James Holderness 2a2f6b32a2
Correct horizontal coordinates in viewport overflow test (#8456)
When resizing the buffer in the `SetConsoleScreenBufferSize` and
`SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` APIs, we have tests in place to make sure
that the resize doesn't result in the viewport extending past the bottom
or right of the buffer (since that can eventually result in exceptions
being thrown). Unfortunately these tests were using the wrong X
coordinate, so they failed to detect an overflow along the horizontal
axis. This PR corrects that mistake.

PR #8309 was where the overflow detection was initially added.

The original code was using the `Viewport::EndExclusive` method to
determine the extent of the viewport, mistakenly thinking that it
returned the bottom right coordinates (it actually returns the left
coordinate). So I've now added a `BottomRightExclusive` method to the
`Viewport` class, that actually does return the coordinates we need, and
have updated the overflow tests to use that method instead.

## Validation Steps Performed
I've manually confirmed that the test case is issue #8453 is no longer
throwing an exception. 

Closes #8453
2020-12-03 21:53:16 +00:00

1093 lines
45 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "inc/Viewport.hpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
Viewport::Viewport(const SMALL_RECT sr) noexcept :
Viewport::Viewport(const Viewport& other) noexcept :
Viewport Viewport::Empty() noexcept
return Viewport();
Viewport Viewport::FromInclusive(const SMALL_RECT sr) noexcept
return Viewport(sr);
Viewport Viewport::FromExclusive(const SMALL_RECT sr) noexcept
SMALL_RECT _sr = sr;
_sr.Bottom -= 1;
_sr.Right -= 1;
return Viewport::FromInclusive(_sr);
// Function Description:
// - Creates a new Viewport at the given origin, with the given dimensions.
// Arguments:
// - origin: The origin of the new Viewport. Becomes the Viewport's Left, Top
// - width: The width of the new viewport
// - height: The height of the new viewport
// Return Value:
// - a new Viewport at the given origin, with the given dimensions.
Viewport Viewport::FromDimensions(const COORD origin,
const short width,
const short height) noexcept
return Viewport::FromExclusive({ origin.X, origin.Y, origin.X + width, origin.Y + height });
// Function Description:
// - Creates a new Viewport at the given origin, with the given dimensions.
// Arguments:
// - origin: The origin of the new Viewport. Becomes the Viewport's Left, Top
// - dimensions: A coordinate containing the width and height of the new viewport
// in the x and y coordinates respectively.
// Return Value:
// - a new Viewport at the given origin, with the given dimensions.
Viewport Viewport::FromDimensions(const COORD origin,
const COORD dimensions) noexcept
return Viewport::FromExclusive({ origin.X, origin.Y, origin.X + dimensions.X, origin.Y + dimensions.Y });
// Function Description:
// - Creates a new Viewport at the origin, with the given dimensions.
// Arguments:
// - dimensions: A coordinate containing the width and height of the new viewport
// in the x and y coordinates respectively.
// Return Value:
// - a new Viewport at the origin, with the given dimensions.
Viewport Viewport::FromDimensions(const COORD dimensions) noexcept
return Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0 }, dimensions);
// Method Description:
// - Creates a Viewport equivalent to a 1x1 rectangle at the given coordinate.
// Arguments:
// - origin: origin of the rectangle to create.
// Return Value:
// - a 1x1 Viewport at the given coordinate
Viewport Viewport::FromCoord(const COORD origin) noexcept
return Viewport::FromInclusive({ origin.X, origin.Y, origin.X, origin.Y });
SHORT Viewport::Left() const noexcept
return _sr.Left;
SHORT Viewport::RightInclusive() const noexcept
return _sr.Right;
SHORT Viewport::RightExclusive() const noexcept
return _sr.Right + 1;
SHORT Viewport::Top() const noexcept
return _sr.Top;
SHORT Viewport::BottomInclusive() const noexcept
return _sr.Bottom;
SHORT Viewport::BottomExclusive() const noexcept
return _sr.Bottom + 1;
SHORT Viewport::Height() const noexcept
return BottomExclusive() - Top();
SHORT Viewport::Width() const noexcept
return RightExclusive() - Left();
// Method Description:
// - Get a coord representing the origin of this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the coordinates of this viewport's origin.
