// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "precomp.h" #include "inc/utils.hpp" #include "inc/colorTable.hpp" #include using namespace Microsoft::Console; // Routine Description: // - Determines if a character is a valid number character, 0-9. // Arguments: // - wch - Character to check. // Return Value: // - True if it is. False if it isn't. static constexpr bool _isNumber(const wchar_t wch) noexcept { return wch >= L'0' && wch <= L'9'; // 0x30 - 0x39 } // Function Description: // - Creates a String representation of a guid, in the format // "{12345678-ABCD-EF12-3456-7890ABCDEF12}" // Arguments: // - guid: the GUID to create the string for // Return Value: // - a string representation of the GUID. On failure, throws E_INVALIDARG. std::wstring Utils::GuidToString(const GUID guid) { return wil::str_printf(L"{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}", guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7]); } // Method Description: // - Parses a GUID from a string representation of the GUID. Throws an exception // if it fails to parse the GUID. See documentation of IIDFromString for // details. // Arguments: // - wstr: a string representation of the GUID to parse // Return Value: // - A GUID if the string could successfully be parsed. On failure, throws the // failing HRESULT. GUID Utils::GuidFromString(_Null_terminated_ const wchar_t* str) { GUID result; THROW_IF_FAILED(IIDFromString(str, &result)); return result; } // Method Description: // - Creates a GUID, but not via an out parameter. // Return Value: // - A GUID if there's enough randomness; otherwise, an exception. GUID Utils::CreateGuid() { GUID result{}; THROW_IF_FAILED(::CoCreateGuid(&result)); return result; } // Function Description: // - Creates a String representation of a color, in the format "#RRGGBB" // Arguments: // - color: the COLORREF to create the string for // Return Value: // - a string representation of the color std::string Utils::ColorToHexString(const til::color color) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "#" << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::hex; // Force the compiler to promote from byte to int. Without it, the // stringstream will try to write the components as chars ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast(color.r); ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast(color.g); ss << std::setw(2) << static_cast(color.b); return ss.str(); } // Function Description: // - Parses a color from a string. The string should be in the format "#RRGGBB" or "#RGB" // Arguments: // - str: a string representation of the COLORREF to parse // Return Value: // - A COLORREF if the string could successfully be parsed. If the string is not // the correct format, throws E_INVALIDARG til::color Utils::ColorFromHexString(const std::string_view str) { THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, str.size() != 7 && str.size() != 4); THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, str.at(0) != '#'); std::string rStr; std::string gStr; std::string bStr; if (str.size() == 4) { rStr = std::string(2, str.at(1)); gStr = std::string(2, str.at(2)); bStr = std::string(2, str.at(3)); } else { rStr = std::string(&str.at(1), 2); gStr = std::string(&str.at(3), 2); bStr = std::string(&str.at(5), 2); } const BYTE r = gsl::narrow_cast(std::stoul(rStr, nullptr, 16)); const BYTE g = gsl::narrow_cast(std::stoul(gStr, nullptr, 16)); const BYTE b = gsl::narrow_cast(std::stoul(bStr, nullptr, 16)); return til::color{ r, g, b }; } // Routine Description: // - Given a color string, attempts to parse the color. // The color are specified by name or RGB specification as per XParseColor. // Arguments: // - string - The string containing the color spec string to parse. // Return Value: // - An optional color which contains value if a color was successfully parsed std::optional Utils::ColorFromXTermColor(const std::wstring_view string) noexcept { auto color = ColorFromXParseColorSpec(string); if (!color.has_value()) { // Try again, but use the app color name parser color = ColorFromXOrgAppColorName(string); } return color; } // Routine Description: // - Given a color spec