Michael Niksa 60c6a9fb8f Improve debugging experience of key events (#2872)
... by adding natvis rules for display and by typifying the flags field so the debugger presents it as flags naturally.
2019-09-24 13:50:53 -07:00

114 lines
3.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "inc/IInputEvent.hpp"
#include <string>
std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& stream, const IInputEvent* const pEvent)
if (pEvent == nullptr)
return stream << L"nullptr";
switch (pEvent->EventType())
case InputEventType::KeyEvent:
return stream << static_cast<const KeyEvent* const>(pEvent);
case InputEventType::MouseEvent:
return stream << static_cast<const MouseEvent* const>(pEvent);
case InputEventType::WindowBufferSizeEvent:
return stream << static_cast<const WindowBufferSizeEvent* const>(pEvent);
case InputEventType::MenuEvent:
return stream << static_cast<const MenuEvent* const>(pEvent);
case InputEventType::FocusEvent:
return stream << static_cast<const FocusEvent* const>(pEvent);
return stream << L"IInputEvent()";
catch (...)
return stream << L"IInputEvent stream error";
std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& stream, const KeyEvent* const pKeyEvent)
if (pKeyEvent == nullptr)
return stream << L"nullptr";
std::wstring keyMotion = pKeyEvent->_keyDown ? L"keyDown" : L"keyUp";
std::wstring charData = { pKeyEvent->_charData };
if (pKeyEvent->_charData == L'\0')
charData = L"null";
// clang-format off
return stream << L"KeyEvent(" <<
keyMotion << L", " <<
L"repeat: " << pKeyEvent->_repeatCount << L", " <<
L"keyCode: " << pKeyEvent->_virtualKeyCode << L", " <<
L"scanCode: " << pKeyEvent->_virtualScanCode << L", " <<
L"char: " << charData << L", " <<
L"mods: " << pKeyEvent->GetActiveModifierKeys() << L")";
// clang-format on
std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& stream, const MouseEvent* const pMouseEvent)
if (pMouseEvent == nullptr)
return stream << L"nullptr";
// clang-format off
return stream << L"MouseEvent(" <<
L"X: " << pMouseEvent->_position.X << L", " <<
L"Y: " << pMouseEvent->_position.Y << L", " <<
L"buttons: " << pMouseEvent->_buttonState << L", " <<
L"mods: " << pMouseEvent->_activeModifierKeys << L", " <<
L"events: " << pMouseEvent->_eventFlags << L")";
// clang-format on
std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& stream, const WindowBufferSizeEvent* const pEvent)
if (pEvent == nullptr)
return stream << L"nullptr";
// clang-format off
return stream << L"WindowbufferSizeEvent(" <<
L"X: " << pEvent->_size.X << L", " <<
L"Y: " << pEvent->_size.Y << L")";
// clang-format on
std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& stream, const MenuEvent* const pMenuEvent)
if (pMenuEvent == nullptr)
return stream << L"nullptr";
return stream << L"MenuEvent(" << L"CommandId" << pMenuEvent->_commandId << L")";
std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream& stream, const FocusEvent* const pFocusEvent)
if (pFocusEvent == nullptr)
return stream << L"nullptr";
return stream << L"FocusEvent(" << L"focus" << pFocusEvent->_focus << L")";