/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: - registry.hpp Abstract: - This module is used for reading/writing registry operations Author(s): - Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 23-Jul-2014 - Paul Campbell (PaulCam) 23-Jul-2014 Revision History: - From components of srvinit.c --*/ #pragma once #include "precomp.h" class Registry { public: Registry(_In_ Settings* const pSettings); ~Registry(); void LoadGlobalsFromRegistry(); void LoadDefaultFromRegistry(); void LoadFromRegistry(_In_ PCWSTR const pwszConsoleTitle); void GetEditKeys(_In_opt_ HKEY hConsoleKey) const; private: void _LoadMappedProperties(_In_reads_(cPropertyMappings) const RegistrySerialization::RegPropertyMap* const rgPropertyMappings, const size_t cPropertyMappings, const HKEY hKey); Settings* const _pSettings; };