Michael Niksa 1b79cc87c3
Fix startup race of resizing ConPTY (#10449)
Fix startup race of resizing ConPTY

- Depending on what the timing and ordering is of the message coming in
  from the signal thread, it may be applied to the startup structure
  after the I/O thread has begun initializing the console buffer
  structures but before it has signaled that it is done and the signal
  thread is ready to make changes directly. This likely happens because
  the end of the I/O thread setup has a weird unlock/lock jog for the
  input thread and the signal thread might have been scheduled in the
  middle of it.
- My resolution here is to ensure that the signal thread just keeps
  storing the latest resize message until it is told that everything is
  initialized. Whomever comes in to tell the signal thread this
  information (under lock) will pickup and run the resize if one came in
  before everything was ready. This should resolve the race.

## Validation Steps Performed
- o-sdn-o confirms this resolves their issue

Closes #10400
2021-06-22 19:23:16 +00:00

266 lines
11 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- ConsoleArguments.hpp
- Encapsulates the commandline arguments to the console host.
- Mike Griese (migrie) 07-Sept-2017
#pragma once
#include "WexTestClass.h"
class ConsoleArguments
ConsoleArguments(const std::wstring& commandline,
const HANDLE hStdIn,
const HANDLE hStdOut);
ConsoleArguments& operator=(const ConsoleArguments& other);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ParseCommandline();
bool HasVtHandles() const;
bool InConptyMode() const noexcept;
bool IsHeadless() const;
bool ShouldCreateServerHandle() const;
bool ShouldRunAsComServer() const;
HANDLE GetServerHandle() const;
HANDLE GetVtInHandle() const;
HANDLE GetVtOutHandle() const;
bool HasSignalHandle() const;
HANDLE GetSignalHandle() const;
std::wstring GetOriginalCommandLine() const;
std::wstring GetClientCommandline() const;
std::wstring GetVtMode() const;
bool GetForceV1() const;
bool GetForceNoHandoff() const;
short GetWidth() const;
short GetHeight() const;
bool GetInheritCursor() const;
bool IsResizeQuirkEnabled() const;
bool IsWin32InputModeEnabled() const;
void EnableConptyModeForTests();
static const std::wstring_view VT_MODE_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view HEADLESS_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view SERVER_HANDLE_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view SIGNAL_HANDLE_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view HANDLE_PREFIX;
static const std::wstring_view CLIENT_COMMANDLINE_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view FORCE_V1_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view FORCE_NO_HANDOFF_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view FILEPATH_LEADER_PREFIX;
static const std::wstring_view WIDTH_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view HEIGHT_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view INHERIT_CURSOR_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view RESIZE_QUIRK;
static const std::wstring_view WIN32_INPUT_MODE;
static const std::wstring_view FEATURE_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view FEATURE_PTY_ARG;
static const std::wstring_view COM_SERVER_ARG;
// This accessor used to create a copy of this class for unit testing comparison ease.
ConsoleArguments(const std::wstring commandline,
const std::wstring clientCommandline,
const HANDLE vtInHandle,
const HANDLE vtOutHandle,
const std::wstring vtMode,
const short width,
const short height,
const bool forceV1,
const bool forceNoHandoff,
const bool headless,
const bool createServerHandle,
const DWORD serverHandle,
const DWORD signalHandle,
const bool inheritCursor,
const bool runAsComServer) :
_runAsComServer{ runAsComServer }
std::wstring _commandline;
std::wstring _clientCommandline;
HANDLE _vtInHandle;
HANDLE _vtOutHandle;
std::wstring _vtMode;
bool _forceNoHandoff;
bool _forceV1;
bool _headless;
short _width;
short _height;
bool _runAsComServer;
bool _createServerHandle;
DWORD _serverHandle;
DWORD _signalHandle;
bool _inheritCursor;
bool _resizeQuirk{ false };
bool _win32InputMode{ false };
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _GetClientCommandline(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args,
const size_t index,
const bool skipFirst);
static void s_ConsumeArg(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args,
_In_ size_t& index);
[[nodiscard]] static HRESULT s_GetArgumentValue(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args,
_Inout_ size_t& index,
_Out_opt_ std::wstring* const pSetting);
[[nodiscard]] static HRESULT s_GetArgumentValue(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args,
_Inout_ size_t& index,
_Out_opt_ short* const pSetting);
[[nodiscard]] static HRESULT s_HandleFeatureValue(_Inout_ std::vector<std::wstring>& args,
_Inout_ size_t& index);
[[nodiscard]] static HRESULT s_ParseHandleArg(const std::wstring& handleAsText,
_Inout_ DWORD& handleAsVal);
friend class ConsoleArgumentsTests;
namespace WEX
namespace TestExecution
class VerifyOutputTraits<ConsoleArguments>
static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const ConsoleArguments& ci)
return WEX::Common::NoThrowString().Format(L"\r\nClient Command Line: '%ws',\r\n"
L"Use VT Handles: '%ws',\r\n"
L"VT In Handle: '0x%x',\r\n"
L"VT Out Handle: '0x%x',\r\n"
L"Vt Mode: '%ws',\r\n"
L"WidthxHeight: '%dx%d',\r\n"
L"ForceV1: '%ws',\r\n"
L"Headless: '%ws',\r\n"
L"Create Server Handle: '%ws',\r\n"
L"Server Handle: '0x%x'\r\n"
L"Use Signal Handle: '%ws'\r\n"
L"Signal Handle: '0x%x'\r\n",
L"Inherit Cursor: '%ws'\r\n",
L"Run As Com Server: '%ws'\r\n",
static PCWSTR s_ToBoolString(const bool val)
return val ? L"true" : L"false";
class VerifyCompareTraits<ConsoleArguments, ConsoleArguments>
static bool AreEqual(const ConsoleArguments& expected, const ConsoleArguments& actual)
return expected.GetClientCommandline() == actual.GetClientCommandline() &&
expected.HasVtHandles() == actual.HasVtHandles() &&
expected.GetVtInHandle() == actual.GetVtInHandle() &&
expected.GetVtOutHandle() == actual.GetVtOutHandle() &&
expected.GetVtMode() == actual.GetVtMode() &&
expected.GetWidth() == actual.GetWidth() &&
expected.GetHeight() == actual.GetHeight() &&
expected.GetForceV1() == actual.GetForceV1() &&
expected.IsHeadless() == actual.IsHeadless() &&
expected.ShouldCreateServerHandle() == actual.ShouldCreateServerHandle() &&
expected.GetServerHandle() == actual.GetServerHandle() &&
expected.HasSignalHandle() == actual.HasSignalHandle() &&
expected.GetSignalHandle() == actual.GetSignalHandle() &&
expected.GetInheritCursor() == actual.GetInheritCursor();
static bool AreSame(const ConsoleArguments& expected, const ConsoleArguments& actual)
return &expected == &actual;
static bool IsLessThan(const ConsoleArguments&, const ConsoleArguments&) = delete;
static bool IsGreaterThan(const ConsoleArguments&, const ConsoleArguments&) = delete;
static bool IsNull(const ConsoleArguments& object)
return object.GetClientCommandline().empty() &&
(object.GetVtInHandle() == 0 || object.GetVtInHandle() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) &&
(object.GetVtOutHandle() == 0 || object.GetVtOutHandle() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) &&
object.GetVtMode().empty() &&
!object.GetForceV1() &&
(object.GetWidth() == 0) &&
(object.GetHeight() == 0) &&
!object.IsHeadless() &&
!object.ShouldCreateServerHandle() &&
object.GetServerHandle() == 0 &&
(object.GetSignalHandle() == 0 || object.GetSignalHandle() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) &&