COORD Viewport::Origin() const noexcept
return { Left(), Top() };
// Method Description:
// - Get a coord representing the bottom right of the viewport in exclusive terms.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the exclusive bottom right coordinates of this viewport.
COORD Viewport::BottomRightExclusive() const noexcept
return { RightExclusive(), BottomExclusive() };
// Method Description:
// - For Accessibility, get a COORD representing the end of this viewport in exclusive terms.
// - This is needed to represent an exclusive endpoint in UiaTextRange that includes the last
// COORD's text in the buffer at (RightInclusive(), BottomInclusive())
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the coordinates of this viewport's end.
COORD Viewport::EndExclusive() const noexcept
return { Left(), BottomExclusive() };
// Method Description:
// - Get a coord representing the dimensions of this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the dimensions of this viewport.
COORD Viewport::Dimensions() const noexcept
return { Width(), Height() };
// Method Description:
// - Determines if the given viewport fits within this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - other - The viewport to fit inside this one
// Return Value:
// - True if it fits. False otherwise.
bool Viewport::IsInBounds(const Viewport& other) const noexcept
return other.Left() >= Left() && other.Left() <= RightInclusive() &&
other.RightInclusive() >= Left() && other.RightInclusive() <= RightInclusive() &&
other.Top() >= Top() && other.Top() <= other.BottomInclusive() &&
other.BottomInclusive() >= Top() && other.BottomInclusive() <= BottomInclusive();
// Method Description:
// - Determines if the given coordinate position lies within this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - pos - Coordinate position
// - allowEndExclusive - if true, allow the EndExclusive COORD as a valid position.
// Used in accessibility to signify that the exclusive end
// includes the last COORD in a given viewport.
// Return Value:
// - True if it lies inside the viewport. False otherwise.
bool Viewport::IsInBounds(const COORD& pos, bool allowEndExclusive) const noexcept
if (allowEndExclusive && pos == EndExclusive())
return true;
return pos.X >= Left() && pos.X < RightExclusive() &&
pos.Y >= Top() && pos.Y < BottomExclusive();
// Method Description:
// - Clamps a coordinate position into the inside of this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - pos - coordinate to update/clamp
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Viewport::Clamp(COORD& pos) const
THROW_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, !IsValid()); // we can't clamp to an invalid viewport.
pos.X = std::clamp(pos.X, Left(), RightInclusive());
pos.Y = std::clamp(pos.Y, Top(), BottomInclusive());
// Method Description:
// - Clamps a viewport into the inside of this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - other - Viewport to clamp to the inside of this viewport
// Return Value:
// - Clamped viewport
Viewport Viewport::Clamp(const Viewport& other) const noexcept
auto clampMe = other.ToInclusive();
clampMe.Left = std::clamp(clampMe.Left, Left(), RightInclusive());
clampMe.Right = std::clamp(clampMe.Right, Left(), RightInclusive());
clampMe.Top = std::clamp(clampMe.Top, Top(), BottomInclusive());
clampMe.Bottom = std::clamp(clampMe.Bottom, Top(), BottomInclusive());
return Viewport::FromInclusive(clampMe);
// Method Description:
// - Moves the coordinate given by the number of positions and
// in the direction given (repeated increment or decrement)
// Arguments:
// - move - Magnitude and direction of the move
// - pos - The coordinate position to adjust
// Return Value:
// - True if we successfully moved the requested distance. False if we had to stop early.
// - If False, we will restore the original position to the given coordinate.
bool Viewport::MoveInBounds(const ptrdiff_t move, COORD& pos) const noexcept
const auto backup = pos;
bool success = true; // If nothing happens, we're still successful (e.g. add = 0)
for (int i = 0; i < move; i++)
success = IncrementInBounds(pos);
// If an operation fails, break.
if (!success)
for (int i = 0; i > move; i--)
success = DecrementInBounds(pos);
// If an operation fails, break.
if (!success)
// If any operation failed, revert to backed up state.
if (!success)
pos = backup;
return success;
// Method Description:
// - Increments the given coordinate within the bounds of this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - pos - Coordinate position that will be incremented, if it can be.
// - allowEndExclusive - if true, allow the EndExclusive COORD as a valid position.
// Used in accessibility to signify that the exclusive end
// includes the last COORD in a given viewport.
