Dustin L. Howett dbbe820ae4
Update clang-format to 10.0 (#7389)
This commit removes our local copy of clang-format 8 and replaces it
with a newly-built nuget package containing clang-format 10.

This resolves the inconsistency between our version of clang-format and
the one shipped in Visual Studio.

A couple minor format changes were either required or erroneously forced
upon us--chief among them is a redistribution of `*`s around SAL
annotations in inline class members of COM classes. Don't ask why; I
couldn't figure it out.

We had some aspirational goals for our formatting, which were left in
but commented out. Enabling them changes our format a little more than
I'm comfortable with, so I uncommented them and locked them to the
format style we've been using for the past year. We may not love it, but
our aspirations may not matter here any longer. Consistent formatting is
better than perfect formatting.
2020-08-25 17:15:43 +00:00

98 lines
2.9 KiB

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