Dustin L. Howett e7592ec3d4
ROW: clean up in preparation to hide CharRow & AttrRow (#8446)
Moving things out of CharRow into ROW helps us hide it as an implementation detail.
This is part one of many.

### CharRow: Hide ClearCell, use ROW::ClearColumn

### CharRow: Hide GetText, use ROW::GetText

### CharRowBaseTests: remove dead file (never used!)

### CharRow: Move DoubleBytePadded into ROW

### CharRow: Move WrapForced into ROW

### Char/AttrRow: Hide Reset, use ROW::Reset

### Remove RowCellIterator (dead code)

RCI was unused; it was replaced by TextBufferCellIterator shortly after its creation

### Move AttrRowTests to ut_textbuffer from ut_host

It had no reliance on the host.
2021-01-20 21:16:56 +00:00

1251 lines
46 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "renderer.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using PointTree = interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t>;
static constexpr auto maxRetriesForRenderEngine = 3;
// The renderer will wait this number of milliseconds * how many tries have elapsed before trying again.
static constexpr auto renderBackoffBaseTimeMilliseconds{ 150 };
// Routine Description:
// - Creates a new renderer controller for a console.
// Arguments:
// - pData - The interface to console data structures required for rendering
// - pEngine - The output engine for targeting each rendering frame
// Return Value:
// - An instance of a Renderer.
Renderer::Renderer(IRenderData* pData,
_In_reads_(cEngines) IRenderEngine** const rgpEngines,
const size_t cEngines,
std::unique_ptr<IRenderThread> thread) :
_pThread{ std::move(thread) },
_destructing{ false },
_viewport{ pData->GetViewport() }
for (size_t i = 0; i < cEngines; i++)
IRenderEngine* engine = rgpEngines[i];
// Routine Description:
// - Destroys an instance of a renderer
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
_destructing = true;
// Routine Description:
// - Walks through the console data structures to compose a new frame based on the data that has changed since last call and outputs it to the connected rendering engine.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - HRESULT S_OK, GDI error, Safe Math error, or state/argument errors.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::PaintFrame()
if (_destructing)
return S_FALSE;
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
auto tries = maxRetriesForRenderEngine;
while (tries > 0)
if (_destructing)
return S_FALSE;
const auto hr = _PaintFrameForEngine(pEngine);
if (E_PENDING == hr)
if (--tries == 0)
// Stop trying.
if (_pfnRendererEnteredErrorState)
// If there's no callback, we still don't want to FAIL_FAST: the renderer going black
// isn't near as bad as the entire application aborting. We're a component. We shouldn't
// abort applications that host us.
return S_FALSE;
// Add a bit of backoff.
// Sleep 150ms, 300ms, 450ms before failing out and disabling the renderer.
Sleep(renderBackoffBaseTimeMilliseconds * (maxRetriesForRenderEngine - tries));
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_PaintFrameForEngine(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine) noexcept
FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL(pEngine); // This is a programming error. Fail fast.
auto unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() {
// Last chance check if anything scrolled without an explicit invalidate notification since the last frame.
// Try to start painting a frame
HRESULT const hr = pEngine->StartPaint();
// Return early if there's nothing to paint.
// The renderer itself tracks if there's something to do with the title, the
// engine won't know that.
if (S_FALSE == hr)
return S_OK;
auto endPaint = wil::scope_exit([&]() {
// A. Prep Colors
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_UpdateDrawingBrushes(pEngine, _pData->GetDefaultBrushColors(), true));
// B. Perform Scroll Operations
// C. Prepare the engine with additional information before we start drawing.
// 1. Paint Background
// 2. Paint Rows of Text
// 3. Paint overlays that reside above the text buffer
// 4. Paint Selection
// 5. Paint Cursor
// 6. Paint window title
// Force scope exit end paint to finish up collecting information and possibly painting
// Force scope exit unlock to let go of global lock so other threads can run
// Trigger out-of-lock presentation for renderers that can support it
// As we leave the scope, EndPaint will be called (declared above)
return S_OK;
void Renderer::_NotifyPaintFrame()
// If we're running in the unittests, we might not have a render thread.
if (_pThread)
// The thread will provide throttling for us.
