Mike Griese 03ea0f49ad
Add an action for identifying windows (#9523)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This is a follow up to #9300. Now that we have names on our windows, it would be nice to see who is named what. So this adds two actions:

* `identifyWindow`: This action will pop up a little toast (#8592) displaying the name and ID of the window, and is bound by default.

* `identifyWindows`: This action will request that ALL windows pop up that toast. This is meant to feel like the "Identify" button on the Windows display settings. However, sometimes, it's wonky. 
  That's being tracked upstream on https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/4382
  Because it's so wonky, we won't bind that by default. Maybe if we get that fixed, then we'll change the default binding from `identifyWindow` to `identifyWindows`

## References

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-51431492
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

You may note that there are some macros to make interacting with lots and lots of actions easier. There's a lot of boilerplate whenever you need to make a new action, so I thought: "Can we make that easier?" 

Turns out you can make it a _LOT_ easier, but that work is still behind another PR after this one. Get excited
2021-03-30 16:08:03 +00:00

349 lines
19 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "ActionArgs.h"
#include "ActionAndArgs.h"
#include "ActionAndArgs.g.cpp"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
static constexpr std::string_view AdjustFontSizeKey{ "adjustFontSize" };
static constexpr std::string_view CloseOtherTabsKey{ "closeOtherTabs" };
static constexpr std::string_view ClosePaneKey{ "closePane" };
static constexpr std::string_view CloseTabKey{ "closeTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view CloseTabsAfterKey{ "closeTabsAfter" };
static constexpr std::string_view CloseWindowKey{ "closeWindow" };
static constexpr std::string_view CopyTextKey{ "copy" };
static constexpr std::string_view DuplicateTabKey{ "duplicateTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view ExecuteCommandlineKey{ "wt" };
static constexpr std::string_view FindKey{ "find" };
static constexpr std::string_view MoveFocusKey{ "moveFocus" };
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabKey{ "newTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view NextTabKey{ "nextTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view OpenNewTabDropdownKey{ "openNewTabDropdown" };
static constexpr std::string_view OpenSettingsKey{ "openSettings" };
static constexpr std::string_view OpenTabColorPickerKey{ "openTabColorPicker" };
static constexpr std::string_view PasteTextKey{ "paste" };
static constexpr std::string_view PrevTabKey{ "prevTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view RenameTabKey{ "renameTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view OpenTabRenamerKey{ "openTabRenamer" };
static constexpr std::string_view ResetFontSizeKey{ "resetFontSize" };
static constexpr std::string_view ResizePaneKey{ "resizePane" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrolldownKey{ "scrollDown" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrolldownpageKey{ "scrollDownPage" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrollupKey{ "scrollUp" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrolluppageKey{ "scrollUpPage" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrollToTopKey{ "scrollToTop" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrollToBottomKey{ "scrollToBottom" };
static constexpr std::string_view SendInputKey{ "sendInput" };
static constexpr std::string_view SetColorSchemeKey{ "setColorScheme" };
static constexpr std::string_view SetTabColorKey{ "setTabColor" };
static constexpr std::string_view SplitPaneKey{ "splitPane" };
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTabKey{ "switchToTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabSearchKey{ "tabSearch" };
static constexpr std::string_view ToggleAlwaysOnTopKey{ "toggleAlwaysOnTop" };
static constexpr std::string_view ToggleCommandPaletteKey{ "commandPalette" };
static constexpr std::string_view ToggleFocusModeKey{ "toggleFocusMode" };
static constexpr std::string_view ToggleFullscreenKey{ "toggleFullscreen" };
static constexpr std::string_view TogglePaneZoomKey{ "togglePaneZoom" };
static constexpr std::string_view LegacyToggleRetroEffectKey{ "toggleRetroEffect" };
static constexpr std::string_view ToggleShaderEffectsKey{ "toggleShaderEffects" };
static constexpr std::string_view MoveTabKey{ "moveTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view BreakIntoDebuggerKey{ "breakIntoDebugger" };
static constexpr std::string_view FindMatchKey{ "findMatch" };
static constexpr std::string_view TogglePaneReadOnlyKey{ "toggleReadOnlyMode" };
static constexpr std::string_view NewWindowKey{ "newWindow" };
