Mike Griese d0ff5f6b5e
Add support for running a wt commandline in the curent window WITH A KEYBINDING (#6537)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Adds a execute commandline action (`wt`), which lets a user bind a key to a specific `wt` commandline. This commandline will get parsed and run _in the current window_. 

## References

* Related to #4472 
* Related to #5400 - I need this for the commandline mode of the Command Palette
* Related to #5970

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes oh, there's not actually an issue for this.
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated - yes it does

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

One important part of this change concerns how panes are initialized at runtime. We've had some persistent trouble with initializing multiple panes, because they rely on knowing how big they'll actually be, to be able to determine if they can split again. 

We previously worked around this by ignoring the size check when we were in "startup", processing an initial commandline. This PR however requires us to be able to know the initial size of a pane at runtime, but before the parents have necessarily been added to the tree, or had their renderer's set up.

This led to the development of `Pane::PreCalculateCanSplit`, which is very highly similar to `Pane::PreCalculateAutoSplit`. This method attempts to figure out how big a pane _will_ take, before the parent has necessarily laid out. 

This also involves a small change to `TermControl`, because if its renderer hasn't been set up yet, it'll always think the font is `{0, fontHeight}`, which will let the Terminal keep splitting in the x direction. This change also makes the TermControl set up a renderer to get the real font size when it hasn't yet been initialized.

## Validation Steps Performed

This was what the json blob I was using for testing evolved into

            "command": {
                "commandline": "new-tab cmd.exe /k #work 15 ; split-pane cmd.exe /k #work 15 ; split-pane cmd.exe /k media-commandline ; new-tab powershell dev\\symbols.ps1 ; new-tab -p \"Ubuntu\" ; new-tab -p \"haunter.gif\" ; focus-tab -t 0",

            "keys": ["ctrl+shift+n"]

I also added some tests.

* [x] Creating a `{ "command": "wt" }` action without a commandline will spawn a new `wt.exe` process?
  - Probably should just do nothing for the empty string
2020-07-17 21:05:29 +00:00

115 lines
3.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "ActionAndArgs.h"
#include "Commandline.h"
// fwdecl unittest classes
namespace TerminalAppLocalTests
class CommandlineTest;
namespace TerminalApp
class AppCommandlineArgs;
class TerminalApp::AppCommandlineArgs final
static constexpr std::string_view NixHelpFlag{ "-?" };
static constexpr std::string_view WindowsHelpFlag{ "/?" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view PlaceholderExeName{ L"wt.exe" };
~AppCommandlineArgs() = default;
int ParseCommand(const Commandline& command);
int ParseArgs(winrt::array_view<const winrt::hstring>& args);
static std::vector<Commandline> BuildCommands(const std::vector<const wchar_t*>& args);
static std::vector<Commandline> BuildCommands(winrt::array_view<const winrt::hstring>& args);
void ValidateStartupCommands();
std::vector<winrt::TerminalApp::ActionAndArgs>& GetStartupActions();
const std::string& GetExitMessage();
bool ShouldExitEarly() const noexcept;
std::optional<winrt::TerminalApp::LaunchMode> GetLaunchMode() const noexcept;
static const std::wregex _commandDelimiterRegex;
CLI::App _app{ "wt - the Windows Terminal" };
// This is a helper struct to encapsulate all the options for a subcommand
// that produces a NewTerminalArgs.
struct NewTerminalSubcommand
CLI::App* subcommand;
CLI::Option* commandlineOption;
CLI::Option* profileNameOption;
CLI::Option* startingDirectoryOption;
CLI::Option* titleOption;
struct NewPaneSubcommand : public NewTerminalSubcommand
CLI::Option* _horizontalOption;
CLI::Option* _verticalOption;
// --- Subcommands ---
NewTerminalSubcommand _newTabCommand;
NewTerminalSubcommand _newTabShort;
NewPaneSubcommand _newPaneCommand;
NewPaneSubcommand _newPaneShort;
CLI::App* _focusTabCommand;
CLI::App* _focusTabShort;
// Are you adding a new sub-command? Make sure to update _noCommandsProvided!
std::string _profileName;
std::string _startingDirectory;
std::string _startingTitle;
// _commandline will contain the command line with which we'll be spawning a new terminal
std::vector<std::string> _commandline;
const Commandline* _currentCommandline{ nullptr };
bool _splitVertical{ false };
bool _splitHorizontal{ false };
int _focusTabIndex{ -1 };
bool _focusNextTab{ false };
bool _focusPrevTab{ false };
std::optional<winrt::TerminalApp::LaunchMode> _launchMode{ std::nullopt };
// Are you adding more args here? Make sure to reset them in _resetStateToDefault
std::vector<winrt::TerminalApp::ActionAndArgs> _startupActions;
std::string _exitMessage;
bool _shouldExitEarly{ false };
winrt::TerminalApp::NewTerminalArgs _getNewTerminalArgs(NewTerminalSubcommand& subcommand);
void _addNewTerminalArgs(NewTerminalSubcommand& subcommand);
void _buildParser();
void _buildNewTabParser();
void _buildSplitPaneParser();
void _buildFocusTabParser();
bool _noCommandsProvided();
void _resetStateToDefault();
int _handleExit(const CLI::App& command, const CLI::Error& e);
static void _addCommandsForArg(std::vector<Commandline>& commands, std::wstring_view arg);
friend class TerminalAppLocalTests::CommandlineTest;