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the system has requested we redraw a portion of the console.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerSystemRedraw(const RECT* const prcDirtyClient)
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a particular region within the console buffer has changed.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerRedraw(const Viewport& region)
Viewport view = _viewport;
SMALL_RECT srUpdateRegion = region.ToExclusive();
if (view.TrimToViewport(&srUpdateRegion))
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a particular coordinate within the console buffer has changed.
// Arguments:
// - pcoord: The buffer-space coordinate that has changed.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerRedraw(const COORD* const pcoord)
TriggerRedraw(Viewport::FromCoord(*pcoord)); // this will notify to paint if we need it.
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the cursor has moved in the buffer. Allows for RenderEngines to
// differentiate between cursor movements and other invalidates.
// Visual Renderers (ex GDI) should invalidate the position, while the VT
// engine ignores this. See MSFT:14711161.
// Arguments:
// - pcoord: The buffer-space position of the cursor.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerRedrawCursor(const COORD* const pcoord)
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
COORD updateCoord = *pcoord;
if (view.IsInBounds(updateCoord))
for (IRenderEngine* pEngine : _rgpEngines)
// Double-wide cursors need to invalidate the right half as well.
if (_pData->IsCursorDoubleWidth())
// Routine Description:
// - Called when something that changes the output state has occurred and the entire frame is now potentially invalid.
// - NOTE: Use sparingly. Try to reduce the refresh region where possible. Only use when a global state change has occurred.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerRedrawAll()
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
// Method Description:
// - Called when the host is about to die, to give the renderer one last chance
// to paint before the host exits.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerTeardown()
// We need to shut down the paint thread on teardown.
// Then walk through and do one final paint on the caller's thread.
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
bool fEngineRequestsRepaint = false;
HRESULT hr = pEngine->PrepareForTeardown(&fEngineRequestsRepaint);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fEngineRequestsRepaint)
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the selected area in the console has changed.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerSelection()
// Get selection rectangles
const auto rects = _GetSelectionRects();
// Restrict all previous selection rectangles to inside the current viewport bounds
for (auto& sr : _previousSelection)
// Make the exclusive SMALL_RECT into a til::rectangle.
til::rectangle rc{ Viewport::FromExclusive(sr).ToInclusive() };
// Make a viewport representing the coordinates that are currently presentable.
const til::rectangle viewport{ til::size{ _pData->GetViewport().Dimensions() } };
// Intersect them so we only invalidate things that are still visible.
rc &= viewport;
// Convert back into the exclusive SMALL_RECT and store in the vector.
sr = Viewport::FromInclusive(rc).ToExclusive();
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
_previousSelection = rects;
// Routine Description:
// - Called when we want to check if the viewport has moved and scroll accordingly if so.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if something changed and we scrolled. False otherwise.
bool Renderer::_CheckViewportAndScroll()
SMALL_RECT const srOldViewport = _viewport.ToInclusive();
SMALL_RECT const srNewViewport = _pData->GetViewport().ToInclusive();
COORD coordDelta;
coordDelta.X = srOldViewport.Left - srNewViewport.Left;
coordDelta.Y = srOldViewport.Top - srNewViewport.Top;
for (auto engine : _rgpEngines)
_viewport = Viewport::FromInclusive(srNewViewport);
// If we're keeping some buffers between calls, let them know about the viewport size
// so they can prepare the buffers for changes to either preallocate memory at once
// (instead of growing naturally) or shrink down to reduce usage as appropriate.
const size_t lineLength = gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(til::rectangle{ srNewViewport }.width());
til::manage_vector(_clusterBuffer, lineLength, _shrinkThreshold);
if (coordDelta.X != 0 || coordDelta.Y != 0)
for (auto engine : _rgpEngines)
return true;
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a scroll operation has occurred by manipulating the viewport.
