Kaiyu Wang d7ae8e6db9 Search - add search box control and implement search experience (#3590)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
This is the PR for feature Search: #605 
This PR includes the newly introduced SearchBoxControl in TermControl dir, which is the search bar for the search experience. And the codes that enable Search in Windows Terminal. 

<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
The PR that migrates the Conhost search module: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/3279
Spec (still actively updating): https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/3299
<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #605 
* [ ] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
These functionalities are included in the search experience. 
1. Search in Terminal text buffer. 
2. Automatic wrap-around. 
3. Search up or down switch by clicking different buttons.
4. Search case sensitively/insensitively by clicking a button.                                                                                                                                                S. Move the search box to the top/bottom by clicking a button. 
6. Close by clicking 'X'. 
7. Open search by ctrl + F.

When the searchbox is open, the user could still interact with the terminal by clicking the terminal input area. 

While I already have the search functionalities, currently there are still some known to-do works and I will keep updating my PR:

1. Optimize the search box UI, this includes:
                                                  1) Theme adaptation. The search box background and font color 
                                                       should change according to the theme, 
                                                  2) Add background. Currently the elements in search box are all
                                                      transparent. However, we need a background. 
                                                  3) Move button should be highlighted once clicked. 
2. Accessibility: search process should be able to performed without mouse. Once the search box is focused, the user should be able to navigate between all interactive elements on the searchbox using keyboard. 

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->

To test:
1. checkout this branch.
2. Build the project. 
3. Start Windows Terminal and press Ctrl+F
4. The search box should appear on the top right corner.
2019-12-17 15:52:37 +00:00

525 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// - A couple helper functions for serializing/deserializing an AppKeyBindings
// to/from json.
// Author(s):
// - Mike Griese - May 2019
#include "pch.h"
#include "AppKeyBindings.h"
#include "ActionAndArgs.h"
#include "KeyChordSerialization.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.h>
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
static constexpr std::string_view KeysKey{ "keys" };
static constexpr std::string_view CommandKey{ "command" };
static constexpr std::string_view ActionKey{ "action" };
// This key is reserved to remove a keybinding, instead of mapping it to an action.
static constexpr std::string_view UnboundKey{ "unbound" };
static constexpr std::string_view CopyTextKey{ "copy" };
static constexpr std::string_view CopyTextWithoutNewlinesKey{ "copyTextWithoutNewlines" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view PasteTextKey{ "paste" };
static constexpr std::string_view OpenNewTabDropdownKey{ "openNewTabDropdown" };
static constexpr std::string_view DuplicateTabKey{ "duplicateTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabKey{ "newTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile0Key{ "newTabProfile0" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile1Key{ "newTabProfile1" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile2Key{ "newTabProfile2" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile3Key{ "newTabProfile3" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile4Key{ "newTabProfile4" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile5Key{ "newTabProfile5" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile6Key{ "newTabProfile6" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile7Key{ "newTabProfile7" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewTabWithProfile8Key{ "newTabProfile8" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view NewWindowKey{ "newWindow" };
static constexpr std::string_view CloseWindowKey{ "closeWindow" };
static constexpr std::string_view CloseTabKey{ "closeTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view ClosePaneKey{ "closePane" };
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchtoTabKey{ "switchToTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view NextTabKey{ "nextTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view PrevTabKey{ "prevTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view IncreaseFontSizeKey{ "increaseFontSize" };
static constexpr std::string_view DecreaseFontSizeKey{ "decreaseFontSize" };
static constexpr std::string_view ResetFontSizeKey{ "resetFontSize" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrollupKey{ "scrollUp" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrolldownKey{ "scrollDown" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrolluppageKey{ "scrollUpPage" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrolldownpageKey{ "scrollDownPage" };
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTabKey{ "switchToTab" };
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab0Key{ "switchToTab0" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab1Key{ "switchToTab1" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab2Key{ "switchToTab2" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab3Key{ "switchToTab3" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab4Key{ "switchToTab4" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab5Key{ "switchToTab5" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab6Key{ "switchToTab6" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab7Key{ "switchToTab7" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SwitchToTab8Key{ "switchToTab8" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view OpenSettingsKey{ "openSettings" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SplitPaneKey{ "splitPane" };
static constexpr std::string_view SplitHorizontalKey{ "splitHorizontal" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view SplitVerticalKey{ "splitVertical" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view ResizePaneKey{ "resizePane" };
static constexpr std::string_view ResizePaneLeftKey{ "resizePaneLeft" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view ResizePaneRightKey{ "resizePaneRight" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view ResizePaneUpKey{ "resizePaneUp" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view ResizePaneDownKey{ "resizePaneDown" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view MoveFocusKey{ "moveFocus" };
static constexpr std::string_view MoveFocusLeftKey{ "moveFocusLeft" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view MoveFocusRightKey{ "moveFocusRight" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view MoveFocusUpKey{ "moveFocusUp" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view MoveFocusDownKey{ "moveFocusDown" }; // Legacy
static constexpr std::string_view FindKey{ "find" };
static constexpr std::string_view ToggleFullscreenKey{ "toggleFullscreen" };
// Specifically use a map here over an unordered_map. We want to be able to
// iterate over these entries in-order when we're serializing the keybindings.
