Michael Niksa 91b454ac95
Skip accessibility notifier and all event calculations when we're in PTY mode (#10569)
Change accessibility notifier creation so we do not create one when we're in PTY mode. (Guard all call sites to skip math/event work when the notifier is null.) MSAA events are legacy events that are registered for globally and used by some screen readers to find content in the conhost window. The PTY mode is not responsible for hosting the display content or input window, so it makes sense for it to not broadcast these events and delegate the accessibility requirement to the connected terminal.

## References
- #10537 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #10568
* [x] I work here
* [x] Manual test launches passed.
2021-07-09 18:45:44 +00:00

354 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "_output.h"
#include "dbcs.h"
#include "handle.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "../buffer/out/CharRow.hpp"
#include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/Viewport.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/Utf16Parser.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator;
// Routine Description:
// - This routine writes a screen buffer region to the screen.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - reference to screen buffer information.
// - srRegion - Region to write in screen buffer coordinates. Region is inclusive
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void WriteToScreen(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const Viewport& region)
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// update to screen, if we're not iconic.
if (!screenInfo.IsActiveScreenBuffer() || WI_IsFlagSet(gci.Flags, CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC))
// clip region to fit within the viewport
const auto clippedRegion = screenInfo.GetViewport().Clamp(region);
if (!clippedRegion.IsValid())
if (screenInfo.IsActiveScreenBuffer())
if (ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().pRender != nullptr)
WriteConvRegionToScreen(screenInfo, region);
// Routine Description:
// - writes text attributes to the screen
// Arguments:
// - OutContext - the screen info to write to
// - attrs - the attrs to write to the screen
// - target - the starting coordinate in the screen
// - used - number of elements written
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG or similar HRESULT error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::WriteConsoleOutputAttributeImpl(IConsoleOutputObject& OutContext,
const gsl::span<const WORD> attrs,
const COORD target,
size_t& used) noexcept
// Set used to 0 from the beginning in case we exit early.
used = 0;
if (attrs.empty())
return S_OK;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
auto& screenInfo = OutContext.GetActiveBuffer();
const auto bufferSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize();
if (!bufferSize.IsInBounds(target))
const OutputCellIterator it(attrs);
const auto done = screenInfo.Write(it, target);
used = done.GetCellDistance(it);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - writes text to the screen
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - the screen info to write to
// - chars - the text to write to the screen
// - target - the starting coordinate in the screen
// - used - number of elements written
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG or similar HRESULT error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::WriteConsoleOutputCharacterWImpl(IConsoleOutputObject& OutContext,
const std::wstring_view chars,
const COORD target,
size_t& used) noexcept
// Set used to 0 from the beginning in case we exit early.
used = 0;
if (chars.empty())
return S_OK;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
auto& screenInfo = OutContext.GetActiveBuffer();
const auto bufferSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize();
if (!bufferSize.IsInBounds(target))
OutputCellIterator it(chars);
const auto finished = screenInfo.Write(it, target);
used = finished.GetInputDistance(it);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - writes text to the screen
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - the screen info to write to
// - chars - the text to write to the screen
// - target - the starting coordinate in the screen
// - used - number of elements written
// Return Value:
// - S_OK, E_INVALIDARG or similar HRESULT error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::WriteConsoleOutputCharacterAImpl(IConsoleOutputObject& OutContext,
const std::string_view chars,
const COORD target,
size_t& used) noexcept
// Set used to 0 from the beginning in case we exit early.
used = 0;
const auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
const auto codepage = gci.OutputCP;
// convert to wide chars so we can call the W version of this function
const auto wideChars = ConvertToW(codepage, chars);
size_t wideCharsWritten = 0;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(WriteConsoleOutputCharacterWImpl(OutContext, wideChars, target, wideCharsWritten));
// Create a view over the wide chars and reduce it to the amount actually written (do in two steps to enforce bounds)
std::wstring_view writtenView(wideChars);
writtenView = writtenView.substr(0, wideCharsWritten);
// Look over written wide chars to find equivalent count of ascii chars so we can properly report back
// how many elements were actually written
used = GetALengthFromW(codepage, writtenView);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - fills the screen buffer with the specified text attribute
// Arguments:
// - OutContext - reference to screen buffer information.
// - attribute - the text attribute to use to fill
// - lengthToWrite - the number of elements to write
// - startingCoordinate - Screen buffer coordinate to begin writing to.
// - cellsModified - the number of elements written
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable HRESULT code from failure to write (memory issues, invalid arg, etc.)
