Mike Griese 38472719d5
Fix wrapped lines in less in Git for Windows (#5771)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This PR resolves an issue with the Git for Windows (MSYS) version of `less`. It _doesn't_ use VT processing for emitting text tothe buffer, so when it hits `WriteCharsLegacy`, `WC_DELAY_EOL_WRAP` is NOT set.

When this happens, `less` is writing some text that's longer than the width of the buffer to the last line of the buffer. We're hitting the 
    Status = AdjustCursorPosition(screenInfo, CursorPosition, WI_IsFlagSet(dwFlags, WC_KEEP_CURSOR_VISIBLE), psScrollY);
call in `_stream.cpp:560`.

The cursor is _currently_ at `{40, 29}`, the _start_ of the run of text that wrapped. We're trying to adjust it to `{0, 30}`, which would be the start of the next line of the buffer. However, the buffer is only 30 lines tall, so we've got to `IncrementCircularBuffer` first, so we can move the cursor there.

When that happens, we're going to paint frame. At the end of that frame, we're going to try and paint the cursor position. The cursor is still at `{40, 29}` here, so unfortunately, the `cursorIsInDeferredWrap` check in `XtermEngine::PaintCursor` is `false`. That means, conpty is going to try to move the cursor to where the console thinks the cursor actually is at the end of this frame, which is `{40, 29}`.

If we're painting the frame because we circled the buffer, then the cursor might still be in the position it was before the text was written to the buffer to cause the buffer to circle. In that case, then we DON'T want to paint the cursor here either, because it'll cause us to manually break this line. That's okay though, the frame will be painted again, after the circling is complete.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5691
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

I suppose that's the detailed description above

## Validation Steps Performed
* ran tests
* checked that the bug was actually fixed in the Terminal
2020-05-08 21:22:09 +00:00