// - This is a special case as calling out scrolls explicitly drastically improves performance.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerScroll()
if (_CheckViewportAndScroll())
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a scroll operation wishes to explicitly adjust the frame by the given coordinate distance.
// - This is a special case as calling out scrolls explicitly drastically improves performance.
// - This should only be used when the viewport is not modified. It lets us know we can "scroll anyway" to save perf,
// because the backing circular buffer rotated out from behind the viewport.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerScroll(const COORD* const pcoordDelta)
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the text buffer is about to circle its backing buffer.
// A renderer might want to get painted before that happens.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerCircling()
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
bool fEngineRequestsRepaint = false;
HRESULT hr = pEngine->InvalidateCircling(&fEngineRequestsRepaint);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fEngineRequestsRepaint)
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the title of the console window has changed. Indicates that we
// should update the title on the next frame.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerTitleChange()
const std::wstring newTitle = _pData->GetConsoleTitle();
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
// Routine Description:
// - Update the title for a particular engine.
// Arguments:
// - pEngine: the engine to update the title for.
// Return Value:
// - the HRESULT of the underlying engine's UpdateTitle call.
HRESULT Renderer::_PaintTitle(IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
const std::wstring newTitle = _pData->GetConsoleTitle();
return pEngine->UpdateTitle(newTitle);
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a change in font or DPI has been detected.
// Arguments:
// - iDpi - New DPI value
// - FontInfoDesired - A description of the font we would like to have.
// - FontInfo - Data that will be fixed up/filled on return with the chosen font data.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerFontChange(const int iDpi, const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired, _Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo)
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
LOG_IF_FAILED(pEngine->UpdateFont(FontInfoDesired, FontInfo));
// Routine Description:
// - Get the information on what font we would be using if we decided to create a font with the given parameters
// - This is for use with speculative calculations.
// Arguments:
// - iDpi - The DPI of the target display
// - pFontInfoDesired - A description of the font we would like to have.
// - pFontInfo - Data that will be fixed up/filled on return with the chosen font data.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if set successfully or relevant GDI error via HRESULT.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::GetProposedFont(const int iDpi, const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired, _Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo)
// If there's no head, return E_FAIL. The caller should decide how to
// handle this.
// Currently, the only caller is the WindowProc:WM_GETDPISCALEDSIZE handler.
// It will assume that the proposed font is 1x1, regardless of DPI.
if (_rgpEngines.size() < 1)
return E_FAIL;
// There will only every really be two engines - the real head and the VT
// renderer. We won't know which is which, so iterate over them.
// Only return the result of the successful one if it's not S_FALSE (which is the VT renderer)
// TODO: 14560740 - The Window might be able to get at this info in a more sane manner
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_rgpEngines.size() <= 2));
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
const HRESULT hr = LOG_IF_FAILED(pEngine->GetProposedFont(FontInfoDesired, FontInfo, iDpi));
// We're looking for specifically S_OK, S_FALSE is not good enough.
if (hr == S_OK)
return hr;
return E_FAIL;
// Routine Description:
// - Tests against the current rendering engine to see if this particular character would be considered
// full-width (inscribed in a square, twice as wide as a standard Western character, typically used for CJK
// languages) or half-width.
// - Typically used to determine how many positions in the backing buffer a particular character should fill.
// NOTE: This only handles 1 or 2 wide (in monospace terms) characters.
// Arguments:
// - glyph - the utf16 encoded codepoint to test
// Return Value:
// - True if the codepoint is full-width (two wide), false if it is half-width (one wide).
bool Renderer::IsGlyphWideByFont(const std::wstring_view glyph)
bool fIsFullWidth = false;
// There will only every really be two engines - the real head and the VT
// renderer. We won't know which is which, so iterate over them.