// Return Value:
// - True if it could be incremented. False if it would move outside.
bool Viewport::IncrementInBounds(COORD& pos, bool allowEndExclusive) const noexcept
return WalkInBounds(pos, { XWalk::LeftToRight, YWalk::TopToBottom }, allowEndExclusive);
// Method Description:
// - Increments the given coordinate within the bounds of this viewport
// rotating around to the top when reaching the bottom right corner.
// Arguments:
// - pos - Coordinate position that will be incremented.
// Return Value:
// - True if it could be incremented inside the viewport.
// - False if it rolled over from the bottom right corner back to the top.
bool Viewport::IncrementInBoundsCircular(COORD& pos) const noexcept
return WalkInBoundsCircular(pos, { XWalk::LeftToRight, YWalk::TopToBottom });
// Method Description:
// - Decrements the given coordinate within the bounds of this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - pos - Coordinate position that will be incremented, if it can be.
// - allowEndExclusive - if true, allow the EndExclusive COORD as a valid position.
// Used in accessibility to signify that the exclusive end
// includes the last COORD in a given viewport.
// Return Value:
// - True if it could be incremented. False if it would move outside.
bool Viewport::DecrementInBounds(COORD& pos, bool allowEndExclusive) const noexcept
return WalkInBounds(pos, { XWalk::RightToLeft, YWalk::BottomToTop }, allowEndExclusive);
// Method Description:
// - Decrements the given coordinate within the bounds of this viewport
// rotating around to the bottom right when reaching the top left corner.
// Arguments:
// - pos - Coordinate position that will be decremented.
// Return Value:
// - True if it could be decremented inside the viewport.
// - False if it rolled over from the top left corner back to the bottom right.
bool Viewport::DecrementInBoundsCircular(COORD& pos) const noexcept
return WalkInBoundsCircular(pos, { XWalk::RightToLeft, YWalk::BottomToTop });
// Routine Description:
// - Compares two coordinate positions to determine whether they're the same, left, or right within the given buffer size
// Arguments:
// - first- The first coordinate position
// - second - The second coordinate position
// - allowEndExclusive - if true, allow the EndExclusive COORD as a valid position.
// Used in accessibility to signify that the exclusive end
// includes the last COORD in a given viewport.
// Return Value:
// - Negative if First is to the left of the Second.
// - 0 if First and Second are the same coordinate.
// - Positive if First is to the right of the Second.
// - This is so you can do s_CompareCoords(first, second) <= 0 for "first is left or the same as second".
// (the < looks like a left arrow :D)
// - The magnitude of the result is the distance between the two coordinates when typing characters into the buffer (left to right, top to bottom)
int Viewport::CompareInBounds(const COORD& first, const COORD& second, bool allowEndExclusive) const noexcept
// Assert that our coordinates are within the expected boundaries
FAIL_FAST_IF(!IsInBounds(first, allowEndExclusive));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!IsInBounds(second, allowEndExclusive));
// First set the distance vertically
// If first is on row 4 and second is on row 6, first will be -2 rows behind second * an 80 character row would be -160.
// For the same row, it'll be 0 rows * 80 character width = 0 difference.
int retVal = (first.Y - second.Y) * Width();
// Now adjust for horizontal differences
// If first is in position 15 and second is in position 30, first is -15 left in relation to 30.
retVal += (first.X - second.X);
// Further notes:
// If we already moved behind one row, this will help correct for when first is right of second.
// For example, with row 4, col 79 and row 5, col 0 as first and second respectively, the distance is -1.
// Assume the row width is 80.
// Step one will set the retVal as -80 as first is one row behind the second.
// Step two will then see that first is 79 - 0 = +79 right of second and add 79
// The total is -80 + 79 = -1.
return retVal;
// Method Description:
// - Walks the given coordinate within the bounds of this viewport in the specified
// X and Y directions.
// Arguments:
// - pos - Coordinate position that will be adjusted, if it can be.
// - dir - Walking direction specifying which direction to go when reaching the end of a row/column
// - allowEndExclusive - if true, allow the EndExclusive COORD as a valid position.
// Used in accessibility to signify that the exclusive end
// includes the last COORD in a given viewport.
// Return Value:
// - True if it could be adjusted as specified and remain in bounds. False if it would move outside.
bool Viewport::WalkInBounds(COORD& pos, const WalkDir dir, bool allowEndExclusive) const noexcept
auto copy = pos;
if (WalkInBoundsCircular(copy, dir, allowEndExclusive))
pos = copy;
return true;
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Walks the given coordinate within the bounds of this viewport
// rotating around to the opposite corner when reaching the final corner
// in the specified direction.
