Leon Liang a0edb12cd6
Add Minimize to Tray and Tray Icon (#10368)
A brief summary of the behavior of the tray icon:
- There will only ever be one tray icon representing all windows.
- Left-Click on a Tray Icon brings up the MRU window.
- Right-Click on a Tray Icon brings up a Context Menu:
Focus Terminal
Windows --> Window ID 1 - <unnamed window>
            Named Window
            Named Window Again
- Focus Terminal will bring up the MRU window.
- Clicking on any of the Window "names" in the submenu will summon the window.

## Settings Changes

Two new global settings are introduced: `alwaysShowTrayIcon` and `minimizeToTray`. Here's a chart explaining the behavior with the two settings.

|                      | `alwaysShowTrayIcon:true`                                          | `alwaysShowTrayIcon:false`                                         |
| `minimizeToTray:true`  | tray icon is always shown. minimize button will hide the window. | tray icon is always shown. minimize button will hide the window. |
| `minimizeToTray:false` | tray icon is always shown.                                       | tray icon is not shown ever.                                     |

Closes #5727

## References
[Spec for Minimize to Tray](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/doc/specs/%23653%20-%20Quake%20Mode/%23653%20-%20Quake%20Mode.md#minimize-to-tray)
Docs PR - MicrosoftDocs/terminal#352
#10448 - My list of TODOs
2021-08-12 19:54:39 +00:00

57 lines
1.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
static int _GetActiveAppIconResource()
auto iconResource{ IDI_APPICON };
hcInfo.cbSize = sizeof(hcInfo);
if (SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST, sizeof(hcInfo), &hcInfo, 0))
if (WI_IsFlagSet(hcInfo.dwFlags, HCF_HIGHCONTRASTON))
iconResource = IDI_APPICON_HC_BLACK;
if (0x00FFFFFF == GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)) // white window color == white high contrast
iconResource = IDI_APPICON_HC_WHITE;
return iconResource;
// There's only two possible sizes - ICON_SMALL and ICON_BIG.
// So, use true for smallIcon if you want small and false for big.
HANDLE GetActiveAppIconHandle(bool smallIcon)
auto iconResource{ MAKEINTRESOURCEW(_GetActiveAppIconResource()) };
const auto smXIcon = smallIcon ? SM_CXSMICON : SM_CXICON;
const auto smYIcon = smallIcon ? SM_CYSMICON : SM_CYICON;
// These handles are loaded with LR_SHARED, so they are safe to "leak".
HANDLE hIcon{ LoadImageW(wil::GetModuleInstanceHandle(), iconResource, IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(smXIcon), GetSystemMetrics(smYIcon), LR_SHARED) };
return hIcon;
void UpdateWindowIconForActiveMetrics(HWND window)
if (auto smallIcon = GetActiveAppIconHandle(true))
SendMessageW(window, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(smallIcon));
if (auto largeIcon = GetActiveAppIconHandle(false))
SendMessageW(window, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(largeIcon));