// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. #include "pch.h" #include "AppHost.h" #include "../types/inc/Viewport.hpp" using namespace winrt::Windows::UI; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Composition; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml; using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting; using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Numerics; using namespace ::Microsoft::Console::Types; // The tabs are 34.8px tall. This is their default height - we're not // controlling the styling of the tabs at all currently. If we change the size // of those, we'll need to change the size here, too. We can't get this size // from the tab control until the control is added to a XAML element, and we // can't create any XAML elements until we have a window, and we need to know // this size before we can create a window, so unfortunately we're stuck // hardcoding this. const int NON_CLIENT_CONTENT_HEIGHT = static_cast(std::round(34.8)); AppHost::AppHost() noexcept : _app{}, _window{ nullptr } { _useNonClientArea = _app.GetShowTabsInTitlebar(); if (_useNonClientArea) { _window = std::make_unique(); auto pNcWindow = static_cast(_window.get()); pNcWindow->SetNonClientHeight(NON_CLIENT_CONTENT_HEIGHT); } else { _window = std::make_unique(); } // Tell the window to callback to us when it's about to handle a WM_CREATE auto pfn = std::bind(&AppHost::_HandleCreateWindow, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); _window->SetCreateCallback(pfn); _window->MakeWindow(); } AppHost::~AppHost() { } // Method Description: // - Initializes the XAML island, creates the terminal app, and sets the // island's content to that of the terminal app's content. Also registers some // callbacks with TermApp. // !!! IMPORTANT!!! // This must be called *AFTER* WindowsXamlManager::InitializeForCurrentThread. // If it isn't, then we won't be able to create the XAML island. // Arguments: // - // Return Value: // - void AppHost::Initialize() { _window->Initialize(); _app.Create(); _app.TitleChanged({ this, &AppHost::AppTitleChanged }); AppTitleChanged(_app.GetTitle()); _window->SetRootContent(_app.GetRoot()); if (_useNonClientArea) { auto pNcWindow = static_cast(_window.get()); pNcWindow->SetNonClientContent(_app.GetTabs()); } } // Method Description: // - Called when the app's title changes. Fires off a window message so we can // update the window's title on the main thread. // Arguments: // - newTitle: the string to use as the new window title // Return Value: // - void AppHost::AppTitleChanged(winrt::hstring newTitle) { _window->UpdateTitle(newTitle.c_str()); } // Method Description: // - Resize the window we're about to create to the appropriate dimensions, as // specified in the settings. This will be called during the handling of // WM_CREATE. We'll load the settings for the app, then get the proposed size // of the terminal from the app. Using that proposed size, we'll resize the // window we're creating, so that it'll match the values in the settings. // Arguments: // - hwnd: The HWND of the window we're about to create. // - proposedRect: The location and size of the window that we're about to // create. We'll use this rect to determine which monitor the window is about // to appear on. // Return Value: // - void AppHost::_HandleCreateWindow(const HWND hwnd, const RECT proposedRect) { // Find nearest montitor. HMONITOR hmon = MonitorFromRect(&proposedRect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); // This API guarantees that dpix and dpiy will be equal, but neither is an // optional parameter so give two UINTs. UINT dpix = USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI; UINT dpiy = USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI; // If this fails, we'll use the default of 96. GetDpiForMonitor(hmon, MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, &dpix, &dpiy); auto initialSize = _app.GetLaunchDimensions(dpix); const short _currentWidth = gsl::narrow(ceil(initialSize.X)); const short _currentHeight = gsl::narrow(ceil(initialSize.Y)); // Create a RECT from our requested client size auto nonClient = Viewport::FromDimensions({ _currentWidth, _currentHeight }).ToRect(); // Get the size of a window we'd need to host that client rect. This will // add the titlebar space. if (_useNonClientArea) { // If we're in NC tabs mode, do the math ourselves. Get the margins // we're using for the window - this will include the size of the // titlebar content. auto pNcWindow = static_cast(_window.get()); const MARGINS margins = pNcWindow->GetFrameMargins(); nonClient.left = 0; nonClient.top = 0; nonClient.right = margins.cxLeftWidth + nonClient.right + margins.cxRightWidth; nonClient.bottom = margins.cyTopHeight + nonClient.bottom + margins.cyBottomHeight; } else { bool succeeded = AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&nonClient, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, false, 0, dpix); if (!succeeded) { // If we failed to get the correct window size for whatever reason, log // the error and go on. We'll use whatever the control proposed as the // size of our window, which will be at least close. LOG_LAST_ERROR(); nonClient = Viewport::FromDimensions({ _currentWidth, _currentHeight }).ToRect(); } } const auto adjustedHeight = nonClient.bottom - nonClient.top; const auto adjustedWidth = nonClient.right - nonClient.left; const COORD origin{ gsl::narrow(proposedRect.left), gsl::narrow(proposedRect.top) }; const COORD dimensions{ gsl::narrow(adjustedWidth), gsl::narrow(adjustedHeight) }; const auto newPos = Viewport::FromDimensions(origin, dimensions); bool succeeded = SetWindowPos(hwnd, nullptr, newPos.Left(), newPos.Top(), newPos.Width(), newPos.Height(), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER); // If we can't resize the window, that's really okay. We can just go on with // the originally proposed window size. LOG_LAST_ERROR_IF(!succeeded); }