// Arguments:
// - pos - Coordinate position that will be adjusted.
// - dir - Walking direction specifying which direction to go when reaching the end of a row/column
// - allowEndExclusive - if true, allow the EndExclusive COORD as a valid position.
// Used in accessibility to signify that the exclusive end
// includes the last COORD in a given viewport.
// Return Value:
// - True if it could be adjusted inside the viewport.
// - False if it rolled over from the final corner back to the initial corner
// for the specified walk direction.
bool Viewport::WalkInBoundsCircular(COORD& pos, const WalkDir dir, bool allowEndExclusive) const noexcept
// Assert that the position given fits inside this viewport.
FAIL_FAST_IF(!IsInBounds(pos, allowEndExclusive));
if (dir.x == XWalk::LeftToRight)
if (allowEndExclusive && pos.X == Left() && pos.Y == BottomExclusive())
pos.Y = Top();
return false;
else if (pos.X == RightInclusive())
pos.X = Left();
if (dir.y == YWalk::TopToBottom)
if (allowEndExclusive && pos.Y == BottomExclusive())
return true;
else if (pos.Y > BottomInclusive())
pos.Y = Top();
return false;
if (pos.Y < Top())
pos.Y = BottomInclusive();
return false;
if (pos.X == Left())
pos.X = RightInclusive();
if (dir.y == YWalk::TopToBottom)
if (pos.Y > BottomInclusive())
pos.Y = Top();
return false;
if (pos.Y < Top())
pos.Y = BottomInclusive();
return false;
return true;
// Routine Description:
// - If walking through a viewport, one might want to know the origin
// for the direction walking.
// - For example, for walking up and to the left (bottom right corner
// to top left corner), the origin would start at the bottom right.
// Arguments:
// - dir - The direction one intends to walk through the viewport
// Return Value:
// - The origin for the walk to reach every position without circling
// if using this same viewport with the `WalkInBounds` methods.
COORD Viewport::GetWalkOrigin(const WalkDir dir) const noexcept
COORD origin{ 0 };
origin.X = dir.x == XWalk::LeftToRight ? Left() : RightInclusive();
origin.Y = dir.y == YWalk::TopToBottom ? Top() : BottomInclusive();
return origin;
// Routine Description:
// - Given two viewports that will be used for copying data from one to the other (source, target),
// determine which direction you will have to walk through them to ensure that an overlapped copy
// won't erase data in the source that hasn't yet been read and copied into the target at the same
// coordinate offset position from their respective origins.
// - Note: See elaborate ASCII-art comment inside the body of this function for more details on how/why this works.
// Arguments:
// - source - The viewport representing the region that will be copied from
// - target - The viewport representing the region that will be copied to
// Return Value:
// - The direction to walk through both viewports from the walk origins to touch every cell and not
// accidentally overwrite something that hasn't been read yet. (use with GetWalkOrigin and WalkInBounds)
Viewport::WalkDir Viewport::DetermineWalkDirection(const Viewport& source, const Viewport& target) noexcept
// We can determine which direction we need to walk based on solely the origins of the two rectangles.
// I'll use a few examples to prove the situation.
// For the cardinal directions, let's start with this sample:
// source target
// origin 0,0 origin 4,0
// | |
// v V
// +--source-----+--target--------- +--source-----+--target---------
// | A B C D | E | 1 2 3 4 | becomes | A B C D | A | B C D E |
// | F G H I | J | 5 6 7 8 | =========> | F G H I | F | G H I J |
// | K L M N | O | 9 $ % @ | | K L M N | K | L M N O |
// -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// The source and target overlap in the 5th column (X=4).
// To ensure that we don't accidentally write over the source
// data before we copy it into the target, we want to start by
// reading that column (a.k.a. writing to the farthest away column
// of the target).
// This means we want to copy from right to left.
// Top to bottom and bottom to top don't really matter for this since it's
// a cardinal direction shift.
// If we do the right most column first as so...
