Leonard Hecker 479ef264b2
Implement basic profile matching (#11390)
This implements command line matching for `CascadiaSettings::GetProfileForArgs`.
The command lines for all user profiles are resolved to absolute file paths,
argument quotes are standardized ("canonicalized") and the results are cached.

When `GetProfileForArgs` is called with a Commandline() value, we "canonicalize"
the argument as well and find the profile that is the longest prefix.
If none could be found the default profile is returned.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #9458
* [x] Closes #10952
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* Open a `cmd.exe` tab in the store-version of WT
* Run `start cmd`
  --> A tab with the `cmd.exe` profile opens
* Run `start pwsh.exe`
  --> A tab with the PowerShell 7 profile opens
* Run PowerShell 7 from the start menu
  --> A tab with the PowerShell 7 profile opens
* Create a symlink for PowerShell 7 and launch `pwsh.exe` from there
  --> A tab with the PowerShell 7 profile opens
2021-10-08 00:40:10 +00:00

706 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "ConptyConnection.h"
#include <UserEnv.h>
#include <winternl.h>
#include "ConptyConnection.g.cpp"
#include "CTerminalHandoff.h"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/Environment.hpp"
#include "LibraryResources.h"
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
// Format is: "DecimalResult (HexadecimalForm)"
static constexpr auto _errorFormat = L"{0} ({0:#010x})"sv;
// Notes:
// There is a number of ways that the Conpty connection can be terminated (voluntarily or not):
// 1. The connection is Close()d
// 2. The pseudoconsole or process cannot be spawned during Start()
// 3. The client process exits with a code.
// (Successful (0) or any other code)
// 4. The read handle is terminated.
// (This usually happens when the pseudoconsole host crashes.)
// In each of these termination scenarios, we need to be mindful of tripping the others.
// Closing the pseudoconsole in response to the client exiting (3) can trigger (4).
// Close() (1) will cause the automatic triggering of (3) and (4).
// In a lot of cases, we use the connection state to stop "flapping."
// To figure out where we handle these, search for comments containing "EXIT POINT"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::implementation
// Function Description:
// - creates some basic anonymous pipes and passes them to CreatePseudoConsole
// Arguments:
// - size: The size of the conpty to create, in characters.
// - phInput: Receives the handle to the newly-created anonymous pipe for writing input to the conpty.
// - phOutput: Receives the handle to the newly-created anonymous pipe for reading the output of the conpty.
// - phPc: Receives a token value to identify this conpty
#pragma warning(suppress : 26430) // This statement sufficiently checks the out parameters. Analyzer cannot find this.
static HRESULT _CreatePseudoConsoleAndPipes(const COORD size, const DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE* phInput, HANDLE* phOutput, HPCON* phPC) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, phPC == nullptr || phInput == nullptr || phOutput == nullptr);
wil::unique_hfile outPipeOurSide, outPipePseudoConsoleSide;
wil::unique_hfile inPipeOurSide, inPipePseudoConsoleSide;
RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(CreatePipe(&inPipePseudoConsoleSide, &inPipeOurSide, nullptr, 0));
RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(CreatePipe(&outPipeOurSide, &outPipePseudoConsoleSide, nullptr, 0));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(ConptyCreatePseudoConsole(size, inPipePseudoConsoleSide.get(), outPipePseudoConsoleSide.get(), dwFlags, phPC));
*phInput = inPipeOurSide.release();
*phOutput = outPipeOurSide.release();
return S_OK;
// Function Description:
// - Promotes a starting directory provided to a WSL invocation to a commandline argument.
// This is necessary because WSL has some modicum of support for linux-side directories (!) which
// CreateProcess never will.
static std::tuple<std::wstring, std::wstring> _tryMangleStartingDirectoryForWSL(std::wstring_view commandLine, std::wstring_view startingDirectory)
if (startingDirectory.size() > 0 && commandLine.size() >= 3)
{ // "wsl" is three characters; this is a safe bet. no point in doing it if there's no starting directory though!