// These are string_views that are being used as keys. These string_views are
// just pointers to other strings. This could be dangerous, if the map outlived
// the actual strings being pointed to. However, since both these strings and
// the map are all const for the lifetime of the app, we have nothing to worry
// about here.
static const std::map<std::string_view, ShortcutAction, std::less<>> commandNames{
{ CopyTextKey, ShortcutAction::CopyText },
{ CopyTextWithoutNewlinesKey, ShortcutAction::CopyTextWithoutNewlines },
{ PasteTextKey, ShortcutAction::PasteText },
{ OpenNewTabDropdownKey, ShortcutAction::OpenNewTabDropdown },
{ DuplicateTabKey, ShortcutAction::DuplicateTab },
{ NewTabKey, ShortcutAction::NewTab },
{ NewTabWithProfile0Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile0 },
{ NewTabWithProfile1Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile1 },
{ NewTabWithProfile2Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile2 },
{ NewTabWithProfile3Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile3 },
{ NewTabWithProfile4Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile4 },
{ NewTabWithProfile5Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile5 },
{ NewTabWithProfile6Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile6 },
{ NewTabWithProfile7Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile7 },
{ NewTabWithProfile8Key, ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile8 },
{ NewWindowKey, ShortcutAction::NewWindow },
{ CloseWindowKey, ShortcutAction::CloseWindow },
{ CloseTabKey, ShortcutAction::CloseTab },
{ ClosePaneKey, ShortcutAction::ClosePane },
{ NextTabKey, ShortcutAction::NextTab },
{ PrevTabKey, ShortcutAction::PrevTab },
{ IncreaseFontSizeKey, ShortcutAction::IncreaseFontSize },
{ DecreaseFontSizeKey, ShortcutAction::DecreaseFontSize },
{ ResetFontSizeKey, ShortcutAction::ResetFontSize },
{ ScrollupKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollUp },
{ ScrolldownKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollDown },
{ ScrolluppageKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollUpPage },
{ ScrolldownpageKey, ShortcutAction::ScrollDownPage },
{ SwitchToTabKey, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab },
{ SwitchToTab0Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab0 },
{ SwitchToTab1Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab1 },
{ SwitchToTab2Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab2 },
{ SwitchToTab3Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab3 },
{ SwitchToTab4Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab4 },
{ SwitchToTab5Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab5 },
{ SwitchToTab6Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab6 },
{ SwitchToTab7Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab7 },
{ SwitchToTab8Key, ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab8 },
{ SplitHorizontalKey, ShortcutAction::SplitHorizontal },
{ SplitVerticalKey, ShortcutAction::SplitVertical },
{ ResizePaneKey, ShortcutAction::ResizePane },
{ ResizePaneLeftKey, ShortcutAction::ResizePaneLeft },
{ ResizePaneRightKey, ShortcutAction::ResizePaneRight },
{ ResizePaneUpKey, ShortcutAction::ResizePaneUp },
{ ResizePaneDownKey, ShortcutAction::ResizePaneDown },
{ MoveFocusKey, ShortcutAction::MoveFocus },
{ MoveFocusLeftKey, ShortcutAction::MoveFocusLeft },
{ MoveFocusRightKey, ShortcutAction::MoveFocusRight },
{ MoveFocusUpKey, ShortcutAction::MoveFocusUp },
{ MoveFocusDownKey, ShortcutAction::MoveFocusDown },
{ OpenSettingsKey, ShortcutAction::OpenSettings },
{ ToggleFullscreenKey, ShortcutAction::ToggleFullscreen },
{ SplitPaneKey, ShortcutAction::SplitPane },
{ UnboundKey, ShortcutAction::Invalid },
{ FindKey, ShortcutAction::Find },
// Function Description:
// - Creates a function that can be used to generate a SplitPaneArgs for the
// legacy Split[SplitState] actions. These actions don't accept args from
// json, instead, they just return a SplitPaneArgs with the style already
// pre-defined, based on the input param.