// Only return the result of the successful one if it's not S_FALSE (which is the VT renderer)
// TODO: 14560740 - The Window might be able to get at this info in a more sane manner
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_rgpEngines.size() <= 2));
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
const HRESULT hr = LOG_IF_FAILED(pEngine->IsGlyphWideByFont(glyph, &fIsFullWidth));
// We're looking for specifically S_OK, S_FALSE is not good enough.
if (hr == S_OK)
return fIsFullWidth;
return fIsFullWidth;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets an event in the render thread that allows it to proceed, thus enabling painting.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::EnablePainting()
// Routine Description:
// - Waits for the current paint operation to complete, if any, up to the specified timeout.
// - Resets an event in the render thread that precludes it from advancing, thus disabling rendering.
// - If no paint operation is currently underway, returns immediately.
// Arguments:
// - dwTimeoutMs - Milliseconds to wait for the current paint operation to complete, if any (can be INFINITE).
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::WaitForPaintCompletionAndDisable(const DWORD dwTimeoutMs)
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to fill in the background color of the invalid area within the frame.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_PaintBackground(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
return pEngine->PaintBackground();
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to copy the primary console buffer text onto the screen.
// - This portion primarily handles figuring the current viewport, comparing it/trimming it versus the invalid portion of the frame, and queuing up, row by row, which pieces of text need to be further processed.
// - See also: Helper functions that separate out each complexity of text rendering.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintBufferOutput(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
// This is the subsection of the entire screen buffer that is currently being presented.
// It can move left/right or top/bottom depending on how the viewport is scrolled
// relative to the entire buffer.
const auto view = _pData->GetViewport();
// This is effectively the number of cells on the visible screen that need to be redrawn.
// The origin is always 0, 0 because it represents the screen itself, not the underlying buffer.
const auto dirtyAreas = pEngine->GetDirtyArea();
for (const auto dirtyRect : dirtyAreas)
auto dirty = Viewport::FromInclusive(dirtyRect);
// Shift the origin of the dirty region to match the underlying buffer so we can
// compare the two regions directly for intersection.
dirty = Viewport::Offset(dirty, view.Origin());
// The intersection between what is dirty on the screen (in need of repaint)
// and what is supposed to be visible on the screen (the viewport) is what
// we need to walk through line-by-line and repaint onto the screen.
const auto redraw = Viewport::Intersect(dirty, view);
// Shortcut: don't bother redrawing if the width is 0.
if (redraw.Width() > 0)
// Retrieve the text buffer so we can read information out of it.
const auto& buffer = _pData->GetTextBuffer();
// Now walk through each row of text that we need to redraw.
for (auto row = redraw.Top(); row < redraw.BottomExclusive(); row++)
// Calculate the boundaries of a single line. This is from the left to right edge of the dirty
// area in width and exactly 1 tall.
const auto bufferLine = Viewport::FromDimensions({ redraw.Left(), row }, { redraw.Width(), 1 });
// Find where on the screen we should place this line information. This requires us to re-map
// the buffer-based origin of the line back onto the screen-based origin of the line
// For example, the screen might say we need to paint 1,1 because it is dirty but the viewport is actually looking
// at 13,26 relative to the buffer.
// This means that we need 14,27 out of the backing buffer to fill in the 1,1 cell of the screen.
const auto screenLine = Viewport::Offset(bufferLine, -view.Origin());
// Retrieve the cell information iterator limited to just this line we want to redraw.
auto it = buffer.GetCellDataAt(bufferLine.Origin(), bufferLine);
// Calculate if two things are true:
// 1. this row wrapped
// 2. We're painting the last col of the row.
// In that case, set lineWrapped=true for the _PaintBufferOutputHelper call.
const auto lineWrapped = (buffer.GetRowByOffset(bufferLine.Origin().Y).WasWrapForced()) &&
(bufferLine.RightExclusive() == buffer.GetSize().Width());
// Ask the helper to paint through this specific line.