static constexpr std::string_view IdentifyWindowKey{ "identifyWindow" };
static constexpr std::string_view IdentifyWindowsKey{ "identifyWindows" };
static constexpr std::string_view ActionKey{ "action" };
// This key is reserved to remove a keybinding, instead of mapping it to an action.
static constexpr std::string_view UnboundKey{ "unbound" };
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
// Specifically use a map here over an unordered_map. We want to be able to
// iterate over these entries in-order when we're serializing the keybindings.
// These are string_views that are being used as keys. These string_views are
// just pointers to other strings. This could be dangerous, if the map outlived
// the actual strings being pointed to. However, since both these strings and
// the map are all const for the lifetime of the app, we have nothing to worry
// about here.
const std::map<std::string_view, ShortcutAction, std::less<>> ActionAndArgs::ActionKeyNamesMap{
{ AdjustFontSizeKey, ShortcutAction::AdjustFontSize },
{ CloseOtherTabsKey, ShortcutAction::CloseOtherTabs },
{ ClosePaneKey, ShortcutAction::ClosePane },
{ CloseTabKey, ShortcutAction::CloseTab },
{ CloseTabsAfterKey, ShortcutAction::CloseTabsAfter },
{ CloseWindowKey, ShortcutAction::CloseWindow },
{ CopyTextKey, ShortcutAction::CopyText },
{ DuplicateTabKey, ShortcutAction::DuplicateTab },
{ ExecuteCommandlineKey, ShortcutAction::ExecuteCommandline },
{ FindKey, ShortcutAction::Find },
{ MoveFocusKey, ShortcutAction::MoveFocus },
{ NewTabKey, ShortcutAction::NewTab },
{ NextTabKey, ShortcutAction::NextTab },
{ OpenNewTabDropdownKey, ShortcutAction::OpenNewTabDropdown },
{ OpenSettingsKey, ShortcutAction::OpenSettings },
{ OpenTabColorPickerKey, ShortcutAction::OpenTabColorPicker },
{ PasteTextKey, ShortcutAction::PasteText },
{ PrevTabKey, ShortcutAction::PrevTab },
{ RenameTabKey, ShortcutAction::RenameTab },
{ OpenTabRenamerKey, ShortcutAction::OpenTabRenamer },
{ ResetFontSizeKey, ShortcutAction::ResetFontSize },
{ ResizePaneKey, ShortcutAction::ResizePane },
{ ScrolldownKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollDown },
{ ScrolldownpageKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollDownPage },
{ ScrollupKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollUp },
{ ScrolluppageKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollUpPage },
{ ScrollToTopKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollToTop },
{ ScrollToBottomKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollToBottom },
{ SendInputKey, ShortcutAction::SendInput },
{ SetColorSchemeKey, ShortcutAction::SetColorScheme },
{ SetTabColorKey, ShortcutAction::SetTabColor },
{ SplitPaneKey, ShortcutAction::SplitPane },
{ SwitchToTabKey, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab },
{ TabSearchKey, ShortcutAction::TabSearch },
{ ToggleAlwaysOnTopKey, ShortcutAction::ToggleAlwaysOnTop },
{ ToggleCommandPaletteKey, ShortcutAction::ToggleCommandPalette },
{ ToggleFocusModeKey, ShortcutAction::ToggleFocusMode },
{ ToggleFullscreenKey, ShortcutAction::ToggleFullscreen },
{ TogglePaneZoomKey, ShortcutAction::TogglePaneZoom },
{ LegacyToggleRetroEffectKey, ShortcutAction::ToggleShaderEffects },
{ ToggleShaderEffectsKey, ShortcutAction::ToggleShaderEffects },
{ MoveTabKey, ShortcutAction::MoveTab },
{ BreakIntoDebuggerKey, ShortcutAction::BreakIntoDebugger },
{ UnboundKey, ShortcutAction::Invalid },
{ FindMatchKey, ShortcutAction::FindMatch },
{ TogglePaneReadOnlyKey, ShortcutAction::TogglePaneReadOnly },
{ NewWindowKey, ShortcutAction::NewWindow },
{ IdentifyWindowKey, ShortcutAction::IdentifyWindow },
{ IdentifyWindowsKey, ShortcutAction::IdentifyWindows },
using ParseResult = std::tuple<IActionArgs, std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings>>;
using ParseActionFunction = std::function<ParseResult(const Json::Value&)>;
// This is a map of ShortcutAction->function<IActionArgs(Json::Value)>. It holds
// a set of deserializer functions that can be used to deserialize a IActionArgs
// from json. Each type of IActionArgs that can accept arbitrary args should be
// placed into this map, with the corresponding deserializer function as the
// value.
static const std::map<ShortcutAction, ParseActionFunction, std::less<>> argParsers{
