Schuyler Rosefield 13e9546bab
Persist window layout on window close (#10972)
This commit adds initial support for saving window layout on application

- Add user setting for if tabs should be maintained.
- Added events to track the number of open windows for the monarch, and
  then save if you are the last window closing.
- Saves layout when the user explicitly hits the "Close Window" button.
- If the user manually closed all of their tabs (through the tab x
  button or through closing all panes on the tab) then remove any saved
- Saves in the ApplicationState file a list of actions the terminal can
  perform to restore its layout and the window size/position
- This saves an action to focus the correct pane, but this won't
  actually work without #10978. Note that if you have a pane zoomed, it
  does still zoom the correct pane, but when you unzoom it will have a
  different pane selected.

- multiple windows? Right now it can only handle loading/saving one
   - PR #11083 will save multiple windows.
- This also sometimes runs into the existing bug where multiple tabs
  appear to be focused on opening.

Next Steps:
- The business logic of when the save is triggered can be adjusted as
- Right now I am taking the pragmatic approach and just saving the state
  as an array of objects, but only ever populate it with 1, that way
  saving multiple windows in the future could be added without breaking
  schema compatibility. Selfishly I'm hoping that handling multiple
  windows could be spun off into another pr/feature for now.
- One possible thing that can maybe be done is that the commandline can
  be augmented with a "--saved ##" attribute that would load from the
  nth saved state if it exists. e.g. if there are 3 saved windows, on
  first load it can spawn three wt --saved {0,1,2} that would reopen the
  windows? This way there also exists a way to load a copy of a previous
  window (if it is in the saved state).
- Is the application state something that is planned to be public/user
  editable? In theory the user could since it is just json, but I don't
  know what it buys them over just modifying their settings and

Validation Steps Performed:
- The happy path: open terminal -> set setting to true -> close terminal
  -> reopen and see tabs. Tested with powershell/cmd/wsl windows.
- That closing all panes/tabs on their own will remove the saved
- Open multiple windows, close windows and confirm that the last window
  closed saves its state.

The generated file stores a sequence of actions that will be executed to
restore the terminal to its saved form.

References #8324
This is also one of the items on microsoft/terminal#5000
Closes #766
2021-09-08 22:44:53 +00:00

1654 lines
60 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include "ColorPickupFlyout.h"
#include "TerminalTab.h"
#include "TerminalTab.g.cpp"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "ColorHelper.h"
#include "AppLogic.h"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Windows::System;
namespace winrt
namespace MUX = Microsoft::UI::Xaml;
namespace WUX = Windows::UI::Xaml;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
TerminalTab::TerminalTab(const Profile& profile, const TermControl& control)
_rootPane = std::make_shared<Pane>(profile, control, true);
_activePane = _rootPane;
_mruPanes.insert(_mruPanes.begin(), _nextPaneId);
TerminalTab::TerminalTab(std::shared_ptr<Pane> rootPane)
_rootPane = rootPane;
_activePane = nullptr;
auto firstId = _nextPaneId;
_rootPane->WalkTree([&](std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane) {
// update the IDs on each pane
if (pane->_IsLeaf())
// Try to find the pane marked active (if it exists)
if (pane->_lastActive)
_activePane = pane;
return false;
// In case none of the panes were already marked as the focus, just
// focus the first one.
if (_activePane == nullptr)
_activePane = _rootPane->GetActivePane();
// Set the active control
_mruPanes.insert(_mruPanes.begin(), _activePane->Id().value());
// Method Description:
// - Shared setup for the constructors. Assumed that _rootPane has been set.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_Setup()
_rootClosedToken = _rootPane->Closed([=](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*e*/) {
_ClosedHandlers(nullptr, nullptr);
// Add an event handler for the header control to tell us when they want their title to change
_headerControl.TitleChangeRequested([weakThis = get_weak()](auto&& title) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// GH#9162 - when the header is done renaming, ask for focus to be
// tossed back to the control, rather into ourselves.