202 lines
8.3 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- TestUtils.h
- This file has helper functions for writing tests for the TerminalCore project.
Mike Griese (migrie) January-2020
#include "../../buffer/out/textBuffer.hpp"
namespace TerminalCoreUnitTests
class TestUtils;
class TerminalCoreUnitTests::TestUtils
static constexpr std::wstring_view Test100CharsString{
// Function Description:
// - Helper function to validate that a number of characters in a row are all
// the same. Validates that the next end-start characters are all equal to the
// provided string. Will move the provided iterator as it validates. The
// caller should ensure that `iter` starts where they would like to validate.
// Arguments:
// - expectedChar: The character (or characters) we're expecting
// - iter: a iterator pointing to the cell we'd like to start validating at.
// - start: the first index in the range we'd like to validate
// - end: the last index in the range we'd like to validate
// Return Value:
// - <none>
static void VerifySpanOfText(const wchar_t* const expectedChar,
TextBufferCellIterator& iter,
const int start,
const int end)
for (int x = start; x < end; x++)
WEX::TestExecution::SetVerifyOutput settings(WEX::TestExecution::VerifyOutputSettings::LogOnlyFailures);
if (iter->Chars() != expectedChar)
WEX::Logging::Log::Comment(WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"character [%d] was mismatched", x));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedChar, (iter++)->Chars());
L"Successfully validated %d characters were '%s'", end - start, expectedChar));
// Function Description:
// - Helper function to validate that the next characters pointed to by `iter`
// are the provided string. Will increment iter as it walks the provided
// string of characters. It will leave `iter` on the first character after the
// expectedString.
// Arguments:
// - expectedString: The characters we're expecting
// - iter: a iterator pointing to the cell we'd like to start validating at.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
static void VerifyExpectedString(std::wstring_view expectedString,
TextBufferCellIterator& iter)
size_t currentCharIndex = 0;
for (const auto wch : expectedString)
// This test spews out a lot of verify logging by default because of
// the loops, so suppress that to only show the failures.
WEX::TestExecution::SetVerifyOutput settings(WEX::TestExecution::VerifyOutputSettings::LogOnlyFailures);
wchar_t buffer[]{ wch, L'\0' };
std::wstring_view view{ buffer, 1 };
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(iter, L"Ensure iterator is still valid");
if (view != (iter)->Chars())
WEX::Logging::Log::Comment(WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"character [%d] was mismatched", currentCharIndex));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(view, (iter++)->Chars(), WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"%s", view.data()));
L"Successfully validated %d characters were '%s'", expectedString.size(), expectedString.data()));
// Function Description:
// - Helper function to validate that the next characters in the buffer at the
// given location are the provided string. Will return an iterator on the
// first character after the expectedString.
// Arguments:
// - tb: the buffer who's content we should check
// - expectedString: The characters we're expecting
// - pos: the starting position in the buffer to check the contents of
// Return Value:
// - an iterator on the first character after the expectedString.
static TextBufferCellIterator VerifyExpectedString(const TextBuffer& tb,
std::wstring_view expectedString,
const COORD pos)
auto iter = tb.GetCellDataAt(pos);
VerifyExpectedString(expectedString, iter);
return iter;
// Function Description:
// - Replaces all escapes with the printable symbol for that escape
// character. This makes log parsing easier for debugging, as the literal
// escapes won't be written to the console output.
// Arguments:
// - str: the string to escape.
// Return Value:
// - A modified version of that string with non-printable characters replaced.
static std::string ReplaceEscapes(const std::string& str)
std::string escaped = str;
auto replaceFn = [&escaped](const std::string& search, const std::string& replace) {
size_t pos = escaped.find(search, 0);
while (pos != std::string::npos)
escaped.replace(pos, search.length(), replace);
pos = escaped.find(search, pos + replace.length());
replaceFn("\x1b", "^\x5b"); // ESC
replaceFn("\x08", "^\x48"); // BS
replaceFn("\x0A", "^\x4A"); // LF
replaceFn("\x0D", "^\x4D"); // CR
return escaped;
// Function Description:
// - Replaces all escapes with the printable symbol for that escape
// character. This makes log parsing easier for debugging, as the literal
// escapes won't be written to the console output.
// Arguments:
// - wstr: the string to escape.
// Return Value:
// - A modified version of that string with non-printable characters replaced.
static std::wstring ReplaceEscapes(const std::wstring& wstr)
std::wstring escaped = wstr;
std::replace(escaped.begin(), escaped.end(), L'\x1b', L'\x241b'); // ESC
std::replace(escaped.begin(), escaped.end(), L'\x08', L'\x2408'); // BS
std::replace(escaped.begin(), escaped.end(), L'\x0A', L'\x240A'); // LF
std::replace(escaped.begin(), escaped.end(), L'\x0D', L'\x240D'); // CR
return escaped;
template<class... T>
static bool VerifyLineContains(TextBufferCellIterator& actual, T&&... expectedContent)
auto expected = OutputCellIterator{ std::forward<T>(expectedContent)... };
WEX::TestExecution::SetVerifyOutput settings(WEX::TestExecution::VerifyOutputSettings::LogOnlyFailures);
auto charsProcessed = 0;
while (actual && expected)
auto actualChars = actual->Chars();
auto expectedChars = expected->Chars();
auto actualAttrs = actual->TextAttr();
auto expectedAttrs = expected->TextAttr();
auto mismatched = (actualChars != expectedChars || actualAttrs != expectedAttrs);
if (mismatched)
L"Character or attribute at index %d was mismatched", charsProcessed));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedChars, actualChars);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedAttrs, actualAttrs);
if (mismatched)
return false;
L"Successfully validated the chars and attrs of %d cells", charsProcessed));
return true;
template<class... T>
static TextBufferCellIterator VerifyLineContains(const TextBuffer& tb, COORD position, T&&... expectedContent)
auto actual = tb.GetCellLineDataAt(position);
VerifyLineContains(actual, std::forward<T>(expectedContent)...);
return actual;