{ ShortcutAction::AdjustFontSize, AdjustFontSizeArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::CloseOtherTabs, CloseOtherTabsArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::CloseTabsAfter, CloseTabsAfterArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::CopyText, CopyTextArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::ExecuteCommandline, ExecuteCommandlineArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveFocus, MoveFocusArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTab, NewTabArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::OpenSettings, OpenSettingsArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::RenameTab, RenameTabArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::ResizePane, ResizePaneArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::SendInput, SendInputArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::SetColorScheme, SetColorSchemeArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::SetTabColor, SetTabColorArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::SplitPane, SplitPaneArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab, SwitchToTabArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::ScrollUp, ScrollUpArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::ScrollDown, ScrollDownArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveTab, MoveTabArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::ToggleCommandPalette, ToggleCommandPaletteArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::FindMatch, FindMatchArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::NewWindow, NewWindowArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::PrevTab, PrevTabArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::NextTab, NextTabArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::Invalid, nullptr },
// Function Description:
// - Attempts to match a string to a ShortcutAction. If there's no match, then
// returns ShortcutAction::Invalid
// Arguments:
// - actionString: the string to match to a ShortcutAction
// Return Value:
// - The ShortcutAction corresponding to the given string, if a match exists.
static ShortcutAction GetActionFromString(const std::string_view actionString)
// Try matching the command to one we have. If we can't find the
// action name in our list of names, let's just unbind that key.
const auto found = ActionAndArgs::ActionKeyNamesMap.find(actionString);
return found != ActionAndArgs::ActionKeyNamesMap.end() ? found->second : ShortcutAction::Invalid;
// Method Description:
// - Deserialize an ActionAndArgs from the provided json object or string `json`.
// * If json is a string, we'll attempt to treat it as an action name,
// without arguments.
// * If json is an object, we'll attempt to retrieve the action name from
// its "action" property, and we'll use that name to fine a deserializer
// to precess the rest of the arguments in the json object.
// - If the action name is null or "unbound", or we don't understand the
// action name, or we failed to parse the arguments to this action, we'll
// return null. This should indicate to the caller that the action should
// be unbound.
// - If there were any warnings while parsing arguments for the action,
// they'll be appended to the warnings parameter.
// Arguments:
// - json: The Json::Value to attempt to parse as an ActionAndArgs
// - warnings: If there were any warnings during parsing, they'll be
// appended to this vector.
// Return Value:
// - a deserialized ActionAndArgs corresponding to the values in json, or
// null if we failed to deserialize an action.
winrt::com_ptr<ActionAndArgs> ActionAndArgs::FromJson(const Json::Value& json,
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings>& warnings)
// Invalid is our placeholder that the action was not parsed.
ShortcutAction action = ShortcutAction::Invalid;
// Actions can be serialized in two styles:
// "action": "switchToTab0",
// "action": { "action": "switchToTab", "index": 0 },
// NOTE: For keybindings, the "action" param is actually "command"
// 1. In the first case, the json is a string, that's the
// action name. There are no provided args, so we'll pass
// Json::Value::null to the parse function.
// 2. In the second case, the json is an object. We'll use the
// "action" in that object as the action name. We'll then pass
// the json object to the arg parser, for further parsing.
auto argsVal = Json::Value::null;
// Only try to parse the action if it's actually a string value.
// `null` will not pass this check.
if (json.isString())
auto commandString = json.asString();
action = GetActionFromString(commandString);
else if (json.isObject())
if (const auto actionString{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<std::string>>(json, ActionKey) })
action = GetActionFromString(*actionString);
argsVal = json;
// Some keybindings can accept other arbitrary arguments. If it
// does, we'll try to deserialize any "args" that were provided with
// the binding.
IActionArgs args{ nullptr };
std::vector<Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SettingsLoadWarnings> parseWarnings;
const auto deserializersIter = argParsers.find(action);
if (deserializersIter != argParsers.end())
auto pfn = deserializersIter->second;
if (pfn)
std::tie(args, parseWarnings) = pfn(argsVal);
warnings.insert(warnings.end(), parseWarnings.begin(), parseWarnings.end());
// if an arg parser was registered, but failed, bail
