/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT license. Module Name: TfContext.h Abstract: This file defines the CConsoleTSF Interface Class. Author: Revision History: Notes: --*/ #pragma once class CConversionArea; class CConsoleTSF final : public ITfContextOwner, public ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink, public ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink, public ITfUIElementSink, public ITfCleanupContextSink, public ITfTextEditSink { public: CConsoleTSF(HWND hwndConsole, GetSuggestionWindowPos pfnPosition) : _hwndConsole(hwndConsole), _pfnPosition(pfnPosition), _cRef(1), _tid() { } virtual ~CConsoleTSF() { } [[nodiscard]] HRESULT Initialize(); void Uninitialize(); public: // IUnknown methods STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObj); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); // ITfContextOwner STDMETHODIMP GetACPFromPoint(const POINT*, DWORD, LONG* pCP) { if (pCP) { *pCP = 0; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP GetScreenExt(RECT* pRect) { if (pRect) { *pRect = _pfnPosition(); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP GetTextExt(LONG, LONG, RECT* pRect, BOOL* pbClipped) { if (pRect) { GetScreenExt(pRect); } if (pbClipped) { *pbClipped = FALSE; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP GetStatus(TF_STATUS* pTfStatus) { if (pTfStatus) { pTfStatus->dwDynamicFlags = 0; pTfStatus->dwStaticFlags = TF_SS_TRANSITORY; } return pTfStatus ? S_OK : E_INVALIDARG; } STDMETHODIMP GetWnd(HWND* phwnd) { *phwnd = _hwndConsole; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP GetAttribute(REFGUID, VARIANT*) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink methods STDMETHODIMP OnStartComposition(ITfCompositionView* pComposition, BOOL* pfOk); STDMETHODIMP OnUpdateComposition(ITfCompositionView* pComposition, ITfRange* pRangeNew); STDMETHODIMP OnEndComposition(ITfCompositionView* pComposition); // ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink STDMETHODIMP OnActivated(DWORD dwProfileType, LANGID langid, REFCLSID clsid, REFGUID catid, REFGUID guidProfile, HKL hkl, DWORD dwFlags); // ITfUIElementSink methods STDMETHODIMP BeginUIElement(DWORD dwUIElementId, BOOL* pbShow); STDMETHODIMP UpdateUIElement(DWORD dwUIElementId); STDMETHODIMP EndUIElement(DWORD dwUIElementId); // ITfCleanupContextSink methods STDMETHODIMP OnCleanupContext(TfEditCookie ecWrite, ITfContext* pic); // ITfTextEditSink methods STDMETHODIMP OnEndEdit(ITfContext* pInputContext, TfEditCookie ecReadOnly, ITfEditRecord* pEditRecord); public: CConversionArea* CreateConversionArea(); CConversionArea* GetConversionArea() { return _pConversionArea; } ITfContext* GetInputContext() { return _spITfInputContext.get(); } HWND GetConsoleHwnd() { return _hwndConsole; } TfClientId GetTfClientId() { return _tid; } BOOL IsInComposition() { return (_cCompositions > 0); } void OnEditSession() { _fEditSessionRequested = FALSE; } BOOL IsPendingCompositionCleanup() { return _fCleanupSessionRequested || _fCompositionCleanupSkipped; } void OnCompositionCleanup(BOOL bSucceeded) { _fCleanupSessionRequested = FALSE; _fCompositionCleanupSkipped = !bSucceeded; } void SetModifyingDocFlag(BOOL fSet) { _fModifyingDoc = fSet; } void SetFocus(BOOL fSet) { if (!fSet && _cCompositions) { // Close (terminate) any open compositions when losing the input focus. if (_spITfInputContext) { wil::com_ptr_nothrow spCompositionServices(_spITfInputContext.try_query()); if (spCompositionServices) { spCompositionServices->TerminateComposition(nullptr); } } } } // A workaround for a MS Korean IME scenario where the IME appends a whitespace // composition programmatically right after completing a keyboard input composition. // Since post-composition clean-up is an async operation, the programmatic whitespace // composition gets completed before the previous composition cleanup happened, // and this results in a double insertion of the first composition. To avoid that, we'll // store the length of the last completed composition here until it's cleaned up. // (for simplicity, this patch doesn't provide a generic solution for all possible // scenarios with subsequent synchronous compositions, only for the known 'append'). long GetCompletedRangeLength() const { return _cchCompleted; } void SetCompletedRangeLength(long cch) { _cchCompleted = cch; } private: [[nodiscard]] HRESULT _OnUpdateComposition(); [[nodiscard]] HRESULT _OnCompleteComposition(); BOOL _HasCompositionChanged(ITfContext* pInputContext, TfEditCookie ecReadOnly, ITfEditRecord* pEditRecord); private: // ref count. DWORD _cRef; // Cicero stuff. TfClientId _tid; wil::com_ptr_nothrow _spITfThreadMgr; wil::com_ptr_nothrow _spITfDocumentMgr; wil::com_ptr_nothrow _spITfInputContext; // Event sink cookies. DWORD _dwContextOwnerCookie = 0; DWORD _dwUIElementSinkCookie = 0; DWORD _dwTextEditSinkCookie = 0; DWORD _dwActivationSinkCookie = 0; // Conversion area object for the languages. CConversionArea* _pConversionArea = nullptr; // Console info. HWND _hwndConsole; GetSuggestionWindowPos _pfnPosition; // Miscellaneous flags BOOL _fModifyingDoc = FALSE; // Set TRUE, when calls ITfRange::SetText BOOL _fCoInitialized = FALSE; BOOL _fEditSessionRequested = FALSE; BOOL _fCleanupSessionRequested = FALSE; BOOL _fCompositionCleanupSkipped = FALSE; int _cCompositions = 0; long _cchCompleted = 0; // length of completed composition waiting for cleanup }; extern CConsoleTSF* g_pConsoleTSF;