_headerControl.RenameEnded([weakThis = get_weak()](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// Use our header control as the TabViewItem's header
// Method Description:
// - Called when the timer for the bell indicator in the tab header fires
// - Removes the bell indicator from the tab header
// Arguments:
// - sender, e: not used
void TerminalTab::_BellIndicatorTimerTick(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*e*/)
// Just do a sanity check that the timer still exists before we stop it
if (_bellIndicatorTimer.has_value())
_bellIndicatorTimer = std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - Initializes a TabViewItem for this Tab instance.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_MakeTabViewItem()
TabViewItem().DoubleTapped([weakThis = get_weak()](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*e*/) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalTab::_UpdateHeaderControlMaxWidth()
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(TabViewItem().Dispatcher());
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// Make sure to try/catch this, because the LocalTests won't be
// able to use this helper.
const auto settings{ winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::AppLogic::CurrentAppSettings() };
if (settings.GlobalSettings().TabWidthMode() == winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::TabViewWidthMode::SizeToContent)
// Method Description:
// - Returns nullptr if no children of this tab were the last control to be
// focused, or the TermControl that _was_ the last control to be focused (if
// there was one).
// - This control might not currently be focused, if the tab itself is not
// currently focused.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullptr if no children were marked `_lastFocused`, else the TermControl
// that was last focused.
TermControl TerminalTab::GetActiveTerminalControl() const
if (_activePane)
return _activePane->GetTerminalControl();
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Called after construction of a Tab object to bind event handlers to its
// associated Pane and TermControl objects
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::Initialize()
_rootPane->WalkTree([&](std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane) {
// Attach event handlers to each new pane
if (auto control = pane->GetTerminalControl())
_AttachEventHandlersToControl(pane->Id().value(), control);
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Updates our focus state. If we're gaining focus, make sure to transfer
// focus to the last focused terminal control in our tree of controls.
// Arguments:
// - focused: our new focus state
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::Focus(WUX::FocusState focusState)
_focusState = focusState;
if (_focusState != FocusState::Unfocused)
auto lastFocusedControl = GetActiveTerminalControl();
if (lastFocusedControl)
// Update our own progress state. This will fire an event signaling
// that our taskbar progress changed.
// When we gain focus, remove the bell indicator if it is active
if (_tabStatus.BellIndicator())
// Method Description:
// - Returns nullopt if no children of this tab were the last control to be
// focused, or the GUID of the profile of the last control to be focused (if
// there was one).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullopt if no children of this tab were the last control to be
// focused, else the GUID of the profile of the last control to be focused
Profile TerminalTab::GetFocusedProfile() const noexcept
return _activePane->GetFocusedProfile();
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to update the settings that apply to this tab.
// - Panes are handled elsewhere, by somebody who can establish broader knowledge
// of the settings that apply to all tabs.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::UpdateSettings()
// The tabWidthMode may have changed, update the header control accordingly
// Method Description:
// - Set the icon on the TabViewItem for this tab.
// Arguments:
// - iconPath: The new path string to use as the IconPath for our TabViewItem
// Return Value:
// - <none>
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalTab::UpdateIcon(const winrt::hstring iconPath)
// Don't reload our icon if it hasn't changed.
if (iconPath == _lastIconPath)
_lastIconPath = iconPath;
// If the icon is currently hidden, just return here (but only after setting _lastIconPath to the new path
// for when we show the icon again)
if (_iconHidden)
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(TabViewItem().Dispatcher());
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// The TabViewItem Icon needs MUX while the IconSourceElement in the CommandPalette needs WUX...
// Method Description:
// - Hide or show the tab icon for this tab
// - Used when we want to show the progress ring, which should replace the icon
// Arguments:
// - hide: if true, we hide the icon; if false, we show the icon
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalTab::HideIcon(const bool hide)
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(TabViewItem().Dispatcher());
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
if (tab->_iconHidden != hide)
if (hide)
tab->_iconHidden = hide;
// Method Description:
// - Hide or show the bell indicator in the tab header
// Arguments:
// - show: if true, we show the indicator; if false, we hide the indicator
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalTab::ShowBellIndicator(const bool show)
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(TabViewItem().Dispatcher());
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// Method Description:
// - Activates the timer for the bell indicator in the tab
// - Called if a bell raised when the tab already has focus
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalTab::ActivateBellIndicatorTimer()
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(TabViewItem().Dispatcher());
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
if (!tab->_bellIndicatorTimer.has_value())
DispatcherTimer bellIndicatorTimer;
bellIndicatorTimer.Tick({ get_weak(), &TerminalTab::_BellIndicatorTimerTick });
// Method Description:
// - Gets the title string of the last focused terminal control in our tree.
