Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) df26c677ef
Upgrade to Microsoft.UI.Xaml 2.2 (#3027)
* We had to move to the final API:
   * Items -> TabItems
   * Items.VectorChanged -> TabItemsChanged
   * TabClose -> TabCloseRequested
   * TabViewItem.Icon -> TabViewItem.IconSource
* TabRowControl has been converted to a ContentPresenter, which
  simplifies its logic a little bit.
* TerminalPage now differentiates MUX and WUX a little better
* Because of the change from Icon to IconSource in TabViewItem,
  Utils::GetColoredIcon needed to be augmented to support MUX IconSources.
  It was still necessary to use for WUX, so it's been templatized.
* I moved us from WUX SplitButton to MUX SplitButton and brought the
  style in line with the one typically provided by TabView.
* Some of our local controls have had their backgrounds removed so
  they're more amenable to being placed on other surfaces.
* I'm suppressing the TabView's padding.
* I removed a number of apparently dead methods from App.
* I've simplified the dragbar's sizing logic and eventing.
* The winmd harvester needed to be taught to not try to copy winmds for
  framework packages.
* We now only initialize the terminal once we know the size

Closes #1896.
Closes #444.
Closes #857.
Closes #771.
Closes #760.
2019-10-14 22:41:43 -07:00

42 lines
2.5 KiB

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<!-- For each non-system .winmd file in References, generate a .manifest in IntDir for it. -->
<_ConsoleWinmdManifest Include="@(ReferencePath->'$(IntDir)\%(FileName).manifest')" Condition="'%(ReferencePath.IsSystemReference)' != 'true' and '%(ReferencePath.WinMDFile)' == 'true' and '%(ReferencePath.ReferenceSourceTarget)' == 'ResolveAssemblyReference' and '%(ReferencePath.Implementation)' != ''">
<!-- For each referenced project that _produces_ a winmd, generate a temporary item that maps to
the winmd, and use that temporary item to generate a .manifest in IntDir for it.
We don't set Implementation here because it's inherited from the _ResolvedNativeProjectReferencePaths. -->
<_ConsoleWinmdProjectReference Condition="'%(_ResolvedNativeProjectReferencePaths.ProjectType)' != 'StaticLibrary'" Include="@(_ResolvedNativeProjectReferencePaths-&gt;WithMetadataValue('FileType','winmd')-&gt;'%(RootDir)%(Directory)%(TargetPath)')" />
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<!-- This target is batched and a new Exec is spawned for each entry in _ConsoleWinmdManifest. -->
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<!-- Emit the generated manifest into the Link inputs. -->
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