// +--source-----+--target--------- +--source-----+--target---------
// | A B C D | E | 1 2 3 4 | step 1 | A B C D | E | 1 2 3 E |
// | F G H I | J | 5 6 7 8 | =========> | F G H I | J | 5 6 7 J |
// | K L M N | O | 9 $ % @ | | K L M N | O | 9 $ % O |
// -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// ... then we can see that the EJO column is safely copied first out of the way and
// can be overwritten on subsequent steps without losing anything.
// The rest of the columns aren't overlapping, so they'll be fine.
// But we extrapolate this logic to follow for rectangles that overlap more columns, up
// to and including only leaving one column not overlapped...
// source target
// origin origin
// 0,0 / 1,0
// | /
// v v
// +----+------target- +----+------target-
// | A | B C D | E | becomes | A | A B C | D |
// | F | G H I | J | =========> | F | F G H | I |
// | K | L M N | O | | K | K L M | N |
// ---source---------- ---source----------
// ... will still be OK following the same Right-To-Left rule as the first move.
// +----+------target- +----+------target-
// | A | B C D | E | step 1 | A | B C D | D |
// | F | G H I | J | =========> | F | G H I | I |
// | K | L M N | O | | K | L M N | N |
// ---source---------- ---source----------
// The DIN column from the source was moved to the target as the right most column
// of both rectangles. Now it is safe to iterate to the second column from the right
// and proceed with moving CHM on top of the source DIN as it was already moved.
// +----+------target- +----+------target-
// | A | B C D | E | step 2 | A | B C C | D |
// | F | G H I | J | =========> | F | G H H | I |
// | K | L M N | O | | K | L M M | N |
// ---source---------- ---source----------
// Continue walking right to left (an exercise left to the reader,) and we never lose
// any source data before it reaches the target with the Right To Left pattern.
// We notice that the target origin was Right of the source origin in this circumstance,
// (target origin X is > source origin X)
// so it is asserted that targets right of sources means that we should "walk" right to left.
// Reviewing the above, it doesn't appear to matter if we go Top to Bottom or Bottom to Top,
// so the conclusion is drawn that it doesn't matter as long as the source and target origin
// Y values are the same.
// Also, extrapolating this cardinal direction move to the other 3 cardinal directions,
// it should follow that they would follow the same rules.
// That is, a target left of a source, or a Westbound move, opposite of the above Eastbound move,
// should be "walked" left to right.
// (target origin X is < source origin X)
// We haven't given the sample yet that Northbound and Southbound moves are the same, but we
// could reason that the same logic applies and the conclusion would be a Northbound move
// would walk from the target toward the source again... a.k.a. Top to Bottom.
// (target origin Y is < source origin Y)
// Then the Southbound move would be the opposite, Bottom to Top.
// (target origin Y is > source origin Y)
// To confirm, let's try one more example but moving both at once in an ordinal direction Northeast.
// target
// origin 1, 0
// |
// v
// +----target-- +----target--
// source A | B C | A | D E |
// origin-->+------------ | becomes +------------ |
// 0, 1 | D | E | F | =========> | D | G | H |
// | ------------- | -------------
// | G H | I | G H | I
// --source----- --source-----
// Following our supposed rules from above, we have...
// Source Origin X = 0, Y = 1
// Target Origin X = 1, Y = 0
// Source Origin X < Target Origin X which means Right to Left
// Source Origin Y > Target Origin Y which means Top to Bottom
// So the first thing we should copy is the Top and Right most
// value from source to target.
// +----target-- +----target--
// A | B C | A | B E |
// +------------ | step 1 +------------ |
// | D | E | F | =========> | D | E | F |
// | ------------- | -------------
// | G H | I | G H | I
// --source----- --source-----
// And look. The E which was in the overlapping part of the source
// is the first thing copied out of the way and we're safe to copy the rest.
// We assume that this pattern then applies to all ordinal directions as well
// and it appears our rules hold.
// We've covered all cardinal and ordinal directions... all that is left is two
// rectangles of the same size and origin... and in that case, it doesn't matter
// as nothing is moving and therefore can't be covered up or lost.
// Therefore, we will codify our inequalities below as determining the walk direction
// for a given source and target viewport and use the helper `GetWalkOrigin`
// to return the place that we should start walking from when the copy commences.
const auto sourceOrigin = source.Origin();
const auto targetOrigin = target.Origin();
return Viewport::WalkDir{ targetOrigin.X < sourceOrigin.X ? Viewport::XWalk::LeftToRight : Viewport::XWalk::RightToLeft,
targetOrigin.Y < sourceOrigin.Y ? Viewport::YWalk::TopToBottom : Viewport::YWalk::BottomToTop };
// Method Description:
// - Clips the input rectangle to our bounds. Assumes that the input rectangle
//is an exclusive rectangle.
