
340 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "PowershellCoreProfileGenerator.h"
#include "LegacyProfileGeneratorNamespaces.h"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include "../../inc/DefaultSettings.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "DynamicProfileUtils.h"
// These four are headers we do not want proliferating, so they're not in the PCH.
#include <winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Management.Deployment.h>
#include <appmodel.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
static constexpr std::wstring_view POWERSHELL_PFN{ L"Microsoft.PowerShell_8wekyb3d8bbwe" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view POWERSHELL_PREVIEW_PFN{ L"Microsoft.PowerShellPreview_8wekyb3d8bbwe" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view PWSH_EXE{ L"pwsh.exe" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view POWERSHELL_ICON{ L"ms-appx:///ProfileIcons/pwsh.png" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view POWERSHELL_PREVIEW_ICON{ L"ms-appx:///ProfileIcons/pwsh-preview.png" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view POWERSHELL_PREFERRED_PROFILE_NAME{ L"PowerShell" };
enum PowerShellFlags
None = 0,
// These flags are used as a sort key, so they encode some native ordering.
// They are ordered such that the "most important" flags have the largest
// impact on the sort space. For example, since we want Preview to be very polar
// we give it the highest flag value.
// The "ideal" powershell instance has 0 flags (stable, native, Program Files location)
// With this ordering, the sort space ends up being (for PowerShell 6)
// (numerically greater values are on the left; this is flipped in the final sort)
// <-- Less Valued .................................... More Valued -->
// | All instances of PS 6 | All PS7 |
// | Preview | Stable | ~~~ |
// | Non-Native | Native | Non-Native | Native | ~~~ |
// | Trd | Pack | Trd | Pack | Trd | Pack | Trd | Pack | ~~~ |
// (where Pack is a stand-in for store, scoop, dotnet, though they have their own orders,
// and Trd is a stand-in for "Traditional" (Program Files))
// In short, flags with larger magnitudes are pushed further down (therefore valued less)
// distribution method (choose one)
Store = 1 << 0, // distributed via the store
Scoop = 1 << 1, // installed via Scoop
Dotnet = 1 << 2, // installed as a dotnet global tool
Traditional = 1 << 3, // installed in traditional Program Files locations
// native architecture (choose one)
WOWARM = 1 << 4, // non-native (Windows-on-Windows, ARM variety)
WOWx86 = 1 << 5, // non-native (Windows-on-Windows, x86 variety)
// build type (choose one)
Preview = 1 << 6, // preview version
struct PowerShellInstance
int majorVersion; // 0 = we don't know, sort last.
PowerShellFlags flags;
std::filesystem::path executablePath;
constexpr bool operator<(const PowerShellInstance& second) const
if (majorVersion != second.majorVersion)
return majorVersion < second.majorVersion;
if (flags != second.flags)
return flags > second.flags; // flags are inverted because "0" is ideal; see above
return executablePath < second.executablePath; // fall back to path sorting
// Method Description:
// - Generates a name, based on flags, for a powershell instance.
// Return value:
// - the name
std::wstring Name() const
std::wstringstream namestream;
namestream << L"PowerShell";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(flags, PowerShellFlags::Store))
if (WI_IsFlagSet(flags, PowerShellFlags::Preview))
namestream << L" Preview";
namestream << L" (msix)";
else if (WI_IsFlagSet(flags, PowerShellFlags::Dotnet))
namestream << L" (dotnet global)";
else if (WI_IsFlagSet(flags, PowerShellFlags::Scoop))
namestream << L" (scoop)";
if (majorVersion < 7)
namestream << L" Core";
if (majorVersion != 0)
namestream << L" " << majorVersion;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(flags, PowerShellFlags::Preview))
namestream << L" Preview";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(flags, PowerShellFlags::WOWx86))
namestream << L" (x86)";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(flags, PowerShellFlags::WOWARM))
namestream << L" (ARM)";
return namestream.str();
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
// Function Description:
// - Finds all powershell instances with the traditional layout under a directory.
// - The "traditional" directory layout requires that pwsh.exe exist in a versioned directory, as in
// ROOT\6\pwsh.exe
// Arguments:
// - directory: the directory under which to search
// - flags: flags to apply to all found instances
// - out: the list into which to accumulate these instances.
static void _accumulateTraditionalLayoutPowerShellInstancesInDirectory(std::wstring_view directory, PowerShellFlags flags, std::vector<PowerShellInstance>& out)
const std::filesystem::path root{ wil::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW<std::wstring>(directory.data()) };
if (std::filesystem::exists(root))
for (const auto& versionedDir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(root))
const auto versionedPath = versionedDir.path();
const auto executable = versionedPath / PWSH_EXE;
if (std::filesystem::exists(executable))
const auto preview = versionedPath.filename().wstring().find(L"-preview") != std::wstring::npos;
const auto previewFlag = preview ? PowerShellFlags::Preview : PowerShellFlags::None;
out.emplace_back(PowerShellInstance{ std::stoi(versionedPath.filename()),
PowerShellFlags::Traditional | flags | previewFlag,
executable });
// Function Description:
// - Finds the store package, if one exists, for a given package family name
// Arguments:
// - packageFamilyName: the package family name
// Return Value:
// - a package, or nullptr.
static winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Package _getStorePackage(const std::wstring_view packageFamilyName) noexcept
winrt::Windows::Management::Deployment::PackageManager packageManager;
auto foundPackages = packageManager.FindPackagesForUser(L"", packageFamilyName);
auto iterator = foundPackages.First();
if (!iterator.HasCurrent())
return nullptr;
return iterator.Current();
catch (...)
return nullptr;
// Function Description:
// - Finds all powershell instances that have App Execution Aliases in the standard location
// Arguments:
// - out: the list into which to accumulate these instances.
static void _accumulateStorePowerShellInstances(std::vector<PowerShellInstance>& out)
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string localAppDataFolder;
if (FAILED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_LocalAppData, 0, nullptr, &localAppDataFolder)))
std::filesystem::path appExecAliasPath{ localAppDataFolder.get() };
appExecAliasPath /= L"Microsoft";
appExecAliasPath /= L"WindowsApps";
if (std::filesystem::exists(appExecAliasPath))
// App execution aliases for preview powershell
const auto previewPath = appExecAliasPath / POWERSHELL_PREVIEW_PFN;
if (std::filesystem::exists(previewPath))
const auto previewPackage = _getStorePackage(POWERSHELL_PREVIEW_PFN);
if (previewPackage)
PowerShellFlags::Store | PowerShellFlags::Preview,
previewPath / PWSH_EXE });
// App execution aliases for stable powershell
const auto gaPath = appExecAliasPath / POWERSHELL_PFN;
if (std::filesystem::exists(gaPath))
const auto gaPackage = _getStorePackage(POWERSHELL_PFN);
if (gaPackage)
gaPath / PWSH_EXE,
// Function Description:
// - Finds a powershell instance that's just a pwsh.exe in a folder.
// - This function cannot determine the version number of such a powershell instance.
// Arguments:
// - directory: the directory under which to search
// - flags: flags to apply to all found instances
// - out: the list into which to accumulate these instances.
static void _accumulatePwshExeInDirectory(const std::wstring_view directory, const PowerShellFlags flags, std::vector<PowerShellInstance>& out)
const std::filesystem::path root{ wil::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW<std::wstring>(directory.data()) };
const auto pwshPath = root / PWSH_EXE;
if (std::filesystem::exists(pwshPath))
out.emplace_back(PowerShellInstance{ 0 /* we can't tell */, flags, pwshPath });
// Function Description:
// - Builds a comprehensive priority-ordered list of powershell instances.
// Return value:
// - a comprehensive priority-ordered list of powershell instances.
static std::vector<PowerShellInstance> _collectPowerShellInstances()
std::vector<PowerShellInstance> versions;
_accumulateTraditionalLayoutPowerShellInstancesInDirectory(L"%ProgramFiles%\\PowerShell", PowerShellFlags::None, versions);
#if defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_ARM64) // No point in looking for WOW if we're not somewhere it exists
_accumulateTraditionalLayoutPowerShellInstancesInDirectory(L"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\PowerShell", PowerShellFlags::WOWx86, versions);
#if defined(_M_ARM64) // no point in looking for WOA if we're not on ARM64
_accumulateTraditionalLayoutPowerShellInstancesInDirectory(L"%ProgramFiles(Arm)%\\PowerShell", PowerShellFlags::WOWARM, versions);
_accumulatePwshExeInDirectory(L"%USERPROFILE%\\.dotnet\\tools", PowerShellFlags::Dotnet, versions);
_accumulatePwshExeInDirectory(L"%USERPROFILE%\\scoop\\shims", PowerShellFlags::Scoop, versions);
std::sort(versions.rbegin(), versions.rend()); // sort in reverse (best first)
return versions;
// Legacy GUIDs:
// - PowerShell Core 574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336
static constexpr winrt::guid PowershellCoreGuid{ 0x574e775e, 0x4f2a, 0x5b96, { 0xac, 0x1e, 0xa2, 0x96, 0x2a, 0x40, 0x23, 0x36 } };
std::wstring_view PowershellCoreProfileGenerator::GetNamespace() const noexcept
return PowershellCoreGeneratorNamespace;
// Method Description:
// - Checks if pwsh is installed, and if it is, creates a profile to launch it.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a vector with the PowerShell Core profile, if available.
void PowershellCoreProfileGenerator::GenerateProfiles(std::vector<winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile>>& profiles) const
const auto psInstances = _collectPowerShellInstances();
bool first = true;
for (const auto& psI : psInstances)
const auto name = psI.Name();
auto profile{ CreateDynamicProfile(name) };
profile->Commandline(winrt::hstring{ psI.executablePath.native() });
profile->StartingDirectory(winrt::hstring{ DEFAULT_STARTING_DIRECTORY });
profile->Icon(winrt::hstring{ WI_IsFlagSet(psI.flags, PowerShellFlags::Preview) ? POWERSHELL_PREVIEW_ICON : POWERSHELL_ICON });
if (first)
// Give the first ("algorithmically best") profile the official, and original, "PowerShell Core" GUID.
// This will turn the anchored default profile into "PowerShell Core Latest for Native Architecture through Store"
// (or the closest approximation thereof). It may choose a preview instance as the "best" if it is a higher version.
profile->Name(winrt::hstring{ POWERSHELL_PREFERRED_PROFILE_NAME });
first = false;
// Function Description:
// - Returns the thing it's named for.
// Return value:
// - the thing it says in the name
const std::wstring_view PowershellCoreProfileGenerator::GetPreferredPowershellProfileName()