// Returns the empty string if there is no such control.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the title string of the last focused terminal control in our tree.
winrt::hstring TerminalTab::_GetActiveTitle() const
if (!_runtimeTabText.empty())
return _runtimeTabText;
const auto lastFocusedControl = GetActiveTerminalControl();
return lastFocusedControl ? lastFocusedControl.Title() : L"";
// Method Description:
// - Set the text on the TabViewItem for this tab, and bubbles the new title
// value up to anyone listening for changes to our title. Callers can
// listen for the title change with a PropertyChanged even handler.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalTab::UpdateTitle()
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(TabViewItem().Dispatcher());
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
const auto activeTitle = _GetActiveTitle();
// Bubble our current tab text to anyone who's listening for changes.
// Update the control to reflect the changed title
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetName(tab->TabViewItem(), activeTitle);
// Method Description:
// - Move the viewport of the terminal up or down a number of lines. Negative
// values of `delta` will move the view up, and positive values will move
// the viewport down.
// Arguments:
// - delta: a number of lines to move the viewport relative to the current viewport.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalTab::Scroll(const int delta)
auto control = GetActiveTerminalControl();
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(control.Dispatcher());
const auto currentOffset = control.ScrollOffset();
control.ScrollViewport(::base::ClampAdd(currentOffset, delta));
// Method Description:
// - Serializes the state of this tab as a series of commands that can be
// executed to recreate it.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - A vector of commands
std::vector<ActionAndArgs> TerminalTab::BuildStartupActions() const
// Give initial ids (0 for the child created with this tab,
// 1 for the child after the first split.
auto state = _rootPane->BuildStartupActions(0, 1);
ActionAndArgs newTabAction{};
NewTabArgs newTabArgs{ state.firstPane->GetTerminalArgsForPane() };
state.args.emplace(state.args.begin(), std::move(newTabAction));
// If we only have one arg, we only have 1 pane so we don't need any
// special focus logic
if (state.args.size() > 1 && state.focusedPaneId.has_value())
ActionAndArgs focusPaneAction{};
FocusPaneArgs focusArgs{ state.focusedPaneId.value() };
if (_zoomedPane)
// we start without any panes zoomed so toggle zoom will enable zoom.
ActionAndArgs zoomPaneAction{};
return state.args;
// Method Description:
// - Split the focused pane in our tree of panes, and place the
// given TermControl into the newly created pane.
// Arguments:
// - splitType: The type of split we want to create.
// - profile: The profile GUID to associate with the newly created pane.
// - control: A TermControl to use in the new pane.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::SplitPane(SplitState splitType,
const float splitSize,
const Profile& profile,
TermControl& control)
// Make sure to take the ID before calling Split() - Split() will clear out the active pane's ID
const auto activePaneId = _activePane->Id();
auto [first, second] = _activePane->Split(splitType, splitSize, profile, control);
if (activePaneId)
_activePane = first;
// Add a event handlers to the new panes' GotFocus event. When the pane
// gains focus, we'll mark it as the new active pane.
_AttachEventHandlersToControl(second->Id().value(), control);
// Immediately update our tracker of the focused pane now. If we're
// splitting panes during startup (from a commandline), then it's
// possible that the focus events won't propagate immediately. Updating
// the focus here will give the same effect though.
// Method Description:
// - Removes the currently active pane from this tab. If that was the only
// remaining pane, then the entire tab is closed as well.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The removed pane, if the remove succeeded.
std::shared_ptr<Pane> TerminalTab::DetachPane()
// if we only have one pane, remove it entirely
// and close this tab
if (_rootPane == _activePane)
return DetachRoot();
// Attempt to remove the active pane from the tree
if (const auto pane = _rootPane->DetachPane(_activePane))
// Just make sure that the remaining pane is marked active
return pane;
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Closes this tab and returns the root pane to be used elsewhere.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The root pane.
std::shared_ptr<Pane> TerminalTab::DetachRoot()
// remove the closed event handler since we are closing the tab
// manually.
auto p = _rootPane;
p->WalkTree([](auto pane) {
return false;
// Clean up references and close the tab
_rootPane = nullptr;
_activePane = nullptr;
_ClosedHandlers(nullptr, nullptr);
return p;
// Method Description:
// - Add an arbitrary pane to this tab. This will be added as a split on the
// currently active pane.
// Arguments:
// - pane: The pane to add.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::AttachPane(std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane)
// Add the new event handlers to the new pane(s)
// and update their ids.
pane->WalkTree([&](auto p) {
if (p->_IsLeaf())
if (auto control = p->GetTerminalControl())
_AttachEventHandlersToControl(p->Id().value(), control);
return false;
// pass the old id to the new child
const auto previousId = _activePane->Id();
// Add the new pane as an automatic split on the active pane.
auto first = _activePane->AttachPane(pane, SplitState::Automatic);
// under current assumptions this condition should always be true.
if (previousId)
// Update with event handlers on the new child.
