@echo off rem bcz - Clean and build the project rem This is another script to help Microsoft developers feel at home working on the openconsole project. if (%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%)==() ( set _LAST_BUILD_CONF=%DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION% ) set _MSBUILD_TARGET=Clean,Build :ARGS_LOOP if (%1) == () goto :POST_ARGS_LOOP if (%1) == (dbg) ( echo Manually building debug set _LAST_BUILD_CONF=Debug ) if (%1) == (rel) ( echo Manually building release set _LAST_BUILD_CONF=Release ) if (%1) == (no_clean) ( set _MSBUILD_TARGET=Build ) shift goto :ARGS_LOOP :POST_ARGS_LOOP echo Starting build... nuget.exe restore %OPENCON%\OpenConsole.sln rem /p:AppxBundle=Never prevents us from building the appxbundle from the commandline. rem We don't want to do this from a debug build, because it takes ages, so disable it. rem if you want the appx, build release set _APPX_ARGS= if (%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%) == (Debug) ( echo Skipping building appx... set _APPX_ARGS=/p:AppxBundle=false ) else ( echo Building Appx... ) set _BUILD_CMDLINE="%MSBUILD%" %OPENCON%\OpenConsole.sln /t:%_MSBUILD_TARGET% /m /p:Configuration=%_LAST_BUILD_CONF% /p:Platform=%ARCH% %_APPX_ARGS% echo %_BUILD_CMDLINE% %_BUILD_CMDLINE% rem Cleanup unused variables here. Note we cannot use setlocal because we need to pass modified rem _LAST_BUILD_CONF out to OpenCon.cmd later. rem set _MSBUILD_TARGET= set _BIN_=%~dp0\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%