string, attempts to parse the color that's encoded. // // Based on the XParseColor documentation, the supported specs currently are the following: // spec1: a color in the following format: // "rgb://" // spec2: a color in the following format: // "#" // // In both specs, is a value contains up to 4 hex digits, upper or lower case. // Arguments: // - string - The string containing the color spec string to parse. // Return Value: // - An optional color which contains value if a color was successfully parsed std::optional Utils::ColorFromXParseColorSpec(const std::wstring_view string) noexcept try { bool foundXParseColorSpec = false; bool foundValidColorSpec = false; bool isSharpSignFormat = false; size_t rgbHexDigitCount = 0; std::array colorValues = { 0 }; std::array parameterValues = { 0 }; const auto stringSize = string.size(); // First we look for "rgb:" // Other colorspaces are theoretically possible, but we don't support them. auto curr = string.cbegin(); if (stringSize > 4) { auto prefix = std::wstring(string.substr(0, 4)); // The "rgb:" indicator should be case insensitive. To prevent possible issues under // different locales, transform only ASCII range latin characters. std::transform(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), prefix.begin(), [](const auto x) { return x >= L'A' && x <= L'Z' ? static_cast(std::towlower(x)) : x; }); if (prefix.compare(L"rgb:") == 0) { // If all the components have the same digit count, we can have one of the following formats: // 9 "rgb:h/h/h" // 12 "rgb:hh/hh/hh" // 15 "rgb:hhh/hhh/hhh" // 18 "rgb:hhhh/hhhh/hhhh" // Note that the component sizes aren't required to be the same. // Anything in between is also valid, e.g. "rgb:h/hh/h" and "rgb:h/hh/hhh". // Any fewer cannot be valid, and any more will be too many. Return early in this case. if (stringSize < 9 || stringSize > 18) { return std::nullopt; } foundXParseColorSpec = true; std::advance(curr, 4); } } // Try the sharp sign format. if (!foundXParseColorSpec && stringSize > 1) { if (til::at(string, 0) == L'#') { // We can have one of the following formats: // 4 "#hhh" // 7 "#hhhhhh" // 10 "#hhhhhhhhh" // 13 "#hhhhhhhhhhhh" // Any other cases will be invalid. Return early in this case. if (!(stringSize == 4 || stringSize == 7 || stringSize == 10 || stringSize == 13)) { return std::nullopt; } isSharpSignFormat = true; foundXParseColorSpec = true; rgbHexDigitCount = (stringSize - 1) / 3; std::advance(curr, 1); } } // No valid spec is found. Return early. if (!foundXParseColorSpec) { return std::nullopt; } // Try to parse the actual color value of each component. for (size_t component = 0; component < 3; component++) { bool foundColor = false; auto& parameterValue = til::at(parameterValues, component); // For "sharp sign" format, the rgbHexDigitCount is known. // For "rgb:" format, colorspecs are up to hhhh/hhhh/hhhh, for 1-4 h's const auto iteration = isSharpSignFormat ? rgbHexDigitCount : 4; for (size_t i = 0; i < iteration && curr < string.cend(); i++) { const wchar_t wch = *curr++; parameterValue *= 16; unsigned int intVal = 0; const auto ret = HexToUint(wch, intVal); if (!ret) { // Encountered something weird oh no return std::nullopt; } parameterValue += intVal; if (isSharpSignFormat) { // If we get this far, any number can be seen as a valid part // of this component. foundColor = true; if (i >= rgbHexDigitCount) { // Successfully parsed this component. Start the next one. break; } } else { // Record the hex digit count of the current component. rgbHexDigitCount = i + 1; // If this is the first 2 component... if (component < 2 && curr < string.cend() && *curr == L'/') { // ...and we have successfully parsed this component, we need // to skip the delimiter before starting the next one. curr++; foundColor = true; break; } // Or we have reached the end of the string... else if (curr >= string.cend()) { // ...meaning that this is the last component. We're not going to // see any delimiter. We can just break out. foundColor = true; break; } } } if (!foundColor) { // Indicates there was some error parsing color. return std::nullopt; } // Calculate the actual color value based on the hex digit count. auto& colorValue = til::at(colorValues, component); const auto scaleMultiplier = isSharpSignFormat ? 