// Arguments:
// - psr: a pointer to an exclusive rect to clip.
// Return Value:
// - true iff the clipped rectangle is valid (with a width and height both >0)
bool Viewport::TrimToViewport(_Inout_ SMALL_RECT* const psr) const noexcept
psr->Left = std::max(psr->Left, Left());
psr->Right = std::min(psr->Right, RightExclusive());
psr->Top = std::max(psr->Top, Top());
psr->Bottom = std::min(psr->Bottom, BottomExclusive());
return psr->Left < psr->Right && psr->Top < psr->Bottom;
// Method Description:
// - Translates the input SMALL_RECT out of our coordinate space, whose origin is
// at (this.Left, this.Right)
// Arguments:
// - psr: a pointer to a SMALL_RECT the translate into our coordinate space.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Viewport::ConvertToOrigin(_Inout_ SMALL_RECT* const psr) const noexcept
const short dx = Left();
const short dy = Top();
psr->Left -= dx;
psr->Right -= dx;
psr->Top -= dy;
psr->Bottom -= dy;
// Method Description:
// - Translates the input coordinate out of our coordinate space, whose origin is
// at (this.Left, this.Right)
// Arguments:
// - pcoord: a pointer to a coordinate the translate into our coordinate space.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Viewport::ConvertToOrigin(_Inout_ COORD* const pcoord) const noexcept
pcoord->X -= Left();
pcoord->Y -= Top();
// Method Description:
// - Translates the input SMALL_RECT to our coordinate space, whose origin is
// at (this.Left, this.Right)
// Arguments:
// - psr: a pointer to a SMALL_RECT the translate into our coordinate space.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Viewport::ConvertFromOrigin(_Inout_ SMALL_RECT* const psr) const noexcept
const short dx = Left();
const short dy = Top();
psr->Left += dx;
psr->Right += dx;
psr->Top += dy;
psr->Bottom += dy;
// Method Description:
// - Translates the input coordinate to our coordinate space, whose origin is
// at (this.Left, this.Right)
// Arguments:
// - pcoord: a pointer to a coordinate the translate into our coordinate space.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Viewport::ConvertFromOrigin(_Inout_ COORD* const pcoord) const noexcept
pcoord->X += Left();
pcoord->Y += Top();
// Method Description:
// - Returns an exclusive SMALL_RECT equivalent to this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - an exclusive SMALL_RECT equivalent to this viewport.
SMALL_RECT Viewport::ToExclusive() const noexcept
return { Left(), Top(), RightExclusive(), BottomExclusive() };
// Method Description:
// - Returns an exclusive RECT equivalent to this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - an exclusive RECT equivalent to this viewport.
RECT Viewport::ToRect() const noexcept
RECT r{ 0 };
r.left = Left();
r.top = Top();
r.right = RightExclusive();
r.bottom = BottomExclusive();
return r;
// Method Description:
// - Returns an inclusive SMALL_RECT equivalent to this viewport.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - an inclusive SMALL_RECT equivalent to this viewport.
SMALL_RECT Viewport::ToInclusive() const noexcept
return { Left(), Top(), RightInclusive(), BottomInclusive() };
// Method Description:
// - Returns a new viewport representing this viewport at the origin.
// For example:
// this = {6, 5, 11, 11} (w, h = 5, 6)
// result = {0, 0, 5, 6} (w, h = 5, 6)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a new viewport with the same dimensions as this viewport with top, left = 0, 0
Viewport Viewport::ToOrigin() const noexcept
Viewport returnVal = *this;
return returnVal;
// Method Description:
// - Translates another viewport to this viewport's coordinate space.
// For example:
// this = {5, 6, 7, 8} (w,h = 1, 1)
// other = {6, 5, 11, 11} (w, h = 5, 6)
// result = {1, -1, 6, 5} (w, h = 5, 6)
// Arguments:
// - other: the viewport to convert to this coordinate space
// Return Value:
// - the input viewport in a the coordinate space with origin at (this.Top, this.Left)
[[nodiscard]] Viewport Viewport::ConvertToOrigin(const Viewport& other) const noexcept
Viewport returnVal = other;
return returnVal;
// Method Description:
// - Translates another viewport out of this viewport's coordinate space.
