Mike Griese 6268a4779c
Implement and action for manually clearing the Terminal (and conpty) buffer (#10906)
## Summary of the Pull Request


This adds a new action, `clearBuffer`. It accepts 3 values for the `clear` type:
* `"clear": "screen"`: Clear the terminal viewport content. Leaves the scrollback untouched. Moves the cursor row to the top of the viewport (unmodified).
* `"clear": "scrollback"`: Clear the scrollback. Leaves the viewport untouched.
* `"clear": "all"`: (**default**) Clear the scrollback and the visible viewport. Moves the cursor row to the top of the viewport (unmodified).

"Clear Buffer" has also been added to `defaults.json`.

## References
* From microsoft/vscode#75141 originally

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1193
* [x] Closes #1882
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

This is a bit tricky, because we need to plumb it all the way through conpty to clear the buffer. If we don't, then conpty will immediately just redraw the screen. So this sends a signal to the attached conpty, and then waits for conpty to draw the updated, cleared, screen back to us.

## Validation Steps Performed
* works for each of the three clear types as expected
* tests pass.
* works even with `ping -t` as you'd hope.
2021-09-02 14:59:42 +00:00

158 lines
6.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <memory>
#pragma once
const unsigned int PTY_SIGNAL_CLEAR_WINDOW = 2u;
const unsigned int PTY_SIGNAL_RESIZE_WINDOW = 8u;
HRESULT CreateConPty(const std::wstring& cmdline, // _In_
const unsigned short w, // _In_
const unsigned short h, // _In_
HANDLE* const hInput, // _Out_
HANDLE* const hOutput, // _Out_
HANDLE* const hSignal, // _Out_
PROCESS_INFORMATION* const piPty); // _Out_
bool SignalResizeWindow(const HANDLE hSignal,
const unsigned short w,
const unsigned short h);
// Function Description:
// - Creates a headless conhost in "pty mode" and launches the given commandline
// attached to the conhost. Gives back handles to three different pipes:
// * hInput: The caller can write input to the conhost, encoded in utf-8, on
// this pipe. For keys that don't have character representations, the
// caller should use the `TERM=xterm` VT sequences for encoding the input.
// * hOutput: The caller should read from this pipe. The headless conhost will
// "render" it's state to a stream of utf-8 encoded text with VT sequences.
// * hSignal: The caller can use this to resize the size of the underlying PTY
// using the SignalResizeWindow function.
// Arguments:
// - cmdline: The commandline to launch as a console process attached to the pty
// that's created.
// - w: The initial width of the pty, in characters
// - h: The initial height of the pty, in characters
// - hInput: A handle to the pipe for writing input to the pty.
// - hOutput: A handle to the pipe for reading the output of the pty.
// - hSignal: A handle to the pipe for writing signal messages to the pty.
// - piPty: The PROCESS_INFORMATION of the pty process. NOTE: This is *not* the
// PROCESS_INFORMATION of the process that's created as a result the cmdline.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we succeeded, or an appropriate HRESULT for failing format the
// commandline or failing to launch the conhost
__declspec(noinline) inline HRESULT CreateConPty(const std::wstring& cmdline,
const unsigned short w,
const unsigned short h,
HANDLE* const hInput,
HANDLE* const hOutput,
HANDLE* const hSignal,
// Create some anon pipes so we can pass handles down and into the console.
// We're creating the pipe here with un-inheritable handles, then marking
// the conhost sides of the pipes as inheritable. We do this because if
// the entire pipe is marked as inheritable, when we pass the handles
// to CreateProcess, at some point the entire pipe object is copied to
// the conhost process, which includes the terminal side of the pipes
// (_inPipe and _outPipe). This means that if we die, there's still
// outstanding handles to our side of the pipes, and those handles are
// in conhost, despite conhost being unable to reference those handles
// and close them.
// CRITICAL: Close our side of the handles. Otherwise you'll get the same
// problem if you close conhost, but not us (the terminal).
HANDLE outPipeConhostSide;
HANDLE inPipeConhostSide;
HANDLE signalPipeConhostSide;
sa = { 0 };
sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr;
CreatePipe(&inPipeConhostSide, hInput, &sa, 0);
CreatePipe(hOutput, &outPipeConhostSide, &sa, 0);
// Mark inheritable for signal handle when creating. It'll have the same value on the other side.
sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
CreatePipe(&signalPipeConhostSide, hSignal, &sa, 0);
SetHandleInformation(inPipeConhostSide, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 1);
SetHandleInformation(outPipeConhostSide, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 1);
std::wstring conhostCmdline = L"conhost.exe";
conhostCmdline += L" --headless";
std::wstringstream ss;
if (w != 0 && h != 0)
ss << L" --width " << (unsigned long)w;
ss << L" --height " << (unsigned long)h;
ss << L" --signal 0x" << std::hex << HandleToUlong(signalPipeConhostSide);
conhostCmdline += ss.str();
conhostCmdline += L" -- ";
conhostCmdline += cmdline;
STARTUPINFO si = { 0 };
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
si.hStdInput = inPipeConhostSide;
si.hStdOutput = outPipeConhostSide;
si.hStdError = outPipeConhostSide;
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> mutableCommandline = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(conhostCmdline.length() + 1);
if (mutableCommandline == nullptr)
HRESULT hr = StringCchCopy(mutableCommandline.get(), conhostCmdline.length() + 1, conhostCmdline.c_str());
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
return hr;
bool fSuccess = !!CreateProcessW(
nullptr, // lpProcessAttributes
nullptr, // lpThreadAttributes
true, // bInheritHandles
0, // dwCreationFlags
nullptr, // lpEnvironment
nullptr, // lpCurrentDirectory
&si, // lpStartupInfo
piPty // lpProcessInformation
return fSuccess ? S_OK : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
// Function Description:
// - Resizes the pty that's connected to hSignal.
// Arguments:
// - hSignal: A signal pipe as returned by CreateConPty.
// - w: The new width of the pty, in characters
// - h: The new height of the pty, in characters
// Return Value:
// - true if the resize succeeded, else false.
__declspec(noinline) inline bool SignalResizeWindow(HANDLE hSignal, const unsigned short w, const unsigned short h)
unsigned short signalPacket[3];
signalPacket[1] = w;
signalPacket[2] = h;
return !!WriteFile(hSignal, signalPacket, sizeof(signalPacket), nullptr, nullptr);