// Find the first space, quote or the end of the string -- we'll look for wsl before that.
const auto terminator{ commandLine.find_first_of(LR"(" )", 1) }; // look past the first character in case it starts with "
const auto start{ til::at(commandLine, 0) == L'"' ? 1 : 0 };
const std::filesystem::path executablePath{ commandLine.substr(start, terminator - start) };
const auto executableFilename{ executablePath.filename().wstring() };
if (executableFilename == L"wsl" || executableFilename == L"wsl.exe")
// We've got a WSL -- let's just make sure it's the right one.
if (executablePath.has_parent_path())
std::wstring systemDirectory{};
if (FAILED(wil::GetSystemDirectoryW(systemDirectory)))
break; // just bail out.
if (executablePath.parent_path().wstring() != systemDirectory)
break; // it wasn't in system32!
// assume that unqualified WSL is the one in system32 (minor danger)
const auto arguments{ terminator == std::wstring_view::npos ? std::wstring_view{} : commandLine.substr(terminator + 1) };
if (arguments.find(L"--cd") != std::wstring_view::npos)
break; // they've already got a --cd!
const auto tilde{ arguments.find_first_of(L'~') };
if (tilde != std::wstring_view::npos)
if (tilde + 1 == arguments.size() || til::at(arguments, tilde + 1) == L' ')
// We want to suppress --cd if they have added a bare ~ to their commandline (they conflict).
// Tilde followed by non-space should be okay (like, wsl -d Debian ~/blah.sh)
return {
fmt::format(LR"("{}" --cd "{}" {})", executablePath.wstring(), startingDirectory, arguments),
} while (false);
return {
std::wstring{ commandLine },
std::wstring{ startingDirectory }
// Function Description:
// - launches the client application attached to the new pseudoconsole
HRESULT ConptyConnection::_LaunchAttachedClient() noexcept
siEx.StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOEX);
siEx.StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
SIZE_T size{};
// This call will return an error (by design); we are ignoring it.
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(nullptr, 1, 0, &size);
#pragma warning(suppress : 26414) // We don't move/touch this smart pointer, but we have to allocate strangely for the adjustable size list.
auto attrList{ std::make_unique<std::byte[]>(size) };
#pragma warning(suppress : 26490) // We have to use reinterpret_cast because we allocated a byte array as a proxy for the adjustable size list.
siEx.lpAttributeList = reinterpret_cast<PPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST>(attrList.get());
RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(siEx.lpAttributeList, 1, 0, &size));
std::wstring cmdline{ wil::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW<std::wstring>(_commandline.c_str()) }; // mutable copy -- required for CreateProcessW
Utils::EnvironmentVariableMapW environment;
auto zeroEnvMap = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
// Can't zero the keys, but at least we can zero the values.
for (auto& [name, value] : environment)
::SecureZeroMemory(value.data(), value.size() * sizeof(decltype(value.begin())::value_type));
const auto newEnvironmentBlock{ Utils::CreateEnvironmentBlock() };
// Populate the environment map with the current environment.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(Utils::UpdateEnvironmentMapW(environment, newEnvironmentBlock.get()));
// Convert connection Guid to string and ignore the enclosing '{}'.
std::wstring wsGuid{ Utils::GuidToString(_guid) };
const auto guidSubStr = std::wstring_view{ wsGuid }.substr(1);
// Ensure every connection has the unique identifier in the environment.
environment.insert_or_assign(L"WT_SESSION", guidSubStr.data());
if (_environment)
// add additional WT env vars like WT_SETTINGS, WT_DEFAULTS and WT_PROFILE_ID
for (auto item : _environment)
auto key = item.Key();
// This will throw if the value isn't a string. If that
// happens, then just skip this entry.