_activePane = first;
// Make sure that we have the right pane set as the active pane
pane->WalkTree([&](auto p) {
if (p->_lastActive)
return true;
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Find the currently active pane, and then switch the split direction of
// its parent. E.g. switch from Horizontal to Vertical.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::ToggleSplitOrientation()
// Method Description:
// - See Pane::CalcSnappedDimension
float TerminalTab::CalcSnappedDimension(const bool widthOrHeight, const float dimension) const
return _rootPane->CalcSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, dimension);
// Method Description:
// - Update the size of our panes to fill the new given size. This happens when
// the window is resized.
// Arguments:
// - newSize: the amount of space that the panes have to fill now.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::ResizeContent(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size& newSize)
// NOTE: This _must_ be called on the root pane, so that it can propagate
// throughout the entire tree.
// Method Description:
// - Attempt to move a separator between panes, as to resize each child on
// either size of the separator. See Pane::ResizePane for details.
// Arguments:
// - direction: The direction to move the separator in.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::ResizePane(const ResizeDirection& direction)
// NOTE: This _must_ be called on the root pane, so that it can propagate
// throughout the entire tree.
// Method Description:
// - Attempt to move focus between panes, as to focus the child on
// the other side of the separator. See Pane::NavigateFocus for details.
// Arguments:
// - direction: The direction to move the focus in.
// Return Value:
// - Whether changing the focus succeeded. This allows a keychord to propagate
// to the terminal when no other panes are present (GH#6219)
bool TerminalTab::NavigateFocus(const FocusDirection& direction)
// NOTE: This _must_ be called on the root pane, so that it can propagate
// throughout the entire tree.
if (const auto newFocus = _rootPane->NavigateDirection(_activePane, direction, _mruPanes))
const auto res = _rootPane->FocusPane(newFocus);
if (_zoomedPane)
return res;
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to swap the location of the focused pane with another pane
// according to direction. When there are multiple adjacent panes it will
// select the first one (top-left-most).
// Arguments:
// - direction: The direction to move the pane in.
// Return Value:
// - true if two panes were swapped.
bool TerminalTab::SwapPane(const FocusDirection& direction)
// NOTE: This _must_ be called on the root pane, so that it can propagate
// throughout the entire tree.
if (auto neighbor = _rootPane->NavigateDirection(_activePane, direction, _mruPanes))
return _rootPane->SwapPanes(_activePane, neighbor);
return false;
bool TerminalTab::FocusPane(const uint32_t id)
return _rootPane->FocusPane(id);
// Method Description:
// - Prepares this tab for being removed from the UI hierarchy by shutting down all active connections.
void TerminalTab::Shutdown()
if (_rootPane)
// Method Description:
// - Closes the currently focused pane in this tab. If it's the last pane in
// this tab, our Closed event will be fired (at a later time) for anyone
// registered as a handler of our close event.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::ClosePane()
void TerminalTab::SetTabText(winrt::hstring title)
_runtimeTabText = title;
winrt::hstring TerminalTab::GetTabText() const
return _runtimeTabText;
void TerminalTab::ResetTabText()
_runtimeTabText = L"";
// Method Description:
// - Show a TextBox in the Header to allow the user to set a string
// to use as an override for the tab's text
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::ActivateTabRenamer()
// Method Description:
// - Removes any event handlers set by the tab on the given pane's control.
// The pane's ID is the most stable identifier for a given control, because
// the control itself doesn't have a particular ID and its pointer is
// unstable since it is moved when panes split.
// Arguments:
// - paneId: The ID of the pane that contains the given control.
// - control: the control to remove events from.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_DetachEventHandlersFromControl(const uint32_t paneId, const TermControl& control)
auto it = _controlEvents.find(paneId);
if (it != _controlEvents.end())
auto& events = it->second;
// Method Description:
// - Register any event handlers that we may need with the given TermControl.
// This should be called on each and every TermControl that we add to the tree
// of Panes in this tab. We'll add events too:
// * notify us when the control's title changed, so we can update our own
// title (if necessary)
// Arguments:
// - paneId: the ID of the pane that this control belongs to.
// - control: the TermControl to add events to.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_AttachEventHandlersToControl(const uint32_t paneId, const TermControl& control)
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
auto dispatcher = TabViewItem().Dispatcher();
ControlEventTokens events{};
events.titleToken = control.TitleChanged([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
// Check if Tab's lifetime has expired
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// The title of the control changed, but not necessarily the title of the tab.