_PaintBufferOutputHelper(pEngine, it, screenLine.Origin(), lineWrapped);
static bool _IsAllSpaces(const std::wstring_view v)
// first non-space char is not found (is npos)
return v.find_first_not_of(L" ") == decltype(v)::npos;
void Renderer::_PaintBufferOutputHelper(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine,
TextBufferCellIterator it,
const COORD target,
const bool lineWrapped)
auto globalInvert{ _pData->IsScreenReversed() };
// If we have valid data, let's figure out how to draw it.
if (it)
// TODO: MSFT: 20961091 - This is a perf issue. Instead of rebuilding this and allocing memory to hold the reinterpretation,
// we should have an iterator/view adapter for the rendering.
// That would probably also eliminate the RenderData needing to give us the entire TextBuffer as well...
// Retrieve the iterator for one line of information.
size_t cols = 0;
// Retrieve the first color.
auto color = it->TextAttr();
// Retrieve the first pattern id
auto patternIds = _pData->GetPatternId(target);
// And hold the point where we should start drawing.
auto screenPoint = target;
// This outer loop will continue until we reach the end of the text we are trying to draw.
while (it)
// Hold onto the current run color right here for the length of the outer loop.
// We'll be changing the persistent one as we run through the inner loops to detect
// when a run changes, but we will still need to know this color at the bottom
// when we go to draw gridlines for the length of the run.
const auto currentRunColor = color;
// Hold onto the current pattern id as well
const auto currentPatternId = patternIds;
// Update the drawing brushes with our color.
THROW_IF_FAILED(_UpdateDrawingBrushes(pEngine, currentRunColor, false));
// Advance the point by however many columns we've just outputted and reset the accumulator.
screenPoint.X += gsl::narrow<SHORT>(cols);
cols = 0;
// Hold onto the start of this run iterator and the target location where we started
// in case we need to do some special work to paint the line drawing characters.
const auto currentRunItStart = it;
const auto currentRunTargetStart = screenPoint;
// Ensure that our cluster vector is clear.
// Reset our flag to know when we're in the special circumstance
// of attempting to draw only the right-half of a two-column character
// as the first item in our run.
bool trimLeft = false;
// Run contains wide character (>1 columns)
bool containsWideCharacter = false;
// This inner loop will accumulate clusters until the color changes.
// When the color changes, it will save the new color off and break.
// We also accumulate clusters according to regex patterns
COORD thisPoint{ screenPoint.X + gsl::narrow<SHORT>(cols), screenPoint.Y };
const auto thisPointPatterns = _pData->GetPatternId(thisPoint);
if (color != it->TextAttr() || patternIds != thisPointPatterns)
auto newAttr{ it->TextAttr() };
// foreground doesn't matter for runs of spaces (!)
// if we trick it . . . we call Paint far fewer times for cmatrix
if (!_IsAllSpaces(it->Chars()) || !newAttr.HasIdenticalVisualRepresentationForBlankSpace(color, globalInvert) || patternIds != thisPointPatterns)
color = newAttr;
patternIds = thisPointPatterns;
break; // vend this run
// Walk through the text data and turn it into rendering clusters.
// Keep the columnCount as we go to improve performance over digging it out of the vector at the end.
size_t columnCount = 0;
// If we're on the first cluster to be added and it's marked as "trailing"
// (a.k.a. the right half of a two column character), then we need some special handling.
if (_clusterBuffer.empty() && it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
// Move left to the one so the whole character can be struck correctly.
// And tell the next function to trim off the left half of it.
trimLeft = true;
// And add one to the number of columns we expect it to take as we insert it.
columnCount = it->Columns() + 1;
_clusterBuffer.emplace_back(it->Chars(), columnCount);
// Otherwise if it's not a special case, just insert it as is.
columnCount = it->Columns();
_clusterBuffer.emplace_back(it->Chars(), columnCount);
if (columnCount > 1)
containsWideCharacter = true;
// Advance the cluster and column counts.
it += std::max<size_t>(it->Columns(), 1); // prevent infinite loop for no visible columns
cols += columnCount;
} while (it);
// Do the painting.
