Dustin Howett 3909cc103a Merged PR 5770253: [Git2Git] Merged PR 5760120: Add propsheet chooser to Windows
[Git2Git] Merged PR 5760120: Add propsheet chooser to Windows

Now the inbox console propsheet can choose which terminal is default

Related work items: MSFT-32007202 #492

Retrieved from https://microsoft.visualstudio.com os.2020 OS official/rs_wdx_dxp_windev d80f506858bd990c267de6cefae7ff55707b3a57
2021-03-10 01:19:04 +00:00

62 lines
1.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// Module Name:
// globals.h
// Abstract:
// One separate container for many of the global variables in the propsheet
// Author:
// Mike Griese (mikegr) 2016-Oct
// Revision History:
#pragma once
#include "font.h"
#include "../propslib/DelegationConfig.hpp"
extern HINSTANCE ghInstance;
extern PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO gpStateInfo;
extern PFONT_INFO FontInfo;
extern ULONG NumberOfFonts;
extern ULONG FontInfoLength;
extern ULONG g_currentFontIndex;
extern ULONG DefaultFontIndex;
extern WCHAR DefaultFaceName[LF_FACESIZE];
extern WCHAR DefaultTTFaceName[LF_FACESIZE];
extern COORD DefaultFontSize;
extern BYTE DefaultFontFamily;
extern const wchar_t g_szPreviewText[];
//Initial default fonts and face names
extern PFACENODE gpFaceNames;
extern BOOL gbEnumerateFaces;
extern LONG gcxScreen;
extern LONG gcyScreen;
extern BOOL g_fForceV2;
extern BOOL g_fEditKeys;
extern BYTE g_bPreviewOpacity;
extern BOOL g_fHostedInFileProperties;
extern UINT OEMCP;
extern BOOL g_fEastAsianSystem;
extern bool g_fIsComCtlV6Present;
extern BOOL fChangeCodePage;
extern BOOL g_fSettingsDlgInitialized;
extern BOOL InEM_UNDO;
extern COLORREF g_fakeForegroundColor;
extern COLORREF g_fakeBackgroundColor;
extern COLORREF g_fakeCursorColor;
extern HWND g_hTerminalDlg;
extern HWND g_hOptionsDlg;
extern bool g_defAppEnabled;
extern std::vector<DelegationConfig::DelegationPackage> g_availablePackages;
extern DelegationConfig::DelegationPackage g_selectedPackage;