Mike Griese c18c240627 Manually dismiss popups when the window moves, or the SUI scrolls (#10922)

This solution was suggested in https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/4554#issuecomment-887815332.

When the window moves, or when a ScrollViewer scrolls, dismiss any popups that are visible. This happens automagically when an app is a real XAML app, but it doesn't work for XAML Islands.

* upstream at https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/4554

* [x] Closes #9320
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated

Unfortunately, we've got a bunch of scroll viewers in our SUI. So I did something bodgyx2 to make our life a little easier.

`DismissAllPopups` can be used to dismiss all popups for a particular UI element. However, we've got a bunch of pages with scroll viewers that may or may not have popups in them. Rather than define the same exact body for all their `ViewChanging` events, the `HasScrollViewer` struct will just do it for you!

Inside the `HasScrollViewer` stuct, we can't get at the `XamlRoot()` that our subclass implements. I mean, _we_ can, but when XAML does it's codegen, _XAML_ won't be able to figure it out.

Fortunately for us, we don't need to! The sender is a UIElement, so we can just get _their_ `XamlRoot()`.

So, you can fix this for any SUI page with just a simple

-    <ScrollViewer>
+    <ScrollViewer ViewChanging="ViewChanging">

-    struct AddProfile : AddProfileT<AddProfile>
+    struct AddProfile : public HasScrollViewer<AddProfile>, AddProfileT<AddProfile>

* the window doesn't close when you move it
* the popups _do_ close when you move the window
* the popups close when you scroll any SUI page
2021-08-25 17:44:18 -05:00

143 lines
7.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "Actions.g.h"
#include "KeyBindingViewModel.g.h"
#include "ActionsPageNavigationState.g.h"
#include "ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs.g.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "ViewModelHelpers.h"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::implementation
struct KeyBindingViewModelComparator
bool operator()(const Editor::KeyBindingViewModel& lhs, const Editor::KeyBindingViewModel& rhs) const
return lhs.Name() < rhs.Name();
struct ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs : ModifyKeyBindingEventArgsT<ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs>
ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs(const Control::KeyChord& oldKeys, const Control::KeyChord& newKeys, const hstring oldActionName, const hstring newActionName) :
_OldKeys{ oldKeys },
_NewKeys{ newKeys },
_OldActionName{ std::move(oldActionName) },
_NewActionName{ std::move(newActionName) } {}
WINRT_PROPERTY(Control::KeyChord, OldKeys, nullptr);
WINRT_PROPERTY(Control::KeyChord, NewKeys, nullptr);
WINRT_PROPERTY(hstring, OldActionName);
WINRT_PROPERTY(hstring, NewActionName);
struct KeyBindingViewModel : KeyBindingViewModelT<KeyBindingViewModel>, ViewModelHelper<KeyBindingViewModel>
KeyBindingViewModel(const Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<hstring>& availableActions);
KeyBindingViewModel(const Control::KeyChord& keys, const hstring& name, const Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<hstring>& availableActions);
hstring Name() const { return _CurrentAction; }
hstring KeyChordText() const { return _KeyChordText; }
// UIA Text
hstring EditButtonName() const noexcept;
hstring CancelButtonName() const noexcept;
hstring AcceptButtonName() const noexcept;
hstring DeleteButtonName() const noexcept;
void EnterHoverMode() { IsHovered(true); };
void ExitHoverMode() { IsHovered(false); };
void ActionGotFocus() { IsContainerFocused(true); };
void ActionLostFocus() { IsContainerFocused(false); };
void EditButtonGettingFocus() { IsEditButtonFocused(true); };
void EditButtonLosingFocus() { IsEditButtonFocused(false); };
bool ShowEditButton() const noexcept;
void ToggleEditMode();
void DisableEditMode() { IsInEditMode(false); }
void AttemptAcceptChanges();
void AttemptAcceptChanges(hstring newKeyChordText);
void CancelChanges();
void DeleteKeyBinding() { _DeleteKeyBindingRequestedHandlers(*this, _Keys); }
// ProposedAction: the entry selected by the combo box; may disagree with the settings model.
// CurrentAction: the combo box item that maps to the settings model value.
// AvailableActions: the list of options in the combo box; both actions above must be in this list.
// NOTE: ProposedAction and CurrentAction may disagree mainly due to the "edit mode" system in place.
// Current Action serves as...
// 1 - a record of what to set ProposedAction to on a cancellation
// 2 - a form of translation between ProposedAction and the settings model
// We would also need an ActionMap reference to remove this, but this is a better separation
// of responsibilities.
WINRT_PROPERTY(Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<hstring>, AvailableActions, nullptr);
// ProposedKeys: the text shown in the text box; may disagree with the settings model.
// Keys: the key chord bound in the settings model.
VIEW_MODEL_OBSERVABLE_PROPERTY(Control::KeyChord, Keys, nullptr);
VIEW_MODEL_OBSERVABLE_PROPERTY(Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Flyout, AcceptChangesFlyout, nullptr);
VIEW_MODEL_OBSERVABLE_PROPERTY(bool, IsAutomationPeerAttached, false);
VIEW_MODEL_OBSERVABLE_PROPERTY(bool, IsContainerFocused, false);
VIEW_MODEL_OBSERVABLE_PROPERTY(bool, IsEditButtonFocused, false);
VIEW_MODEL_OBSERVABLE_PROPERTY(Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Brush, ContainerBackground, nullptr);
TYPED_EVENT(ModifyKeyBindingRequested, Editor::KeyBindingViewModel, Editor::ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(DeleteKeyBindingRequested, Editor::KeyBindingViewModel, Terminal::Control::KeyChord);
TYPED_EVENT(DeleteNewlyAddedKeyBinding, Editor::KeyBindingViewModel, IInspectable);
hstring _KeyChordText{};
struct ActionsPageNavigationState : ActionsPageNavigationStateT<ActionsPageNavigationState>
ActionsPageNavigationState(const Model::CascadiaSettings& settings) :
_Settings{ settings } {}
WINRT_PROPERTY(Model::CascadiaSettings, Settings, nullptr)
struct Actions : public HasScrollViewer<Actions>, ActionsT<Actions>
void OnNavigatedTo(const winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation::NavigationEventArgs& e);
Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers::AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer();
void KeyChordEditor_KeyDown(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::KeyRoutedEventArgs const& e);
void AddNew_Click(const IInspectable& sender, const Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs& eventArgs);
WINRT_CALLBACK(PropertyChanged, Windows::UI::Xaml::Data::PropertyChangedEventHandler);
WINRT_PROPERTY(Editor::ActionsPageNavigationState, State, nullptr);
WINRT_PROPERTY(Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<Editor::KeyBindingViewModel>, KeyBindingList);
void _ViewModelPropertyChangedHandler(const Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& senderVM, const Windows::UI::Xaml::Data::PropertyChangedEventArgs& args);
void _ViewModelDeleteKeyBindingHandler(const Editor::KeyBindingViewModel& senderVM, const Control::KeyChord& args);
void _ViewModelModifyKeyBindingHandler(const Editor::KeyBindingViewModel& senderVM, const Editor::ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs& args);
void _ViewModelDeleteNewlyAddedKeyBindingHandler(const Editor::KeyBindingViewModel& senderVM, const IInspectable& args);
std::optional<uint32_t> _GetContainerIndexByKeyChord(const Control::KeyChord& keys);
void _RegisterEvents(com_ptr<implementation::KeyBindingViewModel>& kbdVM);
bool _AutomationPeerAttached{ false };
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<hstring> _AvailableActionAndArgs;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<hstring, Model::ActionAndArgs> _AvailableActionMap;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::factory_implementation