0x10 : 0x11; const auto scaleDivisor = scaleMultiplier << 8 >> 4 * (4 - rgbHexDigitCount); colorValue = parameterValue * scaleMultiplier / scaleDivisor; } if (curr >= string.cend()) { // We're at the end of the string and we have successfully parsed the color. foundValidColorSpec = true; } // Only if we find a valid colorspec can we pass it out successfully. if (foundValidColorSpec) { return til::color(LOBYTE(til::at(colorValues, 0)), LOBYTE(til::at(colorValues, 1)), LOBYTE(til::at(colorValues, 2))); } return std::nullopt; } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); return std::nullopt; } // Routine Description: // - Converts a hex character to its equivalent integer value. // Arguments: // - wch - Character to convert. // - value - receives the int value of the char // Return Value: // - true iff the character is a hex character. bool Utils::HexToUint(const wchar_t wch, unsigned int& value) noexcept { value = 0; bool success = false; if (wch >= L'0' && wch <= L'9') { value = wch - L'0'; success = true; } else if (wch >= L'A' && wch <= L'F') { value = (wch - L'A') + 10; success = true; } else if (wch >= L'a' && wch <= L'f') { value = (wch - L'a') + 10; success = true; } return success; } // Routine Description: // - Converts a number string to its equivalent unsigned integer value. // Arguments: // - wstr - String to convert. // - value - receives the int value of the string // Return Value: // - true iff the string is a unsigned integer string. bool Utils::StringToUint(const std::wstring_view wstr, unsigned int& value) { if (wstr.size() < 1) { return false; } unsigned int result = 0; size_t current = 0; while (current < wstr.size()) { const wchar_t wch = wstr.at(current); if (_isNumber(wch)) { result *= 10; result += wch - L'0'; ++current; } else { return false; } } value = result; return true; } // Routine Description: // - Split a string into different parts using the delimiter provided. // Arguments: // - wstr - String to split. // - delimiter - delimiter to use. // Return Value: // - a vector containing the result string parts. std::vector Utils::SplitString(const std::wstring_view wstr, const wchar_t delimiter) noexcept try { std::vector result; size_t current = 0; while (current < wstr.size()) { const auto nextDelimiter = wstr.find(delimiter, current); if (nextDelimiter == std::wstring::npos) { result.push_back(wstr.substr(current)); break; } else { const auto length = nextDelimiter - current; result.push_back(wstr.substr(current, length)); // Skip this part and the delimiter. Start the next one current += length + 1; // The next index is larger than string size, which means the string // is in the format of "part1;part2;" (assuming use ';' as delimiter). // Add the last part which is an empty string. if (current >= wstr.size()) { result.push_back(L""); } } } return result; } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); return {}; } // Routine Description: // - Pre-process text pasted (presumably from the clipboard) with provided option. // Arguments: // - wstr - String to process. // - option - option to use. // Return Value: // - The result string. std::wstring Utils::FilterStringForPaste(const std::wstring_view wstr, const FilterOption option) { std::wstring filtered; filtered.reserve(wstr.length()); const auto isControlCode = [](wchar_t c) { if (c >= L'\x20' && c < L'\x7f') { // Printable ASCII characters. return false; } if (c > L'\x9f') { // Not a control code. return false; } // All C0 & C1 control codes will be removed except HT(0x09), LF(0x0a) and CR(0x0d). return c != L'\x09' && c != L'\x0a' && c != L'\x0d'; }; std::wstring::size_type pos = 0; std::wstring::size_type begin = 0; while (pos < wstr.size()) { const wchar_t c = til::at(wstr, pos); if (WI_IsFlagSet(option, FilterOption::CarriageReturnNewline) && c == L'\n') { // copy up to but not including the \n filtered.append(wstr.cbegin() + begin, wstr.cbegin() + pos); if (!