Schuyler Rosefield 13bc71de3c
Maintain zoom when moving focus (#11046)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request
Make it so you can navigate pane focus without unzooming.

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #7215
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- Slight refactor to bring the MRU pane logic into the `NavigateDirection` function
- The actual zoom behavior was not a problem, the only issue is that because most of the panes weren't in the UI tree I had to disable using the actual sizes. There is nothing wrong with that, since the synthetic sizing is required anyways, but I'm curious what other peoples' thoughts are.

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed

2021-09-02 14:36:17 +00:00

330 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// Module Name:
// - Pane.h
// Abstract:
// - Panes are an abstraction by which the terminal can display multiple terminal
// instances simultaneously in a single terminal window. While tabs allow for
// a single terminal window to have many terminal sessions running
// simultaneously within a single window, only one tab can be visible at a
// time. Panes, on the other hand, allow a user to have many different
// terminal sessions visible to the user within the context of a single window
// at the same time. This can enable greater productivity from the user, as
// they can see the output of one terminal window while working in another.
// - See doc/cascadia/Panes.md for a detailed description.
// Author:
// - Mike Griese (zadjii-msft) 16-May-2019
#pragma once
#include "../../cascadia/inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
#include "TaskbarState.h"
// fwdecl unittest classes
namespace TerminalAppLocalTests
class TabTests;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
struct TerminalTab;
enum class Borders : int
None = 0x0,
Top = 0x1,
Bottom = 0x2,
Left = 0x4,
Right = 0x8
class Pane : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Pane>
Pane(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::Profile& profile,
const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TermControl& control,
const bool lastFocused = false);
std::shared_ptr<Pane> GetActivePane();
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TermControl GetTerminalControl();
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::Profile GetFocusedProfile();
// Method Description:
// - If this is a leaf pane, return its profile.
// - If this is a branch/root pane, return nullptr.
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::Profile GetProfile() const
return _profile;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Grid GetRootElement();
bool WasLastFocused() const noexcept;
void UpdateVisuals();
void ClearActive();
void SetActive();
void UpdateSettings(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::TerminalSettingsCreateResult& settings,
const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::Profile& profile);
void ResizeContent(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size& newSize);
void Relayout();
bool ResizePane(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::ResizeDirection& direction);
std::shared_ptr<Pane> NavigateDirection(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> sourcePane,
const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::FocusDirection& direction,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& mruPanes);
bool SwapPanes(std::shared_ptr<Pane> first, std::shared_ptr<Pane> second);
std::shared_ptr<Pane> NextPane(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane);
std::shared_ptr<Pane> PreviousPane(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane);
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Pane>, std::shared_ptr<Pane>> Split(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState splitType,
const float splitSize,
const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::Profile& profile,
const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TermControl& control);
bool ToggleSplitOrientation();
float CalcSnappedDimension(const bool widthOrHeight, const float dimension) const;
std::optional<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState> PreCalculateAutoSplit(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> target,
const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size parentSize) const;
std::optional<bool> PreCalculateCanSplit(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> target,
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState splitType,
const float splitSize,
const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size availableSpace) const;
void Shutdown();
void Close();
std::shared_ptr<Pane> AttachPane(std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane,
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState splitType);
std::shared_ptr<Pane> DetachPane(std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane);
int GetLeafPaneCount() const noexcept;
void Maximize(std::shared_ptr<Pane> zoomedPane);
void Restore(std::shared_ptr<Pane> zoomedPane);
std::optional<uint32_t> Id() noexcept;
void Id(uint32_t id) noexcept;
bool FocusPane(const uint32_t id);
bool FocusPane(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane);
std::shared_ptr<Pane> FindPane(const uint32_t id);
bool ContainsReadOnly() const;
// Method Description:
// - A helper method for ad-hoc recursion on a pane tree. Walks the pane
// tree, calling a predicate on each pane in a depth-first pattern.
// - If the predicate returns true, recursion is stopped early.
// Arguments:
// - f: The function to be applied to each pane.
// Return Value:
// - true if the predicate returned true on any pane.
template<typename F>
//requires std::predicate<F, std::shared_ptr<Pane>>
bool WalkTree(F f)
if (f(shared_from_this()))
return true;
if (!_IsLeaf())
return _firstChild->WalkTree(f) || _secondChild->WalkTree(f);
return false;
void CollectTaskbarStates(std::vector<winrt::TerminalApp::TaskbarState>& states);
WINRT_CALLBACK(Closed, winrt::Windows::Foundation::EventHandler<winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable>);
DECLARE_EVENT(GotFocus, _GotFocusHandlers, winrt::delegate<std::shared_ptr<Pane>>);
DECLARE_EVENT(LostFocus, _LostFocusHandlers, winrt::delegate<std::shared_ptr<Pane>>);
DECLARE_EVENT(PaneRaiseBell, _PaneRaiseBellHandlers, winrt::Windows::Foundation::EventHandler<bool>);
DECLARE_EVENT(Detached, _PaneDetachedHandlers, winrt::delegate<std::shared_ptr<Pane>>);
struct PanePoint;
struct PaneNeighborSearch;
struct SnapSizeResult;
struct SnapChildrenSizeResult;
struct LayoutSizeNode;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Grid _root{};
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Border _border{};
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TermControl _control{ nullptr };