THROW_IF_FAILED(pEngine->PaintBufferLine({ _clusterBuffer.data(), _clusterBuffer.size() }, screenPoint, trimLeft, lineWrapped));
// If we're allowed to do grid drawing, draw that now too (since it will be coupled with the color data)
// We're only allowed to draw the grid lines under certain circumstances.
if (_pData->IsGridLineDrawingAllowed())
// See GH: 803
// If we found a wide character while we looped above, it's possible we skipped over the right half
// attribute that could have contained different line information than the left half.
if (containsWideCharacter)
// Start from the original position in this run.
auto lineIt = currentRunItStart;
// Start from the original target in this run.
auto lineTarget = currentRunTargetStart;
// We need to go through the iterators again to ensure we get the lines associated with each
// exact column. The code above will condense two-column characters into one, but it is possible
// (like with the IME) that the line drawing characters will vary from the left to right half
// of a wider character.
// We could theoretically pre-pass for this in the loop above to be more efficient about walking
// the iterator, but I fear it would make the code even more confusing than it already is.
// Do that in the future if some WPR trace points you to this spot as super bad.
for (auto colsPainted = 0u; colsPainted < cols; ++colsPainted, ++lineIt, ++lineTarget.X)
auto lines = lineIt->TextAttr();
_PaintBufferOutputGridLineHelper(pEngine, lines, 1, lineTarget);
// If nothing exciting is going on, draw the lines in bulk.
_PaintBufferOutputGridLineHelper(pEngine, currentRunColor, cols, screenPoint);
// Method Description:
// - Generates a IRenderEngine::GridLines structure from the values in the
// provided textAttribute
// Arguments:
// - textAttribute: the TextAttribute to generate GridLines from.
// Return Value:
// - a GridLines containing all the gridline info from the TextAttribute
IRenderEngine::GridLines Renderer::s_GetGridlines(const TextAttribute& textAttribute) noexcept
// Convert console grid line representations into rendering engine enum representations.
IRenderEngine::GridLines lines = IRenderEngine::GridLines::None;
if (textAttribute.IsTopHorizontalDisplayed())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Top;
if (textAttribute.IsBottomHorizontalDisplayed())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Bottom;
if (textAttribute.IsLeftVerticalDisplayed())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Left;
if (textAttribute.IsRightVerticalDisplayed())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Right;
if (textAttribute.IsCrossedOut())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Strikethrough;
if (textAttribute.IsUnderlined())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Underline;
if (textAttribute.IsDoublyUnderlined())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::DoubleUnderline;
if (textAttribute.IsHyperlink())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::HyperlinkUnderline;
return lines;
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper for primary buffer output function.
// - This particular helper sets up the various box drawing lines that can be inscribed around any character in the buffer (left, right, top, underline).
// - See also: All related helpers and buffer output functions.
// Arguments:
// - textAttribute - The line/box drawing attributes to use for this particular run.
// - cchLine - The length of both pwsLine and pbKAttrsLine.
// - coordTarget - The X/Y coordinate position in the buffer which we're attempting to start rendering from.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintBufferOutputGridLineHelper(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine,
const TextAttribute textAttribute,
const size_t cchLine,
const COORD coordTarget)
// Convert console grid line representations into rendering engine enum representations.
IRenderEngine::GridLines lines = Renderer::s_GetGridlines(textAttribute);
// For now, we dash underline patterns and switch to regular underline on hover
// Since we're only rendering pattern links on *hover*, there's no point in checking
// the pattern range if we aren't currently hovering.
if (_hoveredInterval.has_value())
const til::point coordTargetTil{ coordTarget };
if (_hoveredInterval->start <= coordTargetTil &&
coordTargetTil <= _hoveredInterval->stop)
if (_pData->GetPatternId(coordTarget).size() > 0)
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Underline;
// Return early if there are no lines to paint.
if (lines != IRenderEngine::GridLines::None)
// Get the current foreground color to render the lines.
const COLORREF rgb = _pData->GetAttributeColors(textAttribute).first;
// Draw the lines
LOG_IF_FAILED(pEngine->PaintBufferGridLines(lines, rgb, cchLine, coordTarget));
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieve information about the cursor, and pack it into a CursorOptions
// which the render engine can use for painting the cursor.
