Mike Griese 03ea0f49ad
Add an action for identifying windows (#9523)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This is a follow up to #9300. Now that we have names on our windows, it would be nice to see who is named what. So this adds two actions:

* `identifyWindow`: This action will pop up a little toast (#8592) displaying the name and ID of the window, and is bound by default.

* `identifyWindows`: This action will request that ALL windows pop up that toast. This is meant to feel like the "Identify" button on the Windows display settings. However, sometimes, it's wonky. 
  That's being tracked upstream on https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/4382
  Because it's so wonky, we won't bind that by default. Maybe if we get that fixed, then we'll change the default binding from `identifyWindow` to `identifyWindows`

## References

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-51431492
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

You may note that there are some macros to make interacting with lots and lots of actions easier. There's a lot of boilerplate whenever you need to make a new action, so I thought: "Can we make that easier?" 

Turns out you can make it a _LOT_ easier, but that work is still behind another PR after this one. Get excited
2021-03-30 16:08:03 +00:00

635 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "../inc/WindowingBehavior.h"
#include "Monarch.h"
#include "CommandlineArgs.h"
#include "FindTargetWindowArgs.h"
#include "ProposeCommandlineResult.h"
#include "Monarch.g.cpp"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::implementation
Monarch::Monarch() :
_ourPID{ GetCurrentProcessId() }
_desktopManager = winrt::create_instance<IVirtualDesktopManager>(__uuidof(VirtualDesktopManager));
// This is a private constructor to be used in unit tests, where we don't
// want each Monarch to necessarily use the current PID.
Monarch::Monarch(const uint64_t testPID) :
_ourPID{ testPID }
uint64_t Monarch::GetPID()
return _ourPID;
// Method Description:
// - Add the given peasant to the list of peasants we're tracking. This
// Peasant may have already been assigned an ID. If it hasn't, then give
// it an ID.
// Arguments:
// - peasant: the new Peasant to track.
// Return Value:
// - the ID assigned to the peasant.
uint64_t Monarch::AddPeasant(Remoting::IPeasant peasant)
// TODO:projects/5 This is terrible. There's gotta be a better way
// of finding the first opening in a non-consecutive map of int->object
const auto providedID = peasant.GetID();
if (providedID == 0)
// Peasant doesn't currently have an ID. Assign it a new one.
// Peasant already had an ID (from an older monarch). Leave that one
// be. Make sure that the next peasant's ID is higher than it.
_nextPeasantID = providedID >= _nextPeasantID ? providedID + 1 : _nextPeasantID;
auto newPeasantsId = peasant.GetID();
// Add an event listener to the peasant's WindowActivated event.
peasant.WindowActivated({ this, &Monarch::_peasantWindowActivated });
peasant.IdentifyWindowsRequested({ this, &Monarch::_identifyWindows });
_peasants[newPeasantsId] = peasant;
TraceLoggingUInt64(providedID, "providedID", "the provided ID for the peasant"),
TraceLoggingUInt64(newPeasantsId, "peasantID", "the ID of the new peasant"),
return newPeasantsId;
catch (...)
// We can only get into this try/catch if the peasant died on us. So
// the return value doesn't _really_ matter. They're not about to
// get it.
return -1;
// Method Description:
// - Event handler for the Peasant::WindowActivated event. Used as an
// opportunity for us to update our internal stack of the "most recent
// window".
// Arguments:
// - sender: the Peasant that raised this event. This might be out-of-proc!
// - args: a bundle of the peasant ID, timestamp, and desktop ID, for the activated peasant
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::_peasantWindowActivated(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*sender*/,
const Remoting::WindowActivatedArgs& args)
// Method Description:
// - Lookup a peasant by its ID. If the peasant has died, this will also
// remove the peasant from our list of peasants.
// Arguments:
// - peasantID: The ID Of the peasant to find
// Return Value:
// - the peasant if it exists in our map, otherwise null
Remoting::IPeasant Monarch::_getPeasant(uint64_t peasantID)
const auto peasantSearch = _peasants.find(peasantID);
auto maybeThePeasant = peasantSearch == _peasants.end() ? nullptr : peasantSearch->second;
// Ask the peasant for their PID. This will validate that they're
// actually still alive.
if (maybeThePeasant)
return maybeThePeasant;
catch (...)
// Remove the peasant from the list of peasants
// Remove the peasant from the list of MRU windows. They're dead.