if (pfn && args == nullptr)
return nullptr;
if (action != ShortcutAction::Invalid)
auto actionAndArgs = winrt::make_self<ActionAndArgs>();
return actionAndArgs;
return nullptr;
com_ptr<ActionAndArgs> ActionAndArgs::Copy() const
auto copy{ winrt::make_self<ActionAndArgs>() };
copy->_Action = _Action;
copy->_Args = _Args ? _Args.Copy() : IActionArgs{ nullptr };
return copy;
winrt::hstring ActionAndArgs::GenerateName() const
// Use a magic static to initialize this map, because we won't be able
// to load the resources at _init_, only at runtime.
static const auto GeneratedActionNames = []() {
return std::unordered_map<ShortcutAction, winrt::hstring>{
{ ShortcutAction::AdjustFontSize, RS_(L"AdjustFontSizeCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::CloseOtherTabs, L"" }, // Intentionally omitted, must be generated by GenerateName
{ ShortcutAction::ClosePane, RS_(L"ClosePaneCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::CloseTab, RS_(L"CloseTabCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::CloseTabsAfter, L"" }, // Intentionally omitted, must be generated by GenerateName
{ ShortcutAction::CloseWindow, RS_(L"CloseWindowCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::CopyText, RS_(L"CopyTextCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::DuplicateTab, RS_(L"DuplicateTabCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ExecuteCommandline, RS_(L"ExecuteCommandlineCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::Find, RS_(L"FindCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::Invalid, L"" },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveFocus, RS_(L"MoveFocusCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTab, RS_(L"NewTabCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::NextTab, RS_(L"NextTabCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::OpenNewTabDropdown, RS_(L"OpenNewTabDropdownCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::OpenSettings, RS_(L"OpenSettingsUICommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::OpenTabColorPicker, RS_(L"OpenTabColorPickerCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::PasteText, RS_(L"PasteTextCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::PrevTab, RS_(L"PrevTabCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::RenameTab, RS_(L"ResetTabNameCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::OpenTabRenamer, RS_(L"OpenTabRenamerCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ResetFontSize, RS_(L"ResetFontSizeCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ResizePane, RS_(L"ResizePaneCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ScrollDown, RS_(L"ScrollDownCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ScrollDownPage, RS_(L"ScrollDownPageCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ScrollUp, RS_(L"ScrollUpCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ScrollUpPage, RS_(L"ScrollUpPageCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ScrollToTop, RS_(L"ScrollToTopCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ScrollToBottom, RS_(L"ScrollToBottomCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::SendInput, L"" },
{ ShortcutAction::SetColorScheme, L"" },
{ ShortcutAction::SetTabColor, RS_(L"ResetTabColorCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::SplitPane, RS_(L"SplitPaneCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab, RS_(L"SwitchToTabCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::TabSearch, RS_(L"TabSearchCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ToggleAlwaysOnTop, RS_(L"ToggleAlwaysOnTopCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ToggleCommandPalette, L"" },
{ ShortcutAction::ToggleFocusMode, RS_(L"ToggleFocusModeCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ToggleFullscreen, RS_(L"ToggleFullscreenCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::TogglePaneZoom, RS_(L"TogglePaneZoomCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::ToggleShaderEffects, RS_(L"ToggleShaderEffectsCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveTab, L"" }, // Intentionally omitted, must be generated by GenerateName
{ ShortcutAction::BreakIntoDebugger, RS_(L"BreakIntoDebuggerCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::FindMatch, L"" }, // Intentionally omitted, must be generated by GenerateName
{ ShortcutAction::TogglePaneReadOnly, RS_(L"TogglePaneReadOnlyCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::NewWindow, RS_(L"NewWindowCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::IdentifyWindow, RS_(L"IdentifyWindowCommandKey") },
{ ShortcutAction::IdentifyWindows, RS_(L"IdentifyWindowsCommandKey") },
if (_Args)
auto nameFromArgs = _Args.GenerateName();
if (!nameFromArgs.empty())
return nameFromArgs;
const auto found = GeneratedActionNames.find(_Action);
return found != GeneratedActionNames.end() ? found->second : L"";