auto value = winrt::unbox_value<hstring>(item.Value());
// avoid clobbering WSLENV
if (std::wstring_view{ key } == L"WSLENV")
auto current = environment[L"WSLENV"];
value = current + L":" + value;
environment.insert_or_assign(key.c_str(), value.c_str());
// WSLENV is a colon-delimited list of environment variables (+flags) that should appear inside WSL
// https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/share-environment-vars-between-wsl-and-windows/
auto wslEnv = environment[L"WSLENV"];
wslEnv = L"WT_SESSION:" + wslEnv; // prepend WT_SESSION to make sure it's visible inside WSL.
environment.insert_or_assign(L"WSLENV", wslEnv);
std::vector<wchar_t> newEnvVars;
auto zeroNewEnv = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
newEnvVars.size() * sizeof(decltype(newEnvVars.begin())::value_type));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(Utils::EnvironmentMapToEnvironmentStringsW(environment, newEnvVars));
LPWCH lpEnvironment = newEnvVars.empty() ? nullptr : newEnvVars.data();
// If we have a startingTitle, create a mutable character buffer to add
// it to the STARTUPINFO.
std::wstring mutableTitle{};
if (!_startingTitle.empty())
mutableTitle = _startingTitle;
siEx.StartupInfo.lpTitle = mutableTitle.data();
auto [newCommandLine, newStartingDirectory] = _tryMangleStartingDirectoryForWSL(cmdline, _startingDirectory);
const wchar_t* const startingDirectory = newStartingDirectory.size() > 0 ? newStartingDirectory.c_str() : nullptr;
nullptr, // lpProcessAttributes
nullptr, // lpThreadAttributes
false, // bInheritHandles
lpEnvironment, // lpEnvironment
&siEx.StartupInfo, // lpStartupInfo
&_piClient // lpProcessInformation
const std::filesystem::path processName = wil::GetModuleFileNameExW<std::wstring>(_piClient.hProcess, nullptr);
_clientName = processName.filename().wstring();
#pragma warning(suppress : 26477 26485 26494 26482 26446) // We don't control TraceLoggingWrite
TraceLoggingDescription("Event emitted when ConPTY connection is started"),
TraceLoggingGuid(_guid, "SessionGuid", "The WT_SESSION's GUID"),
TraceLoggingWideString(_clientName.c_str(), "Client", "The attached client process"),
return S_OK;
ConptyConnection::ConptyConnection(const HANDLE hSig,
const HANDLE hIn,
const HANDLE hOut,
const HANDLE hRef,
const HANDLE hServerProcess,
const HANDLE hClientProcess) :
_initialRows{ 25 },
_initialCols{ 80 },
_guid{ Utils::CreateGuid() },
_inPipe{ hIn },
_outPipe{ hOut }
THROW_IF_FAILED(ConptyPackPseudoConsole(hServerProcess, hRef, hSig, &_hPC));
_piClient.hProcess = hClientProcess;
_commandline = _commandlineFromProcess(hClientProcess);
// Function Description:
// - Helper function for constructing a ValueSet that we can use to get our settings from.