// They can't be the MRU anymore.
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Find the ID of the peasant with the given name. If no such peasant
// exists, then we'll return 0. If we encounter any peasants who have died
// during this process, then we'll remove them from the set of _peasants
// Arguments:
// - name: The window name to look for
// Return Value:
// - 0 if we didn't find the given peasant, otherwise a positive number for
// the window's ID.
uint64_t Monarch::_lookupPeasantIdForName(std::wstring_view name)
if (name.empty())
return 0;
std::vector<uint64_t> peasantsToErase{};
uint64_t result = 0;
for (const auto& [id, p] : _peasants)
auto otherName = p.WindowName();
if (otherName == name)
result = id;
catch (...)
// Normally, we'd just erase the peasant here. However, we can't
// erase from the map while we're iterating over it like this.
// Instead, pull a good ole Java and collect this id for removal
// later.
// Remove the dead peasants we came across while iterating.
for (const auto& id : peasantsToErase)
// Remove the peasant from the list of peasants
// Remove the peasant from the list of MRU windows. They're dead.
// They can't be the MRU anymore.
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Handler for the `Peasant::WindowActivated` event. We'll make a in-proc
// copy of the WindowActivatedArgs from the peasant. That way, we won't
// need to worry about the origin process dying when working with the
// WindowActivatedArgs.
// - If the peasant process dies while we're making this copy, then we'll
// just log it and do nothing. We certainly don't want to track a dead
// peasant.
// - We'll pass that copy of the WindowActivatedArgs to
// _doHandleActivatePeasant, which will actually insert the
// WindowActivatedArgs into the list we're using to track the most recent
// peasants.
// Arguments:
// - args: the WindowActivatedArgs describing when and where the peasant was activated.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::HandleActivatePeasant(const Remoting::WindowActivatedArgs& args)
// Start by making a local copy of these args. It's easier for us if our
// tracking of these args is all in-proc. That way, the only thing that
// could fail due to the peasant dying is _this first copy_.
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::WindowActivatedArgs> localArgs{ nullptr };
localArgs = winrt::make_self<implementation::WindowActivatedArgs>(args);
// This method will actually do the hard work
catch (...)
// Method Description:
// - Helper for removing a peasant from the list of MRU peasants. We want to
// do this both when the peasant dies, and also when the peasant is newly
// activated (so that we don't leave an old entry for it in the list).
// Arguments:
// - peasantID: The ID of the peasant to remove from the MRU list
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::_clearOldMruEntries(const uint64_t peasantID)
auto result = std::find_if(_mruPeasants.begin(),
[peasantID](auto&& other) {
return peasantID == other.PeasantID();
if (result != std::end(_mruPeasants))
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "The ID of the peasant"),
TraceLoggingGuid(result->DesktopID(), "desktopGuid", "The GUID of the previous desktop the window was on"),
// Method Description:
// - Actually handle inserting the WindowActivatedArgs into our list of MRU windows.
// Arguments:
// - localArgs: an in-proc WindowActivatedArgs that we should add to our list of MRU windows.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::_doHandleActivatePeasant(const winrt::com_ptr<implementation::WindowActivatedArgs>& localArgs)
const auto newLastActiveTime = localArgs->ActivatedTime().time_since_epoch().count();
// * Check all the current lists to look for this peasant.
// remove it from any where it exists.
// * If the current desktop doesn't have a vector, add one.
const auto desktopGuid{ localArgs->DesktopID() };
// * Add this args list. By using lower_bound with insert, we can get it
// into exactly the right spot, without having to re-sort the whole
// array.
[](const auto& first, const auto& second) { return first.ActivatedTime() > second.ActivatedTime(); }),
TraceLoggingUInt64(localArgs->PeasantID(), "peasantID", "the ID of the activated peasant"),
TraceLoggingGuid(desktopGuid, "desktopGuid", "The GUID of the desktop the window is on"),
TraceLoggingInt64(newLastActiveTime, "newLastActiveTime", "The provided localArgs->ActivatedTime()"),
// Method Description:
// - Retrieves the ID of the MRU peasant window. If requested, will limit
// the search to windows that are on the current desktop.
// Arguments:
// - limitToCurrentDesktop: if true, only return the MRU peasant that's
// actually on the current desktop.
// Return Value:
// - the ID of the most recent peasant, otherwise 0 if we could not find one.
uint64_t Monarch::_getMostRecentPeasantID(const bool limitToCurrentDesktop)
if (_mruPeasants.empty())
// We haven't yet been told the MRU peasant. Just use the first one.
// This is just gonna be a random one, but really shouldn't happen
// in practice. The WindowManager should set the MRU peasant
// immediately as soon as it creates the monarch/peasant for the
// first window.
if (_peasants.size() > 0)
return _peasants.begin()->second.GetID();
catch (...)
// This shouldn't really happen. If we're the monarch, then the
// first peasant should also _be us_. So we should be able to
// get our own ID.
return 0;
return 0;
// Here, there's at least one MRU peasant.
// We're going to iterate over these peasants until we find one that both:
// 1. Is alive
// 2. Meets our selection criteria (do we care if it is on this desktop?)
// If the peasant is dead, then we'll remove it, and try the next one.
// Once we find one that's alive, we'll either:
// * check if we only want a peasant on the current desktop, and if so,
// check if this peasant is on the current desktop.
// - If it isn't on the current desktop, we'll loop again, on the
// following peasant.
// * If we don't care, then we'll just return that one.
// We're not just using an iterator because the contents of the list
// might change while we're iterating here (if the peasant is dead we'll
// remove it from the list).
int positionInList = 0;
while (_mruPeasants.cbegin() + positionInList < _mruPeasants.cend())
const auto mruWindowArgs{ *(_mruPeasants.begin() + positionInList) };
const auto peasant{ _getPeasant(mruWindowArgs.PeasantID()) };
if (!peasant)
"We thought this peasant was the MRU one, but it was actually already dead."),
TraceLoggingGuid(mruWindowArgs.DesktopID(), "desktopGuid", "The GUID of the desktop the window is on"),
// We'll go through the loop again. We removed the current one
// at positionInList, so the next one in positionInList will be
// a new, different peasant.
if (limitToCurrentDesktop && _desktopManager)
// Check if this peasant is actually on this desktop. We can't
// simply get the GUID of the current desktop. We have to ask if
// the HWND is on the current desktop.
BOOL onCurrentDesktop{ false };
// SUCCEEDED_LOG will log if it failed, and return true if it SUCCEEDED
if (SUCCEEDED_LOG(_desktopManager->IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(mruWindowArgs.Hwnd()),
&onCurrentDesktop)) &&
"the ID of the MRU peasant for a desktop"),
"The GUID of the desktop the window is on"),
"True if we should only search for a window on the current desktop"),
"true if this window was in fact on the current desktop"),
return mruWindowArgs.PeasantID();
// If this window wasn't on the current desktop, another one
// might be. We'll increment positionInList below, and try
// again.
TraceLoggingUInt64(mruWindowArgs.PeasantID(), "peasantID", "The ID of the MRU peasant"),
return mruWindowArgs.PeasantID();
// Here, we've checked all the windows, and none of them was both alive
// and the most recent (on this desktop). Just return 0 - the caller
// will use this to create a new window.
return 0;
// Method Description:
// - Try to handle a commandline from a new WT invocation. We might need to
// hand the commandline to an existing window, or we might need to tell
// the caller that they need to become a new window to handle it themselves.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true if the caller should create a new window for this commandline.
// False otherwise - the monarch should have dispatched this commandline
// to another window in this case.
Remoting::ProposeCommandlineResult Monarch::ProposeCommandline(const Remoting::CommandlineArgs& args)
// Raise an event, to ask how to handle this commandline. We can't ask
// the app ourselves - we exist isolated from that knowledge (and
// dependency hell). The WindowManager will raise this up to the app
// host, which will then ask the AppLogic, who will then parse the
// commandline and determine the provided ID of the window.
auto findWindowArgs{ winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::FindTargetWindowArgs>(args) };
// This is handled by some handler in-proc
_FindTargetWindowRequestedHandlers(*this, *findWindowArgs);
// After the event was handled, ResultTargetWindow() will be filled with
// the parsed result.
const auto targetWindow = findWindowArgs->ResultTargetWindow();
const auto targetWindowName = findWindowArgs->ResultTargetWindowName();
TraceLoggingInt64(targetWindow, "targetWindow", "The window ID the args specified"),
// If there's a valid ID returned, then let's try and find the peasant
// that goes with it. Alternatively, if we were given a magic windowing