// For example:
// this = {5, 6, 7, 8} (w,h = 1, 1)
// other = {0, 0, 5, 6} (w, h = 5, 6)
// result = {5, 6, 10, 12} (w, h = 5, 6)
// Arguments:
// - other: the viewport to convert out of this coordinate space
// Return Value:
// - the input viewport in a the coordinate space with origin at (0, 0)
[[nodiscard]] Viewport Viewport::ConvertFromOrigin(const Viewport& other) const noexcept
Viewport returnVal = other;
return returnVal;
// Function Description:
// - Translates a given Viewport by the specified coord amount. Does the
// addition with safemath.
// Arguments:
// - original: The initial viewport to translate. Is unmodified by this operation.
// - delta: The amount to translate the original rect by, in both the x and y coordinates.
// Return Value:
// - The offset viewport by the given delta.
// - NOTE: Throws on safe math failure.
[[nodiscard]] Viewport Viewport::Offset(const Viewport& original, const COORD delta)
// If there's no delta, do nothing.
if (delta.X == 0 && delta.Y == 0)
return original;
SHORT newTop = original._sr.Top;
SHORT newLeft = original._sr.Left;
SHORT newRight = original._sr.Right;
SHORT newBottom = original._sr.Bottom;
THROW_IF_FAILED(ShortAdd(newLeft, delta.X, &newLeft));
THROW_IF_FAILED(ShortAdd(newRight, delta.X, &newRight));
THROW_IF_FAILED(ShortAdd(newTop, delta.Y, &newTop));
THROW_IF_FAILED(ShortAdd(newBottom, delta.Y, &newBottom));
return Viewport({ newLeft, newTop, newRight, newBottom });
// Function Description:
// - Returns a viewport created from the union of both the parameter viewports.
// The result extends from the leftmost extent of either rect to the
// rightmost extent of either rect, and from the lowest top value to the
// highest bottom value, and everything in between.
// Arguments:
// - lhs: one of the viewports to or together
// - rhs: the other viewport to or together
// Return Value:
// - a Viewport representing the union of the other two viewports.
[[nodiscard]] Viewport Viewport::Union(const Viewport& lhs, const Viewport& rhs) noexcept
const auto leftValid = lhs.IsValid();
const auto rightValid = rhs.IsValid();
// If neither are valid, return empty.
if (!leftValid && !rightValid)
return Viewport::Empty();
// If left isn't valid, then return just the right.
else if (!leftValid)
return rhs;
// If right isn't valid, then return just the left.
else if (!rightValid)
return lhs;
// Otherwise, everything is valid. Find the actual union.
const auto left = std::min(lhs.Left(), rhs.Left());
const auto top = std::min(lhs.Top(), rhs.Top());
const auto right = std::max(lhs.RightInclusive(), rhs.RightInclusive());
const auto bottom = std::max(lhs.BottomInclusive(), rhs.BottomInclusive());
return Viewport({ left, top, right, bottom });
// Function Description:
// - Creates a viewport from the intersection fo both the parameter viewports.
// The result will be the smallest area that fits within both rectangles.
// Arguments:
// - lhs: one of the viewports to intersect
// - rhs: the other viewport to intersect
// Return Value:
// - a Viewport representing the intersection of the other two, or an empty viewport if there's no intersection.
[[nodiscard]] Viewport Viewport::Intersect(const Viewport& lhs, const Viewport& rhs) noexcept
const auto left = std::max(lhs.Left(), rhs.Left());
const auto top = std::max(lhs.Top(), rhs.Top());
const auto right = std::min(lhs.RightInclusive(), rhs.RightInclusive());
const auto bottom = std::min(lhs.BottomInclusive(), rhs.BottomInclusive());
const Viewport intersection({ left, top, right, bottom });
// What we calculated with min/max might not actually represent a valid viewport that has area.
// If we calculated something that is nonsense (invalid), then just return the empty viewport.
if (!intersection.IsValid())
return Viewport::Empty();
// If it was valid, give back whatever we created.
return intersection;
// Routine Description:
// - Returns a list of Viewports representing the area from the `original` Viewport that was NOT a part of
// the given `removeMe` Viewport. It can require multiple Viewports to represent the remaining
// area as a "region".
