Leonard Hecker 305e3df8fa
Introduce a api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0 shim for Windows 7 (#10559)
The code in this file was adapted from the STL on the 2021-07-05.

It backports the following Windows 8 functions to Windows 7:
* WaitOnAddress
* WakeByAddressSingle
* WakeByAddressAll

These functions are used within `til`. This commit will allow `til` to be used in the conhost source code.

* [x] correct .dll loads on Windows 7
* [x] correct .dll loads on Windows 10
* [x] link line for PublicTerminalCore prefers this fake apiset over kernel32
2021-07-07 16:48:28 +00:00

190 lines
6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// The code in this file was adapted from the STL on the 2021-07-05. Commit:
// https://github.com/microsoft/STL/blob/e745bad3b1d05b5b19ec652d68abb37865ffa454/stl/src/atomic_wait.cpp
// It backports the following Windows 8 functions to Windows 7:
// * WaitOnAddress
// * WakeByAddressSingle
// * WakeByAddressAll
#include <cstdint>
#include <new>
#include <winsdkver.h>
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601
#include <sdkddkver.h>
#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>
#include <intrin.h>
class [[nodiscard]] SRWLockGuard
explicit SRWLockGuard(SRWLOCK & lock) noexcept :
SRWLockGuard(const SRWLockGuard&) = delete;
SRWLockGuard& operator=(const SRWLockGuard&) = delete;
SRWLockGuard(SRWLockGuard &&) = delete;
SRWLockGuard& operator=(SRWLockGuard&&) = delete;
SRWLOCK* _lock;
struct WaitContext
const volatile void* address;
WaitContext* next;
WaitContext* prev;
struct [[nodiscard]] GuardedWaitContext : WaitContext
GuardedWaitContext(const volatile void* storage, WaitContext* head) noexcept :
WaitContext{ storage, head, head->prev, CONDITION_VARIABLE_INIT }
prev->next = this;
next->prev = this;
const auto n = next;
const auto p = prev;
next->prev = p;
prev->next = n;
GuardedWaitContext(const GuardedWaitContext&) = delete;
GuardedWaitContext& operator=(const GuardedWaitContext&) = delete;
GuardedWaitContext(GuardedWaitContext &&) = delete;
GuardedWaitContext& operator=(GuardedWaitContext&&) = delete;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4324) // structure was padded due to alignment specifier
struct alignas(std::hardware_destructive_interference_size) WaitTableEntry
WaitContext head = { nullptr, &head, &head, CONDITION_VARIABLE_INIT };
#pragma warning(pop)
[[nodiscard]] WaitTableEntry& GetWaitTableEntry(const volatile void* const storage) noexcept
// A prime number for the hash table size was chosen to prevent collisions.
constexpr size_t size = 251;
constexpr std::hash<uintptr_t> hasher;
static WaitTableEntry table[size];
#pragma warning(suppress : 26446) // Prefer to use gsl::at() instead of unchecked subscript operator
#pragma warning(suppress : 26482) // Only index into arrays using constant expressions
#pragma warning(suppress : 26490) // Don't use reinterpret_cast
return table[hasher(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(storage)) % size];
#pragma warning(suppress : 26429) // Symbol 'comparand' is never tested for nullness, it can be marked as not_null
bool AreEqual(const volatile void* storage, const void* comparand, size_t size) noexcept
switch (size)
case 1:
return __iso_volatile_load8(static_cast<const volatile __int8*>(storage)) == *static_cast<const __int8*>(comparand);
case 2:
return __iso_volatile_load16(static_cast<const volatile __int16*>(storage)) == *static_cast<const __int16*>(comparand);
case 4:
return __iso_volatile_load32(static_cast<const volatile __int32*>(storage)) == *static_cast<const __int32*>(comparand);
case 8:
return __iso_volatile_load64(static_cast<const volatile __int64*>(storage)) == *static_cast<const __int64*>(comparand);
} // unnamed namespace
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI WaitOnAddress(_In_reads_bytes_(AddressSize) volatile VOID* Address, _In_reads_bytes_(AddressSize) PVOID CompareAddress, _In_ SIZE_T AddressSize, _In_opt_ DWORD dwMilliseconds)
auto& entry = GetWaitTableEntry(Address);
SRWLockGuard guard{ entry.lock };
GuardedWaitContext context{ Address, &entry.head };
for (;;)
// NOTE: under lock to prevent lost wakes
if (!AreEqual(Address, CompareAddress, AddressSize))
return TRUE;
if (!SleepConditionVariableSRW(&context.cv, &entry.lock, dwMilliseconds, 0))
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_TIMEOUT)
return FALSE;
if (dwMilliseconds != INFINITE)
// spurious wake to recheck the clock
return TRUE;
extern "C" VOID WINAPI WakeByAddressSingle(_In_ PVOID Address)
auto& entry = GetWaitTableEntry(Address);
SRWLockGuard guard(entry.lock);
for (auto context = entry.head.next; context != &entry.head; context = context->next)
if (context->address == Address)
// Can't move wake outside SRWLOCKed section: SRWLOCK also protects the context itself
// This break; is the difference between WakeByAddressSingle and WakeByAddressAll
extern "C" VOID WINAPI WakeByAddressAll(_In_ PVOID Address)
auto& entry = GetWaitTableEntry(Address);
SRWLockGuard guard(entry.lock);
for (auto context = entry.head.next; context != &entry.head; context = context->next)
if (context->address == Address)
// Can't move wake outside SRWLOCKed section: SRWLOCK also protects the context itself