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::ConnectionState _connectionState{ winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::ConnectionState::NotConnected };
static winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush s_focusedBorderBrush;
static winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush s_unfocusedBorderBrush;
std::shared_ptr<Pane> _firstChild{ nullptr };
std::shared_ptr<Pane> _secondChild{ nullptr };
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState _splitState{ winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState::None };
float _desiredSplitPosition;
std::optional<uint32_t> _id;
bool _lastActive{ false };
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::Profile _profile{ nullptr };
winrt::event_token _connectionStateChangedToken{ 0 };
winrt::event_token _firstClosedToken{ 0 };
winrt::event_token _secondClosedToken{ 0 };
winrt::event_token _warningBellToken{ 0 };
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement::GotFocus_revoker _gotFocusRevoker;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement::LostFocus_revoker _lostFocusRevoker;
std::shared_mutex _createCloseLock{};
Borders _borders{ Borders::None };
bool _zoomed{ false };
bool _IsLeaf() const noexcept;
bool _HasFocusedChild() const noexcept;
void _SetupChildCloseHandlers();
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Pane>, std::shared_ptr<Pane>> _Split(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState splitType,
const float splitSize,
std::shared_ptr<Pane> newPane);
void _CreateRowColDefinitions();
void _ApplySplitDefinitions();
void _SetupEntranceAnimation();
void _UpdateBorders();
Borders _GetCommonBorders();
bool _Resize(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::ResizeDirection& direction);
std::shared_ptr<Pane> _FindParentOfPane(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane);
std::pair<PanePoint, PanePoint> _GetOffsetsForPane(const PanePoint parentOffset) const;
bool _IsAdjacent(const PanePoint firstOffset, const PanePoint secondOffset, const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::FocusDirection& direction) const;
PaneNeighborSearch _FindNeighborForPane(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::FocusDirection& direction,
PaneNeighborSearch searchResult,
const bool focusIsSecondSide,
const PanePoint offset);
PaneNeighborSearch _FindPaneAndNeighbor(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> sourcePane,
const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::FocusDirection& direction,
const PanePoint offset);
void _CloseChild(const bool closeFirst, const bool isDetaching);
winrt::fire_and_forget _CloseChildRoutine(const bool closeFirst);
void _FocusFirstChild();
void _ControlConnectionStateChangedHandler(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& sender, const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*args*/);
void _ControlWarningBellHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender,
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& e);
void _ControlGotFocusHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender,
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const& e);
void _ControlLostFocusHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender,
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const& e);
std::pair<float, float> _CalcChildrenSizes(const float fullSize) const;
SnapChildrenSizeResult _CalcSnappedChildrenSizes(const bool widthOrHeight, const float fullSize) const;
SnapSizeResult _CalcSnappedDimension(const bool widthOrHeight, const float dimension) const;
void _AdvanceSnappedDimension(const bool widthOrHeight, LayoutSizeNode& sizeNode) const;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size _GetMinSize() const;
LayoutSizeNode _CreateMinSizeTree(const bool widthOrHeight) const;
float _ClampSplitPosition(const bool widthOrHeight, const float requestedValue, const float totalSize) const;
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState _convertAutomaticSplitState(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState& splitType) const;
std::optional<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState> _preCalculateAutoSplit(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> target, const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size parentSize) const;
// Function Description:
// - Returns true if the given direction can be used with the given split
// type.
// - This is used for pane resizing (which will need a pane separator
// that's perpendicular to the direction to be able to move the separator
// in that direction).
// - Also used for moving focus between panes, which again happens _across_ a separator.
// Arguments:
// - direction: The Direction to compare
// - splitType: The winrt::TerminalApp::SplitState to compare
// Return Value:
// - true iff the direction is perpendicular to the splitType. False for
// winrt::TerminalApp::SplitState::None.
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool DirectionMatchesSplit(const T& direction,
const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState& splitType)
if (splitType == winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState::None)
return false;
else if (splitType == winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState::Horizontal)
return direction == T::Up ||
direction == T::Down;
else if (splitType == winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::SplitState::Vertical)
return direction == T::Left ||
direction == T::Right;
return false;
static void _SetupResources();
struct PanePoint
float x;
float y;
float scaleX;
float scaleY;
struct PaneNeighborSearch
std::shared_ptr<Pane> source;
std::shared_ptr<Pane> neighbor;
PanePoint sourceOffset;
struct SnapSizeResult
float lower;
float higher;
struct SnapChildrenSizeResult
std::pair<float, float> lower;
std::pair<float, float> higher;
// Helper structure that builds a (roughly) binary tree corresponding
// to the pane tree. Used for laying out panes with snapped sizes.
struct LayoutSizeNode
float size;
bool isMinimumSize;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutSizeNode> firstChild;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutSizeNode> secondChild;
// These two fields hold next possible snapped values of firstChild and
// secondChild. Although that could be calculated from these fields themselves,
// it would be wasteful as we have to know these values more often than for
// simple increment. Hence we cache that here.
std::unique_ptr<LayoutSizeNode> nextFirstChild;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutSizeNode> nextSecondChild;
explicit LayoutSizeNode(const float minSize);
LayoutSizeNode(const LayoutSizeNode& other);
LayoutSizeNode& operator=(const LayoutSizeNode& other);
void _AssignChildNode(std::unique_ptr<LayoutSizeNode>& nodeField, const LayoutSizeNode* const newNode);
friend struct winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalTab;
friend class ::TerminalAppLocalTests::TabTests;