Kaiyu Wang 35d7d20a07 Enable setting an initial position and maximized launch (#2817)
This PR includes the code changes that enable users to set an initial position
(top left corner) and launch maximized. There are some corner cases:

1. Multiple monitors. The user should be able to set the initial position to
any monitors attached. For the monitors on the left side of the major monitor,
the initial position values are negative.

2. If the initial position is larger than the screen resolution and the window
is off-screen, the current solution is to check if the top left corner of the
window intersect with any monitors. If it is not, we set the initial position
to the top left corner of the nearest monitor.

3. If the user wants to launch maximized and provides an initial position, we
launch the maximized window on the monitor where the position is located.

# Testing

To test:
1. Check-out this branch and build on VS2019
2. Launch Terminal, and open Settings. Then close the terminal.
3. Add the following setting into Json settings file as part of "globals", just
after "initialRows":
  "initialPosition": "1000, 1000",
  "launchMode": "default"

My test data:
I have already tested with the following variables:
  1. showTabsInTitlebar true or false
  2. The initial position of the top left corner of the window
  3. Whether to launch maximized
  4. The DPI of the monitor

Test data combination:

Non-client island window (showTabsInTitlebar true)

1. Three monitors with the same DPI (100%), left, middle and right, with the
middle one as the primary, resolution: 1980 * 1200, 1920 * 1200, 1920 * 1080
    launchMode: default
      In-Screen test: (0, 0), (1000, 500), (2000, 300), (-1000, 400),
        (-100, 200), (-2000, 100), (0, 1119)
        (200, -200): initialize to (0, 0)
        (200, 1500): initialize to (0, 0)
        (2000, -200): initialize to (1920, 0)
        (2500, 2000): initialize to (1920, 0)
        (4000 100): initialize to (1920, 0)
        (-1000, -100): initialize to (-1920, 0)
        (-3000, 100): initialize to (-1920, 0)
        (10000, -10000): initialize to (1920, 0)
        (-10000, 10000): initialize to (-1920, 0)
        (0, -10000): initialize to (0, 0)
        (0, -1):  initialize to (0, 0)
        (0, 1200):  initialize to (0, 0)
    launch mode: maximize
        (100, 100)
        (-1000, 100): On the left monitor
        (0, -2000): On the primary monitor
        (10000, 10000): On the primary monitor

2. Left monitor 200% DPI, primary monitor 100% DPI
    In screen: (-1900, 100), (-3000, 100), (-1000, 100)
    our-of-screen: (-8000, 100): initialize at (-1920, 0)
    launch Maximized:  (-100, 100): launch maximized on the left monitor

3. Left monitor 100% DPI, primary monitor 200% DPI
    In-screen: (-1900, 100), (300, 100), (-800, 100), (-200, 100)
    out-of-screen: (-3000, 100): initialize at (-1920, 0)
    launch maximized: (100, 100), (-1000, 100)

For client island window, the test data is the same as above.


1. If we set the initial position on the monitor with a different DPI as the
primary monitor, and the window "lays" across two monitors, then the window
still renders as it is on the primary monitor. The size of the window is

Closes #1043
2019-10-16 21:51:50 -07:00

69 lines
2.3 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
- NonClientIslandWindow.h
- This class represents a window hosting two XAML Islands. One is in the client
area of the window, as it is in the base IslandWindow class. The second is in
the titlebar of the window, in the "non-client" area of the window. This
enables an app to place xaml content in the titlebar.
- Placing content in the frame is enabled with DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea. See
for information on how this is done.
Mike Griese (migrie) April-2019
#include "pch.h"
#include "IslandWindow.h"
#include "../../types/inc/Viewport.hpp"
#include <dwmapi.h>
#include <wil\resource.h>
class NonClientIslandWindow : public IslandWindow
NonClientIslandWindow() noexcept;
virtual ~NonClientIslandWindow() override;
virtual void OnSize(const UINT width, const UINT height) override;
[[nodiscard]] virtual LRESULT MessageHandler(UINT const message, WPARAM const wparam, LPARAM const lparam) noexcept override;
MARGINS GetFrameMargins() const noexcept;
void Initialize() override;
void OnAppInitialized() override;
void SetContent(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement content) override;
void SetTitlebarContent(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement content);
winrt::TerminalApp::TitlebarControl _titlebar{ nullptr };
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement _clientContent{ nullptr };
wil::unique_hbrush _backgroundBrush;
wil::unique_hrgn _dragBarRegion;
MARGINS _maximizedMargins = { 0 };
bool _isMaximized;
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Border _dragBar{ nullptr };
RECT GetDragAreaRect() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT HitTestNCA(POINT ptMouse) const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _UpdateFrameMargins() const noexcept;
void _HandleActivateWindow();
bool _HandleWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS* const windowPos);
void _UpdateDragRegion();
void OnDragBarSizeChanged(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable sender, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::SizeChangedEventArgs eventArgs);
RECT GetMaxWindowRectInPixels(const RECT* const prcSuggested, _Out_opt_ UINT* pDpiSuggested);