
101 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "inc/Utf8OutPipeReader.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
UTF8OutPipeReader::UTF8OutPipeReader(HANDLE outPipe) noexcept :
_outPipe{ outPipe },
_buffer{ 0 },
_utf8Partials{ 0 }
// Method Description:
// Populates a string_view with *complete* UTF-8 codepoints read from the pipe.
// If it receives an incomplete codepoint, it will cache it until it can be completed.
// Note: This method trusts that the other end will, in fact, send complete codepoints.
// Arguments:
// - strView: on return, populated with successfully-read codepoints.
// Return Value:
// An HRESULT indicating whether the read was successful. For the purposes of this
// method, a closed pipe is considered a successful (but false!) read. All other errors
// are translated into an appropriate status code.
// S_OK for a successful read
// S_FALSE for a read on a closed pipe
// E_* (anything) for a failed read
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT UTF8OutPipeReader::Read(_Out_ std::string_view& strView)
DWORD dwRead{};
bool fSuccess{};
// in case of early escaping
_buffer.at(0) = 0;
strView = std::string_view{ _buffer.data(), 0 };
// copy UTF-8 code units that were remaining from the previously read chunk (if any)
if (_dwPartialsLen != 0)
std::move(_utf8Partials.cbegin(), _utf8Partials.cbegin() + _dwPartialsLen, _buffer.begin());
// try to read data
fSuccess = !!ReadFile(_outPipe, &_buffer.at(_dwPartialsLen), gsl::narrow<DWORD>(_buffer.size()) - _dwPartialsLen, &dwRead, nullptr);
dwRead += _dwPartialsLen;
_dwPartialsLen = 0;
if (!fSuccess) // reading failed (we must check this first, because dwRead will also be 0.)
const auto lastError = GetLastError();
if (lastError == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
// This is a successful, but detectable, exit.
// There is a chance that we put some partials into the buffer. Since
// the pipe has closed, they're just invalid now. They're not worth
// reporting.
return S_FALSE;
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lastError);
if (dwRead == 0) // quit if no data has been read and no cached data was left over
return S_OK;
const auto endPtr = _buffer.cbegin() + dwRead;
auto backIter = endPtr - 1;
// If the last byte in the buffer was a byte belonging to a UTF-8 multi-byte character
if ((*backIter & _Utf8BitMasks::MaskAsciiByte) > _Utf8BitMasks::IsAsciiByte)
// Check only up to 3 last bytes, if no Lead Byte was found then the byte before must be the Lead Byte and no partials are in the buffer
for (DWORD dwSequenceLen{ 1UL }; dwSequenceLen < std::min(dwRead, 4UL); ++dwSequenceLen, --backIter)
// If Lead Byte found
if ((*backIter & _Utf8BitMasks::MaskContinuationByte) > _Utf8BitMasks::IsContinuationByte)
// If the Lead Byte indicates that the last bytes in the buffer is a partial UTF-8 code point then cache them:
// Use the bitmask at index `dwSequenceLen`. Compare the result with the operand having the same index. If they
// are not equal then the sequence has to be cached because it is a partial code point. Otherwise the
// sequence is a complete UTF-8 code point and the whole buffer is ready for the conversion to hstring.
if ((*backIter & _cmpMasks.at(dwSequenceLen)) != _cmpOperands.at(dwSequenceLen))
std::move(backIter, endPtr, _utf8Partials.begin());
dwRead -= dwSequenceLen;
_dwPartialsLen = dwSequenceLen;
// give back a view of the part of the buffer that contains complete code points only
strView = std::string_view{ &_buffer.at(0), dwRead };
return S_OK;