(pos > 0 && (til::at(wstr, pos - 1) == L'\r'))) { // there was no \r before the \n we did not copy, // so append our own \r (this effectively replaces the \n // with a \r) filtered.push_back(L'\r'); } ++pos; begin = pos; } else if (WI_IsFlagSet(option, FilterOption::ControlCodes) && isControlCode(c)) { // copy up to but not including the control code filtered.append(wstr.cbegin() + begin, wstr.cbegin() + pos); ++pos; begin = pos; } else { ++pos; } } // If we entered the while loop even once, begin would be non-zero // (because we set begin = pos right after incrementing pos) // So, if begin is still zero at this point it means we never found a newline // and we can just write the original string if (begin == 0) { return std::wstring{ wstr }; } else { filtered.append(wstr.cbegin() + begin, wstr.cend()); // we may have removed some characters, so we may not need as much space // as we reserved earlier filtered.shrink_to_fit(); return filtered; } } // Routine Description: // - Shorthand check if a handle value is null or invalid. // Arguments: // - Handle // Return Value: // - True if non zero and not set to invalid magic value. False otherwise. bool Utils::IsValidHandle(const HANDLE handle) noexcept { return handle != nullptr && handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // Function Description: // - Generate a Version 5 UUID (specified in RFC4122 4.3) // v5 UUIDs are stable given the same namespace and "name". // Arguments: // - namespaceGuid: The GUID of the v5 UUID namespace, which provides both // a seed and a tacit agreement that all UUIDs generated // with it will follow the same data format. // - name: Bytes comprising the name (in a namespace-specific format) // Return Value: // - a new stable v5 UUID GUID Utils::CreateV5Uuid(const GUID& namespaceGuid, const gsl::span name) { // v5 uuid generation happens over values in network byte order, so let's enforce that auto correctEndianNamespaceGuid{ EndianSwap(namespaceGuid) }; wil::unique_bcrypt_hash hash; THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(BCryptCreateHash(BCRYPT_SHA1_ALG_HANDLE, &hash, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, 0)); // According to N4713 [basic.lval], accessing the bytes underlying an object // through unsigned char or char pointer *is defined*. THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(BCryptHashData(hash.get(), reinterpret_cast(&correctEndianNamespaceGuid), sizeof(GUID), 0)); // BCryptHashData is ill-specified in that it leaves off "const" qualification for pbInput THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(BCryptHashData(hash.get(), reinterpret_cast(const_cast(name.data())), gsl::narrow(name.size()), 0)); std::array buffer; THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(BCryptFinishHash(hash.get(), buffer.data(), gsl::narrow(buffer.size()), 0)); buffer.at(6) = (buffer.at(6) & 0x0F) | 0x50; // set the uuid version to 5 buffer.at(8) = (buffer.at(8) & 0x3F) | 0x80; // set the variant to 2 (RFC4122) // We're using memcpy here pursuant to N4713 6.7.2/3 [basic.types], // "...the underlying bytes making up the object can be copied into an array // of char or unsigned char...array is copied back into the object..." // std::copy may compile down to ::memcpy for these types, but using it might // contravene the standard and nobody's got time for that. GUID newGuid{ 0 }; ::memcpy_s(&newGuid, sizeof(GUID), buffer.data(), sizeof(GUID)); return EndianSwap(newGuid); } bool Utils::IsElevated() { static bool isElevated = []() { try { wil::unique_handle processToken{ GetCurrentProcessToken() }; const auto elevationType = wil::get_token_information(processToken.get()); const auto elevationState = wil::get_token_information(processToken.get()); if (elevationType == TokenElevationTypeDefault && elevationState.TokenIsElevated) { // In this case, the user has UAC entirely disabled. This is sort of // weird, we treat this like the user isn't an admin at all. There's no // separation of powers, so the things we normally want to gate on // "having special powers" doesn't apply. // // See GH#7754, GH#11096 return false; } return wil::test_token_membership(nullptr, SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS); } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); return false; } }(); return isElevated; }