// Set the tab's text to the active panes' text.
// This is called when the terminal changes its font size or sets it for the first
// time (because when we just create terminal via its ctor it has invalid font size).
// On the latter event, we tell the root pane to resize itself so that its descendants
// (including ourself) can properly snap to character grids. In future, we may also
// want to do that on regular font changes.
events.fontToken = control.FontSizeChanged([this](const int /* fontWidth */,
const int /* fontHeight */,
const bool isInitialChange) {
if (isInitialChange)
events.colorToken = control.TabColorChanged([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// The control's tabColor changed, but it is not necessarily the
// active control in this tab. We'll just recalculate the
// current color anyways.
events.taskbarToken = control.SetTaskbarProgress([dispatcher, weakThis](auto&&, auto &&) -> winrt::fire_and_forget {
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(dispatcher);
// Check if Tab's lifetime has expired
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
events.readOnlyToken = control.ReadOnlyChanged([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
events.focusToken = control.FocusFollowMouseRequested([weakThis](auto&& sender, auto&&) {
if (const auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
if (tab->_focusState != FocusState::Unfocused)
if (const auto termControl{ sender.try_as<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TermControl>() })
_controlEvents[paneId] = events;
// Method Description:
// - Get the combined taskbar state for the tab. This is the combination of
// all the states of all our panes. Taskbar states are given a priority
// based on the rules in:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shobjidl_core/nf-shobjidl_core-itaskbarlist3-setprogressstate
// under "How the Taskbar Button Chooses the Progress Indicator for a
// Group"
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - A TaskbarState object representing the combined taskbar state and
// progress percentage of all our panes.
winrt::TerminalApp::TaskbarState TerminalTab::GetCombinedTaskbarState() const
std::vector<winrt::TerminalApp::TaskbarState> states;
if (_rootPane)
return states.empty() ? winrt::make<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TaskbarState>() :
*std::min_element(states.begin(), states.end(), TerminalApp::implementation::TaskbarState::ComparePriority);
// Method Description:
// - This should be called on the UI thread. If you don't, then it might
// silently do nothing.
// - Update our TabStatus to reflect the progress state of the currently
// active pane.
// - This is called every time _any_ control's progress state changes,
// regardless of if that control is the active one or not. This is simpler
// then re-attaching this handler to the active control each time it
// changes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_UpdateProgressState()
const auto state{ GetCombinedTaskbarState() };
const auto taskbarState = state.State();
// The progress of the control changed, but not necessarily the progress of the tab.
// Set the tab's progress ring to the active pane's progress
if (taskbarState > 0)
if (taskbarState == 3)
// 3 is the indeterminate state, set the progress ring as such
// any non-indeterminate state has a value, set the progress ring as such
const auto progressValue = gsl::narrow<uint32_t>(state.Progress());
// Hide the tab icon (the progress ring is placed over it)
// Show the tab icon
// fire an event signaling that our taskbar progress changed.
_TaskbarProgressChangedHandlers(nullptr, nullptr);
// Method Description:
// - Mark the given pane as the active pane in this tab. All other panes
// will be marked as inactive. We'll also update our own UI state to
// reflect this newly active pane.
// Arguments:
// - pane: a Pane to mark as active.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_UpdateActivePane(std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane)
// Clear the active state of the entire tree, and mark only the pane as active.
_activePane = pane;
// Update our own title text to match the newly-active pane.
// We need to move the pane to the top of our mru list
// If its already somewhere in the list, remove it first
if (const auto paneId = pane->Id())
for (auto i = _mruPanes.begin(); i != _mruPanes.end(); ++i)
if (*i == paneId.value())
_mruPanes.insert(_mruPanes.begin(), paneId.value());
// Raise our own ActivePaneChanged event.
// Method Description:
// - Add an event handler to this pane's GotFocus event. When that pane gains
// focus, we'll mark it as the new active pane. We'll also query the title of
// that pane when it's focused to set our own text, and finally, we'll trigger
// our own ActivePaneChanged event.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_AttachEventHandlersToPane(std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane)
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
std::weak_ptr<Pane> weakPane{ pane };
auto gotFocusToken = pane->GotFocus([weakThis](std::shared_ptr<Pane> sender) {
// Do nothing if the Tab's lifetime is expired or pane isn't new.