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::FillConsoleOutputAttributeImpl(IConsoleOutputObject& OutContext,
const WORD attribute,
const size_t lengthToWrite,
const COORD startingCoordinate,
size_t& cellsModified) noexcept
// Set modified cells to 0 from the beginning.
cellsModified = 0;
if (lengthToWrite == 0)
return S_OK;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
auto& screenBuffer = OutContext.GetActiveBuffer();
const auto bufferSize = screenBuffer.GetBufferSize();
if (!bufferSize.IsInBounds(startingCoordinate))
return S_OK;
TextAttribute useThisAttr(attribute);
const OutputCellIterator it(useThisAttr, lengthToWrite);
const auto done = screenBuffer.Write(it, startingCoordinate);
cellsModified = done.GetCellDistance(it);
if (screenBuffer.HasAccessibilityEventing())
// Notify accessibility
auto endingCoordinate = startingCoordinate;
bufferSize.MoveInBounds(cellsModified, endingCoordinate);
screenBuffer.NotifyAccessibilityEventing(startingCoordinate.X, startingCoordinate.Y, endingCoordinate.X, endingCoordinate.Y);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - fills the screen buffer with the specified wchar
// Arguments:
// - OutContext - reference to screen buffer information.
// - character - wchar to fill with
// - lengthToWrite - the number of elements to write
// - startingCoordinate - Screen buffer coordinate to begin writing to.
// - cellsModified - the number of elements written
// - enablePowershellShim - true iff the client process that's calling this
// method is "powershell.exe". Used to enable certain compatibility shims for
// conpty mode. See GH#3126.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable HRESULT code from failure to write (memory issues, invalid arg, etc.)
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::FillConsoleOutputCharacterWImpl(IConsoleOutputObject& OutContext,
const wchar_t character,
const size_t lengthToWrite,
const COORD startingCoordinate,
size_t& cellsModified,
const bool enablePowershellShim) noexcept
// Set modified cells to 0 from the beginning.
cellsModified = 0;
if (lengthToWrite == 0)
return S_OK;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });
// TODO: does this even need to be here or will it exit quickly?
auto& screenInfo = OutContext.GetActiveBuffer();
const auto bufferSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize();
if (!bufferSize.IsInBounds(startingCoordinate))
return S_OK;
const OutputCellIterator it(character, lengthToWrite);
// when writing to the buffer, specifically unset wrap if we get to the last column.
// a fill operation should UNSET wrap in that scenario. See GH #1126 for more details.
const auto done = screenInfo.Write(it, startingCoordinate, false);
cellsModified = done.GetInputDistance(it);
// Notify accessibility
if (screenInfo.HasAccessibilityEventing())
auto endingCoordinate = startingCoordinate;
bufferSize.MoveInBounds(cellsModified, endingCoordinate);
screenInfo.NotifyAccessibilityEventing(startingCoordinate.X, startingCoordinate.Y, endingCoordinate.X, endingCoordinate.Y);
// GH#3126 - This is a shim for powershell's `Clear-Host` function. In
// the vintage console, `Clear-Host` is supposed to clear the entire
// buffer. In conpty however, there's no difference between the viewport
// and the entirety of the buffer. We're going to see if this API call
// exactly matched the way we expect powershell to call it. If it does,
// then let's manually emit a ^[[3J to the connected terminal, so that
// their entire buffer will be cleared as well.
auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
if (enablePowershellShim && gci.IsInVtIoMode())
const til::size currentBufferDimensions{ screenInfo.GetBufferSize().Dimensions() };
const bool wroteWholeBuffer = lengthToWrite == (currentBufferDimensions.area<size_t>());
const bool startedAtOrigin = startingCoordinate == COORD{ 0, 0 };
const bool wroteSpaces = character == UNICODE_SPACE;
if (wroteWholeBuffer && startedAtOrigin && wroteSpaces)
hr = gci.GetVtIo()->ManuallyClearScrollback();
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// - fills the screen buffer with the specified char
// Arguments:
// - OutContext - reference to screen buffer information.
// - character - ascii character to fill with
// - lengthToWrite - the number of elements to write
// - startingCoordinate - Screen buffer coordinate to begin writing to.
// - cellsModified - the number of elements written
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable HRESULT code from failure to write (memory issues, invalid arg, etc.)
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ApiRoutines::FillConsoleOutputCharacterAImpl(IConsoleOutputObject& OutContext,
const char character,
const size_t lengthToWrite,
const COORD startingCoordinate,
size_t& cellsModified) noexcept
// In case ConvertToW throws causing an early return, set modified cells to 0.
cellsModified = 0;
const auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// convert to wide chars and call W version
const auto wchs = ConvertToW(gci.OutputCP, { &character, 1 });
LOG_HR_IF(E_UNEXPECTED, wchs.size() > 1);
return FillConsoleOutputCharacterWImpl(OutContext, wchs.at(0), lengthToWrite, startingCoordinate, cellsModified);