Mike Griese 121fb739fd
Initialize the padding for the Control UIA provider (#10874)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This was missed in #10051. We need to make sure that the UIA provider can immediately know about the padding in the control, not just after the settings reload.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #9955.e
  * [x] Additionally, this just closes #9955. The only remaining box in there never repro'd, so probably wasn't even root caused by #9820. I think we can close that issue for now, and reactivate if something else was broken.
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Validation Steps Performed

Checked before/after in Accessibility Insights. Before the row rectangles were the full width of the control initially. Now they're properly padded.
2021-08-11 15:13:38 +00:00

256 lines
9.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include <UIAutomationCore.h>
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include "TermControlAutomationPeer.h"
#include "TermControl.h"
#include "TermControlAutomationPeer.g.cpp"
#include "XamlUiaTextRange.h"
#include "../types/UiaTracing.h"
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Graphics::Display;
namespace UIA
using ::ITextRangeProvider;
using ::SupportedTextSelection;
namespace XamlAutomation
using winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::SupportedTextSelection;
using winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::IRawElementProviderSimple;
using winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::ITextRangeProvider;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
TermControlAutomationPeer::TermControlAutomationPeer(TermControl* owner,
const Core::Padding padding,
Control::InteractivityAutomationPeer impl) :
TermControlAutomationPeerT<TermControlAutomationPeer>(*owner), // pass owner to FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
_termControl{ owner },
_contentAutomationPeer{ impl }
// Listen for UIA signalling events from the implementation. We need to
// be the one to actually raise these automation events, so they go
// through the UI tree correctly.
_contentAutomationPeer.SelectionChanged([this](auto&&, auto&&) { SignalSelectionChanged(); });
_contentAutomationPeer.TextChanged([this](auto&&, auto&&) { SignalTextChanged(); });
_contentAutomationPeer.CursorChanged([this](auto&&, auto&&) { SignalCursorChanged(); });
// Method Description:
// - Inform the interactivity layer about the bounds of the control.
// IControlAccessibilityInfo needs to know this information, but it cannot
// ask us directly.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TermControlAutomationPeer::UpdateControlBounds()
// FrameworkElementAutomationPeer has this great GetBoundingRectangle
// method that's seemingly impossible to recreate just from the
// UserControl itself. Weird. But we can use it handily here!
void TermControlAutomationPeer::SetControlPadding(const Core::Padding padding)
// Method Description:
// - Signals the ui automation client that the terminal's selection has changed and should be updated
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TermControlAutomationPeer::SignalSelectionChanged()
auto dispatcher{ Dispatcher() };
if (!dispatcher)
dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [weakThis{ get_weak() }]() {
if (auto strongThis{ weakThis.get() })
// The event that is raised when the text selection is modified.
// Method Description:
// - Signals the ui automation client that the terminal's output has changed and should be updated
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TermControlAutomationPeer::SignalTextChanged()
auto dispatcher{ Dispatcher() };
if (!dispatcher)
dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [weakThis{ get_weak() }]() {
if (auto strongThis{ weakThis.get() })
// The event that is raised when textual content is modified.
// Method Description:
// - Signals the ui automation client that the cursor's state has changed and should be updated
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TermControlAutomationPeer::SignalCursorChanged()
auto dispatcher{ Dispatcher() };
if (!dispatcher)
dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [weakThis{ get_weak() }]() {
if (auto strongThis{ weakThis.get() })
// The event that is raised when the text was changed in an edit control.
// Do NOT fire a TextEditTextChanged. Generally, an app on the other side
// will expect more information. Though you can dispatch that event
// on its own, it may result in a nullptr exception on the other side
// because no additional information was provided. Crashing the screen
// reader.
hstring TermControlAutomationPeer::GetClassNameCore() const
return L"TermControl";
AutomationControlType TermControlAutomationPeer::GetAutomationControlTypeCore() const
return AutomationControlType::Text;
hstring TermControlAutomationPeer::GetLocalizedControlTypeCore() const
return RS_(L"TerminalControl_ControlType");
Windows::Foundation::IInspectable TermControlAutomationPeer::GetPatternCore(PatternInterface patternInterface) const
switch (patternInterface)
case PatternInterface::Text:
return *this;
return nullptr;
AutomationOrientation TermControlAutomationPeer::GetOrientationCore() const
return AutomationOrientation::Vertical;
hstring TermControlAutomationPeer::GetNameCore() const
// fallback to title if profile name is empty
auto profileName = _termControl->GetProfileName();
if (profileName.empty())
return _termControl->Title();
return profileName;
hstring TermControlAutomationPeer::GetHelpTextCore() const
return _termControl->Title();
AutomationLiveSetting TermControlAutomationPeer::GetLiveSettingCore() const
return AutomationLiveSetting::Polite;
#pragma region ITextProvider
com_array<XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider> TermControlAutomationPeer::GetSelection()
return _contentAutomationPeer.GetSelection();
com_array<XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider> TermControlAutomationPeer::GetVisibleRanges()
return _contentAutomationPeer.GetVisibleRanges();
XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider TermControlAutomationPeer::RangeFromChild(XamlAutomation::IRawElementProviderSimple childElement)
return _contentAutomationPeer.RangeFromChild(childElement);
XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider TermControlAutomationPeer::RangeFromPoint(Windows::Foundation::Point screenLocation)
return _contentAutomationPeer.RangeFromPoint(screenLocation);
XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider TermControlAutomationPeer::DocumentRange()
return _contentAutomationPeer.DocumentRange();
XamlAutomation::SupportedTextSelection TermControlAutomationPeer::SupportedTextSelection()
return _contentAutomationPeer.SupportedTextSelection();
#pragma endregion
// Method Description:
// - extracts the UiaTextRanges from the SAFEARRAY and converts them to Xaml ITextRangeProviders
// Arguments:
// - SAFEARRAY of UIA::UiaTextRange (ITextRangeProviders)
// Return Value:
// - com_array of Xaml Wrapped UiaTextRange (ITextRangeProviders)
com_array<XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider> TermControlAutomationPeer::WrapArrayOfTextRangeProviders(SAFEARRAY* textRanges)
// transfer ownership of UiaTextRanges to this new vector
auto providers = SafeArrayToOwningVector<::Microsoft::Terminal::TermControlUiaTextRange>(textRanges);
int count = gsl::narrow<int>(providers.size());
std::vector<XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider> vec;
auto parentProvider = this->ProviderFromPeer(*this);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
auto xutr = make_self<XamlUiaTextRange>(providers[i].detach(), parentProvider);
com_array<XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider> result{ vec };
return result;