auto tab{ weakThis.get() };
if (tab)
if (sender != tab->_activePane)
tab->_focusState = WUX::FocusState::Programmatic;
// This tab has gained focus, remove the bell indicator if it is active
if (tab->_tabStatus.BellIndicator())
auto lostFocusToken = pane->LostFocus([weakThis](std::shared_ptr<Pane> /*sender*/) {
// Do nothing if the Tab's lifetime is expired or pane isn't new.
auto tab{ weakThis.get() };
if (tab)
// update this tab's focus state
tab->_focusState = WUX::FocusState::Unfocused;
// Add a Closed event handler to the Pane. If the pane closes out from
// underneath us, and it's zoomed, we want to be able to make sure to
// update our state accordingly to un-zoom that pane. See GH#7252.
auto closedToken = pane->Closed([weakThis, weakPane](auto&& /*s*/, auto && /*e*/) -> winrt::fire_and_forget {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
if (tab->_zoomedPane)
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(tab->Content().Dispatcher());
if (auto pane = weakPane.lock())
for (auto i = tab->_mruPanes.begin(); i != tab->_mruPanes.end(); ++i)
if (*i == pane->Id())
// Add a PaneRaiseBell event handler to the Pane
auto bellToken = pane->PaneRaiseBell([weakThis](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& visual) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
if (visual)
// If visual is set, we need to bubble this event all the way to app host to flash the taskbar
// In this part of the chain we bubble it from the hosting tab to the page
// Show the bell indicator in the tab header
// If this tab is focused, activate the bell indicator timer, which will
// remove the bell indicator once it fires
// (otherwise, the indicator is removed when the tab gets focus)
if (tab->_focusState != WUX::FocusState::Unfocused)
// box the event token so that we can give a reference to it in the
// event handler.
auto detachedToken = std::make_shared<winrt::event_token>();
// Add a Detached event handler to the Pane to clean up tab state
// and other event handlers when a pane is removed from this tab.
*detachedToken = pane->Detached([weakThis, weakPane, gotFocusToken, lostFocusToken, closedToken, bellToken, detachedToken](std::shared_ptr<Pane> /*sender*/) {
// Make sure we do this at most once
if (auto pane{ weakPane.lock() })
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
if (auto control = pane->GetTerminalControl())
tab->_DetachEventHandlersFromControl(pane->Id().value(), control);
for (auto i = tab->_mruPanes.begin(); i != tab->_mruPanes.end(); ++i)
if (*i == pane->Id())
// Method Description:
// - Creates a context menu attached to the tab.
// Currently contains elements allowing to select or
// to close the current tab
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_CreateContextMenu()
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
// "Color..."
Controls::MenuFlyoutItem chooseColorMenuItem;
Controls::FontIcon colorPickSymbol;
colorPickSymbol.FontFamily(Media::FontFamily{ L"Segoe MDL2 Assets" });
chooseColorMenuItem.Click([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// Color Picker (it's convenient to have it here)
_tabColorPickup.ColorSelected([weakThis](auto newTabColor) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
_tabColorPickup.ColorCleared([weakThis]() {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
Controls::MenuFlyoutItem renameTabMenuItem;
// "Rename Tab"
Controls::FontIcon renameTabSymbol;
renameTabSymbol.FontFamily(Media::FontFamily{ L"Segoe MDL2 Assets" });
renameTabSymbol.Glyph(L"\xE8AC"); // Rename
renameTabMenuItem.Click([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
Controls::MenuFlyoutItem duplicateTabMenuItem;
// "Duplicate Tab"
Controls::FontIcon duplicateTabSymbol;
duplicateTabSymbol.FontFamily(Media::FontFamily{ L"Segoe MDL2 Assets" });
duplicateTabMenuItem.Click([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
Controls::MenuFlyoutItem splitTabMenuItem;
// "Split Tab"
Controls::FontIcon splitTabSymbol;
splitTabSymbol.FontFamily(Media::FontFamily{ L"Segoe MDL2 Assets" });
splitTabSymbol.Glyph(L"\xF246"); // ViewDashboard
splitTabMenuItem.Click([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
Controls::MenuFlyoutItem exportTabMenuItem;
// "Split Tab"
Controls::FontIcon exportTabSymbol;
exportTabSymbol.FontFamily(Media::FontFamily{ L"Segoe MDL2 Assets" });
exportTabSymbol.Glyph(L"\xE74E"); // Save
exportTabMenuItem.Click([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// Build the menu
Controls::MenuFlyout contextMenuFlyout;
Controls::MenuFlyoutSeparator menuSeparator;
// GH#5750 - When the context menu is dismissed with ESC, toss the focus
// back to our control.