// - TODO: GH#1069 Remove this before 1.0, and force an upgrade to the new args.
// Arguments:
// - style: the split style to create the parse function for.
// Return Value:
// - A function that can be used to "parse" json into one of the legacy
// Split[SplitState] args.
std::function<IActionArgs(const Json::Value&)> LegacyParseSplitPaneArgs(SplitState style)
auto pfn = [style](const Json::Value & /*value*/) -> IActionArgs {
auto args = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::SplitPaneArgs>();
return *args;
return pfn;
// Function Description:
// - Creates a function that can be used to generate a MoveFocusArgs for the
// legacy MoveFocus[Direction] actions. These actions don't accept args from
// json, instead, they just return a MoveFocusArgs with the Direction already
// per-defined, based on the input param.
// - TODO: GH#1069 Remove this before 1.0, and force an upgrade to the new args.
// Arguments:
// - direction: the direction to create the parse function for.
// Return Value:
// - A function that can be used to "parse" json into one of the legacy
// MoveFocus[Direction] args.
std::function<IActionArgs(const Json::Value&)> LegacyParseMoveFocusArgs(Direction direction)
auto pfn = [direction](const Json::Value & /*value*/) -> IActionArgs {
auto args = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::MoveFocusArgs>();
return *args;
return pfn;
// Function Description:
// - Creates a function that can be used to generate a ResizePaneArgs for the
// legacy ResizePane[Direction] actions. These actions don't accept args from
// json, instead, they just return a ResizePaneArgs with the Direction already
// per-defined, based on the input param.
// - TODO: GH#1069 Remove this before 1.0, and force an upgrade to the new args.
// Arguments:
// - direction: the direction to create the parse function for.
// Return Value:
// - A function that can be used to "parse" json into one of the legacy
// ResizePane[Direction] args.
std::function<IActionArgs(const Json::Value&)> LegacyParseResizePaneArgs(Direction direction)
auto pfn = [direction](const Json::Value & /*value*/) -> IActionArgs {
auto args = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::ResizePaneArgs>();
return *args;
return pfn;
// Function Description:
// - Creates a function that can be used to generate a NewTabWithProfileArgs for
// the legacy NewTabWithProfile[Index] actions. These actions don't accept
// args from json, instead, they just return a NewTabWithProfileArgs with the
// index already per-defined, based on the input param.
// - TODO: GH#1069 Remove this before 1.0, and force an upgrade to the new args.
// Arguments:
// - index: the profile index to create the parse function for.
// Return Value:
// - A function that can be used to "parse" json into one of the legacy
// NewTabWithProfile[Index] args.
std::function<IActionArgs(const Json::Value&)> LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(int index)
auto pfn = [index](const Json::Value & /*value*/) -> IActionArgs {
auto args = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::NewTabArgs>();
auto newTerminalArgs = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::NewTerminalArgs>();
return *args;
return pfn;
// Function Description:
// - Creates a function that can be used to generate a SwitchToTabArgs for the
// legacy SwitchToTab[Index] actions. These actions don't accept args from
// json, instead, they just return a SwitchToTabArgs with the index already
// per-defined, based on the input param.
// - TODO: GH#1069 Remove this before 1.0, and force an upgrade to the new args.
// Arguments:
// - index: the tab index to create the parse function for.
// Return Value:
// - A function that can be used to "parse" json into one of the legacy
// SwitchToTab[Index] args.
std::function<IActionArgs(const Json::Value&)> LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(int index)
auto pfn = [index](const Json::Value & /*value*/) -> IActionArgs {
auto args = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::SwitchToTabArgs>();
return *args;
return pfn;
// Function Description:
// - Used to generate a CopyTextArgs for the legacy CopyTextWithoutNewlines
// action.
// - TODO: GH#1069 Remove this before 1.0, and force an upgrade to the new args.
// Arguments:
// - direction: the direction to create the parse function for.