Windows::Foundation::Collections::ValueSet ConptyConnection::CreateSettings(const winrt::hstring& cmdline,
const winrt::hstring& startingDirectory,
const winrt::hstring& startingTitle,
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMapView<hstring, hstring> const& environment,
uint32_t rows,
uint32_t columns,
winrt::guid const& guid)
Windows::Foundation::Collections::ValueSet vs{};
vs.Insert(L"commandline", Windows::Foundation::PropertyValue::CreateString(cmdline));
vs.Insert(L"startingDirectory", Windows::Foundation::PropertyValue::CreateString(startingDirectory));
vs.Insert(L"startingTitle", Windows::Foundation::PropertyValue::CreateString(startingTitle));
vs.Insert(L"initialRows", Windows::Foundation::PropertyValue::CreateUInt32(rows));
vs.Insert(L"initialCols", Windows::Foundation::PropertyValue::CreateUInt32(columns));
vs.Insert(L"guid", Windows::Foundation::PropertyValue::CreateGuid(guid));
if (environment)
Windows::Foundation::Collections::ValueSet env{};
for (const auto& [k, v] : environment)
env.Insert(k, Windows::Foundation::PropertyValue::CreateString(v));
vs.Insert(L"environment", env);
return vs;
void ConptyConnection::Initialize(const Windows::Foundation::Collections::ValueSet& settings)
if (settings)
// For the record, the following won't crash:
// auto bad = unbox_value_or<hstring>(settings.TryLookup(L"foo").try_as<IPropertyValue>(), nullptr);
// It'll just return null
_commandline = winrt::unbox_value_or<winrt::hstring>(settings.TryLookup(L"commandline").try_as<Windows::Foundation::IPropertyValue>(), _commandline);
_startingDirectory = winrt::unbox_value_or<winrt::hstring>(settings.TryLookup(L"startingDirectory").try_as<Windows::Foundation::IPropertyValue>(), _startingDirectory);
_startingTitle = winrt::unbox_value_or<winrt::hstring>(settings.TryLookup(L"startingTitle").try_as<Windows::Foundation::IPropertyValue>(), _startingTitle);
_initialRows = winrt::unbox_value_or<uint32_t>(settings.TryLookup(L"initialRows").try_as<Windows::Foundation::IPropertyValue>(), _initialRows);
_initialCols = winrt::unbox_value_or<uint32_t>(settings.TryLookup(L"initialCols").try_as<Windows::Foundation::IPropertyValue>(), _initialCols);
_guid = winrt::unbox_value_or<winrt::guid>(settings.TryLookup(L"guid").try_as<Windows::Foundation::IPropertyValue>(), _guid);
_environment = settings.TryLookup(L"environment").try_as<Windows::Foundation::Collections::ValueSet>();
if (_guid == guid{})
_guid = Utils::CreateGuid();
winrt::guid ConptyConnection::Guid() const noexcept
return _guid;
winrt::hstring ConptyConnection::Commandline() const
return _commandline;
void ConptyConnection::Start()
const COORD dimensions{ gsl::narrow_cast<SHORT>(_initialCols), gsl::narrow_cast<SHORT>(_initialRows) };
// If we do not have pipes already, then this is a fresh connection... not an inbound one that is a received
// handoff from an already-started PTY process.
if (!_inPipe)
THROW_IF_FAILED(_CreatePseudoConsoleAndPipes(dimensions, PSEUDOCONSOLE_RESIZE_QUIRK | PSEUDOCONSOLE_WIN32_INPUT_MODE, &_inPipe, &_outPipe, &_hPC));
// But if it was an inbound handoff... attempt to synchronize the size of it with what our connection
// window is expecting it to be on the first layout.
THROW_IF_FAILED(ConptyResizePseudoConsole(_hPC.get(), dimensions));
_startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Create our own output handling thread
// This must be done after the pipes are populated.
// Each connection needs to make sure to drain the output from its backing host.
[](LPVOID lpParameter) noexcept {
ConptyConnection* const pInstance = static_cast<ConptyConnection*>(lpParameter);
if (pInstance)
return pInstance->_OutputThread();
return gsl::narrow_cast<DWORD>(E_INVALIDARG);
LOG_IF_FAILED(SetThreadDescription(_hOutputThread.get(), L"ConptyConnection Output Thread"));
[](PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE /*callbackInstance*/, PVOID context, PTP_WAIT /*wait*/, TP_WAIT_RESULT /*waitResult*/) noexcept {
ConptyConnection* const pInstance = static_cast<ConptyConnection*>(context);
if (pInstance)
SetThreadpoolWait(_clientExitWait.get(), _piClient.hProcess, nullptr);
catch (...)
const auto hr = wil::ResultFromCaughtException();
winrt::hstring failureText{ fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ RS_(L"ProcessFailedToLaunch") },
fmt::format(_errorFormat, hr),
_commandline) };
// If the path was invalid, let's present an informative message to the user
winrt::hstring badPathText{ fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ RS_(L"BadPathText") },
_startingDirectory) };
// Tear down any state we may have accumulated.
