we don't have // both, we'll skip it. They either aren't going to be reading output // (so they can't get the DSR) or they can't write the response to us. if (_lookingForCursorPosition && _pVtRenderEngine && _pVtInputThread) { LOG_IF_FAILED(_pVtRenderEngine->RequestCursor()); while (_lookingForCursorPosition) { _pVtInputThread->DoReadInput(false); } } if (_pVtInputThread) { LOG_IF_FAILED(_pVtInputThread->Start()); } if (_pPtySignalInputThread) { // Let the signal thread know that the console is connected _pPtySignalInputThread->ConnectConsole(); } return S_OK; } // Method Description: // - Create and start the signal thread. The signal thread can be created // independent of the i/o threads, and doesn't require a client first // attaching to the console. We need to create it first and foremost, // because it's possible that a terminal application could // CreatePseudoConsole, then ClosePseudoConsole without ever attaching a // client. Should that happen, we still need to exit. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - S_FALSE if we're not in VtIo mode, // S_OK if we succeeded, // otherwise an appropriate HRESULT indicating failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::CreateAndStartSignalThread() noexcept { if (!_initialized) { return S_FALSE; } // If we were passed a signal handle, try to open it and make a signal reading thread. if (IsValidHandle(_hSignal.get())) { try { _pPtySignalInputThread = std::make_unique(std::move(_hSignal)); // Start it if it was successfully created. RETURN_IF_FAILED(_pPtySignalInputThread->Start()); } CATCH_RETURN(); } return S_OK; } // Method Description: // - Prevent the renderer from emitting output on the next resize. This prevents // the host from echoing a resize to the terminal that requested it. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - S_OK if the renderer successfully suppressed the next repaint, otherwise an // appropriate HRESULT indicating failure. [[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::SuppressResizeRepaint() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (_pVtRenderEngine) { hr = _pVtRenderEngine->SuppressResizeRepaint(); } return hr; } // Method Description: // - Attempts to set the initial cursor position, if we're looking for it. // If we're not trying to inherit the cursor, does nothing. // Arguments: // - coordCursor: The initial position of the cursor. // Return Value: // - S_OK if we successfully inherited the cursor or did nothing, else an // appropriate HRESULT [[nodiscard]] HRESULT VtIo::SetCursorPosition(const COORD coordCursor) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (_lookingForCursorPosition) { if (_pVtRenderEngine) { hr = _pVtRenderEngine->InheritCursor(coordCursor); } _lookingForCursorPosition = false; } return hr; } void VtIo::CloseInput() { // This will release the lock when it goes out of scope std::lock_guard lk(_shutdownLock); _pVtInputThread = nullptr; _ShutdownIfNeeded(); } void VtIo::CloseOutput() { // This will release the lock when it goes out of scope std::lock_guard lk(_shutdownLock); Globals& g = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals(); // DON'T RemoveRenderEngine, as that requires the engine list lock, and this // is usually being triggered on a paint operation, when the lock is already // owned by the paint. // Instead we're releasing the Engine here. A pointer to it has already been // given to the Renderer, so we don't want the unique_ptr to delete it. The // Renderer will own its lifetime now. _pVtRenderEngine.release(); g.getConsoleInformation().GetActiveOutputBuffer().SetTerminalConnection(nullptr); _ShutdownIfNeeded(); } void VtIo::_ShutdownIfNeeded() { // The callers should have both accquired the _shutdownLock at this point - // we dont want a race on who is actually responsible for closing it. if (_objectsCreated && _pVtInputThread == nullptr && _pVtRenderEngine == nullptr) { // At this point, we no longer have a renderer or inthread. So we've // effectively been disconnected from the terminal. // If we have any remaining attached processes, this will prepare us to send a ctrl+close to them // if we don't, this will cause us to rundown and exit. CloseConsoleProcessState(); // If we haven't terminated by now, that's because there's a client that's still attached. // Force the handling of the control events by the attached clients. // As of MSFT:19419231, CloseConsoleProcessState will make sure this // happens if this method is called outside of lock, but if we're // currently locked, we want to make sure ctrl events are handled // _before_ we RundownAndExit. ProcessCtrlEvents(); // Make sure we terminate. ServiceLocator::RundownAndExit(ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE); } }