// Return Value:
// - A CopyTextArgs with TrimWhitespace set to true, to emulate "CopyTextWithoutNewlines".
IActionArgs LegacyParseCopyTextWithoutNewlinesArgs(const Json::Value& /*json*/)
auto args = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::CopyTextArgs>();
return *args;
// Function Description:
// - Used to generate a AdjustFontSizeArgs for IncreaseFontSize/DecreaseFontSize
// actions with a delta of 1/-1.
// - TODO: GH#1069 Remove this before 1.0, and force an upgrade to the new args.
// Arguments:
// - delta: the font size delta to create the parse function for.
// Return Value:
// - A function that can be used to "parse" json into an AdjustFontSizeArgs.
std::function<IActionArgs(const Json::Value&)> LegacyParseAdjustFontSizeArgs(int delta)
auto pfn = [delta](const Json::Value & /*value*/) -> IActionArgs {
auto args = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::AdjustFontSizeArgs>();
return *args;
return pfn;
// This is a map of ShortcutAction->function<IActionArgs(Json::Value)>. It holds
// a set of deserializer functions that can be used to deserialize a IActionArgs
// from json. Each type of IActionArgs that can accept arbitrary args should be
// placed into this map, with the corresponding deserializer function as the
// value.
static const std::map<ShortcutAction, std::function<IActionArgs(const Json::Value&)>, std::less<>> argParsers{
{ ShortcutAction::CopyText, winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::CopyTextArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::CopyTextWithoutNewlines, LegacyParseCopyTextWithoutNewlinesArgs },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTab, winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::NewTabArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile0, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(0) },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile1, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(1) },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile2, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(2) },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile3, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(3) },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile4, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(4) },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile5, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(5) },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile6, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(6) },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile7, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(7) },
{ ShortcutAction::NewTabProfile8, LegacyParseNewTabWithProfileArgs(8) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab, winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::SwitchToTabArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab0, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(0) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab1, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(1) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab2, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(2) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab3, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(3) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab4, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(4) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab5, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(5) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab6, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(6) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab7, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(7) },
{ ShortcutAction::SwitchToTab8, LegacyParseSwitchToTabArgs(8) },
{ ShortcutAction::ResizePane, winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::ResizePaneArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::ResizePaneLeft, LegacyParseResizePaneArgs(Direction::Left) },
{ ShortcutAction::ResizePaneRight, LegacyParseResizePaneArgs(Direction::Right) },
{ ShortcutAction::ResizePaneUp, LegacyParseResizePaneArgs(Direction::Up) },
{ ShortcutAction::ResizePaneDown, LegacyParseResizePaneArgs(Direction::Down) },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveFocus, winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::MoveFocusArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveFocusLeft, LegacyParseMoveFocusArgs(Direction::Left) },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveFocusRight, LegacyParseMoveFocusArgs(Direction::Right) },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveFocusUp, LegacyParseMoveFocusArgs(Direction::Up) },
{ ShortcutAction::MoveFocusDown, LegacyParseMoveFocusArgs(Direction::Down) },
{ ShortcutAction::DecreaseFontSize, LegacyParseAdjustFontSizeArgs(-1) },
{ ShortcutAction::IncreaseFontSize, LegacyParseAdjustFontSizeArgs(1) },
{ ShortcutAction::SplitPane, winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::SplitPaneArgs::FromJson },
{ ShortcutAction::SplitVertical, LegacyParseSplitPaneArgs(SplitState::Vertical) },
{ ShortcutAction::SplitHorizontal, LegacyParseSplitPaneArgs(SplitState::Horizontal) },
{ ShortcutAction::Invalid, nullptr },
// Function Description:
// - Small helper to create a json value serialization of a single
// KeyBinding->Action maping. The created object is of schema:
// {
// keys:[String],
// command:String
// }
// Arguments:
// - chord: The KeyChord to serialize
// - actionName: the name of the ShortcutAction to use with this KeyChord
// Return Value:
// - a Json::Value which is an equivalent serialization of this object.
static Json::Value _ShortcutAsJsonObject(const KeyChord& chord,
const std::string_view actionName)
const auto keyString = KeyChordSerialization::ToString(chord);
if (keyString == L"")
return nullptr;
Json::Value jsonObject;
Json::Value keysArray;
jsonObject[JsonKey(KeysKey)] = keysArray;
jsonObject[JsonKey(CommandKey)] = actionName.data();
return jsonObject;
// Method Description:
// - Serialize this AppKeyBindings to a json array of objects. Each object in
// the array represents a single keybinding, mapping a KeyChord to a
// ShortcutAction.