// - If the cursor is "off", or the cursor is out of bounds of the viewport,
// this will return nullopt (indicating the cursor shouldn't be painted this
// frame)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullopt if the cursor is off or out-of-frame, otherwise a CursorOptions
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<CursorOptions> Renderer::_GetCursorInfo()
if (_pData->IsCursorVisible())
// Get cursor position in buffer
COORD coordCursor = _pData->GetCursorPosition();
// GH#3166: Only draw the cursor if it's actually in the viewport. It
// might be on the line that's in that partially visible row at the
// bottom of the viewport, the space that's not quite a full line in
// height. Since we don't draw that text, we shouldn't draw the cursor
// there either.
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
if (view.IsInBounds(coordCursor))
// Adjust cursor to viewport
COLORREF cursorColor = _pData->GetCursorColor();
bool useColor = cursorColor != INVALID_COLOR;
// Build up the cursor parameters including position, color, and drawing options
CursorOptions options;
options.coordCursor = coordCursor;
options.ulCursorHeightPercent = _pData->GetCursorHeight();
options.cursorPixelWidth = _pData->GetCursorPixelWidth();
options.fIsDoubleWidth = _pData->IsCursorDoubleWidth();
options.cursorType = _pData->GetCursorStyle();
options.fUseColor = useColor;
options.cursorColor = cursorColor;
options.isOn = _pData->IsCursorOn();
return { options };
return std::nullopt;
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to draw the cursor within the buffer.
// Arguments:
// - engine - The render engine that we're targeting.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintCursor(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
const auto cursorInfo = _GetCursorInfo();
if (cursorInfo.has_value())
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves info from the render data to prepare the engine with, before the
// frame is drawn. Some renderers might want to use this information to affect
// later drawing decisions.
// * Namely, the DX renderer uses this to know the cursor position and state
// before PaintCursor is called, so it can draw the cursor underneath the
// text.
// Arguments:
// - engine - The render engine that we're targeting.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if the engine prepared successfully, or a relevant error via HRESULT.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_PrepareRenderInfo(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
RenderFrameInfo info;
info.cursorInfo = _GetCursorInfo();
return pEngine->PrepareRenderInfo(info);
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to draw text that overlays the main buffer to provide user interactivity regions
// - This supports IME composition.
// Arguments:
// - engine - The render engine that we're targeting.
// - overlay - The overlay to draw.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintOverlay(IRenderEngine& engine,
const RenderOverlay& overlay)
// First get the screen buffer's viewport.
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
// Now get the overlay's viewport and adjust it to where it is supposed to be relative to the window.
SMALL_RECT srCaView = overlay.region.ToInclusive();
srCaView.Top += overlay.origin.Y;
srCaView.Bottom += overlay.origin.Y;
srCaView.Left += overlay.origin.X;
srCaView.Right += overlay.origin.X;
// Set it up in a Viewport helper structure and trim it the IME viewport to be within the full console viewport.
Viewport viewConv = Viewport::FromInclusive(srCaView);
for (SMALL_RECT srDirty : engine.GetDirtyArea())
// Dirty is an inclusive rectangle, but oddly enough the IME was an exclusive one, so correct it.
if (viewConv.TrimToViewport(&srDirty))
Viewport viewDirty = Viewport::FromInclusive(srDirty);
for (SHORT iRow = viewDirty.Top(); iRow < viewDirty.BottomInclusive(); iRow++)
const COORD target{ viewDirty.Left(), iRow };
const auto source = target - overlay.origin;
auto it = overlay.buffer.GetCellLineDataAt(source);
_PaintBufferOutputHelper(&engine, it, target, false);
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to draw the composition string portion of the IME.
// - This specifically is the string that appears at the cursor on the input line showing what the user is currently typing.