// Method Description:
// - prints out the "process exited" message formatted with the exit code
// Arguments:
// - status: the exit code.
void ConptyConnection::_indicateExitWithStatus(unsigned int status) noexcept
winrt::hstring exitText{ fmt::format(std::wstring_view{ RS_(L"ProcessExited") }, fmt::format(_errorFormat, status)) };
// Method Description:
// - called when the client application (not necessarily its pty) exits for any reason
void ConptyConnection::_ClientTerminated() noexcept
if (_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
// This termination was expected.
DWORD exitCode{ 0 };
GetExitCodeProcess(_piClient.hProcess, &exitCode);
// Signal the closing or failure of the process.
// Load bearing. Terminating the pseudoconsole will make the output thread exit unexpectedly,
// so we need to signal entry into the correct closing state before we do that.
_transitionToState(exitCode == 0 ? ConnectionState::Closed : ConnectionState::Failed);
// Close the pseudoconsole and wait for all output to drain.
if (auto localOutputThreadHandle = std::move(_hOutputThread))
LOG_LAST_ERROR_IF(WAIT_FAILED == WaitForSingleObject(localOutputThreadHandle.get(), INFINITE));
void ConptyConnection::WriteInput(hstring const& data)
if (!_isConnected())
// convert from UTF-16LE to UTF-8 as ConPty expects UTF-8
// TODO GH#3378 reconcile and unify UTF-8 converters
std::string str = winrt::to_string(data);
LOG_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(WriteFile(_inPipe.get(), str.c_str(), (DWORD)str.length(), nullptr, nullptr));
void ConptyConnection::Resize(uint32_t rows, uint32_t columns)
// If we haven't started connecting at all, it's still fair to update
// the initial rows and columns before we set things up.
if (!_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Connecting))
_initialRows = rows;
_initialCols = columns;
// Otherwise, we can really only dispatch a resize if we're already connected.
else if (_isConnected())
THROW_IF_FAILED(ConptyResizePseudoConsole(_hPC.get(), { Utils::ClampToShortMax(columns, 1), Utils::ClampToShortMax(rows, 1) }));
void ConptyConnection::ClearBuffer()
// If we haven't connected yet, then we really don't need to do
// anything. The connection should already start clear!
if (_isConnected())
void ConptyConnection::Close() noexcept
if (_transitionToState(ConnectionState::Closing))
_clientExitWait.reset(); // immediately stop waiting for the client to exit.
_hPC.reset(); // tear down the pseudoconsole (this is like clicking X on a console window)
_inPipe.reset(); // break the pipes
if (_hOutputThread)
// Tear down our output thread -- now that the output pipe was closed on the
// far side, we can run down our local reader.
LOG_LAST_ERROR_IF(WAIT_FAILED == WaitForSingleObject(_hOutputThread.get(), INFINITE));
if (_piClient.hProcess)
// Wait for the client to terminate (which it should do successfully)
LOG_LAST_ERROR_IF(WAIT_FAILED == WaitForSingleObject(_piClient.hProcess, INFINITE));
// Returns the command line of the given process.
winrt::hstring ConptyConnection::_commandlineFromProcess(HANDLE process)
NTSTATUS ExitStatus;
PPEB PebBaseAddress;
ULONG_PTR AffinityMask;
KPRIORITY BasePriority;
ULONG_PTR UniqueProcessId;
ULONG_PTR InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;
} info;
THROW_IF_NTSTATUS_FAILED(NtQueryInformationProcess(process, ProcessBasicInformation, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr));
// PEB: Process Environment Block
// This is a funny structure allocated by the kernel which contains all sorts of useful
// information, only a tiny fraction of which are documented publicly unfortunately.