contextMenuFlyout.Closed([weakThis](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto tab{ weakThis.get() })
// GH#10112 - if we're opening the tab renamer, don't
// immediately toss focus to the control. We don't want to steal
// focus from the tab renamer.
if (!tab->_headerControl.InRename())
// Method Description:
// Returns the tab color, if any
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The tab's color, if any
std::optional<winrt::Windows::UI::Color> TerminalTab::GetTabColor()
const auto currControlColor{ GetActiveTerminalControl().TabColor() };
std::optional<winrt::Windows::UI::Color> controlTabColor;
if (currControlColor != nullptr)
controlTabColor = currControlColor.Value();
// A Tab's color will be the result of layering a variety of sources,
// from the bottom up:
// Color | | Set by
// -------------------- | -- | --
// Runtime Color | _optional_ | Color Picker / `setTabColor` action
// Control Tab Color | _optional_ | Profile's `tabColor`, or a color set by VT
// Theme Tab Background | _optional_ | `tab.backgroundColor` in the theme
// Tab Default Color | **default** | TabView in XAML
// coalesce will get us the first of these values that's
// actually set, with nullopt being our sentinel for "use the default
// tabview color" (and clear out any colors we've set).
return til::coalesce(_runtimeTabColor,
// Method Description:
// - Sets the runtime tab background color to the color chosen by the user
// - Sets the tab foreground color depending on the luminance of
// the background color
// Arguments:
// - color: the color the user picked for their tab
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::SetRuntimeTabColor(const winrt::Windows::UI::Color& color)
// Method Description:
// - This function dispatches a function to the UI thread to recalculate
// what this tab's current background color should be. If a color is set,
// it will apply the given color to the tab's background. Otherwise, it
// will clear the tab's background color.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_RecalculateAndApplyTabColor()
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
TabViewItem().Dispatcher().RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [weakThis]() {
auto ptrTab = weakThis.get();
if (!ptrTab)
auto tab{ ptrTab };
std::optional<winrt::Windows::UI::Color> currentColor = tab->GetTabColor();
if (currentColor.has_value())
// Method Description:
// - Applies the given color to the background of this tab's TabViewItem.
// - Sets the tab foreground color depending on the luminance of
// the background color
// - This method should only be called on the UI thread.
// Arguments:
// - color: the color the user picked for their tab
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_ApplyTabColor(const winrt::Windows::UI::Color& color)
Media::SolidColorBrush selectedTabBrush{};
Media::SolidColorBrush deselectedTabBrush{};
Media::SolidColorBrush fontBrush{};
Media::SolidColorBrush hoverTabBrush{};
// calculate the luminance of the current color and select a font
// color based on that
// see https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#relativeluminancedef
if (TerminalApp::ColorHelper::IsBrightColor(color))
// currently if a tab has a custom color, a deselected state is
// signified by using the same color with a bit ot transparency
auto deselectedTabColor = color;
deselectedTabColor.A = 64;
// currently if a tab has a custom color, a deselected state is
// signified by using the same color with a bit ot transparency
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewItemHeaderBackgroundSelected"), selectedTabBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewItemHeaderBackground"), deselectedTabBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewItemHeaderBackgroundPointerOver"), hoverTabBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewItemHeaderBackgroundPressed"), selectedTabBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewItemHeaderForeground"), fontBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewItemHeaderForegroundSelected"), fontBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewItemHeaderForegroundPointerOver"), fontBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewItemHeaderForegroundPressed"), fontBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewButtonForegroundActiveTab"), fontBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewButtonForegroundPressed"), fontBrush);
TabViewItem().Resources().Insert(winrt::box_value(L"TabViewButtonForegroundPointerOver"), fontBrush);
// Method Description:
// - Clear the custom runtime color of the tab, if any color is set. This
// will re-apply whatever the tab's base color should be (either the color
// from the control, the theme, or the default tab color.)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::ResetRuntimeTabColor()
// Method Description:
// - Clear out any color we've set for the TabViewItem.