// - See also: Generic Paint IME helper method.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintOverlays(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
const auto overlays = _pData->GetOverlays();
for (const auto& overlay : overlays)
_PaintOverlay(*pEngine, overlay);
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to draw the selected area of the window.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintSelection(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
auto dirtyAreas = pEngine->GetDirtyArea();
// Get selection rectangles
const auto rectangles = _GetSelectionRects();
for (auto rect : rectangles)
for (auto dirtyRect : dirtyAreas)
// Make a copy as `TrimToViewport` will manipulate it and
// can destroy it for the next dirtyRect to test against.
auto rectCopy = rect;
Viewport dirtyView = Viewport::FromInclusive(dirtyRect);
if (dirtyView.TrimToViewport(&rectCopy))
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to convert the text attributes to actual RGB colors and update the rendering pen/brush within the rendering engine before the next draw operation.
// Arguments:
// - pEngine - Which engine is being updated
// - textAttributes - The 16 color foreground/background combination to set
// - isSettingDefaultBrushes - Alerts that the default brushes are being set which will
// impact whether or not to include the hung window/erase window brushes in this operation
// and can affect other draw state that wants to know the default color scheme.
// (Usually only happens when the default is changed, not when each individual color is swapped in a multi-color run.)
// Return Value:
// - <none>
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_UpdateDrawingBrushes(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine, const TextAttribute textAttributes, const bool isSettingDefaultBrushes)
// The last color needs to be each engine's responsibility. If it's local to this function,
// then on the next engine we might not update the color.
return pEngine->UpdateDrawingBrushes(textAttributes, _pData, isSettingDefaultBrushes);
// Routine Description:
// - Helper called before a majority of paint operations to scroll most of the previous frame into the appropriate
// position before we paint the remaining invalid area.
// - Used to save drawing time/improve performance
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_PerformScrolling(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
return pEngine->ScrollFrame();
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to determine the selected region of the buffer.
// Return Value:
// - A vector of rectangles representing the regions to select, line by line.
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> Renderer::_GetSelectionRects() const
auto rects = _pData->GetSelectionRects();
// Adjust rectangles to viewport
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> result;
for (auto& rect : rects)
auto sr = view.ConvertToOrigin(rect).ToInclusive();
// hopefully temporary, we should be receiving the right selection sizes without correction.
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Offsets all of the selection rectangles we might be holding onto
// as the previously selected area. If the whole viewport scrolls,
// we need to scroll these areas also to ensure they're invalidated
// properly when the selection further changes.
// Arguments:
// - delta - The scroll delta
// Return Value:
// - <none> - Updates internal state instead.
void Renderer::_ScrollPreviousSelection(const til::point delta)
if (delta != til::point{ 0, 0 })
for (auto& sr : _previousSelection)
// Get a rectangle representing this piece of the selection.
til::rectangle rc = Viewport::FromExclusive(sr).ToInclusive();
// Offset the entire existing rectangle by the delta.
rc += delta;
// Store it back into the vector.
sr = Viewport::FromInclusive(rc).ToExclusive();
// Method Description:
// - Adds another Render engine to this renderer. Future rendering calls will
// also be sent to the new renderer.
// Arguments:
// - pEngine: The new render engine to be added
// Return Value:
// - <none>
// Throws if we ran out of memory or there was some other error appending the
// engine to our collection.
void Renderer::AddRenderEngine(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
// Method Description:
// - Registers a callback that will be called when this renderer gives up.
// An application consuming a renderer can use this to display auxiliary Retry UI
// Arguments:
// - pfn: the callback
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::SetRendererEnteredErrorStateCallback(std::function<void()> pfn)
_pfnRendererEnteredErrorState = std::move(pfn);
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to restart the renderer.
void Renderer::ResetErrorStateAndResume()
// because we're not stateful (we could be in the future), all we want to do is reenable painting.
void Renderer::UpdateLastHoveredInterval(const std::optional<PointTree::interval>& newInterval)
_hoveredInterval = newInterval;
// Method Description:
// - Blocks until the engines are able to render without blocking.
void Renderer::WaitUntilCanRender()
for (const auto pEngine : _rgpEngines)