// Arguments:
// - original - The overall viewport to start from.
// - removeMe - The space that should be taken out of the main Viewport.
// Return Value:
// - Array of 4 Viewports representing non-overlapping segments of the remaining area
// that was covered by `main` before the regional area of `removeMe` was taken out.
// - You must check that each viewport .IsValid() before using it.
[[nodiscard]] SomeViewports Viewport::Subtract(const Viewport& original, const Viewport& removeMe) noexcept
SomeViewports result;
// We could have up to four rectangles describing the area resulting when you take removeMe out of main.
// Find the intersection of the two so we know which bits of removeMe are actually applicable
// to the original rectangle for subtraction purposes.
const auto intersection = Viewport::Intersect(original, removeMe);
// If there's no intersection, there's nothing to remove.
if (!intersection.IsValid())
// Just put the original rectangle into the results and return early.
// If the original rectangle matches the intersection, there is nothing to return.
else if (original != intersection)
// Generate our potential four viewports that represent the region of the original that falls outside of the remove area.
// We will bias toward generating wide rectangles over tall rectangles (if possible) so that optimizations that apply
// to manipulating an entire row at once can be realized by other parts of the console code. (i.e. Run Length Encoding)
// In the following examples, the found remaining regions are represented by:
// T = Top B = Bottom L = Left R = Right
// 4 Sides but Identical:
// |---------original---------| |---------original---------|
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | ======> | intersect | ======> early return of nothing
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// |---------removeMe---------| |--------------------------|
// 4 Sides:
// |---------original---------| |---------original---------| |--------------------------|
// | |---------| | | |---------| | |LLLLLLLL|---------|RRRRRRR|
// | |removeMe | | ======> | |intersect| | ======> |LLLLLLLL| |RRRRRRR|
// | |---------| | | |---------| | |LLLLLLLL|---------|RRRRRRR|
// |--------------------------| |--------------------------| |--------------------------|
// 3 Sides:
// |---------original---------| |---------original---------| |--------------------------|
// | |--------------------| | |-----------------| |LLLLLLLL|-----------------|
// | |removeMe | ======> | |intersect | ======> |LLLLLLLL| |
// | |--------------------| | |-----------------| |LLLLLLLL|-----------------|
// |--------------------------| |--------------------------| |--------------------------|
// 2 Sides:
// |---------original---------| |---------original---------| |--------------------------|
// | |--------------------| | |-----------------| |LLLLLLLL|-----------------|
// | |removeMe | ======> | |intersect | ======> |LLLLLLLL| |
// | | | | | | |LLLLLLLL| |
// | | | | | | |LLLLLLLL| |
// | | | | | | |LLLLLLLL| |
// |--------| | |--------------------------| |--------------------------|
// | |
// |--------------------|
// 1 Side:
// |---------original---------| |---------original---------| |--------------------------|
// |-----------------------------| |--------------------------| |--------------------------|
// | removeMe | ======> | intersect | ======> | |
// | | | | | |
// | | | | | |
// | | | | | |
// | | |--------------------------| |--------------------------|
// | |
// |-----------------------------|
// 0 Sides:
// |---------original---------| |---------original---------|
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | ======> | | ======> early return of Original
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// |--------------------------| |--------------------------|
// |---------------|
// | removeMe |
// |---------------|
// We generate these rectangles by the original and intersection points, but some of them might be empty when the intersection
// lines up with the edge of the original. That's OK. That just means that the subtraction didn't leave anything behind.
// We will filter those out below when adding them to the result.
const auto top = Viewport({ original.Left(), original.Top(), original.RightInclusive(), intersection.Top() - 1 });
const auto bottom = Viewport({ original.Left(), intersection.BottomExclusive(), original.RightInclusive(), original.BottomInclusive() });
const auto left = Viewport({ original.Left(), intersection.Top(), intersection.Left() - 1, intersection.BottomInclusive() });
const auto right = Viewport({ intersection.RightExclusive(), intersection.Top(), original.RightInclusive(), intersection.BottomInclusive() });
if (top.IsValid())
if (bottom.IsValid())
if (left.IsValid())
if (right.IsValid())
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if the rectangle described by this Viewport has internal space
// - i.e. it has a positive, non-zero height and width.
bool Viewport::IsValid() const noexcept
return Height() > 0 && Width() > 0;