// Return Value:
// - a Json::Value which is an equivalent serialization of this object.
Json::Value winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::AppKeyBindings::ToJson()
Json::Value bindingsArray;
// Iterate over all the possible actions in the names list, and see if
// it has a binding.
for (auto& actionName : commandNames)
const auto searchedForName = actionName.first;
const auto searchedForAction = actionName.second;
if (const auto chord{ GetKeyBindingForAction(searchedForAction) })
if (const auto serialization{ _ShortcutAsJsonObject(chord, searchedForName) })
return bindingsArray;
// Function Description:
// - Attempts to match a string to a ShortcutAction. If there's no match, then
// returns ShortcutAction::Invalid
// Arguments:
// - actionString: the string to match to a ShortcutAction
// Return Value:
// - The ShortcutAction corresponding to the given string, if a match exists.
static ShortcutAction GetActionFromString(const std::string_view actionString)
// Try matching the command to one we have. If we can't find the
// action name in our list of names, let's just unbind that key.
const auto found = commandNames.find(actionString);
return found != commandNames.end() ? found->second : ShortcutAction::Invalid;
// Method Description:
// - Deserialize an AppKeyBindings from the key mappings that are in the array
// `json`. The json array should contain an array of objects with both a
// `command` string and a `keys` array, where `command` is one of the names
// listed in `commandNames`, and `keys` is an array of keypresses. Currently,
// the array should contain a single string, which can be deserialized into a
// KeyChord.
// - Applies the deserialized keybindings to the provided `bindings` object. If
// a key chord in `json` is already bound to an action, that chord will be
// overwritten with the new action. If a chord is bound to `null` or
// `"unbound"`, then we'll clear the keybinding from the existing keybindings.
// Arguments:
// - json: and array of JsonObject's to deserialize into our _keyShortcuts mapping.
void winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::AppKeyBindings::LayerJson(const Json::Value& json)
for (const auto& value : json)
if (!value.isObject())
const auto commandVal = value[JsonKey(CommandKey)];
const auto keys = value[JsonKey(KeysKey)];
if (keys)
if (!keys.isArray() || keys.size() != 1)
const auto keyChordString = winrt::to_hstring(keys[0].asString());
// Invalid is our placeholder that the action was not parsed.
ShortcutAction action = ShortcutAction::Invalid;
// Keybindings can be serialized in two styles:
// { "command": "switchToTab0", "keys": ["ctrl+1"] },
// { "command": { "action": "switchToTab", "index": 0 }, "keys": ["ctrl+alt+1"] },
// 1. In the first case, the "command" is a string, that's the
// action name. There are no provided args, so we'll pass
// Json::Value::null to the parse function.
// 2. In the second case, the "command" is an object. We'll use the
// "action" in that object as the action name. We'll then pass
// the "command" object to the arg parser, for furhter parsing.
auto argsVal = Json::Value::null;
// Only try to parse the action if it's actually a string value.
// `null` will not pass this check.
if (commandVal.isString())
auto commandString = commandVal.asString();
action = GetActionFromString(commandString);
else if (commandVal.isObject())
const auto actionVal = commandVal[JsonKey(ActionKey)];
if (actionVal.isString())
auto actionString = actionVal.asString();
action = GetActionFromString(actionString);
argsVal = commandVal;
// Some keybindings can accept other arbitrary arguments. If it
// does, we'll try to deserialize any "args" that were provided with
// the binding.
IActionArgs args{ nullptr };
const auto deserializersIter = argParsers.find(action);
if (deserializersIter != argParsers.end())
auto pfn = deserializersIter->second;
if (pfn)
args = pfn(argsVal);
// Try parsing the chord
const auto chord = KeyChordSerialization::FromString(keyChordString);
// If we couldn't find the action they want to set the chord to,
// or the action was `null` or `"unbound"`, just clear out the
// keybinding. Otherwise, set the keybinding to the action we
// found.
if (action != ShortcutAction::Invalid)
auto actionAndArgs = winrt::make_self<ActionAndArgs>();
SetKeyBinding(*actionAndArgs, chord);
catch (...)