// Fortunately however it contains a copy of the command line the process launched with.
PEB peb;
THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(ReadProcessMemory(process, info.PebBaseAddress, &peb, sizeof(peb), nullptr));
THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(ReadProcessMemory(process, peb.ProcessParameters, &params, sizeof(params), nullptr));
// Yeah I know... Don't use "impl" stuff... But why do you make something _that_ useful private? :(
// The hstring_builder allows us to create a hstring without intermediate copies. Neat!
winrt::impl::hstring_builder commandline{ params.CommandLine.Length / 2u };
THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(ReadProcessMemory(process, params.CommandLine.Buffer, commandline.data(), params.CommandLine.Length, nullptr));
return commandline.to_hstring();
DWORD ConptyConnection::_OutputThread()
// Keep us alive until the output thread terminates; the destructor
// won't wait for us, and the known exit points _do_.
auto strongThis{ get_strong() };
// process the data of the output pipe in a loop
while (true)
DWORD read{};
const auto readFail{ !ReadFile(_outPipe.get(), _buffer.data(), gsl::narrow_cast<DWORD>(_buffer.size()), &read, nullptr) };
if (readFail) // reading failed (we must check this first, because read will also be 0.)
const auto lastError = GetLastError();
if (lastError != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE && !_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
_indicateExitWithStatus(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lastError)); // print a message
return gsl::narrow_cast<DWORD>(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lastError));
// else we call convertUTF8ChunkToUTF16 with an empty string_view to convert possible remaining partials to U+FFFD
const HRESULT result{ til::u8u16(std::string_view{ _buffer.data(), read }, _u16Str, _u8State) };
if (FAILED(result))
if (_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
// This termination was expected.
return 0;
_indicateExitWithStatus(result); // print a message
return gsl::narrow_cast<DWORD>(result);
if (_u16Str.empty())
return 0;
if (!_receivedFirstByte)
const auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
const std::chrono::duration<double> delta = now - _startTime;
#pragma warning(suppress : 26477 26485 26494 26482 26446) // We don't control TraceLoggingWrite
TraceLoggingDescription("An event emitted when the connection receives the first byte"),
TraceLoggingGuid(_guid, "SessionGuid", "The WT_SESSION's GUID"),
TraceLoggingFloat64(delta.count(), "Duration"),
_receivedFirstByte = true;
// Pass the output to our registered event handlers
return 0;
static winrt::event<NewConnectionHandler> _newConnectionHandlers;
winrt::event_token ConptyConnection::NewConnection(NewConnectionHandler const& handler) { return _newConnectionHandlers.add(handler); };
void ConptyConnection::NewConnection(winrt::event_token const& token) { _newConnectionHandlers.remove(token); };
HRESULT ConptyConnection::NewHandoff(HANDLE in, HANDLE out, HANDLE signal, HANDLE ref, HANDLE server, HANDLE client) noexcept
_newConnectionHandlers(winrt::make<ConptyConnection>(signal, in, out, ref, server, client));
return S_OK;
void ConptyConnection::StartInboundListener()
void ConptyConnection::StopInboundListener()
// Function Description:
// - This function will be called (by C++/WinRT) after the final outstanding reference to
// any given connection instance is released.
// When a client application exits, its termination will wait for the output thread to
// run down. However, because our teardown is somewhat complex, our last reference may
// be owned by the very output thread that the client wait threadpool is blocked on.
// During destruction, we'll try to release any outstanding handles--including the one
// we have to the threadpool wait. As you might imagine, this takes us right to deadlock
// city.
// Deferring the final destruction of the connection to a background thread that can't
// be awaiting our destruction breaks the deadlock.
// Arguments:
// - connection: the final living reference to an outgoing connection
winrt::fire_and_forget ConptyConnection::final_release(std::unique_ptr<ConptyConnection> connection)
co_await winrt::resume_background(); // move to background
connection.reset(); // explicitly destruct