Dustin Howett d4d59fa339 Initial release of the Windows Terminal source code
This commit introduces all of the Windows Terminal and Console Host source,
under the MIT license.
2019-05-02 15:29:04 -07:00

58 lines
1.7 KiB

HelpMessage="Base name for input .appx files")]
HelpMessage="Appx Bundle Version")]
HelpMessage="Path under which to locate appx/msix files")]
HelpMessage="Output Path")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Path to makeappx.exe")]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -Type Leaf})]
$MakeAppxPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x86\MakeAppx.exe"
If ($null -Eq (Get-Item $MakeAppxPath -EA:SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Error "Could not find MakeAppx.exe at `"$MakeAppxPath`".`nMake sure that -MakeAppxPath points to a valid SDK."
Exit 1
# Enumerates a set of appx files beginning with a project name
# and generates a temporary file containing a bundle content map.
Function Create-AppxBundleMapping {
$lines = @("[Files]")
Get-ChildItem -Path:$InputPath -Recurse -Filter:*$ProjectName* -Include *.appx, *.msix | % {
$lines += ("`"{0}`" `"{1}`"" -f ($_.FullName, $_.Name))
$outputFile = New-TemporaryFile
$lines | Out-File -Encoding:ASCII $outputFile
$NewMapping = Create-AppxBundleMapping -InputPath:$InputPath -ProjectName:$ProjectName
& $MakeAppxPath bundle /v /bv $BundleVersion.ToString() /f $NewMapping.FullName /p $OutputPath