Michael Niksa 068e3e7bc2
til::point (#4897)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Introduces convenience type `til::point` which automatically implements our best practices for point-related types and provides automatic conversions in/out of the relevant types.

## PR Checklist
* [x] In support of Differential Rendering #778
* [X] I work here.
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [x] I'm a core contributor.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- Automatically converts in from anything with a X/Y (console `COORD`) or x/y (Win32 `POINT`)
- Automatically converts out to `COORD`, `POINT`, or `D2D1_POINT_2F`.
- Constructs from bare integers written into source file
- Default constructs to empty
- Uses Chromium Math for all basic math operations (+, -, *, /)
- Provides equality tests
- Accessors for x/y
- Type converting accessors (that use safe conversions and throw) for x/y
- TAEF/WEX Output and Comparators so they will print very nicely with `VERIFY` and `Log` macros in our testing suite.
- A natvis

## Validation Steps Performed
- See automated tests of functionality.
2020-03-13 00:04:43 +00:00

462 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "til/point.h"
using namespace WEX::Common;
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
class PointTests
const til::point pt;
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(10, pt._y);
Log::Comment(L"0.) Normal unsigned construct.");
const size_t x = 5;
const size_t y = 10;
const til::point pt{ x, y };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(10, pt._y);
Log::Comment(L"1.) Unsigned construct overflow on x.");
constexpr size_t x = std::numeric_limits<size_t>().max();
const size_t y = 10;
auto fn = [&]() {
til::point pt{ x, y };
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"2.) Unsigned construct overflow on y.");
constexpr size_t y = std::numeric_limits<size_t>().max();
const size_t x = 10;
auto fn = [&]() {
til::point pt{ x, y };
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
const ptrdiff_t x = -5;
const ptrdiff_t y = -10;
const til::point pt{ x, y };
COORD coord{ -5, 10 };
const til::point pt{ coord };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(coord.X, pt._x);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(coord.Y, pt._y);
POINT point{ 5, -10 };
const til::point pt{ point };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(point.x, pt._x);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(point.y, pt._y);
Log::Comment(L"0.) Equal.");
const til::point s1{ 5, 10 };
const til::point s2{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(s1 == s2);
Log::Comment(L"1.) Left Width changed.");
const til::point s1{ 4, 10 };
const til::point s2{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(s1 == s2);
Log::Comment(L"2.) Right Width changed.");
const til::point s1{ 5, 10 };
const til::point s2{ 6, 10 };
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(s1 == s2);
Log::Comment(L"3.) Left Height changed.");
const til::point s1{ 5, 9 };
const til::point s2{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(s1 == s2);
Log::Comment(L"4.) Right Height changed.");
const til::point s1{ 5, 10 };
const til::point s2{ 5, 11 };
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(s1 == s2);
Log::Comment(L"0.) Equal.");
const til::point s1{ 5, 10 };
const til::point s2{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(s1 != s2);
Log::Comment(L"1.) Left Width changed.");
const til::point s1{ 4, 10 };
const til::point s2{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(s1 != s2);
Log::Comment(L"2.) Right Width changed.");
const til::point s1{ 5, 10 };
const til::point s2{ 6, 10 };
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(s1 != s2);
Log::Comment(L"3.) Left Height changed.");
const til::point s1{ 5, 9 };
const til::point s2{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(s1 != s2);
Log::Comment(L"4.) Right Height changed.");
const til::point s1{ 5, 10 };
const til::point s2{ 5, 11 };
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(s1 != s2);
const til::point empty;
const til::point yOnly{ 0, 10 };
const til::point xOnly{ 10, 0 };
const til::point both{ 10, 10 };
Log::Comment(L"0.) Addition of two things that should be in bounds.");
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
const til::point pt2{ 23, 47 };
const til::point expected{ pt.x() + pt2.x(), pt.y() + pt2.y() };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, pt + pt2);
Log::Comment(L"1.) Addition results in value that is too large (x).");
constexpr ptrdiff_t bigSize = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const til::point pt{ bigSize, static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(0) };
const til::point pt2{ 1, 1 };
auto fn = [&]() {
pt + pt2;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"2.) Addition results in value that is too large (y).");
constexpr ptrdiff_t bigSize = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const til::point pt{ static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(0), bigSize };