// - This method should only be called on the UI thread.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_ClearTabBackgroundColor()
winrt::hstring keys[] = {
// simply clear any of the colors in the tab's dict
for (auto keyString : keys)
auto key = winrt::box_value(keyString);
if (TabViewItem().Resources().HasKey(key))
// Method Description:
// - Display the tab color picker at the location of the TabViewItem for this tab.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::ActivateColorPicker()
// Method Description:
// Toggles the visual state of the tab view item,
// so that changes to the tab color are reflected immediately
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::_RefreshVisualState()
if (_focusState != FocusState::Unfocused)
VisualStateManager::GoToState(TabViewItem(), L"Normal", true);
VisualStateManager::GoToState(TabViewItem(), L"Selected", true);
VisualStateManager::GoToState(TabViewItem(), L"Selected", true);
VisualStateManager::GoToState(TabViewItem(), L"Normal", true);
// - Get the total number of leaf panes in this tab. This will be the number
// of actual controls hosted by this tab.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The total number of leaf panes hosted by this tab.
int TerminalTab::GetLeafPaneCount() const noexcept
return _rootPane->GetLeafPaneCount();
// Method Description:
// - This is a helper to determine which direction an "Automatic" split should
// happen in for the active pane of this tab, but without using the ActualWidth() and
// ActualHeight() methods.
// - See Pane::PreCalculateAutoSplit
// Arguments:
// - availableSpace: The theoretical space that's available for this Tab's content
// Return Value:
// - The SplitState that we should use for an `Automatic` split given
// `availableSpace`
SplitState TerminalTab::PreCalculateAutoSplit(winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size availableSpace) const
return _rootPane->PreCalculateAutoSplit(_activePane, availableSpace).value_or(SplitState::Vertical);
bool TerminalTab::PreCalculateCanSplit(SplitState splitType,
const float splitSize,
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size availableSpace) const
return _rootPane->PreCalculateCanSplit(_activePane, splitType, splitSize, availableSpace).value_or(false);
// Method Description:
// - Updates the zoomed pane when the focus changes
// Arguments:
// - newFocus: the new pane to be zoomed
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::UpdateZoom(std::shared_ptr<Pane> newFocus)
// clear the existing content so the old zoomed pane can be added back to the root tree
_zoomedPane = newFocus;
// Method Description:
// - Toggle our zoom state.
// * If we're not zoomed, then zoom the active pane, making it take the
// full size of the tab. We'll achieve this by changing our response to
// Tab::GetTabContent, so that it'll return the zoomed pane only.
// * If we're currently zoomed on a pane, un-zoom that pane.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalTab::ToggleZoom()
if (_zoomedPane)
void TerminalTab::EnterZoom()
_zoomedPane = _activePane;
// Update the tab header to show the magnifying glass
void TerminalTab::ExitZoom()
_zoomedPane = nullptr;
// Update the tab header to hide the magnifying glass
bool TerminalTab::IsZoomed()
return _zoomedPane != nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Toggle read-only mode on the active pane
void TerminalTab::TogglePaneReadOnly()
auto control = GetActiveTerminalControl();
if (control)
// Method Description:
// - Calculates if the tab is read-only.
// The tab is considered read-only if one of the panes is read-only.
// If after the calculation the tab is read-only we hide the close button on the tab view item
void TerminalTab::_RecalculateAndApplyReadOnly()
const auto control = GetActiveTerminalControl();
if (control)
const auto isReadOnlyActive = control.ReadOnly();
std::shared_ptr<Pane> TerminalTab::GetActivePane() const
return _activePane;
// Method Description:
// - Creates a text for the title run in the tool tip by returning tab title
// or <profile name>: <tab title> in the case the profile name differs from the title
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The value to populate in the title run of the tool tip
winrt::hstring TerminalTab::_CreateToolTipTitle()
if (const auto& control{ GetActiveTerminalControl() })
const auto profileName{ control.Settings().ProfileName() };
if (profileName != Title())
return fmt::format(L"{}: {}", profileName, Title()).data();
return Title();
DEFINE_EVENT(TerminalTab, ActivePaneChanged, _ActivePaneChangedHandlers, winrt::delegate<>);
DEFINE_EVENT(TerminalTab, ColorSelected, _colorSelected, winrt::delegate<winrt::Windows::UI::Color>);
DEFINE_EVENT(TerminalTab, ColorCleared, _colorCleared, winrt::delegate<>);
DEFINE_EVENT(TerminalTab, TabRaiseVisualBell, _TabRaiseVisualBellHandlers, winrt::delegate<>);
DEFINE_EVENT(TerminalTab, DuplicateRequested, _DuplicateRequestedHandlers, winrt::delegate<>);
DEFINE_EVENT(TerminalTab, SplitTabRequested, _SplitTabRequestedHandlers, winrt::delegate<>);
DEFINE_EVENT(TerminalTab, ExportTabRequested, _ExportTabRequestedHandlers, winrt::delegate<>);