// constant, we can use that to look up an appropriate peasant.
if (targetWindow >= 0 ||
targetWindow == WindowingBehaviorUseName ||
targetWindow == WindowingBehaviorUseExisting ||
targetWindow == WindowingBehaviorUseAnyExisting)
uint64_t windowID = 0;
switch (targetWindow)
case WindowingBehaviorUseCurrent:
case WindowingBehaviorUseExisting:
// TODO:projects/5 for now, just use the MRU window. Technically,
// UseExisting and UseCurrent are different.
// UseCurrent implies that we should try to do the WT_SESSION
// lookup to find the window that spawned this process (then
// fall back to sameDesktop if we can't find a match). For now,
// it's good enough to just try to find a match on this desktop.
windowID = _getMostRecentPeasantID(true);
case WindowingBehaviorUseAnyExisting:
windowID = _getMostRecentPeasantID(false);
case WindowingBehaviorUseName:
windowID = _lookupPeasantIdForName(targetWindowName);
windowID = ::base::saturated_cast<uint64_t>(targetWindow);
"The actual peasant ID we evaluated the window ID as"),
// If_getMostRecentPeasantID returns 0 above, then we couldn't find
// a matching window for that style of windowing. _getPeasant will
// return nullptr, and we'll fall through to the "create a new
// window" branch below.
if (auto targetPeasant{ _getPeasant(windowID) })
auto result{ winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::ProposeCommandlineResult>(false) };
// This will raise the peasant's ExecuteCommandlineRequested
// event, which will then ask the AppHost to handle the
// commandline, which will then pass it to AppLogic for
// handling.
catch (...)
// If we fail to propose the commandline to the peasant (it
// died?) then just tell this process to become a new window
// instead.
// If this fails, it'll be logged in the following
// TraceLoggingWrite statement, with succeeded=false
"the ID of the peasant the commandline waws intended for"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(true, "foundMatch", "true if we found a peasant with that ID"),
"true if we successfully dispatched the commandline to the peasant"),
return *result;
else if (windowID > 0)
// In this case, an ID was provided, but there's no
// peasant with that ID. Instead, we should tell the caller that
// they should make a new window, but _with that ID_.
"the ID of the peasant the commandline waws intended for"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(false, "foundMatch", "true if we found a peasant with that ID"),
auto result{ winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::ProposeCommandlineResult>(true) };
return *result;
// If we get here, we couldn't find an existing window. Make a new one.
TraceLoggingInt64(targetWindow, "targetWindow", "The provided ID"),
// In this case, no usable ID was provided. Return { true, nullopt }
auto result = winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::ProposeCommandlineResult>(true);
return *result;
// Method Description:
// - Helper for doing something on each and every peasant, with no regard
// for if the peasant is living or dead.
// - We'll try calling callback on every peasant.
// - If any single peasant is dead, then we'll call errorCallback, and move on.
// - We're taking an errorCallback here, because the thing we usually want
// to do is TraceLog a message, but TraceLoggingWrite is actually a macro
// that _requires_ the second arg to be a string literal. It can't just be
// a variable.
// Arguments:
// - callback: The function to call on each peasant
// - errorCallback: The function to call if a peasant is dead.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::_forAllPeasantsIgnoringTheDead(std::function<void(const Remoting::IPeasant&, const uint64_t)> callback,
std::function<void(const uint64_t)> errorCallback)
for (const auto& [id, p] : _peasants)
callback(p, id);
catch (...)
// If this fails, we don't _really_ care. Just move on to the
// next one. Someone else will clean up the dead peasant.
// Method Description:
// - This is an event handler for the IdentifyWindowsRequested event. A
// Peasant may raise that event if they want _all_ windows to identify
// themselves.
// - This will tell each and every peasant to identify themselves. This will
// eventually propagate down to TerminalPage::IdentifyWindow.
// Arguments:
// - <unused>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::_identifyWindows(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*sender*/,
const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*args*/)
// Notify all the peasants to display their ID.
auto callback = [](auto&& p, auto&& /*id*/) {
auto onError = [](auto&& id) {
TraceLoggingInt64(id, "peasantID", "The ID of the peasant which we could not identify"),
_forAllPeasantsIgnoringTheDead(callback, onError);