const til::point pt2{ 1, 1 };
auto fn = [&]() {
pt + pt2;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"0.) Subtraction of two things that should be in bounds.");
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
const til::point pt2{ 23, 47 };
const til::point expected{ pt.x() - pt2.x(), pt.y() - pt2.y() };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, pt - pt2);
Log::Comment(L"1.) Subtraction results in value that is too small (x).");
constexpr ptrdiff_t bigSize = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const til::point pt{ bigSize, static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(0) };
const til::point pt2{ -2, -2 };
auto fn = [&]() {
pt2 - pt;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"2.) Subtraction results in value that is too small (y).");
constexpr ptrdiff_t bigSize = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const til::point pt{ static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(0), bigSize };
const til::point pt2{ -2, -2 };
auto fn = [&]() {
pt2 - pt;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"0.) Multiplication of two things that should be in bounds.");
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
const til::point pt2{ 23, 47 };
const til::point expected{ pt.x() * pt2.x(), pt.y() * pt2.y() };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, pt * pt2);
Log::Comment(L"1.) Multiplication results in value that is too large (x).");
constexpr ptrdiff_t bigSize = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const til::point pt{ bigSize, static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(0) };
const til::point pt2{ 10, 10 };
auto fn = [&]() {
pt* pt2;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"2.) Multiplication results in value that is too large (y).");
constexpr ptrdiff_t bigSize = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const til::point pt{ static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(0), bigSize };
const til::point pt2{ 10, 10 };
auto fn = [&]() {
pt* pt2;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"0.) Division of two things that should be in bounds.");
const til::point pt{ 555, 510 };
const til::point pt2{ 23, 47 };
const til::point expected{ pt.x() / pt2.x(), pt.y() / pt2.y() };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, pt / pt2);
Log::Comment(L"1.) Division by zero");
constexpr ptrdiff_t bigSize = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const til::point pt{ bigSize, static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(0) };
const til::point pt2{ 1, 1 };
auto fn = [&]() {
pt2 / pt;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pt._x, pt.x());
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(static_cast<SHORT>(pt._x), pt.x<SHORT>());
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(pt._y, pt.y());
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(static_cast<SHORT>(pt._x), pt.x<SHORT>());
Log::Comment(L"0.) Typical situation.");
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
COORD val = pt;
Log::Comment(L"1.) Overflow on x.");
constexpr ptrdiff_t x = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const ptrdiff_t y = 10;
const til::point pt{ x, y };
auto fn = [&]() {
COORD val = pt;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"2.) Overflow on y.");
constexpr ptrdiff_t y = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const ptrdiff_t x = 10;
const til::point pt{ x, y };
auto fn = [&]() {
COORD val = pt;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
Log::Comment(L"0.) Typical situation.");
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
POINT val = pt;
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(10, val.y);
Log::Comment(L"1.) Fit max x into POINT (may overflow).");
constexpr ptrdiff_t x = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const ptrdiff_t y = 10;
const til::point pt{ x, y };
// On some platforms, ptrdiff_t will fit inside x/y
const bool overflowExpected = x > std::numeric_limits<decltype(POINT::x)>().max();
if (overflowExpected)
auto fn = [&]() {
POINT val = pt;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
POINT val = pt;
Log::Comment(L"2.) Fit max y into POINT (may overflow).");
constexpr ptrdiff_t y = std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>().max();
const ptrdiff_t x = 10;
const til::point pt{ x, y };
// On some platforms, ptrdiff_t will fit inside x/y
const bool overflowExpected = y > std::numeric_limits<decltype(POINT::y)>().max();
if (overflowExpected)
auto fn = [&]() {
POINT val = pt;
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(fn(), wil::ResultException, [](wil::ResultException& e) { return e.GetErrorCode() == E_ABORT; });
POINT val = pt;
Log::Comment(L"0.) Typical situation.");
const til::point pt{ 5, 10 };
D2D1_POINT_2F val = pt;
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(10, val.y);
// All ptrdiff_ts fit into a float, so there's no exception tests.