/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: - conv.h Abstract: - This module contains the internal structures and definitions used by the conversion area. - "Conversion area" refers to either the in-line area where the text color changes and suggests options in IME-based languages or to the reserved line at the bottom of the screen offering suggestions and the current IME mode. Author: - KazuM March 8, 1993 Revision History: --*/ #pragma once #include "server.h" #include "../types/inc/Viewport.hpp" void WriteConvRegionToScreen(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& ScreenInfo, const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& convRegion); [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleImeResizeCompStrView(); [[nodiscard]] HRESULT ConsoleImeResizeCompStrScreenBuffer(const COORD coordNewScreenSize);